Yongguk's Life - Everything That Happened

It's You

Special Yongguk chapter for those of you curious as to his point of view. The next chapter will go back to Jaime and the normal order.


I stare at Jaime as she walks away with Himchan before I stare back at Jessica. “How much do you think she’s heard?” I worriedly ask her.

                “How am I supposed to know?” she asks shrugging her shoulders.

                “I’m going to go after her,” I say as I attempt to go away from Jessica and chase after Jaime, but Jessica grabs my arm and stops me causing me to turn around and give her a glare. “What do you think you’re doing?”

                “I’m stopping you from making a mistake,” she whispers.

                “Making a mistake? The girl that I love is walking away from me and you’re saying that I shouldn’t chase after her so I won’t make a mistake?” I ask in disbelief. I can’t believe that this is what Jessica is telling me to do. If Jaime walks away from me, then how is she ever going to trust me ever again? She doesn’t even trust me right now and she never let me try to explain to her what’s exactly going on.

                “Listen to someone that knows and understands the situation,” she begins to say, “know it when I say that letting her walk away to have some time alone is good.”

                “And you know everything because?” I ask. It’s not that I don’t necessarily trust Jessica, it’s just the fact that how can she just stand there and say those words while Jaime walks away from me with Himchan. By the tone of her voice, it didn’t sound like she was going to come back to me.

                “Because I just do, trust me,” she says.

                “Sorry,” I say as I look at her. “I can trust you on practically everything, but I can’t trust you on this.”

                Taking one look at Jessica, I start sprinting in the direction that Jaime went. I have to chase after her. I have to explain everything to her. Look at how far things have already gone with me not explaining everything. There have been too many misunderstandings between us for them to continue.

                “Jaime!” I yell as I catch up to the two and grab her arm. “I’m sorry,” I tell her as I immediately wrap my arms around her. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

              “Sorry for what?” she asks as she pulls away from my hugs and stares at me. “What is there to be sorry about? You just don’t like me anymore, the feelings aren’t there anymore, you just don’t love me. I can just accept that.”

                “It’s not like that,” I attempt to say. “It’s entirely not like that.” I take a quick glance at Himchan who gives a nervous glance towards Jaime.

                “Um…I’ll let you two have some alone time to talk. If you need me, just call me,” Himchan says as he begins to back away and leave, letting Jaime and me have some private time to talk with one another.

                “Jaime,” I say to her. “Please.”

                “Please what?” she asks. “What is there to please? You’re obviously leaving me so I don’t see the reason why I should be holding you back any longer. Honestly, I think I held you back enough,” she says as she begins walking away again.

                Unable to see her walk away from my grasp once again, I manage to go over to her and back hug her, holding her tightly towards me as I rest my head on her shoulder. “Don’t leave me,” I whisper. “Don’t leave me, I can’t live without you.”

                “Well it surely seemed like you were doing a good job of it before.”

                “I was never leaving your side, I was always right by your side this entire time.”

                “Then why were you with her?” Jaime asks. I can hear the sadness in her voice and the tears threatening to come out, I can hear all of it. “Why were you with Jessica? What are those pictures in the box? Why? If you just don’t love me anymore then I’ll be fine with that and we can part with good feelings, but if you just leave me like this without an explanation, I don’t know what I can do.”

                “I was with her because of my brother…you remember him, right? My twin brother,” I whisper.

                “We never see your family, you never talk about them, you never show me any pictures, so how was I supposed to know?” Jaime asks. “Every time I ask you about them you change the subject. I understood and I pretended like it was nothing, but now you ask me about your twin brother? Honestly, if I were to ever see the two of you together, I probably wouldn’t be able to tell who is who.”

                “Jaime…” I say as I hug her even tighter. I didn’t realize that she was curious about those things and that the things that I was doing had hurt her more than I thought. I never spoke about my family because it wasn’t the most comfortable topic for me. I never spoke about them because I just felt as though I shouldn’t. I guess it’s pretty bad if Jaime says that she probably wouldn’t be able to tell me apart from my brother, but we are twins.

                “But that doesn’t explain anything,” she continues as she just stands there, her back facing to me and my arms still holding her tightly. “That doesn’t explain why you were never with me and why you never paid attention to me. It doesn’t explain why I was put in the situation I was in the first place. It doesn’t explain anything.”

                “Jaime,” I repeat as I turn her around to look at her. “I’m sorry. I can apologize a thousand and one times, I’m sorry.” I take Jaime into my arms as she begins to cry in my chest. “I’ll explain everything to you. I’m sorry,” I whisper as I begin to lightly pat her back. “Let me take you somewhere, alright?”

                Without saying anything, Jaime follows me back to where my car is sitting back at our house and gets inside the passenger’s seat before I climb into the driver’s seat. I begin driving until we reach the countryside. Jaime and I haven’t spoken the entire way and I park on the street at the foot of a giant hill before I turn to look at her. She doesn’t ask where we are and she doesn’t even turn her head to look outside.

                “Jaime,” I begin, “welcome to my grandmother’s house.”

                “What does your grandmother have to do with anything?” she asks.

                “This is where I spent who knows how many years here,” I say remembering the times with a light laugh. “When I was younger, my parents went to work in the city all of the time and my brother and I were left here with my grandmother. I know that you only saw my parents once in a while, but that’s because I think that my grandmother is more of my mother than my actual mother. Stupid, right?”

                “But what does this have to do with anything?” she asks.

                “My brother is here. My twin brother. He has to help my grandmother take care of the farm since she’s becoming old and ill.”

                “I still don’t see—,” Jaime begins before I cut her off.

                “My brother used to live in the city. He used to live close to where we live, but we were always busy when the other was free so he was never able to come over. But…he had gotten drunk one night and so had Jessica. Together, they had a one night stand and Jessica is pregnant with his child. She told me that she was happy when Himchan decided to break up with her, but sad at the same time because she loved him, but she knew that it wasn’t right to be with him when she was carrying someone else’s child. It wasn’t right to anyone. So she put up a fight to ensure that there was no way that Himchan was going to go back on his word and go back to her, so she made sure that he would never want to see her again.”

                “Yongguk-oppa,” Jaime says as she places her hand on my arm.

                “I was helping her get in contact with him because he had to move here to take care of our sickly grandmother and that conversation that you heard today at the house, that as me moving our stuff somewhere else and I was only going to temporarily leave you while I visited here. I didn’t want to bring you because I didn’t know if you had something important to do with work and I didn’t want to destroy something that you could be working towards. I’m sorry, Jaime. I never meant for this many misunderstandings to happen between us. And the box? It was pictures of my brother and Jessica. I was supposed to give them to him when I managed to come out here, but I didn’t have the time yet.”

                “But why was the picture of me and Himchan in there?”

                “I actually don’t know that,” I say with a shrug of my shoulders. “I guess after I saw the picture I just wanted to forget it so I just threw it into the closet.”

                “Oh,” she says as she looks down at her hand.

                “Don’t be sad,” I quickly say as I move my hand to lightly touch her cheek. “Please, don’t be sad. All of this happened because of me. I should’ve never kept anything from you, I should’ve told you everything, but…I’m a coward. I’m not good enough for you, Jaime. If you want to leave me, I’d completely understand. I don’t deserve you, you deserve someone much better, someone like Himchan.”

                At me saying those words, Jaime and I just stare at each other for what feels like forever before Jaime says something. “Are you serious?” she asks as the tears begin to lightly flow out of her eyes. “How in the world do you think that I would be able to do that? I’ve spent three years with you, three years of my life and you suddenly think that I can give up just like that? Is that what you think of me after all of this time?”

                “No,” I tell her. “Because I don’t want you to give up your faith in me, but I would understand if you did. It would hurt me as much as it would hurt you.”

                “Then why did you do it? Why?” she asks. “Why did you keep all of those things hidden from me? If I’m your girlfriend, then why would you keep those things from me? If you love me and I love you, then why would you hide things from me?”

                “Because I didn’t want to hurt you,” I honestly tell her. “I didn’t want you to worry about things that would get in the way of your job. I just didn’t want you to worry or hurt.”

                “And you think that this isn’t hurting me now? Do you think that I’m not hurting because of everything you’re telling me? I don’t know what to do anymore, I don’t know what to think…everything is just too overwhelming.”

                She’s right. Jaime’s right. I’m hurting her more because I never told her about anything. I never told her about anything so she’s hurting. I should’ve told her something. I should’ve said something about what I’m going through, but I wanted her to concentrate on her work, I wanted her to work towards the goal that she wants. I wanted her to chase her dreams.

                I start the car again before I begin driving. “Let’s go somewhere else and talk,” I say.

                Unknowingly I start driving towards the place where most of our memories lie. I figure that it’s a peaceful place where we can just talk with one another without the risk of having anyone hear our conversation. It’s a place with so many memories and this will be one of them, even if we say our goodbyes there.

                “Why did you bring me here?” Jaime asks as she sees the familiar sight.

                “Because…” I say as I stare out the window of the car with her. “Let’s have a talk, alright? Let’s go up there and talk with one another.”

                Without waiting for Jaime to respond, I go out of the car and to the back where there’s an extra blanket before going over the passenger’s side of the car and opening the door so she can get out. Thankfully, she grabs my hand and gets out of the car before she separates our hands and begins walking up the path alone with me following behind her.

                “I’m sorry I hurt you,” I say as I sit with my legs crossed on the blanket. Jaime is on the other side of the blanket with her knees drawn up to her chest. I want to be over there and I want to hug and comfort her, but I think that that would be too fast and she would just immediately push me away. “I’m sorry that I kept things from you,” I continue as I look out at the scenery before me. “I’m sorry for everything.”

                “Of course you are,” Jaime mumbles. “Why did you chase after me? Why did you follow me when I left just now?”

                “Because I love you,” I simply say as I turn to face her. “I love you and nothing is ever going to change that. I was never dating Jessica, I was never cheating on you, I was simply helping her out because of my brother.”

                “But still,” she says as she intently focuses on the cars that are visible from where we’re sitting. “Still, you kept those things from me. Is it that you don’t trust me? Is it that you don’t feel as though you can share those things with me? Does our relationship mean that little to you?”

                “It means the world to me,” I tell her. “I trust you, I’d trust you with my life. I trusted you when you were going to be in a fake relationship with Himchan and I trusted that Himchan would take good care of you earlier today and yesterday.”

                “What?” she asks in disbelief. “How did you know that I was with Himchan?”

                “He called me,” I say. “He called me and said that he found you and that he was going to keep you there since you seemed pretty upset. He called me and he told me that and I approved. I let him stay with you because I thought that that’s what you needed, that you probably didn’t want to see me.”

                “I thought…I thought…” Jaime stutters as she slowly turns her head to look at me and I turn my head to look at her.

                “You thought what?” I ask. “That I wouldn’t care about you? Like I said before, Jaime, I love you and nothing is going to change that. I’ve spent three years with you and I’ve loved every second of it. I’ve loved being with you and just spending time with you. I just love you.”

                Jaime looks at me as tears threaten to fall out of her eyes once again. This time I gather enough courage to make my way over to her and to hug her. I tightly hug her as her arms come around my waist loosely.

                There’s no need for words, I don’t need to say anything else and Jaime doesn’t need to say anything. We can just sit there in silence to know what the other person wants to say. Where my relationship with Jaime will go in the future, I have no idea. I don’t even know if we’ll get back together after she broke it off, I don’t even know if she was serious, but those things are for another time because this time I’m just going to enjoy the moment.


Will Yongguk and Jaime get back together? What about Himchan? What about Jessica?


Here's Chapter 24. Hope you enjoyed :D


And just wondering...do you guys want an alternate ending? I mean, you guys still don't know who Jaime is ultimately going to end up with, since who knows, it could always be Himchan, too. But do you guys want one? Like one side verses the other side? Do you think that that would be good? I mean after all, the poll that I had, the two guys are very close to each other, so it's basically a tie as to who people want Jaime to end up with, but...just curious.


And also, the ending of this fanfic is drawing near. There are only a couple of more chapters left before the ending! I can't give an exact number, because if I do the alternate ending I'll just add it onto here, but I mean, it's coming close!


Have a good morning, good afternoon, or goodnight! I have to go to math class at noon, it's like 11:35 Am here right now. Thought I'd write this before I go. Well, goodbye :)

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg