Himchan's Life - It's Entirely My Fault

It's You

I follow Yongguk upstairs and into a room that he leads me into before closing the door. It looks like his own personal office space. He probably does the work regarding the company here, but I don’t’ ask any questions about the room. That’s not the reason why I’m here. “What did you want to talk about?” he asks as he takes a seat in his chair while I lean against the doorframe.

                “We have a problem right now,” I begin to explain.

                “What type of problem?” he curiously asks. “Don’t tell me that Jaime found out about the proposal.”

                “It’s not Jaime,” I say, “and she didn’t find out about your proposal. It’s apparently Jessica. She found the paper, although I have no absolute idea how considering that I never left that paper anyway, and suddenly she thinks I’m going to marry her. How do you think I should tell it to her that I’m not?”

                “I don’t know,” he says thinking about it. “I’ve never been in your situation, but don’t you think that being honest is the best way?”

                “I guess it is,” I say sighing. “But Jessica…she can be quiet the thing to deal with. I was even planning on breaking up with her.”

                “Why? You guys look really happy together,” Yongguk comments.

                “Um…long story,” I say making up a lie. I can’t just tell him that I’m breaking up with her because his girlfriend, the one that Yongguk wants to propose to, is making me confused about my feelings. That’s just something that you don’t say. Plus, I don’t want to break apart their happiness, even if it does mean that I’m going to be alone for the rest of my life.

                “Well I’m sorry to hear that,” he says apologizing.

                “No need, things happened and I don’t think I can be with her any longer.” At least that part of the conversation is true. Everything else isn’t…but I guess it could be. It is a long story as to why I want to break up with her, it’s just a long story that no one else needs to know.

                “Be honest with her, though, that’s the best advice that I can give you.”

                “I guess I should call her and ask to meet up later?”

                “Suit yourself, but we should buy the ring together one day. I want to propose to Jaime soon.”

                “Okay, just give me a day. I have to form a plan to make Jaime not suspicious as to why I’m not at work, but that’s just if you decide to do it during a work day.”

                “It can wait until after,” he says nodding his head as he thinks of something. “Ah, Himchan,” he says snapping his fingers.


                “If Daehyun is going to be around more often, well he is since he’s going to be living with us, Jaime can spend some time with him. We can get Daehyun to distract her for a day while we go out and buy the ring.”

                “I guess that sounds perfect,” I say with a smile as I put my hands into my pockets. “Are you going o tell Daehyun about the proposal plan?”

                “I will,” Yongguk says nodding his head. “I’ll tell him tonight after Jaime goes to sleep. She always ends up falling asleep early since she’s doing everything even though I tell her that I can do things for myself, that silly girl.”

                “Don’t worry, she was like that growing up, too.”

                “Thank you, though,” Yongguk says standing up as we both leave his office.

                “For what?”

                “For helping me with Jaime. If you weren’t here, I don’t know what I’d be able to do with you.”

                “Ah, yeah,” I awkwardly say as I scratch the back of my neck. I’m not entirely sure what to say to him in this type of situation, so I guess only agreeing with him will be safe for the both of us. “Well, I guess I should get going,” I announce to him as Daehyun and Jaime come out of what is probably going to be Daehyun’s new room.

                “Himchan, are you leaving already?” Jaime asks looking at me.

                “Yeah, I was only going to stop by for a short time to see how Yongguk was doing. Seeing that he’s perfectly fine, I’m going to take my leave.”

                “Oh, alright, well drive safely. I’ll see you tomorrow at work,” she says waving to me.

                “I’ll see you,” I say waving back. “It was nice seeing you again, Daehyun.”

                “Same to you, hyung,” he says before I walk down the stairs to drive back home.


I unlock the door to the house as I think about what to say to Jessica. I’m sure she won’t be happy about me saying that I’m not marrying her, but that can’t be helped. I never planned on marrying her. I had no intention on marrying her from the start. I have no idea how she even got the idea that I was marrying her, it just doesn’t make sense.

                Walking in the house, I see Gongchan and his girlfriend, what was her name again, Mihwa, sitting on the couch and watching a movie. Hearing the door unlock, Gongchan’s head immediately turns over and looks at me. “Oh, hyung,” he happily says as he pauses the movie to look at me. “You’re home.”

                “Sorry if I’m later than normal, I was visiting Yongguk and helping Jaime move some of Daehyun’s things into their house. Speaking of, you should meet him, Gongchan, he’s only like a year older than you and I think you could get along well.”

                “Just tell me when, hyung,” he says with a smile.

                “Hey, since I was late,” I say stopping myself before I go into my room to change my clothes, “why don’t you two get ready and I’ll take you out to eat?”

                “Sure,” Gongchan said immediately getting up. “Mihwa and I wouldn’t mind it at all.”

                “Alright,” I say laughing at his enthusiasm for food. “Just give me a couple of moments to get ready and then we can head off. You two can pick the place where you want to eat.”

                Heading into my room, I change into more comfortable clothes, all while thinking about how to break the news to Jessica. I would ask Gongchan for advice, since he seems to observe women a lot more than I ever had, but with Mihwa over, I don’t want to bring that topic out in the open.

                Before I head back downstairs, I pull out my phone and text Jessica.


Meet me tonight at ten at the small park by your house. I’ll be waiting there.


Closing my phone, I sigh. There’s no other way to break it to her, I have to do it. Before I can even lock my phone, I get a response back.


Okay. I’ll be waiting, hubby.


Now she even has a nickname for me? What is this? Quickly, I close my phone without even deciding to reply to her. I just want to get her off of my mind for the time being. There’s no way that I can think about her right now.

                “Have you guys decided where you want to go?” I ask as I enter the living room again.

                “Yeah,” Gongchan says nodding his head. “What about that Japanese place that’s not that faraway.”

                “Good choice little brother,” I say reaching over the couch and ruffling the top of his hair. “To the Japanese place it is. Let’s get into my car.”

                Gongchan sits in the back with Mihwa while I drive up front. I don’t know if Gongchan is afraid of me making fun of him, but he doesn’t do anything with Mihwa on the way up. Not that I’m exactly expecting him to, but he just sits there. I mean, the two don’t even hold hands. I would be alright with them holding hands because I’ve made out with the car with one of my parents driving plenty of times back when I was in high school. Looking back on those memories now, I guess they weren’t the best. Is that why I could never get Jaime to like me?

                Pulling into the parking lot, Gongchan and Mihwa immediately get out. “You two, go in and get the three of us a table,” I tell them as I spot Tiffany coming up to me. “I’ll be in soon.”

                “Alright, hyung,” Gongchan says as he and Mihwa enter the restaurant.

                “Is that your little brother?” Tiffany asks. “He’s cute. Is he going to be your best man in your wedding?”

                “Who told you that I was having a wedding?” I ask.

                “I hear that you and Jessica are engaged, congratulations.”

                “Yeah, whatever,” I mumble.

                “Oh, it sounds like someone isn’t too happy about this whole thing,” she says acting surprised.

                “Tiffany, what do you want?” I ask. “I’m here with my younger brother and his girlfriend. I don’t have time to speak to you about anything.”

                “I was just coming here to spend some lovely time with my family too and I just so happened to run into you here. I was just going to congratulate you on the wedding. I hear that your proposal plan is a hit. I wonder why you would hide it with Yongguk.”

                “What?” I ask staring at her. “Whoever said that I was hiding it with Yongguk?”

                “I saw it on his desk,” she says sighing. “I saw the proposal plan and it was clearly written in your handwriting. No wonder you guys suddenly are close.” So that’s how Jessica knows. Tiffany saw it because of Yongguk. “Anyway, I should get going and you should probably do the same. It was nice seeing you again, Himchan.”

                I stare at her until she walks in and I follow after her to find my younger brother and his girlfriend. I can’t think of these things now. I’m here to get my mind off of everything, yet I find out that she’s the one that told Jessica just because my handwriting was on the paper. That’s the whole reason that they think the proposal plan is mine?

                “Hyung, what took you so long?” Gongchan whines as I find where they’re sitting.

                “It wasn’t that long you complainer,” I say as I take my seat across from the two of them.

                “Who was that girl, though? Are you cheating on Jessica-noona with her?”

                “No,” I say shaking my head. “She’s just Jessica’s friend.”

                “Oh, okay,” he says eyeing me suspiciously.

                “Seriously,” I say as I open the menu. “Now pick out whatever you want to eat. I don’t care how expensive or how much. I’m paying for it all.”

                The three of us order and our food comes. We spend the rest of the time just getting to know each other, well me getting to know Mihwa since I don’t know that much about her. During our conversations, Gongchan embarrassed me and I embarrassed him, much to the amusement of Mihwa. I’m sure that she’s never seen brothers like us before.

                Slowly, however, it was nearing nine at night and we all figured that it was time to call it a night. “Thank you for everything,” Mihwa says as I drop her off at home.

                “No problem,” I tell her. “Gongchan, go kiss your girlfriend,” I whisper causing them both to blush a little bit before Gongchan quickly kisses her on the cheek.

                “I’ll call you later,” he whispers and I act as though I didn’t hear it.

                “Hey,” I say as we’re driving back to our own house. “I have somewhere to go so I’ll drop you off at home, alright?”

                “Okay,” he says as he looks out the window. He does he miss his girlfriend that much already? I wonder what the feeling is like, missing your girlfriend desperately. I’ve never really missed Jessica that desperately and I don’t even remember how we got together in the first place, but that’s not something I should be thinking about when I’m planning on breaking up with her.


I arrive at the park first and begin to pace back and forth trying to determine what I’m going to say to Jessica. Should I tell her that I think I’m liking someone else? I can’t tell her that because I know that she’ll attempt to go after the person. If she were to find out that the person that I’m starting to like is Jaime, then I’m almost certain that she’ll convince her father to fire Jaime. If I break up with her, is she going to convince her father to break up with me?

                I sigh. There is just no easy way to get out of this, but first, I have to figure out how to tell her that I’m not marrying her, but I guess that that and breaking up come in the same thing. Did she really think that we were going to spend the rest of our lives together? I guess if she thought that we were going to get married.

                “Himchannie,” Jessica says as I hear her heels click against the sidewalk as she runs up to me. “You wanted to see me?”

                “Yeah,” I say facing her and giving her the biggest smile that I can muster in this type of situation.

                “What for? Is this the proposal that you were planning?” she excitedly asks. How can I break this excitement? But I have to. I don’t want her to get hurt more than she has to.

                “Jessica, look,” I say firmly placing my hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry to say this, but I’m not going to marry you.”

                “What?” she asks in disbelief as she stares at me with open a little bit.

                “I’m not going to marry you. I don’t know where you got that idea from, but it’s not mine.”

                “Himchannie,” she begins. I can tell that her voice is on the verge of tears.

                “Jessica, not only that…but I want to break up.”

                “Is it because of the marriage thing? I’m sure that I won’t bring it up ever again,” she attempts to plead with me.

                “It’s not because of that,” I say shaking my head. “It’s because of me and my own feelings. It doesn’t have anything to do with you. You’re perfect; I’m the one at fault here. I’m sorry.”

                With that, I shove my hands into my pockets and go back to my car to go home leaving her standing there.


What is going to happen to Jessica now? Will Himchan lose his job? When will Yongguk propose to Jaime? How will Daehyun be a help? What will Tiffany do to Himchan?


Here is Chapter 14. Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg