AE: Jaime's Life - Some Good, Some Bad

It's You

“Miss Cho? Miss Cho?” a voice gently asks. Slowly, I open my eyes and attempt to sit up, but a hand prevents me from doing so, and it’s not like it involves much strength since the hand is only gently placed on me.

                “Jaime,” a voice quickly says as it rushes to my side and immediately grabs my hand. I turn my head a bit and see that it’s Himchan. “Thank goodness,” he exclaims as I look at him. “We were so worried about you.”

                “Miss Cho, there’s some things that I’d like to go over with you, but they can obviously wait until you’re in a better state,” the doctor says as she looks at me.

                “Dr. Lee has been taking care of you just fine,” Himchan says with a half-smile as he looks from the doctor to me and back again. “Doctor, you have nothing to worry about,” he says as he turns to look at her. “I’ll keep a close eye on Jaime and tell you if anything’s changed.”

                “Thank you, Himchan,” the doctor says with a smile before leaving the room.

                “Himchan…” I softly say.

                “Shh, drink a little,” Himchan says as he grabs a small cup of water with a straw and adjusts my bed so that I’m able to sit up properly. I attempt to grab the cup from him, but he holds it away with a wag of his finger. “No, I’m going to feed you. You just have to sit back and take it.”

                Instead of arguing, since I don’t feel like arguing, I just simply drink a little water until I feel as though I have my voice back and am able to talk. “Himchan,” I begin again, “why am I here?”

                “Why are you here?” he asks. “In the hospital?” I give him a look that doesn’t need any explaining as he simply chuckles at me. “You fainted.”

                “I fainted?” I ask attempting to remember the event.

                “Yeah, I was after a slight argument with Jessica,” Himchan softly says.

                “Oh,” I softly say, kind of understanding what he’s getting at.

                “But…Jaime, if I could ask you a question…”

                “What type of question?”

                “Um…a slightly personal question.” Somehow I don’t like where this is going.

                “Why would you want to ask me a slightly personal question?”

                “Does Yongguk-hyung know about this?”

                “Does Yongguk-oppa know about what?”

                Himchan sighs, I’m assuming at seeing that he’s getting nowhere. “Look, Jaime…I think you might want to take it easy from now on.”

                “Why should I take it easy?”

                “Jaime!” a voice yells.

                “Yongguk-oppa?” I ask as I see his panting figure in the doorway.

                “Jaime, thank goodness you’re okay,” Yongguk says as he enters the hospital room.

                “I guess I’ll leave you two alone,” Himchan says. “I’ll be right out here.”

                “Oh, alright,” I say as I watch him leave.

                “Ah, Yongguk-hyung,” Himchan says turning to him before he’s fully out the door.

                “Yeah?” Yongguk asks.

                “Be gentle on her, she just woke up.” Yongguk nods his head in agreement before Himchan leaves and before finally turning to look at me.

                “Yongguk-oppa,” I say as he looks at me, “what are you doing?”

                “What do you mean what am I doing here?” he asks.

                “I mean…you…here…why?”

                “Why else?” he asks with a deep chuckle as he sits in the chair that Himchan was sitting in. “You’re my girlfriend, I love you.”

                “But still—,” I begin before Yongguk cuts me off by swiftly kissing me on the cheek.

                “Jaime, are you doubting my love for you?”

                “No, but…I mean…the pictures…everything,” I say, but I’m unable to form my words. Everything is just too jumbled in my head for me to understand what I’m trying to say. I know what I want to say, but in the event of just waking up after fainting, things don’t seem to really be going well.

                “Just forget the pictures,” Yongguk says with a gentle smile. “Just forget everything that involves Jessica.”

                “But I can’t,” I quietly whisper as I look down at my bed. “I can’t forget it,” I repeat as I look up at him.

                “Jaime, what are you saying?” Yongguk asks.

                “I’m saying that…I don’t know if I can be here anymore with you,” I begin to say. I feel my heart beating faster and the blood zooming through my veins. Everywhere on my body feels hot and the next thing I know, Dr. Lee’s running back into the room.

                “Mr. Bang,” Dr. Lee says as she looks at him. “I advise that you should probably leave.” Yongguk doesn’t say anything against it and does as he’s told, leaving the hospital room. “Miss Cho,” she says as she looks at me and presses a button on the monitor, “you’re hooked up to these things for a reason.”

                “These things?” I ask finally noticing the patches and the machines that are near me. “I thought that it was because I fainted.”

                “It’s not only because of that,” she says. “If it were only because of that, then you would’ve been released already.”

                “What do you mean?” I ask.

                “You didn’t know?”

                “I didn’t know what?”

                “Miss Cho, you’re pregnant.”


“Are you okay?” Himchan asks as he drives home from the hospital.

                “I’m fine,” I mumble as I look out the window. A day has passed and Dr. Lee has said that I’m stable enough and the baby’s stable enough to leave the hospital. She also told me that I shouldn’t overwork myself since I’m only a couple months pregnant, the baby is still young. “Himchan, you knew, didn’t you,” I say as I turn to look at him driving.

                “Knew that you were pregnant?” he asks as his eyes never leave the road.


                “Yeah, the doctor mentioned it when we took you to the hospital. I was going to tell you, but I guess she beat me to it,” Himchan says with a slightly bitter laugh.

                “I can’t be a mother though.”

                “Why not?”

                “I’m not going to be a good mother, I can’t even keep things together with Yongguk-oppa.”

                “Who says that that’s your fault?” Himchan asks as we arrive at his home and he turns to look at me. “Who says that you not being able to keep things together between you and Yongguk-hyung is your fault? What happened to the confident Jaime that I knew before?”

                “Things change,” I say with a sigh as I open the car door.

                “Jaime,” Himchan says as he comes behind me and stops me. “Everything that happened between you and Yongguk is not your fault, you shouldn’t blame yourself.”

                “But I’m pregnant and this baby isn’t even going to have a father.”

                “Who says that this baby isn’t going to have a father?”

                “Yongguk-oppa surely isn’t going to be in the picture. Don’t say something about bringing the topic up with him. He cheated on me once, who’s to say that he’s not going to do it again?”

                “I’m not going to say anything of the sort,” Himchan says as he shakes his head.

                “Then what?”

                “Let me be the father.”

                “What?” I ask in surprise. Himchan can’t be serious, right? There’s no way that he’s serious, right? “You can’t be the father.”

                “Who says I can’t be the father?” Himchan asks. “I’m a man, aren’t I?”

                “But you and me?”

                “Right…I guess it’s impossible,” Himchan says in a slightly deflated voice. “But just think it over, okay? I’ll always be here for you and your baby.”

                “I don’t want you to feel that responsibility,” I tell him. “I don’t want you to just think that you have to step in because of Yongguk’s irresponsibility.”

                “I don’t think of it as a responsibility that I have to do.”

                “Then what?”

                “I just—never mind,” Himchan says cutting himself off in the middle. “Let’s go back, you’re probably tired and you could use all the rest you need.”

                Silently I follow Himchan back into his house and see Gongchan sitting on the couch. “Noona, are you okay?” he asks as he immediately gets up off of the couch to greet me.

                “I’m fine,” I say with a smile. “You’re quiet energetic.”

                “Yeah, I was worried about you,” he shyly says.

                “Well you don’t have to worry anymore,” I say ruffling the top of his head a bit. “I’m alright, everything’s alright.”

                The rest of the days pass smoothly. I don’t know where Yongguk is and he hasn’t contacted me for a couple of days, I also never saw Jessica either. I kind of wonder if they both just fell off the face of the earth because I thought that Yongguk would at least fight to explain what happened to me, but there’s no denying the truth. We both know that things were done with Jessica that he couldn’t just take back. When and where these things happened, I have no idea, but it’s not like I want to know anyway.

                I attempted to move out of Himchan’s house, but he wouldn’t let me. He said that it wasn’t good for a young woman like me to go out and live on my own, especially with me being pregnant. I attempted to argue, though, but by himself, Himchan went back to the house that I shared with Yongguk and took all of my things out. Now my things are in boxes around Himchan’s house, and I feel kind of guilty.

                Only a week has passed since I’ve been released from the hospital and I guess things are stabilizing, at least being as normal as they’ll ever be. I’ve returned back to work after taking the break, but today work involves me going to the agency where Yongguk works, but I’m not going to be afraid. There’s nothing for me to be afraid of.

                “Noona!” Jongup yells as he runs over to me as soon as I walk through the doors.

                “Hey Jongup, hey Zelo,” I say with a smile as I look at the both of them standing before me. “But why are you here? I’m not here for you today.”

              “I know, but Himchan-hyung wanted us to make sure that you were okay and knew where you were going,” Zelo says.

                “Well I assure the two of you that I know where I’m going and that you don’t have to baby me,” I tell them with a smile as we start walking towards the elevators.

                “Okay, well, just in case,” they say as they follow me in.

                 I press the button for the fifth floor, the one that I’m going to, and look at them. “See, I even know what floor I’m going to.”

                “We never said you didn’t,” Jongup points out.

                “Smarty pants,” I joke as the elevators doors open, only to have Yongguk standing on the other side.

                “Jaime,” he says as he looks at me.

                “Yongguk…oppa,” I slowly say as I look right back at him.

                “Um…Jaime, actually, do you have a minute?” he asks.

                “I…” I start as I look at Zelo and Jongup. “Hey, could you guys go apologize for me and say that I’ll be a couple of minutes late? She’s your friend, right?”

                “She’s Zelo’s friend,” Jongup says as he nudges the younger.

                “Yes, we’ll go say that you’re running late, noona, take your time,” Zelo says as he pulls Jongup back into the elevator and closes the doors for it to continue to the fifth floor.

                “Here, follow me,” Yongguk says. I silently follow behind him to what appears to be his office. “Sit,” he says as he gestures towards the dark red couch in his room. Once I sit, Yongguk gets on both of his knees in front of me.

                “Yongguk, what are you doing?” I ask as I look at him.

                “I want to sincerely apologize,” he says as he bows his head and places his hands on both of his legs. “I want to apologize for what I did to you, what I’ve done to hurt you. I completely understand when you say you don’t want to be with me anymore. I mean, my actions aren’t exactly forgivable.”

                “Yongguk,” I begin, but he just continues talking.

                “Jaime, I just want you to know that I always loved you. What happened with Jessica only happened out of drunkenness, but I don’t know why I kept it going. I still love you and I always will, I just want you to know that.”

                “Yongguk,” I say again. Hesitantly, he brings his head up to look at me. “Yongguk,” I say in a softer tone.

                “Yes?” he slowly asks.

                “I…I’m pregnant.”


How will Yongguk react to Jaime's pregnancy? How will Himchan confess to Jaime? What will happen in the future?


Here's the Alternate Ending 2nd Chapter, also known as Chapter 29. Hope you enjoyed :D


Also, I know before that I said that there would probably be only two more alternate ending chapters, this being one of them, there might be two more, depending on what happens in the next chapter. I can't say for sure that there'll be two more, but there just might be. The last one, though, would be what happens in the future. The next chapter would focus on Himchan's confession to Jaime. How will things turn out in this alternate dimension?

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg