Himchan's Life - Heart at Rest

It's You

“Ready to go?” I ask as I pop my head into Jaime’s little office.

                “Yeah,” she says with a smile as she quickly closes down her computer, grabs her coat and bag, and follows me out. Neither of us talk to one another while we take the elevator down before we’re on the street with all of the other businesspeople that are going off to get lunch.

                “So, how have things gone with Yongguk lately?” I wonder.

                “Good, good,” she says with a slightly goofy smile. I can’t help but smile to myself when I see it. “He introduced me to his family.”

                “That’s good,” I say. I can’t help but think about all of the times that Yongguk and Jaime went through together. It seems like they went through a lot and now things have turned out this way and maybe they actually are meant for each other.

                “Yeah,” Jaime says with a chuckle as we enter the restaurant together.

                “Order anything you want,” I tell her as we’re both looking at the menus. “It’s my treat.”

                “You don’t have to,” she suddenly starts saying.

                “No, I want to,” I say cutting her off.

                “Ah…okay,” she hesitantly says before she goes back to looking at the menu. I picked out a Japanese restaurant for us to go to. I ordered my usual, sushi, while she ordered some sort of ramen. “So what did I do to deserve this invitation out to lunch?” she wonders after we both placed our orders.

                “Nothing really,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “I never thanked you for being my fake girlfriend.”

                “Well it was fun being your fake girlfriend,” she says with a smile.

                “Yeah,” I say, slightly regretfully as I look at her. “But you know, it’s good that you and Yongguk were able to sort things out together. You two…you really seem like you guys suit one another. It’s really like you guys are the perfect match.”

                “I guess you could say,” she says with a little giggle. “It really does seem like we suit each other, doesn’t it.”

                “Well you guys have been together for so long, whereas I’m kind of incapable of keeping a girlfriend.”

                “What are you talking about?” Jaime asks slightly shocked. “You dated Jessica for a while, and what about those girls back during middle school and high school? I heard that you were quite the player at your new school.”

                I slightly laugh at her comment. “But in reality, none of those relationships really worked out and the ones in high school, I can’t really say that I felt anything for them. I think the relationship with Jessica was the first time that I felt something in a relationship, but then it turns out that she cheated on me with Yongguk’s brother. It’s not like I blame her. I hadn’t been paying her that much attention for the past couple of times either. So in the end, there’s no hard feelings.”

                “At least no one hates the other,” Jaime says with a smile. “That’s always good. I remember our middle school years, though.”

                “What do you remember?” I curiously ask.

                “I remember all of our awkward times together,” she says. I bet she’s already started thinking about the past moments that we’ve shared together. “Do you still remember?”

                “I remember a couple of things, but I want to know what you remember.”

                “Hmm,” she says as she begins to think. “I remember the time when we were in sixth grade and you and I held hands for a little, but then I jumped off because I couldn’t stand holding your hand anymore. I remember when you used to give me your hat to wear and when you had to use my locker because you filled yours too much with stuff. I also remember the awkward moments when someone would ask if we were dating or if we liked the other one.”

                “You remember a lot of things,” I comment after hearing everything that Jaime remembers.

                Honestly, I remember the same things. I remember how I did all of those things back when we were students to show Jaime how much I cared about her, but she never seemed to notice. Back then I never got the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend or to go out on a date. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go back in time and what would happen if I had asked her to be my girlfriend, but that’s the past, there’s no changing it now.

                “I guess you could say that I liked you in the past,” she says with a slight chuckle.

                “Huh?” I ask as I slightly choke on my water.

                “Looking back on all of it, I guess I just liked you. I guess I did some things because I wanted to get your attention. I mean, I don’t know when I liked you or even when it faded, but I think at some point in our friendship I truly liked you.”

                “Oh,” I manage to say as our food comes.

                Silence envelops the two of us as we begin to eat. It isn’t until the middle of our meal that I’m able to speak again. “Listen, Jaime,” I slowly begin as I poke around at my sushi a bit. “I liked you too, just so you know.”

                “Hmm?” she asks as she stops eating her noodles and looks at me. “What did you just say?”

                “Back then, during that time,” I begin again, “I liked you too, but I was too afraid to say anything because I wasn’t sure if you felt that way about me. I guess you could even say that I like you now,” I say with a half laugh. “But you’re happy and I’m happy for your happiness. I guess…I guess I just wanted you to know that.”

                Jaime doesn’t say anything and we both continue eating in the silence. It isn’t until we’re almost done that one of us speaks again. “Thank you,” she whispers.

                “Thank you?” I ask. “Why are you thanking me? What good have I done?”

                “Thank you for being there for me. When we were younger and up until I met you again, thank you for always being there.”

                “No problem,” I say with a smile. “I’ll always be there for you. Even once you’re married with Yongguk and have five kids and I’m married and have children of my own, I’ll still be there for you.”

                Jaime simply smiles without saying anything. I don’t know why, but somehow it seems like I’m finally able to move on. Jaime now knows my feelings and it’s not like I can do anything since she’s with Yongguk and I’m not going to break them apart, I’m not that type of person. Somehow I feel at peace now that Jaime and I have had that conversation, it seems like it was the one thing we needed in the past, to just talk with one another.

                “You know, that’s the biggest thing that I regret,” Jaime says as we make our way back to the company after eating.

                “What?” I curiously ask.

                “My biggest regret has nothing to do with anything regarding Yongguk,” she slowly starts to explain, “but it regards you.”

                “What about me?” I wonder.

                “That I never really said a proper goodbye,” Jaime says as she stops in her track.

                “Huh?” I ask turning around and looking at her. “What do you mean a proper goodbye?”

                “The day that you left, the day that you moved… I always wondered if I’d see you again so I could really tell you goodbye. I regret only patting you on the back and not saying anything else. I mean, we already knew each other for so long but I have you such a lame goodbye. I just, I just wanted to get that out in the open,” she says before she starts walking again, leaving me no time to say something.


“Did something happen at work today?” Gongchan asks as me as we’re both watching television after dinner.

                “Why?” I wonder as I look at him.

                “Because you seem really…relaxed,” he says shrugging his shoulders. “It just seems like there’s something different about you.”

                “Maybe,” I say. “I don’t know, it just seems like…I don’t know.”

                “Well I like this new you. You seem happier than you have been for a while.”

                “Probably with everything coming to light,” I say thinking about it as I lean back in the chair, “it’s made me more relaxed. I mean after I found out that Jessica didn’t really like me the same way either anymore and after getting my feelings for Jaime out in the open, I think I can finally relax and focus on what I want to do with my life.”

                “See, I knew it!” Gongchan says as he points at me. “I knew that you liked Jaime.”

                “It doesn’t matter whether I like her or not,” I say with a chuckle, “she has Yongguk and she seems pretty happy at that.”

                “Yeah I guess,” Gongchan says. “It’s been a while since I actually saw her.”

                “I guess so, but take it from me when I say that she’s pretty happy, just like how she was when we were still in school.”

                “Hmm,” Gongchan says with a nod of his head as my cell phone begins to ring.

                “Hello?” I ask as I pick it up.

                “Hey Himchan,” Jessica says on the other line. “So…I’ve heard that you heard.”

                “Ah…yeah,” I say suddenly remembering about it.

                “I was wondering if we’d be able to meet, you know, to talk about it.”

                “Sure. How about right now?” I suggest.

                “Sure. Come to my apartment?”

                “I’ll be there,” I say before I hang up the phone and look at Gongchan. “I have to go talk with Jessica. I’ll be back later.”

                “Okay, have fun,” Gongchan says with a smile and a wave as I leave the apartment.

                It doesn’t take that long for me to go to Jessica’s apartment, but instead of typing in the password, I simply knock on the door. “Hello,” she says as she opens the door, “why did you knock? You know the password.”

                “I didn’t think it would be good to enter the password,” I honestly tell her.

                “Ah…I guess it wouldn’t,” she says with a smile. “Come on in.”

                I follow Jessica in the house and think about how long it actually has been since I’ve last step foot inside of the apartment. “So, how have you been?” I ask starting off the conversation as we both sit down on her couch.

                “Good, good.”

                “And the baby’s good?”

                “Yeah,” she quietly says. “Speaking of, how did you hear?”

                “Word got around,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “And Tiffany called me one day telling me.”


                “Was she not supposed to?”

                “No, I kind of asked her to help me break the news to you,” Jessica admits. “I didn’t know how to do it, so I just thought that maybe if I started acting horrible to you I would somehow be able to get you to separate from me. I just…I just didn’t want to own up to the truth, but I guess now I have to.”

                “It’s not like I blame you,” I say as I look at her with a smile. “I wasn’t the greatest boyfriend in the world. I guess towards the end of our relationship we were just growing tired of one another.”

                “Maybe,” she whispers.

                “But I was also selfish. I didn’t want to break up with you and risk losing my position at the company, or Jaime’s since she was starting as a trainee. I thought that maybe, just maybe you would somehow fire both of us.”

                “I wouldn’t do that. I mean, I did think about it, but then I thought that if I were to do that to you, then it was only right for you to do it back, even though you had no idea…and I knew that your relationship with Jaime was fake before.”

                “Really?” I ask with surprise as I look at her. “I thought you were really buying it.”

                “No, I wasn’t,” she says shaking her head with a laugh. “I knew that the relationship as fake, but I could tell that your feelings were real. The things that you did with her and the way that you looked at her was completely different from the way that you did things when we were together. I may be ditzy at times, but I’m not entirely stupid.”

                “I never thought that you were.”

                “You know, you were really good to me,” Jessica continues. “There was probably a point in our lives where we both really liked one another and then I just ruined it.”

                “I don’t blame you,” I tell her. “I don’t blame you for anything. I guess today is just one of those days.”

                “One of those days?” she asks.

                “One of those days where I just can’t seem to care about anything,” I say with a light laugh. “I mean…one of those days where it just feels like everything is going right for once, well like everything is just going to be okay from here on out. Jaime is happy with Yongguk and you’re happy with his brother. Maybe it’s just me left.”

                “I’m sure you’ll find someone. You’re Kim Himchan, everyone falls heads over heels for you. I’m surprised that no one at any company has fallen for you yet.”

                “I’m not that irresistible.”

                “Trust me when I say that you’re a really good guy and any girl would be lucky to have you.”

                Jessica looks at me and I smile at her. Somehow I feel like things might finally go right in life, that maybe I’ll finally be happy. Jaime now knows my feelings for her, but even so, I’ve come to the acceptance that I probably will never be able to have her. She’s Yongguk’s girlfriend, his soon-to-be fiancée. I can tell that they both love each other a lot and I’m not going to get in their way, her happiness is precious. I just hope I can find my own happiness soon.


And this is where Himchan comes to an end. I guess by now you all probably realized that this part of the story will end with Jaime and Yongguk together, but how will their ending turn out?


The next chapter will be the last chapter of the normal story before a couple of chapters, probably, of the alternate ending. And then that's it, we have come to the ending of this fanfic.


So, what does the final chapter, which will be told in Jaime's point of view, be like? Stay tuned :)


Here's Chapter 26. Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg