Jaime's Life - For Good

It's You

Deeming it too far to be able to go back home, Himchan takes me to a nearby hotel. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he says as he gives me a towel and pushes me towards the bathroom. “You’re all dirty, you know that? I’m going to go out and see if I can get some more comfortable clothes. It’s already getting pretty late and until we go back home, it’ll be even later,” he says. I know he’s only giving an excuse to not go back. He’s worrying about me; he’s worrying about seeing me out there. He’s just…worried.

                “I…I think I might go take a warm bath,” I quietly say.

                “Good,” he says as his face lights up into a smile. “Now, don’t go anywhere, it might be dangerous. I’ll be back as quickly as possible, alright?”

                “Okay,” I say nodding my head as he begins to walk away to go to the store. “Um…Himchan…oppa,” I hesitantly say causing him to stop in his tracks and turn to me waiting for me to say the next thing. “Thank you.”

                Instead of saying anything, Himchan just gives me a comforting smile before he leaves. Standing in my position for a moment, I stare at the door before heading into the bathroom to take a warm bath.

                While sitting in the bathtub, I just think about everything. I think about how I broke up with Yongguk, about how our relationship with each other is done, about how I never did hear his explanation on the box, and the how Himchan found me before Yongguk did. Why didn’t Yongguk chase after me? Am I not important enough to him?

                I don’t know how long I was taking a bath, but I hear someone knocking on the bathroom door. “Jaime, it’s me,” Himchan says from the outside. “I bought some clothes…where should I leave them?”

                “I’m done,” I say as I step out of the bath and cover myself in a towel. “I’m covered in a towel, you can just open the door a little bit and place them on the floor.”

                “Alright,” he says and he does just as I told him to.

                After he closes the door again, I move to go pick up the clothes that he got and see that it seems like they’re couple pajamas. I guess that was the only store that was close enough, at least I hope that that was the only store close enough.

                Once I finish getting dressed and drying my hair, I make my way into the room to see Himchan lying on the single bed that’s there. I don’t know why we have a room with a single bed, that’s what he got, but it’s a queen sized bed, so it’s big enough for each of us to have our own separate sides.

                “You’re done?” Himchan asks as he looks at me.

                “Yeah, I am,” I say as I sit down on the bed and look at him. I see that he also has the same pajamas on. Like I thought, they’re couple pajamas. I’m guessing that Himchan sees me staring at the pajamas as he nervously chuckles while looking at me.

                “I’m not going to lie,” he awkwardly begins, “I’ve always wanted to wear couple pajamas with someone.”

                “You never did with Jessica?” I ask.

                “No,” he says shaking his head. “She…she doesn’t like the whole couple stuff. Surprising, right?” he asks with a bitter chuckle. “You would think that she would want to announce to the world that we’re a couple, but I guess things are different in her world.”

                “I guess,” I sigh as I climb into bed and get myself comfortable underneath of the covers. “I’m…I’m going to go to bed now.”

                “Alright,” Himchan says as he looks at me. I don’t know what’s going through his mind right now, probably a lot of things are. He probably wants to ask a lot of questions, too, it’s natural. “Just so you know, Jaime,” he begins. “I don’t know what happened between you and Yongguk, but if you want to talk with someone, I’m here, alright? I’m not going to go anywhere.”

                “Thank you, Himchan. Really, I appreciate it,” I tell him with a smile.

                “Anything for you,” he quietly says, but I could still hear him before I drift off to sleep.


I slowly open my eyes in the morning and hear heavy breathing. Turning around, I see that I’m face to face with Himchan. When did he move over here? Why is he so close to me? Looking at him, I remember when we were back in school together. He would always sleep during classes and then ask me to wake him up once they were over. I don’t know how he survived, but somehow he did.

                “Himchan-oppa,” I quietly say in attempts to wake him up.

                “Hmm?” he asks as he shuffles around and his arms land around me causing me to just stare at him and then down at the hands that are now around my waist. “Hmm?” he asks again as he slowly opens his eyes. I guess he noticed where I was staring because he immediately gets up. “Sorry…about that,” he quietly mutters.

                “Ah, it’s alright,” I say with a nod of my head. “It’s…um…it’s nothing.”

                “Yeah,” he says in a slightly deflated voice. “Um…we should get you back to Yongguk,” Himchan says as he heads towards his jacket, probably to go find his phone.

                “No,” I say.



                “Jaime, we have to. I told him that I’d tell him when I found you.”


                “Jaime,” Himchan says as he gives me a pleading look and comes back over to the bed. “We have to tell him. Why don’t you want to tell him?”

                “I just…I just need more time,” I tell him.

                “Alright,” he says sighing. “But by the end of today we should call him.”

                I stare at Himchan and nod my head. I don’t know why I don’t want to see Yongguk. Maybe things would have been different if he had just told me the truth about the box, or maybe if I didn’t walk out on him in the restaurant things would’ve been different right now. I should’ve just talked to him about things. Is that the reason why I can’t face him? Is it because of my guilt towards him for walking out in the restaurant and not hearing him out fully? Is it because of my guilt that I’m acting this way?

                “Let’s do something today,” I suddenly say jumping out of the bed.

                “Whoa, what’s with the sudden change in attitude?” Himchan asks looking at me.

                “I can show you around,” I say with a smile.

                “What?” he asks staring at me.

                “Let’s just…do something,” I tell him again. “I just don’t want to stay here and I don’t want to go back to Yongguk, and I don’t want to think about him for right now. I just want to have fun. For today, please.”

                Himchan stares at me before he sighs. “I…I guess, but only for today. Tonight we have to go back to Yongguk.”

                “I understand, I have to face it sometimes,” I say sighing as I go to gather my clothes. “I’m going to change. I’ll be back.”

                I quickly change into my clothes and then Himchan does the same before we check out of the hotel and leave together. “Where do you want to go?” Himchan asks as we step outside.

                “We can go to my university,” I say with a smile. “I can show you all about it and what you missed after you moved.”

                “Okay, I did never see what university you went to,” he says with a smile.

                “Good, let’s go,” I say as I grab his hand and lead the way.

                Even though it was a couple of years ago, I still remember the way to the university and everything about it. It was one of my fondest times in my life, going to university, befriending Yongguk, and then hanging out with my friends. But I shouldn’t think about, about Yongguk, rather, I should just think about the good times that we had together before all of this happened, before I got the job at the company.

                “Right over there,” I say pointing with my free hand. “Right over there is where I mostly attended classes and then my freshman year, I lived all the way back there.”

                “How do you remember everything?” Himchan asks staring at me. “But then again, you always had good memory.”

                “I know, right?” I ask with a smile. “I want to remember it all because they’re precious memories. I like remembering everything, the good and the bad.”

                “Right,” Himchan says as silence befalls us once again.

                “Hmm…let’s go over here,” I say before dragging him off somewhere else.

                The day passes quickly before our eyes. Before I even realize it, it’s already dark outside as Himchan and I are sitting in a restaurant eating our dinner. “After this, we’re going to go back and I’m going to call Yongguk and tell him that I found you.”

                “Tell me one thing, though,” I say looking at him as I poke around at my food.

                “What is it?” he asks as he shoves a big spoon of food into his mouth.

                “Why hasn’t he called either one of us if he’s so concerned? I mean, your younger brother called you and asked if you were alright,” I say pointing at him.

                “Well…I did call him last night to tell him that I wouldn’t be home,” Himchan awkwardly says.

                “Still,” I say looking at him. “Tell me why isn’t he worried about either one of us? Why isn’t he worried about me not being there or about you not being there? Surely he’s not stupid so he had to know that you probably found me. Just tell me, why doesn’t he care about me anymore?”

                “Don’t…don’t say that,” Himchan says as he reaches out his hand to cover mine. I stare at it for a moment before he hesitantly drags it away, but the feeling when his hand was on mine was something strange. Surely he’s only my friend, surely he’s just comforting me during my hard time with Yongguk, but why am I feeling like this? “I’m sure he cares about you, we all care about you.”

                “Of course,” I mumble.

                After paying the bill, Himchan and I make our way onto a bus to go back home. Quietly, I look out the window and think about things. What am I to Yongguk? What is he to me? Surely I must mean something, right? Those years didn’t pass by just being nothing with one another. I love him and he loves me, or at least maybe he used to. But when did this happen between us? It’s not even like I remember anything going wrong between us. We were always together, we were always doing things with one another and never leaving one out, so when did we become like this?

                As I look at myself in the window of the bus, I see a tear roll down my cheek. Why didn’t Yongguk call? Why didn’t he do anything, and now that I think about it, today was Sunday. Today was the day that I was supposed to meet Yongguk, the day that he was planning something special, but I spent the whole day with Himchan without even thinking of the day. I guess Yongguk has turned into nothing for me, right?

                The bus finally reaches home and Himchan and I both get off and continue walking the short way back to my house. I follow behind Himchan with my head down at the ground while I’m still thinking about things. However, once we get closer to the house, I sense that something’s wrong. Something…just doesn’t feel right.

                “Um…Jaime,” Himchan says suddenly stopping in front of me causing me to walk into him.

                “Huh?” I ask looking at him while gently pat the place that hit Himchan’s back.

                “Were you moving today?”

                “Moving?” I ask as I immediately bring my head up to look at the scene that’s in front of us. “Why would I be moving?”

                “I don’t know,” he says shaking his head. “Why is there a truck with some guys loading things into it?”

                Immediately I get out from behind Himchan and approach the truck and I even see more people bringing stuff out…but it’s not my stuff. As I’m about to approach, the door, I hear people talking inside.

                “Are you sure that she won’t mind?” a somewhat familiar voice asks.

                “I’m sure,” Yongguk says. So he’s the one doing this? “She won’t mind at all.”

                “I told you that you should’ve been worried when Youngjae saw them kissing.”

                “You were the one that put them up to it.”

                “I was only seeing if my theory was true, you can’t blame me,” she says with little laugh. I still can’t identify the female voice. “I’m just glad that you finally decided to leave her.”

                Leave me? They’re talking about me, right? What’s going on? Who’s in there?

                Yongguk sighs. “I didn’t want to.”

                “Oh, you know you wanted to, Yonggukie.”

                Yonggukie? What type of nickname is that?

                “I’m doing it because I have a responsibility,” Yongguk says.

                A responsibility? A responsibility to what? But before I can ask myself any more questions, I hear footsteps, but I don’t move. I can’t move. I’m frozen to the spot. My feet won’t listen to me, and so I come face to face with Yongguk who just stares at me.

                “Jaime,” he says looking at me. It seems like he’s looking at me with a sad expression. Is it because I come here to find this? Is it because he really feels sorry for me? At least it doesn’t seem like he entirely hates me. “Look, listen to me, I can explain.”

                “Explain what?” I ask him. “Explain how you’re moving out so you can live with…her?” I ask looking at Jessica as she emerges from the door. “I should’ve known,” I scoff. “I should’ve known about everything, as if the box wasn’t enough proof.”

                “Listen, Jaime,” Yongguk says looking at me, but he doesn’t touch me.

                “You listen,” I say pointing at him. “I thought you cared about me. I thought that after spending all of those years together that we would finally get married and have a family together. I wanted that, Yongguk. I wanted to get married to you and have a family. But this past day has proved how much I don’t mean to you. Just forget about me and I’ll forget about you. Like I said before, we’re done. You don’t have to move your stuff out because I’ll come and get mine. Goodbye, Yongguk.”

                I turn around and look at Himchan standing there behind me. “Are you sure?” he whispers to me.

                I look at Himchan for a split second before I continue walking back the way we came.


Is it really the end for Yongguk and Jaime? Where is Jaime going to live? Will Yongguk ever explain what happened to Jaime?


Here's Chapter 23. Hope you enjoyed :D


And the poll is still going on, I'm just not going to post it anymore, haha. Well, either ones, the one about who Jaime should end up with and the one about my new story. 

But the poll for who Jaime should end up with, right now Yongguk is in the lead, and while it doesn't determine who she does actually end up with, the difference is only by one vote, haha. I guess Jaime seems to suit both Yongguk and Himchan.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg