Jaime's Life - Time with Daehyunnie

It's You

The rest of the day goes smoothly after returning from Yongguk’s office. I can’t believe that I had forgotten that he works there. I guess it slipped my mind when I found out that we were going for business because normally I just go there by myself to visit him. At least the people that he works with are nice, well at least Jongup and Zelo are very nice and it seems like they look up to Yongguk a lot. I like it when I hear that.

                “Hey, do you need a ride home? I heard Yongguk tell you that he wasn’t going to be able to pick you up today,” Himchan says coming up to me as the workday ends.

                “Nope, I don’t need a ride. Thanks for asking anyway,” I tell him. “We already have a ride handled.”

                “Who?” he asks as he goes into the elevator with me to go down to the first floor.

                “Daehyunnie, Jung Daehyun,” I tell him. “He’s still in college, but he’s one of Yongguk’s friends. He doesn’t work in the entertainment industry…not yet at least.”

                “Does he want to?” Himchan asks.

                “Who knows,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “He has an amazing voice, though.”

                “He could be the face of one of our future products,” Himchan jokes as we both step out of the elevator. “I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow, right?”

                “No, I think I might take the day off,” I joke.

                “See you tomorrow, Jaime,” he says rolling his eyes as he begins to walk towards the parking lot.

                “See you tomorrow, Himchan,” I say as I make my way towards the front doors.

                As soon as I open the doors, I see Daehyun leaning against a pole not too far away from where I’m standing. It feels like forever since I last saw him and he looks like he’s grown a lot. We look after each other like siblings. I feel like he is my own brother. “Noona, how are you?” Daehyun asks noticing my presence and coming up to me.

                “I’m good, how about you?” I ask him as I hug him. “I haven’t seen you in forever. Are you keeping up with your studies?”

                “Of course, I know you and Yongguk-hyung would kick my if I weren’t.”

                “You got that right,” I say as I ruffle his hair a bit. “Do you want to come over to the house?”

                “I was thinking that we could spend time together,” Daehyun shyly says.

                “Why are you so shy?” I ask poking him in the cheek.

                “I just haven’t seen you in forever.”

                “Well, let’s close that gap. Where do you want to go?” I ask slinging my arm around his shoulder.

                “Are you hungry for dinner? We could go out somewhere to eat.”

                “Sure, lead the way,” I say.

                It feels nice to spend time with Daehyun after so long. I honestly can’t remember the last time that we actually spent time with one another. It feels so foreign to be with him, even if he is one of my closest friends, despite the between us.

                “So, how have you been?” I ask breaking the silence between us.

                “I’ve been good,” he says nodding his head. “Studying, doing what normal college kids do.”

                “That’s good,” I tell him with a smile. “Do you have a girlfriend yet?”

                “Noona,” Daehyun whines. “I think I’m capable of finding my own girlfriend.”

                “Whoever said something about me setting you up?” I joke and Daehyun frowns. “Aw, Daehyunnie, I was only thinking about you.”

                “Thanks noona,” he says crossing his arms.

                I smile at his pouting. He’s still the same old Daehyun. When Yongguk and I met, Daehyun was still in high school and he was one of Yongguk’s juniors in the school. I’m not entirely sure how their friendship started, but somehow it did. At first I was a little apprehensive about getting to know some of Yongguk’s friends, I’m not entirely sure myself, but then I was able to become good friends with them all, but Daehyun is still my favorite.

                Before we had the brother/sister friendship that we have now, Daehyun was originally shy and didn’t say much when I was introduced. I guess that’s the whole reason why I wanted to become his friend. I wanted to make him talk. Yongguk had also told me before that he used to have a hard time at home, his parents didn’t really care about him and he always had to fend for himself. I just ended up having a soft spot for him.

                Daehyun and I make our way to one of our favorite places, one of the first places that I had ever met him, a street vendor place that wasn’t far from the high school that he and Yongguk had attended. “Good evening,” Daehyun brightly greeted the woman working. He was always so friendly to the people here since Yongguk said that they had taken care of him when he had nowhere else to go.

                “Daehyun, it’s good to see you and same to you, Jaime,” the woman says.

                “It’s nice to see you. It’s been such a long time,” I tell her as we go and sit down.

                “Is it going to be the usual?” she asks.

                “Yeah,” Daehyun says as he sits across from me.

                “Wow, it’s been forever since I’ve last been in here,” I say looking around. “I can’t remember the last time I came in here. I’m even surprised that she remembers my name.”

                “Of course she would remember your name,” Daehyun tells me. “She loves you and Yongguk-hyung. She says that you guys make the perfect pair.”

                “Do we?” I ask suddenly becoming shy as the talk turns into Yongguk.

                “Have you never thought that?”

                “I…I don’t know,” I hesitate. “I’m content right where I am. I’m happy with Yongguk-oppa and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

                “Trust me, noona, he wouldn’t have it any other way, either,” Daehyun says looking right in my eyes.

                Daehyun and I sit there and begin talking about what’s been happening in our lives lately as the woman brings the food over. “Hope you kids enjoy now,” she says smiling at us before she takes off.

                “I’m not a kid anymore,” Daehyun whines and I guess the woman heard him because I can hear her laugh.

                “You’ll always be a kid, Daehyunnie,” I tell him as I pick up my chopsticks. “Thanks for the food,” I say before I start eating some of it. “Mmm, it never changes.”

                “I know, right?” Daehyun asks as his mouth is full of food.

                “Do you come here often anymore?”

                “I haven’t found the time,” he regretfully says. “I hope to come here more often, though.”

                “Why?” I curiously ask. “Is your break getting nearer?”

                “You could say,” he says shrugging his shoulders.

                “Your break is getting close? Then why don’t you stay with Yongguk and me during your break?”

                “Noona, I could never do that,” Daehyun says shaking his head.

                “Why not?” I ask.

                “I wouldn’t want to intrude on you and hyung,” he says as he eats some more food.

                “You wouldn’t intrude,” I tell him. “I would just tell Yongguk that you’re going to stay. He would be happy to have you as so would I.”

                I don’t know why Daehyun doesn’t want to stay at our house over his break. I mean, Yongguk would be happy to have Daehyun there as company. Actually, we would rather have anything than have Daehyun go back to his house during the break.

                “But I would think that I would be intruding,” Daehyun explains.

                “Look, how about I bring up the conversation with Yongguk-oppa and I’ll tell you what he says, alright? That way I can say that it was completely my idea and if it’s a bad idea, then I get blamed.”

                “Noona, I can’t have you get blamed for something.”

                “It was my idea anyway,” I say shrugging my shoulders as I eat some more. “Plus, Yongguk-oppa won’t really do anything.”

                “He really loves you.”

                “And I love him, too,” I tell Daehyun with a smile.

                “Noona, your phone,” Daehyun says pointing towards my pocket.

                “It’s ringing?” I ask as I take it out and see that it is indeed ringing. “Thanks, Daehyunnie. Hello?” I ask picking it up.

                “Jaime,” Yongguk’s voice rings through the line.

                “Oh, hey, we were just talking about you,” I tell him. I see Daehyun have his confused face on before he changes it. He must realize who’s on the phone now.

                “I hope it wasn’t anything bad,” he says as he chuckles.

                “It was completely bad,” I joke with him. “We were talking about our worst habits ever.” I hear him laugh on the other line. “So why did you call me?”

                “I just wanted to make sure that you were okay.”

                “Did you not trust Daehyun to get me?” I ask.

                “No, I trusted him, but I didn’t know if you both got hurt or something,” Yongguk explains.

                “Well we’re not hurt, we’re eating dinner at our most favorite place together.”

                “Ah, I know where,” Yongguk says. “I’ll meet you.”

                “You’ll meet me?” I ask.

                “Yeah, I’m already done. Do you not know what time it is?” he asks.

                I look down at my watch and see that it’s already seven at night. “Wow, time goes by fast when you’re having fun.”

                “I’ll be right there. You and Daehyun don’t go anywhere, got it?”

                “Got it, oppa.”

                “I love you, Jaime. I’ll be right over.”

                “I love you, too, oppa,” I say before he hangs up.

                “What did he want?” Daehyun asks me.

                “He said that he’s coming over to meet us here,” I simply reply. “I hadn’t noticed that it was this late already.”

                “Heh, neither have I,” Daehyun says as he looks at his phone.

                “Am I keeping you from a test or anything?”

                “Nope,” Daehyun says shaking his head. “I’m good.”

                “Good,” I say nodding my head.

                It didn’t take long before Yongguk popped his head into the curtain and was greeted by the same woman as before. After he was done speaking to her for a while, he made his way over to our table and sat down.

                “You guys come to eat here without me, how shameful of you,” he says with a serious face, but I know that he’s only joking and I think that Daehyun knows it, too.

                “Sorry oppa,” I apologize. “But Daehyunnie and I were just having so much fun without you.”

                “You better be,” he says as he swoops down and kisses me on my cheek.

                “Ew, lovebirds,” Daehyun mutters.

                “I heard that,” Yongguk says turning his head to face Daehyun. Normally people get scared by him doing that, but since Daehyun has known Yongguk for a very long time, it doesn’t scare him anymore.

                “Hey, Daehyun and I were just talking,” I begin. “Can he stay with us for his break?”

                “You’re having a break?” Yongguk asks as he starts eating some of our food.

                “I don’t have to stay with you. Noona,” Daehyun pleads looking at me. I don’t know what he has against staying with us, but maybe it’s a whole becoming an adult thing that he wants to live by himself and explore the world by himself.

                “I don’t see why not,” Yongguk says shrugging his shoulders. “Daehyun, if you want to stay with us then you can.”

                “And what if I don’t want to?” he asks.

                “Then you don’t have to,” Yongguk simply responds.

                “See, noona,” Daehyun says pointing to Yongguk. “I don’t have to stay at your house.”

                “No one was forcing you,” I say. “But just know that our place is always open to you.”

                “Thanks,” Daehyun says before his cell phone rings. He talks on it for a quick couple of minutes before suddenly getting up from the table. “Sorry, hyung, noona,” he says looking at the both of us, “but I have to get going. Hopefully we’ll be able to do something like this again.”

                “Bye,” Yongguk and I tell him as we watch him dart out of the place.

                “I wonder where he’s going,” I mutter as I begin to play with some of the leftover food.

                “Did you pressure him into doing something?” Yongguk asks as he wraps his arm around my waist and brings me close to him.

                “No, it wasn’t pressure, it was attempting to persuade,” I say.

                “Daehyunnie is growing into an adult now,” Yongguk says as he looks at the place that Daehyun left. “He’s no longer a kid and I think that he can hold his own now. He’s grown up from that kid that I met who knows how many years ago. Just thinking of how far along he’s come is enough for me.”

                “I still can’t help but think that there’s something off with him lately,” I say looking at Yongguk with worry in my eyes. “I don’t know what it is yet, but there just seems to be…something.”

                “Don’t worry too much about it,” Yongguk says as he pats the top of my head. “Let’s go home, shall we? I still have to have dessert,” he says as he leans close and kisses me on my lips.

                “Oppa,” I whine as I get him off of me only to have him smirk.


Why does Jaime have a bad feeling about Daehyun? Will Daehyun take her offer to stay with her and Yongguk?


Here is Chapter 7. Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg