Jaime's Life - No...Yongguk...

It's You

“So, you’ve been coming to my workplace a lot,” Yongguk says with his arm around me as we walk through the hallway.

                “It’s all work,” I say with a smile. “But I don’t mind seeing some more of you.”

                “You aren’t sick of me yet?” he asks with a laugh. “We live with each other.”

                “No, I could never get sick of you,” I tell him with a laugh as we enter a room. “What is this?” I ask detaching myself from his arm and look around at all of the equipment. “Is it a recording studio?”

                “That it is,” he says nodding his head. “I have to help a kid in his rap, so it may take a while, do you want to stay here?”

                “Sure, I’ve never experienced a real recording before,” I say in amazement. “And I always came when you had a break, I never got to see what you really do.”

                “But promise me,” he says leading me over to the couch. “Promise me that you won’t change your opinion about me because of how I may act in recoding.”

                “I’ve seen your tough side before, don’t worry,” I say with a laugh. “I remember how strict you were with Daehyunnie before.”

                “Yeah,” he says as he looks sideways. “Just know that I always love you.”

                “And I love you, oppa,” I say with a smile as I quickly kiss him on the cheek as I hear the door open.

                “Sorry, I didn’t know I was interrupting,” a teenage boy says as he walks in.

                “You weren’t interrupting anything,” Yongguk says with a smile and laughs at my shyness of the sudden intruder, but the kid was bound to come at any time. I mean, the whole reason he brought me to the

                “Aw, hyung, is this your girlfriend that you always talk about?” the boy asks looking at me.

                “You talk about me?” I ask Yongguk as I raise my eyebrow.

                “He always does, noona,” he says coming over to me. “I should introduce myself, I’m Hyungsik.”

                “Hyungsik, that’s a very interesting name,” I comment. “I’m Jaime, but you probably already knew that, right?”

                “Yeah,” he says as he looks over at Yongguk with a nervous laugh.

                “Don’t be afraid of him,” I say giving Hyungsik a smile. “He’s harmless when I’m in the room.”

                “We’ll see about that,” Yongguk jokes. “Hyungsik, let’s go into the recording booth.”

                As Hyungsik is setting up in the recording booth, I look over at Yongguk. “So is he in a group?” I ask. I’m curious. Himchan didn’t tell me about any Hyungsik from this company, I think I would remember the ones that my boyfriend is working with, so he has to be in a group, unless he might be a trainee.

                “He’s a trainee,” Yongguk says as he sets some buttons that I’m not sure what they’re for. “He’ll be debuting soon, though.”

                “Is that so,” I say as I look at Hyungsik give him a thumbs up.

                “Yup, he’s the sole rapper of his group, so he has some responsibility on his shoulders.”

                I sit in awe as I watch Yongguk work with Hyungsik. Sometimes Yongguk will stop Hyungsik from rapping and attempt to explain the feeling or tell him how he should do something one way instead of doing it another way. It’s the first time that I’ve ever been with Yongguk in the recording booth to actually watch how he does things and I can say that I’m pretty amazed at the wonderful job he is able to do. It seems like the trainees here, and some of the people that have already debuted, really like him here.

                After about an hour, Hyungsik comes out since Yongguk is giving him a break before they return. “So noona,” Hyungsik says looking at me as he grabs a water bottle. Yongguk went out of the room to go somewhere. “What brings you here?”

                “Ah, I was working and then my boss just decided to give me the day off,” I say shrugging my shoulders. “He’s a really nice guy.”

                “He sounds like it, what do you work for?”

                “I work for a very good company,” I say with a smile. I still can’t believe that I’m working there. “I work in the department that finds idols for the products.”

                “Really?” he asks as his eyes go wide. “Do you think you could get me a job as a model?”

                “Who knows,” I say with a light laugh. “Once you debut then the department I’m in will look over you and see if you’re a good match with anything. I can get you a good word in, though. I mean, Jongup and Zelo are good friends with one of the workers, who is actually my current boss right now.”

                “I need to make connections, can you be one?” Hyungsik asks as he gets closer to me.

                “Sure, I’ll be a connection. Just ask Yongguk-oppa if you need anything from me.”

                “Will do,” he says nodding his head as Yongguk comes into the room.

                “Were you two doing something that I should be afraid of?” he asks looking at the both of us suspiciously.

                “Of course not,” I say shaking my head. “What would ever give you that idea?” I take a glance over at Hyungsik and the two of us end up bursting into laughter leaving a confused Yongguk standing at the door.

                After who knows how many hours, Yongguk and Hyungsik are done their job and since it’s getting late, we decide to go home. “I’m sorry you had to stay there that whole time. You could’ve gone home if you wished,” Yongguk apologetically says.

                “No, it’s alright,” I say shaking my head. “I had fun sitting there and watching you do everything. It felt like a completely new experience.”

                “Well, it’s supposed to be,” he says with his deep laugh as he begins driving back home. “You’re supposed to feel that way since it was your first time.”

                “Sorry, oppa,” I say looking out the window as he drives.

                It doesn’t take long for us to arrive home and I immediately head towards the kitchen. “Jaime, where are you going?” he asks me.

                “I’m going to make dinner. You’re the one that worked all day and I didn’t do anything, I feel apologetic,” I tell him.

                “You don’t need to do anything,” he says following right behind me.

                “No, I want to,” I say turning around to face him as he stops right in front of me. Before he realizes anything, I stand on my tip toes and quickly kiss him on the lips. “Now, I’m going to start making something. What do you want?”

                “Here, why don’t I help you,” Yongguk suggests.

                “If you wish,” I say shrugging my shoulders.

                Yongguk and I begin making dinner and goof off with each other. It feels nice to do something like this with him since I haven’t done something like this in quite a while. Every day spent with Yongguk feels like it’s a brand-new day, despite being together for three years. Things that we do together just come naturally now and there are still moments where he surprises me by doing something unexpected.

                “I never expected my life to turn out this way,” Yongguk says as we sit down to eat the meal that we prepared together. It’s just something simple, nothing too fancy.

                “What do you mean?” I ask as I eat some of the soup we’ve made.

                “I never imagined meeting someone like you and being in a relationship with someone for this long. When I was growing up, honestly, this was the last thing on my mind.”

                “Being in a relationship?” I curiously ask. Yongguk has never told me these types of things before and I find myself becoming curious at what type of lifestyle he imagined for himself when he was younger.

                “That and especially being in a relationship for three years. I never thought that someone would come by that would be worth my time and effort, let alone make me think about possibly getting married in the future.”

                “You want to get married?” I ask slightly choking on my food in my mouth. I knew that he thought about it and sometimes things he would do would suggest it, but it’s really the first time that I’ve ever heard the word marriage come out of his mouth.

                “Why wouldn’t I want to get married to you? You’re perfect and I love you. You made me change all of my opinions about life in general.”

                “Oh, okay,” I say nodding my head. I wonder that if he wants to marry me, then why hasn’t he just asked me to marry him? Why hasn’t he proposed yet if he wants to?

                “Don’t worry,” he says reaching over the table and ruffling my hair.

                “Oppa,” I complain as I attempt to get the pieces back into the right spot.

                “I’ll ask you to marry me in the future. Let’s just focus on your budding career right now.”

                “Sure,” I say still amazed at the moments that he can read my mind. “You know, oppa,” I say as I twirl my spoon around.

                “Yeah?” he asks looking at me as he also begins eating his food.

                “Honestly, I never imagined this either, being with my first boyfriend for so long,” I say thinking about how when I was growing up I would always think about wanting to get married in the future and thought that I would experience heartbreak and breakups, but I haven’t. Yongguk is my first boyfriend and we’re still together. Sure, I had first gotten a boyfriend when I was in college, but that didn’t matter to me. And of course I had my crushes that ultimately didn’t end in a relationship, but those weren’t necessarily heartbreaks. I just simply had a puppy love, even if I didn’t understand what kind of feelings went with love.

                “Is that something good or bad?” Yongguk asks with a laugh.

                “Both?” I ask with a laugh.

                “Hey, after this, why don’t we go out and walk around?” Yongguk suggests.

                “Walk around? Why do you want to do that?”

                “I don’t know,” he says shrugging his shoulders. “I just kind of figured that we haven’t spent time together in a very long time.”

                “We spend time together all of the time.” I laugh at his lame excuse for wanting to walk around at night.

                “Fine, fine,” he says finally giving up about creating a la me excuse. “How about I don’t want to be cooped up with you the whole night in here. Let’s just go out and see the night scenery.”

                “Now that, that sounds like a better reason,” I say with a smirk and Yongguk smiles back at me.

                After the two of us finish our dinner, we change our clothes into something more comfortable and something more accommodating to the changing night weather. “Are you sure you aren’t going to be cold?” Yongguk asks as we’re walking out the door.

                “I promise, I have a jacket, and plus there’s always you,” I joke.

                “Okay,” he says, “just tell me if you need something, I’ll be sure to get it for you.”

                “No problem, oppa,” I say giving him a salute.

                We make our way outside and begin walking towards the busy streets were people are bound to be out at this time of night and the neon lights are lit up to create an awesome atmosphere and feeling while walking on the street. Thankfully, it’s not raining, either. As we make our way onto the street, Yongguk slips his hand into mine and I smile at him. Just his touch on my skin can make it feel like the first time we’re ever touching one another.

                “So, you wanted to come out here,” I say as I look around at everything. It feels like forever since Yongguk and I were just out walking around. “What did you exactly have in mind?”

                “Nothing,” he sheepishly says as she scratches the back of his neck with his free hand. “I just wanted to spend some time with you and reminisce about the first time that we met.”

                “Why would you want to do that?” I strangely ask.

                “Because it’s special to me,” he says with a laugh as he unhooks our hands and puts his arm around my shoulder. “It’s very special to me. What about some dessert?” he asks pointing towards an open coffee shop.

                “Sure,” I say as he already leads me there anyway.

                After ordering our dessert and drinks, Yongguk and I sit down at a booth facing each other. “You know, the day that we met will go down as the greatest day in history,” Yongguk says with a laugh.

                “Why? Just because we met each other?”

                “Yup,” he says nodding his head. “Because we met each other and now we’re here. Three years have really gone by quickly.”

                “It has,” I say nodding my head.

                “Hey, the first time that you have a break at the company, we should go and visit your parents.”

                “My parents, why?” I ask.

                “You’re probably missing them. We could do that this weekend if you wanted to,” he says.

                “What about your parents, aren’t you missing them?”

                “I am, but we can wait until the weekend after that,” he says laughing.

                “You’re crazy,” I say shaking my head as I eat some of the cake that’s in front of me.

                “Here, open your mouth,” Yongguk says offering to feed me.

                “Oppa, but people are here.”

                “Who cares,” he says with a gummy smile as he pushes it towards my mouth again and gets some on my lips before I open my mouth and let him feed me. “Here, let me help you with that,” he says leaning across the table and kisses what he got off of my lips off of me.

                “Oppa,” I say as he pulls away and I look out the window. “Isn’t that Daehyunnie out there?”

                “What are you talking about?” he asks moving his head so that he looks at what I’m looking at and what we’re both looking at seems like it’s a brewing fight.

                “There, that guy, he looks like Daehyun,” I say again as I point towards the figure out the window. “Is he going to get into a fight?”

                “He better not,” Yongguk says getting up from the couch and making his way out of the shop.

                “Yongguk, wait. No…Yongguk…” I call after him, but there’s no use, he’s already gone and too far to hear me.


What will happen to Yongguk? What was Daehyun doing? Will Yongguk and Jaime visit Jaime's parents?


Here is Chapter 11. Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg