Himchan's Life - We'll Meet Again

It's You


“You’re all probably wondering why I called you guys in here,” Boss says as he stands in front of ten of us. He paces back and forth with his pointer stick as he turns on the PowerPoint presentation on the screen. Bored, I stare at the screen with a blank face. I was supposed to be doing an important promotion today, but turns out that I’m called for this meeting.

                “Sure we are,” one of the -ups of the company, Youngjae, says. Somehow this kid always seems to annoy me. He always thinks that he’s knows everything and is overly confident, that’s why he’s in the statistics department. He works with numbers all day long to help develop the next product that consumers will buy. Since I’m handsome, I work with the promotion department. I roll my eyes as Boss continues talking.

                “Well, we are going to get some new trainees, it’s that time again. Twenty this time,” he explains.

                “Did you already choose them?” Youngjae asks. I hear some people softly groan at his question and I laugh secretly. He’s always one to ask questions in meetings, that’s why I hate being in the same meeting with him. He probably asks questions because I heard that he skipped a couple of grades. Good thing that we’re almost never stuck together in meetings. I think this just might be our first one together.

                “Yes, I have, Youngjae,” Boss says. He never gets irritated with Youngjae’s constant questions, it’s like he feeds off of them. I’m sure that if I asked a question he would get irritated at me.  “I also have chosen which ones will be in your group and will inform you today. They will come in a couple of days to get training from each one of you, which is why you were all called in here from the different departments. Let’s hand out the list now.”

                I silently sit at the table and wait for my name to be called with the list. “Great,” I mutter to myself. “New trainees.” I play with the pen in my hand until my name is almost the last one to be called since we were called in order of importance. No matter if the promoting department seems like it’s lame, it’s one of the most important. How are we supposed to make money if there are bad promotions? Not only that, but it’s one of the hardest to get into.

                “Kim Himchan.” My name is called and I go up to get the list and my colored nametag. “Your color is pink. I hope you don’t lose any of these.”

                “Of course I won’t,” I say bowing as I receive the materials in my hand. “Thank you.”

                “Now, why don’t you all go back to your departments and look over the list of two people that will be joining your department. Their resumes and some background information is included so you will know more about the person you are training. Hopefully you’ll be able to become a mentor to them. I wish you all the best of luck,” Boss says as he dismisses us.

                Sighing, I get up from the table and quickly make my way to the sixth floor where my office is located. Everyone in the promoting department has their own office since we’re not that large of a department, we’re one of the smallest ones because of the competitively to get into this department, which doesn’t make sense since the company chooses what department that the trainee enters. Yup, they choose. Every office is the same, though. It’s just a lot of walls around here and doors with the typical desk and computer with a back window overlooking whatever part of the city the office happens to be near. I find it lonely being in an office all by myself.

I’ve only been working for the company for a year now; I was part of this training group last year. I have no idea why I’m part of it this year. The guy from last year should do it instead of me. I have important things on my schedule, well, not anymore since Boss changed all of them in order to accommodate this thing.

                I take out the four papers that are in the folder and spread them out on my desk. First is Kim Yubin. I read over her resume and background paper and it seems like she’s impressive, no wonder why they assigned her to come here.

                Just as I’m about to read about the second trainee, there’s a knocking on my door. “Yeah?” I ask looking up to see Youngjae enter. I sigh and roll my eyes. Why is this guy even on my floor anyway? “What are you doing here?”

              “I thought we could look over our trainees together since we’re both going to work together in the training,” he says.

              “What do you mean?” I ask. “We both have different trainees so why do you want to go over them together?” Sometimes Youngjae just makes no sense. We’re in two different departments so why would he want to look at our new trainees together?

                “Is this one of your trainees?” he asks looking at a picture on my desk.

                “No, are you stupid?” I ask him. “That picture is from elementary school, can’t you look at it?”

                “Sorry,” Youngjae says as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. “Who’s in the picture?”

                “She was my good friend in elementary school, middle school, and high school until I moved,” I tell him. “Wait, why am I telling you all of this?”

                “You don’t, sorry for asking.”

                “It’s alright,” I say sighing.

                “What was her name?” Youngjae asks as he picks up my trainee papers.

                “Why are you looking at my trainees?” I ask him. “And her name is Jaime Cho.”

                “Like this one?” he asks pointing at the paper.

                “No, that’s Kim Yubin,” I say.

                “The second one.” Youngjae holds up the second trainee’s papers in front of me. “This one has the name Jaime Cho. Is it the same person?”

                I immediately take the papers out of Youngjae’s hand and stare at them. I stare at the picture that’s on the resume. That smile, I would recognize it anywhere. I read over her background and resume, the same schools. It has to be. I haven’t seen her ever since I moved. I always used to wonder how she’s doing. “Can’t be,” I whisper as I read over the information again and again.

                “Is it her?” Youngjae asks anticipating my answer.

                Slowly, I nod my head. “It’s her. She got a job here and she’s in my department.”

                “Shouldn’t you be happy that you’re finally going to see her again?”

                I look at Youngjae. I don’t know what I feel inside right now. It’s not exactly happiness and it’s not exactly anger. It feels like it’s some sort of balance that’s in the middle. Sure I’m glad that I’m going to be working with her again, but I haven’t seen her for so long. Is she still the same person? Have things changed with her? I think about these things. “I don’t know what I feel,” I admit to him. “Anyway, I have other things to prepare for. I think you should go back to your department, too. Aren’t you supposed to be doing some math right now?”

                “Crap, you’re right,” Youngjae says as he looks at the wall clock. “I guess I’ll see you later, Himchan?”

                “Sure,” I say giving him a fake smile as he walks out.

                Finally I have alone time. I stare at Jaime’s resume some more and background information. I stare at it much longer than Yubin’s and I kind of feel sorry about that, but I just can’t force myself to stare at Yubin’s while I have Jaime’s in front of me.

                After knocking myself out of my trance, I begin to prepare some work together that they’re going to have to complete for knowing the ins and outs of working in the promoting department. I put together a list of the artists that we already have and that are promoting what products. I also make a more organized schedule of what needs to be done while they’re still under the name trainee. By the time I look up at the clock again, it’s already time to go home.

                “You’re leaving now?” one of the bosses of the department asks.

                “Yeah,” I say nodding my head. “I lost track of time since I was planning for the new trainees.”

                “Are they any good?” he asks.

                “They’re decent. They’re both girls.”

                “You know, this department can use some more girls.” He and I both laugh. “Well, I shouldn’t keep you any longer.”

                “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say waving to him as I make my way to the elevator.

                “See you tomorrow,” he says waving back to me.

                I make my way to my car and start the drive home. I don’t live by myself; I live with my younger brother, Gongchan. He’s a senior in high school and our parents moved to the countryside after I was done college, which was when Gongchan was a junior. He didn’t want to leave his friends behind so I offered to have him live with me, so he does. I make enough money at the company to support us both in the house and Mom and Dad pay for his school fees.

                “Hyung, you’re home,” Gongchan says as I walk through the front door. After living together for a year already, Gongchan and I have a good brotherly relationship. I know that he still misses Mom and Dad, though, but they moved to the countryside. They visit up here sometimes or sometimes we go down there to visit them.

                “Yup, I’m home. Ugh, it’s so good to be home.” I slump onto the couch and rest my head on the back.

                “Was it stressful today? It seems like you always have a problem at work. Or rather, you’re the one that always gets into trouble.”

                “Hey,” I say staring at him. “I’m not the one that always gets into trouble.”

                “Whatever you say, hyung,” he says as he makes his way towards the living room and starts laughing. “What made you so tired today then?”

                “I just found out I’ll be meeting the girl from seven years ago. Do you remember her? You probably don’t that well. We knew each other for a long time before we decided to move to this part of the city and we had to transfer schools.”

                “I remember,” Gongchan says. “She was really nice, that girl.”

                “Well, she’s going to be working with me,” I tell him.

                “Really? You must be really excited,” he happily says.

                “You could say,” I hesitantly say. “I don’t know if she’ll remember me, though.”

                “I bet she’ll remember you,” Gongchan says with a bright smile. “Who doesn’t remember you? You’re annoying.”

                “Hey you,” I say chasing him as he runs away from me.



On the day of meeting the trainees, I wake up bright and early. I have to look my best if Jaime is going to be there today. After I wake up, I go wake up Gongchan so he can get ready for school, much to his dismay.

                I dress in one of my good suits and make my way downstairs. “Ready to go?” I ask him.

                “Sure, whatever,” he says. “Wait, if you’re so excited to see Jaime again.”

                “I wouldn’t call it excited,” I say cutting it off. “I just haven’t seen her in seven years.”

                “Anyway,” Gongchan says totally not paying attention to me. “Don’t you have a girlfriend?”

                “Your point being?” I ask. “Let’s go or else you’re going to be late.”

                I hoped that by saying that, that would be the end of the conversation, but nope. He brought it right back up. “You have a girlfriend, yet you’re excited to see another girl. Isn’t that wrong?”

                “Um…I’m not excited once again,” I say as I begin driving as quickly as I can to go to Gongchan’s school to drop this kid off. “Look, we were good friends, what else can I say?” I shrug my shoulders as Gongchan rolls his eyes. I get this kid doesn’t believe me. “Just go to school and worry about getting yourself a girlfriend.”

                “Hey, I—,” Gongchan begins to say but I cut him off by closing the car door.

                Driving to work without Gongchan is peaceful. I’m enjoying it quite nicely. When I enter, I say hello to the usual people and stop by my office first. “Today’s the day of the trainees, are you excited?” Youngjae asks. Why did he have to be in the same elevator as me?

                “Um, yeah,” I say hopping off at my floor, but Youngjae hops right off with me. “Shouldn’t you be getting to your own office?”

                “Himchan, you know that I’m always ready.”

                “Right.” I make my way the office to see if any important papers were put on my desk about anything. I see something regarding the schedule with the trainees and what I’m supposed to teach them, but other than that I see nothing. “Youngjae, why don’t we go downstairs and see if any of them have arrived yet.”

                “But they aren’t supposed to be here yet,” Youngjae says looking at his watch.

                “You are just too practical,” I comment.

                Youngjae and I both go downstairs and I see that no one’s arrived yet. Maybe Youngjae is right, but I’ll never admit that, not in a million years. We both go to the break room to grab some light breakfast foods to snack on before everyone gets here. Once Youngjae and I walk out again, we both see someone sitting there. “Look, someone’s early,” Youngjae says pointing to the seat.

                “That’s her,” I say with a smile on my face.

                “That girl?” I nod my head.

                “I’m going to go say hi. You can just…go somewhere,” I say walking away from Youngjae before he can object or say anything. As I go over to Jaime, I try to think of what to say. I’ll probably just end up asking her if she’s here for the training. I can’t make it seem like I know she was coming all along or that I’m her boss right away. She might get a little scared at that, it’s our first meeting in seven years. I take a deep breath when I’m mere feet away from her. “Are you here for the training, too?” I ask. I see her look up and it’s her. “Jaime?” I ask slightly confused to play off that I don’t know that it’s her.

                “Himchan?” Jaime asks as she stares at me.

                “Jaime, so it is you then,” I happily say as I sit down next to her. I can see the shock in her face that she knows I’m here.

                “Are you a trainee, too?” she asks.

                “No, I already work here,” I tell her. Darn, it just slipped out; I wasn’t supposed to do that.

                “You work here?” she asks quite amazed at my accomplishment, but in reality, it’s nothing. See, my girlfriend’s father just so happens to be the president or something of this company. It was really easy getting a job here. Thankfully, she doesn’t come to the office that often, she doesn’t even work here, she’s a model somewhere, but that doesn’t mean people will start spreading rumors. I should pay attention to how long I’m around Jaime, but it’s going to be inevitable because we’re in the same department. My girlfriend will understand. “That’s amazing,” she comments. “I’m just starting today. Shouldn’t you be getting to work then?”

                “Already going tired of me?” I playfully joke with her. I used to do it all of the time. “Anyway, I’m in charge of the group of trainees for the part of the business that I’m under. There are other people that are going to help with it, too.”

                Jaime nods her head. “It feels like forever since we last saw each other. It’s been seven years since you’ve moved.”

                “I can’t believe it’s been that long,” I say. “So, how were your final two years of high school without me?”

                “They were alright. They were kind of peaceful without you around to always play at my locker. A lot of things happened, though.”

                “Good or bad?” I wonder.

                “Both? I don’t know,” she says shrugging her shoulders.

                “Did you date anyone?”

                “Why are you asking?” she suspiciously asks.

                “Just wondering,” I say putting my hands up in the defense position.

                “Nope,” she says shaking her head. “I didn’t date anyone in high school, but I am now.”

                “You’re dating someone now, who is it?”

                “Nosy,” she says giving me an evil glare and I laugh at her. “But his name is Bang Yongguk. He works for an entertainment agency, not as an idol or anything, but he helps train them. He’s a rap and dance teacher.” It sounds like her boyfriend is really cool.

                “So, you like the slightly bad boys. If I would’ve known that, I would’ve asked you out years ago.” Jaime only stares at me not getting the joke. “It was a joke,” I say and it finally looks like she got it. “Well, looks like there are a lot of people here, we should start this training session.”

                I get up from sitting next to Jaime and go over to where the other commanders are standing. “How was your time with the girl?” Youngjae asks.

                “Shh, we have to do introductions,” I say quieting him as I stand up to do my intro. “Hello. My name is Kim Himchan and I will be one of the trainers to help prepare you for the first day of working here. I will help you through all of the procedures that you will need to know while working in my specific department. What is my department you may ask, well, you’re just going to have to wait,” I say smirking. I love playing with these people.

                I stop listening as Youngjae starts explaining the nametags and wait for everyone to get them. I see Jaime get a pink nametag and look for the person who has the same color before he eyes land on me. Is she happy or not? “You have a pink nametag?” I ask pretending like I don’t know.

                “I do,” she says showing it to me. “Is there something wrong with it?”

                “Nope, I’m just glad we’re together.”

                “Um…okay,” she hesitantly says. Was that too obvious?

                When the other trainee, Yubin comes, I introduce them to each other. “So Jaime, this is Yubin. Yubin, this is Jaime.” Both greet each other nicely before I continue. “Well, you’re both going to be in the promoting department, yay!” I yell as I raise both of my hands into the air.

                “The promoting department?” Jaime asks.

                “Yeah. We’re the people that get to go on TV and promote the products.”

                “Aren’t the idols supposed to do that?” Jaime asks.

                “Well…yeah. We just make sure that we get the correct idol to help with the promoting process. Like examine each product and see which idols would do good in fitting the imagine that we’re attempting to portray. This is better than the rest of the departments because this is the one that most people try to get into since we work with so many people in the entertainment industry we meet a lot of people. My friends are a part of the entertainment industry.”

                As I’m done explaining, I stare at both of the girls. It seems like this is going to be quite the adventure.


How is the first day of work going to go for Jaime and Himchan? Will they ever talk about their past feelings for each other?


Here is Chapter 2. Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg