Jaime's Life - Moving In

It's You

After Daehyun’s nagging, I finally go home to wash myself up and get a change of clothes and to also bring some of Yongguk’s stuff to the hospital. The doctor explained that he’s only out due to the anesthetic and that it should wear off by the morning. Even though it’s already morning, it hasn’t worn off yet, but Daehyun told me that he would call as soon as Yongguk did something different.

                Quickly, I make my way back to the hospital room to see Yongguk already awake and talking happily with Daehyun. “Yongguk-oppa? You’re up? I thought you were going to call me when he woke up,” I pout as I set the bag down on the chair.

                “He told me not to say anything,” Daehyun says pointing at Yongguk.

                “Sorry, Jaime, I told him not to,” Yongguk apologizes.

                “No worries,” I say going over to him and hugging him. “Do you know how worried I was about you?”

                “It’s alright, I’m okay now,” he says as he pats me on the back. “I’m not going anywhere that easily.”

                “Did the doctors have a checkup on you already?” I ask as I look him over. “Do they already know that you’re awake?”

                “They know, they know,” Yongguk says nodding his head.

                “Good,” I say quickly kissing him on the cheek. “I’m glad you’re wake.”

                “I’m sorry, hyung, I really am,” Daehyun says to Yongguk as I make my way into the other chair next to him. “I didn’t mean for that to happen to you. It was supposed to be me.”

                “It’s alright, Daehyun,” Yongguk says giving him a big smile. “I understand, just promise me that you’re going to change.”

                “I promise I’ll change that was the reason for the fight,” he says while he looks down at the ground. “I was going to leave the gang but they thought that that wasn’t a good idea and started coming after me.”

                “Just as long as you get your act together,” Yongguk warns. He’s always strict with Daehyun, like a fatherly figure.

                Back in high school, Yongguk easily became friends with Daehyun after he stood up for him in front of some older kids that were picking on Daehyun because he has no parents. Ever since he was little, Daehyun was in an orphanage and no one ever came to adopt him. The other students thought that that was funny and began making fun of him, causing Yongguk to step in and intervene. Ever since then, the two have formed a friendship and Yongguk has been like his father, always strict and reprimanding him whenever he did something wrong.

                “You know, noona, hyung,” Daehyun says looking at the both of us. “I think I’m going to take your offer, noona.”

                “My offer?” I ask pointing at myself.

                “I think I want to move in with you until I can start getting myself back on track. Is that alright with you?”

                “You know that it’s always going to be alright with us,” Yongguk says. “We’re glad that you want to do this for yourself.”

                “Well, thanks for always being there for me,” he says standing up, “and I’m glad that you’re okay, hyung. I have to go to class, though, so I’ll stop by later.”

                “Make sure you don’t get into any trouble,” I warn.

                “I know, I know,” he says with a laugh and a wave as he leaves the hospital.

                After he’s gone, I turn to look at Yongguk and hit him. “What was that for?” Yongguk asks as he rubs the spot on his arm that I hit him, even though I hadn’t hit him that hard.

                “Do you know how much you had me worried? Do you know how much I cried about you?”

                “I know you probably did. Come here,” he says opening his arms wide and moving over so that I can sit next to him on the bed. As I sit down, Yongguk quickly puts his arms around me and holds me close. “Jaime, do you really think that I’m ever going to leave you?” he asks.

                “If you have a scare like that then I’m afraid you are, “I say as I hug him tighter.

                “Ah,” he says in pain. “My wound.”

                “I’m sorry,” I say quickly letting go.

                “You’re so gullible,” he says laughing to himself as he drags me close again, “I can endure the pain as long as it’s you hugging me.”

                “So cheesy.”

                “You love my cheesiness. After three years it hasn’t changed,” he says laughing as he kisses the top of my head. “I’m sorry I scared you, but you know that I had to help Daehyun.”

                “I know,” I whisper. “I just didn’t know that it could possibly get that bad.”

                “That’s what happens with gangs I guess. Still, I’m glad that he decided to move in with us. I think it’ll be good and that way you won’t be home alone if I have to work late.”

                “But what if Daehyun has a late class?”

                “Then that’s a different case and isn’t he going on break soon, but anyway, there will always be somewhere there to protect you and that’s what concerns me the most.”

                “You’re going to be there for a while because of your injuries,” I say looking up at him and poking him in the cheek. “I’ll take care of you.”

                “But you have to go to work. You can’t just stay home all of the time and take care of me. What will the people at the company think?”

                “What about people at your company?” I retort with, but it’s not something very good to retort with because he’s injured and I’m not.

                “I’ll be fine,” he says as he my hair. “You should stop worrying about me.”

                “It’s a day after you almost died, I can’t just forget it like that.”

                “I didn’t almost die,” he says laughing at me. “So how did I get to the hospital?”

                “Ambulance,” I innocently say.

                “I know that,” he says knocking me on the side of my head lightly. “But I mean, who called the ambulance?”

                “I did,” I tell him. “No one else was there, besides Daehyun, but he was in too much shock. Then once we got here, I called Himchan because I didn’t know who else to rely on.” My eyes start getting teary just thinking about what happened last night.

                “Don’t think too much about it,” he says. “It happened and there’s nothing we can change now. Just don’t think about it.”


A couple of days pass by and Yongguk is released from the hospital. Like he told me to, I go to work all of those days and nothing seems out of the ordinary, although Himchan always seems to be in deep thought. I guess that could be out of the ordinary. I never reminder him thinking about deeply about anything in the past, but I guess people can change.

                “Hey, can I come over to today and visit Yongguk?” Himchan asks me as we’re nearing the end of our day.

                “Yeah,” I say nodding my head. “I think he’d enjoy that.”

                “Do you need a ride home? I’ll go over there right after we’re done work.”

                “I have to help Daehyunnie move his stuff in, but thanks for the offer.”

                “Is Daehyun moving in?” he curiously asks.

                “He is,” I say nodding my head. “He said he was going to pick me up today and we could go to his place and move his things. You can come with us and help if you wish.”

                “If it’ll help things move faster, then I think I just might,” Himchan says nodding his head as he looks at the clock. “Let’s get going.”

                Just like he said, Daehyun was already downstairs waiting in the lobby. The people here had gotten used to him waiting there for me by now and they allowed him to sit in the waiting area until I was done.

                “Noona,” Daehyun says coming over to me. “Ah, hello,” he says bowing to Himchan.

                “No need to be so formal,” Himchan says with a slightly awkward laugh. “Just call me hyung.”

                “O-okay,” Daehyun stuttered. “H-hyung, are you going to come help us move my things?”

                “Yup,” Himchan says nodding his head. “I thought that maybe having a car would be helpful.”

                “Thank you. Here, I’ll tell you the way.”

                Daehyun and I enter Himchan’s car, with Daehyun sitting up font because he has to tell Himchan the way to go. I meanwhile sat in the back and just stared out the window. It was going to be different having Daehyun living with us, but I know that it wasn’t going to be much different. Before Yongguk and I moved in with each other and before Daehyun went to college, Daehyun and Yongguk had lived with each other briefly, so I already knew that he was used to it and Daehyun and I are good friends so we’re already comfortable with each other. Actually, I’m pretty excited about this whole thing.

                “Is this it?” Himchan asks as he looks out the window.

                “Yeah,” Daehyun says nodding his head. We’re at the dorms for his college and he already informed them, despite it being his break, of him not moving back in once his classes resume. “We can just go right in, people should have already left for break.”

                “Okay,” Himchan and I say as we get out of the car and enter the now empty building.

                I remember when I was a student and living in the dorms. Being in another one after what seems like so many years brings back so many memories. Yongguk and I would always hang out with each other in each of our dorms on the weekends when our friends went drinking. After that one instance where we met in a club, we both never went back to one after that. I guess neither of us are true partying people.

                 I think back to that time. if I didn’t go to the club that day then I wouldn’t have met Yongguk and I wonder where I would be in life now. Would I be dating someone? Would I have met Himchan again? It just seems like so many things have happened since I met Yongguk making three years only seem like one.

                “Noona, are you paying attention?” Daehyun asks.

                “What?” I ask looking at him.

                “Noona,” he whines. “We’re going to go to my room. Hop into the elevator or else we’re going to leave without you.”

                “Sorry,” I say quickly getting into the elevator as it goes up to the floor that Daehyun’s room is located on.

                It doesn’t take that long for the elevator to reach the floor and for us to find Daehyun’s room. “Being in a dorm, it brings back memories,” Himchan says looking around.

                “Good memories or bad?” I jokingly ask.

                “Both?” he asks. “What memories do you have, Jaime?”

                “Good ones and only good ones,” I say eyeing him. “What about you Daehyunnie?”

                “Both, like Himchan-hyung,” he says as he fumbles with his key as he opens the door.

                Since Daehyun doesn’t have that much stuff in his dorm room, it doesn’t take long for us to move everything out, probably a half an hour, considering we had to go up and down the elevator who knows how many times. “Ugh, that’s tiring,” I say collapsing in the back of Himchan’s car. “But I’m glad you’re moving in with us.”

                “Yongguk-hyung, where are you?” Daehyun yells as soon as we enter the house.

                “Here,” he says walking out of the living room to come greet us. “You guys are back already?”

                “Yup,” I say as I sit some of Daehyun’s boxes by the door. “We brought all of Daehyun’s stuff, too. Himchan said that he wanted to come visit you.”

                “Ah, really?” Yongguk asks slightly surprised.

                “Really,” Himchan says showing his face. “Do you think I could talk with you for a moment? I have to help bring all of this stuff in.”

                “If you want, you can just go talk to him,” I tell him. “Daehyunnie and I can do it, right?” I ask holding my hand up.

                “Right,” Daehyun says giving me a high five.

                “Alright, then we’ll talk now. Come this way,” Yongguk says as he leads Himchan somewhere.

                “So,” I say after Daehyun and I have already brought everything in, “this is where your room is.” I walk with him upstairs and show him the room that’s right across from ours. “Our room is right across from here and this is a spare bedroom that’s not used that often. Actually, rarely,” I joke.

                “Alright,” he says looking around. “It looks really nice. Thank you, noona. I’ll be sure to thank hyung later.”

                “You’re very welcome,” I say giving him a smile. “And there’s already a desk in here so you can do your homework with it once school starts and there’s one of our spare laptops that you can use.”

                “Noona, don’t you think you’re overdoing it?”

                “Yongguk-oppa and I aren’t overdoing it all,” I say shaking my head. “We both love you and we’re going to be there for you all the time for whatever you need.”

                “Thank you, noona,” Daehyun says coming over and hugging me.

                “You’re welcome, Daehyunnie,” I tell him as I hug him back. “Let’s go get the rest of your stuff so we can quickly set up in here and have you officially moved in.”


What will life be like with Daehyun moving in? How is Himchan going to fix the engagement situation with Jessica? When will Yongguk propose to Jaime? Will Jaime ever hear about Himchan's supposed proposal to Jessica?


Here is Chapter 13. Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg