Himchan's Life - Planning a Proposal and Confession

It's You

I watch Jaime go home with this Jung Daehyun kid before turning and going into my own car to go home. Suddenly, I remember about Yongguk’s proposal plan. So, he wants to marry Jaime. She has to be one lucky girl. He seems like a really nice guy and I’m sure they’ll both be happy with one another. I can already see it because of the way that they look at one another.

                After arriving home, I go up into my storage room and get out everything from my elementary, middle, and partial high school days with Jaime. There has to be something that I can tell Yongguk. I know that he’s counting on me.

                “What is all of that stuff?” Gongchan asks as he walks through the front door.

                “It’s all of my stuff from my days spent with Jaime,” I say without even looking up at him.

                “You’re still crushing on her after all of these years? Even when you have Jessica?” he asks in disbelief as he sits down next to me.

                “Gongchan!” I yell as I reach over and hit him on the head.

                “I’m just stating the facts,” he says as he rubs the spot where I just hit him. “I mean, I can clearly remember you always wondering why she didn’t ever return your call or why she didn’t do this or do that. Who would’ve ever thought that you would’ve still had a crush on her seven years later and even when you have a girlfriend.”

                “Shut up, Gongchan,” I yell at him again. “I’m not crushing on her, I’m helping her boyfriend with something.”

                “She has a boyfriend, who?”

                “His name is Bang Yongguk and he’s planning on proposing to her. I’m just helping him get the proposal ready.”

                “Oh, okay,” he says nodding his head. “I’m going to go upstairs and get changed.”

                “Hey, why don’t we go out for dinner,” I suggest.

                “Go out? Where do you want to go out to?”

                “I don’t know,” he says shrugging his shoulders. “Anywhere, unless you feel like cooking.”

                “Hmm…” I say thinking about it. “I guess I’ll cook, I don’t feel like going out and I haven’t really cooked in such a long time. Is there anything in particular that you want to eat?”

                “No,” he says shaking his head as he goes up the stairs.

                I sigh and lean back on the couch. It’s true that I liked Jaime when we were in school. I don’t know when the feeling started, maybe it started in sixth grade or maybe it started earlier than that, but I don’t know. All I know is that I started liking her and I attempted to convey my feelings for her, but nothing ever went through. I guess she didn’t understand that I liked her, but I thought that I made my intentions clear. Apparently they weren’t clear enough.

                Perhaps my playboy image was to blame. I had the image of being a playboy back in middle school and high school. Within one school year, I would easily have had at least five girlfriends.

                I get off of the couch and make my way towards the kitchen to cook something. I guess I’ll cook fried rice since it’s the easiest thing to do. In the middle of cooking, Gongchan comes back downstairs and sits at the table. “So, you never updated me on your girlfriend,” I , mostly because he was teasing me earlier about Jaime.

                “She’s not my girlfriend,” Gongchan whines.

                “Then when are you going to make her your girlfriend?” I ask. “You said that you liked her, so why won’t you do anything?”

                “I…I don’t know if she likes me,” he sheepishly admits.

                “You’ll never know if you don’t try.”

                “Is that what you told yourself back when you liked Jaime?”

                “Again on this stuff?” I whine as I put the rice onto two plates and carry them onto the table with Gongchan following me. “Gongchan, that was quite a while ago and I have Jessica now, I love her.”

                “I know that you do, but…I’m just not confident when it comes to relationships.”

                “Well then be confident,” I say as I take my seat and he does the same. “How about we strike a deal with each other?”

                “What type of deal?” he asks.

                “You help me with the proposal idea that I’m supposed to give to Yongguk and I’ll help you with your confession.”

                “How am I supposed to know what goes into a proposal?”

                “Well how am I?” I retort. “Look, we’ll just help each other, okay? We’ll bounce ideas off of each other.”

                Gongchan nods his head in agreement as he takes a bit bite of his food. “I think I can do that.”

                We continue eating in silence until we’re done and Gongchan cleans up what little mess there is before we both take a seat in the living room and just stare at each other. I guess neither of us know how to do this type of thing or what to do, really. Well, I know about confessing, I just don’t know about proposing.

                “Why don’t you tell him how you would propose to Jaime?” Gongchan suggests.

                “How I would propose? Who said that I was ever going to get married to her?” I ask.

                “I’m just saying if you were in his situation, don’t freak out so often, hyung,” Gongchan says with a laugh as he picks up one of my old papers. “You really were stupid back then.”

                “Ha, very funny,” I say immediately taking the paper out of his hands and shoving it somewhere else. “What would I do if I were to propose to Jaime?”

                I think about it. I think about the type of personality that Jaime has and what would surprise her or make her mad. Suddenly, a huge flow of ideas start coming to me. “You have ideas don’t you,” Gongchan says pointing at me.

                “I do,” I say as I reach over the table and get a notebook and a pen as I start writing down ideas.

                “Hopefully they’re not cliché things,” he says rolling his eyes.

                “Ha, someone thinks they’re funny,” I say not really paying attention to him as I continue writing down ideas.

                “Well, are you going to share ideas or are you only going to write them?”

                “Fine, fine, fine,” I say as I put the pen back down. “Now this is only going off of what I know about Jaime, I don’t know much about Yongguk, but I’m sure we could push add him in later.”

                “Continue,” Gongchan says waiting to hear more.

                “I know that she doesn’t like going out to fancy places very often and really likes things relaxed and at home.”

                “Is that going to make for a spectacular proposal?”

                “It will. As long as the girl loves it, then it doesn’t matter where it takes place or what you use, right?”

                “I guess.”

                “Okay then. Now Jaime is just a simple girl, like I said before, and Yongguk probably even noticed it by now so that part isn’t that hard. When we were in high school, though, she didn’t date anyone and she told me that she continued not dating anyone for the rest of high school, which leads me to believe that Yongguk is probably her first boyfriend.”

                “Isn’t it a dream come true for girls? Marrying your first boyfriend?” Gongchan asks.

                “Is it?” I ask. “Well then a lot of girls aren’t going to get their wish,” I mutter. “Moving on, since Yongguk is probably her first boyfriend; all her firsts were with him. Things like first kiss, first hand holding, first hug, I mean, now they’re even living together.”

                “Where are you going with this?”

                “She’ll probably enjoy it if he puts together a list of their firsts, or at least tells her that he remembers them, I don’t even know if he remembers them actually, but if he started out saying that he remembers everything, she would probably be very touched.”

                “Ah, I understand,” Gongchan says nodding his head. “Now can you please help me with the confession? I want to do it tomorrow.”

                “Why so suddenly? I thought you weren’t even planning on it.”

                “Yeah, but then all of this proposal talk and you were the one that said I should do it and tomorrow is her birthday.”

                “Her birthday? Have you gotten her anything?” Gongchan shakes his head. “Aish, if you knew it was her birthday; you should’ve gotten her something. I’ll help you.”

                “How are you going to help me?”

                “I’ll teach you how to cook. You’re going to make a very special lunchbox for this girl that you like tomorrow. C’mon, tell me everything she likes.”


“You look tired,” Jaime says as she comes into my office in the morning.

                “Oh, do I?” I ask. I had stayed up all night helping Gongchan create the lunchbox. I taught him how to cook everything. “I had a late night.”

                “Doing what?” she asks looking at me.

                “Some stuff,” I say with a smile. Secretly, the draft for the proposal is in my pocket. I’m not going to let anyone see it because I don’t know what kind of havoc it would wreck. What would happen if someone saw it? They would assume that I’m proposing to Jessica and if that didn’t happen, then they would be suspicious that I’m cheating on her. It’s better to just keep it safe with me. I’ll only take it out when I’m sure no one is going to come in. Today is a relaxed day.

                “Well then, what are Yubin and I doing today?”

                “We’re just going to do some paperwork. Actually, today I have a top secret meeting to attend to.”

                “Top secret meeting? Yubin and I aren’t going? I thought we were your trainees.”

                “Well, speaking of Yubin, where is she?” I ask attempting to divert the conversation. I’m hoping to go to the company and give Yongguk this draft. I’m not entirely sure if he has a date that he wants this proposal done by, but it doesn’t matter.

                “I don’t know,” Jaime says as the phone to my office rings.

                “Hello?” I ask picking it up.

                “Hello,” Boss says on the other line. “I’ve come to inform you that Kim Yubin will not be going through the training process anymore.”

                “Excuse me?” I ask. She was accepted in, yet is she kicked out? Is this what Jessica told me as the weeding through process?

                “She will no longer be working here. That’s it.”

                “Oh, okay,” I say hanging up the phone.

                “Was that about Yubin?” Jaime asks as I finish the conversation.

                “Um…yeah,” I say. How should I tell her that the person who just came here a couple of days ago is already not going to be here anymore?

                “What happened?”

                “Yubin won’t be working here anymore,” I quietly say.

                “Why not?”

                “I’m not sure myself. I just got the phone call. Anyway, we could do a little getting out of this office, right?”

                “What do you have planned? I thought you said that you had a top secret thing to go to.”

                “It’s not so secret anymore and you can always come with me. I’m sure Jongup and Zelo would be happy to see you.”

                “We’re going to their company again?” she asks as her face lights up.

                “Yeah,” I say as I get up. “Let’s go now. I was planning on going later, but nothing will get done whether I’m here or there.”

                “Is it alright for you to just leave?” Jaime worriedly asks.

                “Hey, everyone loves me. How can you not like these good looks? Of course I’m allowed to leave.”

                “The same old Himchan,” Jaime mutters to herself.

                “Whatever,” I say as she laughs.

                Within no time we end up at the company and we walk right in. “Are you going to see Jongup and Zelo too?”

                “No,” I say shaking my head. “I have other matters here, but you can see them. I’ll have them call them into the same room we were in yesterday. I’ll take you there first. Hello,” I say going up to the front desk. “We’re here to talk with Moon and Zelo about the latest endorsement.”

                “Okay,” the secretary says giving me a big smile. “Same room as always?” I nod my head. “They’ll be there in a few.”

                I go into the elevator with Jaime and go up to the room. “Just hang out with them and then I’ll come and get you when I’m finished.”

                “Alright,” she says nodding her head as Jongup and Zelo come into the room.

                “Hyung, what are you doing here?” Zelo asks as he sees me.

                “Oh, just some other business. I was wondering if you guys wanted to keep Jaime company.”

                “Of course,” Jongup says with a smile. “We like noona.”

                “Okay. I’ll be back then,” I say waving to them as I leave. I go back to the elevator and go back to the ground floor with the secretary.

                “Are you finished already?” she asks as she sees me.

                “No, I have another person doing the meeting. Where is Bang Yongguk at this time?”

                “Since it’s the morning,” the sectary says as she begins typing on the computer. “He should be in the recording studio on the seventh floor.”

                “Okay, thank you,” I say as I go back into the elevator.

                As soon as I reach the seventh floor, I already hear some music coming out of one of the rooms and I guess that Yongguk is already in there. Politely, I knock on the door and hear his loud voice tell me to come in.

                “Himchan, what are you doing here?” he asks looking at me surprised, so does the person in the recording booth.

                “I just wanted to give you this,” I say taking the paper out and giving it to him. “If you’re busy, I can discuss it later with you.”

                “Just give me a couple of more minutes,” he tells me as he takes the paper and puts it down in front of him. “We just have to work on his rap part a little more and then I have time.”

                “Okay,” I say going over and sitting in one of the chairs. I hope that he likes my idea about it, but I can’t help but feel like a piece of me is dying right now, a piece of my teenage years.


Will Yongguk like Himchan's proposal idea? Will Gongchan's confession towards the girl work? Why was Yubin fired?


Here is Chapter 8. Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg