AE: Himchan's Life - I Really, I Truly Love You

It's You

I wait up for Jaime to return home. Somehow I’m starting to get a little worried because it’s so late already, but I know that she won’t be too late, she can’t be. After finding out that she was pregnant, she has to be more careful now than ever and frankly, I’m worried about her. However, I told her that I’d let her be herself and not worry about her all of the time. Still, though, it’s a habit.

                “Hyung, are you sure that Jaime-noona is okay?” Gongchan asks as he takes a seat on the chair in the living room.

                “I hope so,” I say as I look at him.

                “You like her, right?”

                “What do you mean?”

                “Trust me, I know,” Gongchan says with a small laugh. “Jaime-noona is the one that you love, right?”

                “Gongchan…” I begin, but Gongchan interrupts me.

                “Hyung, what is there to hide from me? It’s obvious that you care for her, so I think that you should go after her, you know?”

                “You really think so.”

                “I think so,” Gongchan says as he nods his head enthusiastically.

                “Well, I’m glad you’re so excited about it,” I say with a chuckle.

                “I like Jaime-noona. I think she would be good for you. But honestly, hyung, you liked her back then, too.”

                “Back when?”

                “Back when you guys were students. I mean, I was young, yes, but that doesn’t mean I forget you always talking about her to mom and dad.”

                “I talked about her that much?” I ask. I kind of forgot how much I talked about Jaime before.

                “You really did. Almost every other thing out of your mouth was a story about her. So I’m guessing she was the one that you liked back then>”

                “I guess you could say that,” I say with a smile at the fond memories that happened all of those years ago. “I mean…yes.”

                “See I knew it,” Gongchan says as he gets even more excited than he was before. “How long did you like her for? Why did you date those other people then?”

                “Yah! Gongchan, why do you have so many questions?” I ask as I lean over and ruffle his hair. And before I can answer any of his questions, Jaime walks through the door and she looks tired as ever.

                “Noona…are you okay?” Gongchan hesitantly asks.

                “I’m alright, thanks,” she says giving him a smile. “I’m tired, I’m just going to go right to bed.”

                “Do you want me to bring anything up for you?” I offer.

                “You don’t have to—,” Jaime begins before I stop her.

                “I’ll bring some tea up for you, alright? I’ll be up in a minute.”

                I quickly make some tea and head to the spare bedroom that Jaime is using and see her up against the headboard. A serious look is on her face and I can immediately tell that she’s thinking about something. She doesn’t notice me when I open the door and I gently place the cup on the bedside table before I sit down and put my hand on her forehead.

                “What are you doing?” she asks as she finally notices me.

                “I thought that maybe you were sick or something. Is the baby causing you to feel tired?” I wonder.

                “I’m fine,” she says as she attempts to put on a smile. “Thanks for the tea.”

                “No problem,” I say as I just stare at her for a moment. “Jaime,” I say after a moment of silence, “is there something bothering you?”

                “Bothering me? What are you talking about?” she asks. “There’s nothing bothering me.”

                “Jaime,” I say a bit more sternly than before. She can’t hide things from me. I’ve known her for long enough, and even though I might’ve not always been there with her in the most recent years, I still remember enough.

                “I…I took Yongguk-oppa that I’m pregnant,” she slowly reveals.

                “You did?” I ask slightly shocked. “I didn’t think that you were going to tell him.”

                “But he has a right to know, right?” she quickly asks as she looks at me.

                “He does have a right to know,” I say as I nod my head. “He’s the father after all. What did he say?”

                “He didn’t say much of anything,” Jaime says with a bitter laugh. “He just stared at me and walked away.”

                “Oh,” I quietly say.

                “But that’s alright,” Jaime says as she sighs and looks at me. “I’ll manage by myself, I don’t need Yongguk in my life anymore.”

                “Jaime—,” I begin.

                “No, Himchan…don’t,” she softly says. “I’m tired. I think I’ll be going to bed.”

                “Alright,” I sigh as I stand up and make my way towards the door. “But Jaime, just remember, I’ll always be here for you and for your baby. Even Gongchan, he’ll help.”

                “Thanks, I appreciate it,” Jaime says with a smile as I leave the room.

                I go back to my own room and launch myself onto my bed. There’s so many thoughts going through my head right now. I want to be there for Jaime and her baby, but if she won’t let me, then how would I be able to be with her? I don’t want to pressure her into anything, especially now after everything that happened with Yongguk.

                But I can’t stop myself from wanting to be with her. Even if Jaime pushes me away, I want to be with her. In fact, I think I’ve spent enough time in denial and away from Jaime to truly understand how much she means to me and exactly how much I want her in my life and to stay there permanently. It would be lying to say that I didn’t miss her sometimes over those years and want to get in contact with her and I’ve always wondered if she ever missed me, but that’s not something that I can ask now. She just broke up with Yongguk and is pregnant with his baby. I think now isn’t the time to be thinking about future relationships.


“Hey, what are you doing after work today?” I ask Jaime as she sits down for breakfast.

                “Probably coming back here, why?” she curiously asks.

                “Just wondering,” I say shrugging my shoulders.

                “Okay,” she says as she looks at me strangely.

                “Actually, you know what,” I say, “I’ll wait for you tonight. I have to go out and do some things, but I’ll meet you back at the company, alright?”

                “Oh, um…okay,” she says as she looks down at her plate.

                “Is there something wrong?”

                “No, nothing’s wrong,” she says as she looks up at me with a smile. “I’ll meet you back at the company tonight, right?”

                “Right,” I say with a nod of my head.

                I leave first to go to the company since I just have to stop by to pick up some documents and then the rest of the time I’ll be out of the office and go scout out some new idols that we can use for some of our products. It’s the same old-same old, but I still think about Jaime throughout the entire process. She’s off finding some of her own idols and I wonder how well she’s doing and if she’s eating enough since she now has a little life inside of her. It’s hard to believe that, that she has a baby inside of her.

                “You wanted to see me?” Jessica asks as she approaches the table that I’m sitting at in the small bistro type place that I selected for lunch.

                “Thanks for meeting me here,” I tell her.

                “Why did you want to meet me?” she wonders as she sits down.

                “Because I want to know what really happened between you and Yongguk-hyung.”

                “Himchan…” Jessica says as she lets her voice trail off, but she doesn’t say anything else and simply nods.

                “So you’ll tell me?” I ask.

                “We were drunk…it was something for the entertainment company,” Jessica slowly starts. “I went together with Tiffany, she invited me. I ran into Yongguk there and by that time he already had a couple of drinks and I drank some. By the end of the night we were definitely flirting and then it just…happened.”

                “That’s it?” I ask in disbelief. “You can summarize it up pretty quickly.”

                “Himchan,” Jessica says as she looks at me, “you…you don’t understand.”

                “Understand what?” I ask.

                “We both knew that what we were doing was so wrong, especially the fact that we kept continuing it, but we couldn’t help but feel so relieved, it was like an entire weight had been lifted off of our shoulders.”

                “So then you were unhappy with me?”

                “I was never unhappy with you. I just…I just wanted some more adventure in my life and he offered it to me. It has nothing to do against you, I swear.”

                “Then do something for me,” I say as I star to get into the real reason why I asked Jessica to meet me.

                “And what’s that?” she wonders.

                “You have connections, right? I was wondering if you knew someone in this place for me that could allow me access.”

                “What type of place is it? Something illegal?”

                “No, nothing illegal,” I say with a slight smirk. “It’s a school.”

                “A school? You want to get into a school?” Jessica asks staring at me with a strange look.

                “Yes, I do,” I honestly say. “So, can you get me into a school or not?”


“So, how was your day at work?” I ask Jaime as I start driving in the car.

                “Good, it was the same,” she sighs as she stares out the window. I wish I knew a way to cheer her up, but I’m pretty sure that all the things I would do wouldn’t do anything to brighten her mood. “Himchan-oppa, where are we going?”

                “It’s a surprise,” I say as I quickly look at her before turning back to look at the road.

                “Why is it a surprise?”

                “Just because,” I say with a chuckle. “It won’t take us long to get there, so don’t worry.”

                Staying true to my word, it doesn’t take that long for us to arrive at the destination, the school. “Why are we at our old high school? It’s closed for the night,” Jaime says as she looks out the window.

                “That’s what you think,” I say as I take out the keys and dangle them in front of her face with a smile.

                “How did you get those?” Jaime asks as her eyes begin to go wide. “Did you steal them?”

                “I didn’t steal them,” I say as I lean over and slightly ruffle the top of Jaime’s head. “I had a friend that needed some favors, so I was able to get a hold of them. Let’s go inside.”

                “But why?”

                “Just come,” I say as I get out of the driver’s seat and over to the passengers as I attempt to drag Jaime out of the car and into the empty school.

                “Fine, fine, fine,” Jaime says as she reluctantly gets out of the seat and follows me to the front doors that I open with ease.

                Without turning around to answer the questions that Jaime’s asking, I continue on my way to the second floor and to a particular hallway. “Ta-dah!” I announce once we reach the specific destination.

                “Himchan-oppa, what are you doing?” Jaime asks.

                “Look, Jaime, there are a ton of things that I wish I could do for you, but I think this one is number one,” I say.

                “I don’t understand,” she says as she looks around.

                “Look, Jaime,” I say as I put my hands on her shoulders for her to face me, “this hallway holds a lot of memories for us, doesn’t it.”

                “It…does,” she slowly says.

                “I knew you didn’t forget it. Look,” I start again, “even though this place holds a lot of memories, it also holds a lot of regrets, at least it does for me.”

                “What regrets?”

                I sigh and look at two lockers side by side before turning to look back at Jaime. “The regret that I never ran after you that day that we said goodbye. If I had only ran after you after I was done packing my things, then maybe, just maybe, things would’ve turned out differently.”

                “Himchan—,” Jaime begins before I cut her off.

                “Please, Jaime, just hear me out,” I beg with her before she nods her head. “I regret not running after you and stopping you to tell you how I truly feel, but I have enough courage to do it now. I like you, Jaime. I really like you, like a lot. I know that you just came out of a very serious relationship and I understand, I’m willing to wait for you. I also understand that you’re pregnant and that the child is not mine, but I don’t care, okay? Do you want to know why? Because nothing else matters to me besides you. I don’t care about your past with Yongguk, but I understand it and respect it. So Jaime, would you please think about me?”

                Stifling silence fall between us as I look at Jaime for an answer and as she just stares at me. As I’m about to take no for an answer, she suddenly speaks up. “I regret it, too,” Jaime says as she looks around.

                “Hmm?” I ask.

                “That day you left. I regret just patting you on the back and letting you leave like that. Half of me was wishing that you actually ran after me and the other half was trying to make me not go back and just tell you how I felt right then and there.”

                “Jaime,” I say as I look at her as tears start to form in her eyes.

                “Stupid Himchan,” she mutters, “you should care. You should care about all of those things. I’m pregnant with someone else’s child and here you are still saying that you love me after all of these years.”

                “It’s because it’s true,” I say as I grab her hands with mine. “It’s because I still love you, I never stopped loving you or wishing that I knew what you were doing. I really, I truly, love you, Jaime Cho.”


How will things work out for Jaime and Himchan in the future? Will Yongguk be a part of his child's life? What will happen with him and Jessica?


Here's the third chapter of the alternate ending, otherwise known as Chapter 30. Hope you enjoyed :D


And next chapter will be the final chapter, a somewhat sort of epilogue that will happen in the future told through Jaime's point of view. So, what will happen in the future?

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg