Jaime's Life - Working With You

It's You

Yubin and I follow Himchan into his office. “So, everyone gets an office here,” he explains. “For the time being, you guys will be with me. How’s that?”

                “Do we have a choice?” I ask him. I think Yubin might be a little taken aback by how I address him. “We’re childhood friends,” I whisper to her.

                “Not really friends,” Himchan says thinking.

                “Hey,” I say reaching up my hand to hit him.

                “No hitting,” he warns as he pokes my forehead. “Anyway, today is the day that you’re going to start learning some of the basics. I’ll teach you some of the idols and what products they already endorse and possible future products that you might have the job of finding a promoter to. Isn’t this job fun already?” As Yubin and I stare at Himchan with a straight face, he clears his throat. “So, moving on.”

                I sit through who knows how many hours of looking at idols. Himchan tells me who each one is by name, and he also adds which ones are his friends. Finally, it’s time for our lunch break. “Where do we have lunch?” I ask Himchan.

                “All of the trainees are having lunch together, plus their commanders, so you won’t be alone. We’re going to be eating downstairs. Let’s go.”

                Yubin and I have no other choice but to follow Himchan out into the crisp autumn day. There are some tables that are set up, which I’m guessing are always going to be set up. I see the strange guy that was introducing the nametags come up to Himchan, I guess he wants to talk to him, but Himchan simply pushes him away and whispers something to him before the guy walks away with deflated shoulders.

                “What did he want?” I ask pointing at the guy.

                “Nothing. He’s just annoying. You’ll get used to those types of people,” Himchan says.

                “I’m already used to you, what could be worse?” I ask.

                Himchan just stares at me and doesn’t say anything and I don’t say anything to him. Somehow, this feeling of being reunited once together is slowly losing its touch. I guess it’s because we’re going to see each other every day from now on, just like how we were during school.

                “So,” I begin breaking the silence, “you asked me a question earlier, so let me ask you a question.”

                “Okay, what?” Himchan asks leaning forward.  “I’m ready to answer any of your questions.”

                “Do you have a girlfriend?” I ask. Himchan doesn’t look fazed by the question. “So, your answer?”

                “Why do you want to know?”

                “Why did you ask me about my relationship status, then?”

                “Touché,” he says. “Well, like you have a boyfriend, I have a girlfriend.”

                “Really? Someone actually wants to go out with you, who?” I curiously ask.

                “Her name is Jessica. She’s a model,” he explains.

                “That’s good, you get someone who’s probably just like you,” I say with a smile. I really am happy for Himchan that he finally got a girlfriend. During our school years together he had girlfriends, but for some reason, it never seemed to work out with them. But it doesn’t matter now, our school years are behind us. We’re adults and we’re in the workforce. “How long have you guys been together?” I wonder.

                “Not that long,” Himchan says suddenly becoming embarrassed since he’s talking about his girlfriend. “We’ve only been together for about a year and a half.”

                “What are you talking about?” I ask him. “That’s long.”

                “Fine then, if you think a year and a half is long, then how long have you been with Yongguk?”

                “A year and a half is short,” I mumble as I begin eating again. I always forget that Yongguk and I have been together for three years. To me, it seems like we’ve been together forever so I lose track of the time between us. Even if we’ve been together for three years, though, everything still feels brand-new the next day. I guess that’s how love goes, always going through the same routine but feeling something different each time and knowing that your heart purely beats for that person. That’s the type of feeling that I experience everyday when I’m with Yongguk.

                “C’mon, tell me,” Himchan says reaching over the table and pinching my cheeks.

                “Okay, okay,” I say as I push his hand off of me. “We’ve been together for three years.”

                “Three years?” he asks with his mouth hanging open. “And you said a year and a half was long. You’ve been together double what Jessica and I have been together for.”

                “You both must like long relationships,” Yubin comments. Honestly, I think Himchan and I forgot that she was even here at the table with us.

                “Well, we just got together in university and we’ve just stayed together,” I shyly tell Yubin. “We live together now, but still, it feels like every day is something different than the last.”

                Throughout the rest of the lunchtime, I spy Himchan staring at me sometimes and I always think it’s because there’s something on my face. Him staring at me, it hasn’t happened in a while. I remember when we were in middle school Himchan would stare at me all of the time. Eventually, I got used to it and it didn’t bother me anymore. I’m not used to anyone staring at me now. Just when I’m about to say something to him, lunch is over.

                “Well, let’s go back and continue going over idols, there are a lot out there nowadays,” Himchan says flashing a bright smile while Yubin and I throw away our trash.

                Once again we make our way to the elevator to Himchan’s office to go through some idols that I probably won’t remember again tomorrow. Tonight I should do some research and look up some idols of myself so I won’t look like a complete idiot when it comes to these types of things. Himchan’s not always going to be able to save me.

                Eventually, a long day of the first day of work ends at five. “That’s it for today,” Himchan says as he turns off the screen that shows all of the idols pictures and the products they endorse for the company. “Your workday is officially done.” Yubin and I look at each other and smile. “For the next couple of days, you’ll be reporting up here to my office and we’ll keep doing things like this, well not like going over idols, but we’ll be actually doing things. Tomorrow we’re going to be going to a meeting for a new product that they’re launching and it’s going to be our job to determine which idol group we want to contact to possibly advertise that item, but for today, you guys are done.”

                Yubin and I pack up our things and leave separately, with Yubin being a bit faster than I because I had to find my phone in my bag in order to call Yongguk. “Hello, baby,” Yongguk says over the phone. Just the sound of his voice makes me suddenly nervous and my heart beat fast.

                “Hey, oppa, I’m done my first day of work successfully,” I say smiling on the other line as I enter the elevator.

                “That’s great,” he happily says. “I’m waiting downstairs in my car right where I dropped you off this morning.”

                “Really?” I ask surprised. “I’m riding in the elevator; I’ll be down in a moment.”

                As soon as I shut the phone and the elevator doors start to close, Himchan hops in. “Hope you don’t mind me riding the same elevator as you.”

                “Why would I mind?” I ask giving him a strange look.

                “Nothing,” he says shaking his head.

                Thankfully the ride down isn’t that long and the moment the doors open, I hop off. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m going home now.”

                Before Himchan can say another word, I’m already out the door looking around for Yongguk’s car when I spot it.

                “How was your first day of work?” Yongguk asks as soon as I get into the passenger’s seat.

                “It was good,” I say with a big smile.

                “You look like you had a lot of fun. Did anyone cause trouble?”

                “No,” I say shaking my head. “I met a friend, though. We used to go to high school together.”

                “Really? What a coincidence. Isn’t that great? You already know someone.” I enthusiastically nod my head while Yongguk starts driving. “Since today was your first day of work, let me cook tonight.”

                “Do you have the ability?” I joke, but he just laughs at me.

                “Of course I can. I already have a menu in mind.”

                “Do you?” I ask raising my eyebrow. Yongguk planning ahead, it just seems a bit strange to me. “What are you planning then?”

                “Spaghetti,” he says with a bright smile. “It’s simple.”

                “It is,” I say nodding my head. “Do we need to go to the grocery store beforehand?”

                “Nope, I already went grocery shopping.”

                “When?” I ask surprised. Normally it’s not normal for Yongguk to go out shopping by himself, so he must’ve really been thinking about this for quite some time. Normally I’m the one who does the grocery shopping while Yongguk is at work, but now since I have a job, I guess we’re going to have to split the duty.

                “I was done early today. The kids I’m looking over are currently in preparation for their debut so they were getting extra vocal training,” Yongguk explains. “But I get them for a longer time tomorrow so I may not be able to pick you up.”

                “That’s alright, oppa,” I say with a bright smile. “If you can’t, just tell me and I’ll ride the bus or something.”

                “I’m never going to let you ride the bus,” Yongguk sternly says as he pulls into the driveway of the house. “If I can’t pick you up, then I’m going to get one of my friends.”

                “One of your friends?” I quizzically ask as he opens the front door for me. We both slip off of our shoes and put on our slippers as we turn on the lights in the living room and sit down on the light brown colored couch. “Is it someone that I’ve met before?”

                “Of course, you’ve met all of my friends,” Yongguk says with his deep laugh as he reaches over and ruffles the top of my head. I pout at him as I attempt to put my hair back into its proper place. “Daehyun, I’ll have him pick you up in case I can’t get there on time.”

                “Daehyunnie?” I ask. Once again, Yongguk laughs at me and nods his head.

                “I’m going to go make dinner now, you just stay in here, you had a long day at work,” he says as he gets off of the couch.

                “But so did you,” I say as I begin getting off the couch, but Yongguk puts me back down.

                “Today was your first day; let me do something for you, alright?” he asks coming back and gently kissing me on the cheek. “You’ve always done everything for me, I want to do something for you, so you just rest and I’ll tell you when it’s done.”

                “Okay, oppa,” I say sitting back down and sticking my lips out in a small pout. I hear Yongguk chuckle to himself as he goes into the kitchen.

                If Yongguk has to work longer tomorrow, then that means that I’ll get to see Daehyun after a long time. Even if he is younger than I am, we’re still good friends with each other. Out of all of Yongguk’s friends, I’m the closest with him. Daehyun is still in college, so if Yongguk was going to ask him to pick me up, I think he would be able to, unless Daehyun has his own social life, which I hope he has. For some reason, he has a tendency to not talk to strangers and other people that he’s unfamiliar with.

                Out of boredom, I turn on the television and start flipping through the channels. Some programs are on, but nothing that really catches my eye, particularly because it’s a Monday I guess. Nothing really good is ever broadcasted on Monday nights, or at least nothing according to my taste.

                Seeing as I’m completely bored and Yongguk probably won’t let me in the kitchen, I lie down on the couch and stare the ceiling thinking about my first day of work. It was fun, I won’t lie, and I’m sure it’ll be interesting if I have to meet idols and pick out which ones could endorse which products, which means that I have to tell Yongguk about that, he’ll probably be happy. Slowly, I feel my eyelids get heavier until I eventually fall asleep.


I feel my body slightly shake. “Jaime, Jaime, wake up, dinner is ready,” Yongguk says as he lightly shakes me.

                “Ah, okay,” I say slowly sitting up and letting my eyes adjust before I stand up and make my way to the table. The table is nicely set with the plates all out and drinks poured into the glasses. “Oppa,” I say as I look at everything. “It looks really nice. I can’t believe you’re doing all of this for me.”

                “Why wouldn’t I?” he asks as he pulls me close and kisses the top of my head. “You’re my girlfriend and I love you. Not only that, but it was your first day at such a big company. You deserve all of this.”

                “I feel like I don’t, though,” I admit as Yongguk pulls out the chair for me.

                “Trust me, you do,” he says with a smile as he sits down across from me. “I’ve seen how hard you work in everything you do and I’m sure that you’re going to have a great future in your position. So, let’s eat.”

                Yongguk begins eating and I follow after him. I begin to taste the spaghetti and I can’t believe that he made such a thing. “Oppa, your cooking is the best.”

                “Thank you,” he says, shyly taking the compliment. “I hoped you would enjoy it.”

                “It’s the best that I’ve ever had,” I say putting my thumbs up. “You could own a restaurant.”

              “I think I’d rather stick with helping those kids train,” Yongguk says with a laugh. “I find enjoyment in that.”

                “I’m glad you find enjoyment. Speaking of, you’ll never guess what my position is in the company.”

                “You already know your position?” he asks a bit shocked.

                “Well, the department that I’m in.”

                “What department?”

                “The promoting department.”

                “The promoting department?” Yongguk asks with a confused expression. “Like you’re going to be the one who’s actually promoting these products and services that the company does?”

                “No, no, no, no,” I say immediately objecting. “That wouldn’t go over very well if that happened. We’re in charge of finding the right idols to promote products.”

                “But you don’t know any idols. They still put you in that department?”

                “Apparently,” I say shrugging my shoulders as I eat another group of noodles. “I have no idea how that happened, but my co-worker and I have been getting trained in the art of idols and what products they endorse and what images went for each. It’s a lot of work.”

                “It must be, but you’re Jaime, you can do anything,” Yongguk says with a smile.

                “Thanks for believing in me,” I say brightly smiling.

                “You gave me no reason not to. Go ahead, eat more,” Yongguk says pointing at my plate.

                “Okay,” I say as I begin eating some more.

                I love this feeling right now, the feeling of just being together without any worries. I love Yongguk and he loves me and we’re both sure of it. We both understand each other and believe in each other. Yup, I love everything just like this.


So I'm pretty sure I already posted this, but with the site being down recently, it got deleted. Thankfully, however, I save my stories on Word before posting them up. So, if you've already read this chapter, sorry, but it's the exact same as before.


So, what will happen in the future?


Here is Chapter 3. Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg