Himchan's Life - Your Boyfriend's Company

It's You

“Good morning,” I happily say when I see Yoobin and Jaime coming into my office. “We have some fun and exciting things planned for today.”

                “What?” Yoobin asks.

                “It’s fun and exciting,” I say as I get up from my desk. “I can’t tell you what yet, but we’re going to go places.”

                In actuality, I’m just bringing them along to show them how the job is done. It’s nothing really fun and exciting; it’s just showing them what to do. Sure they get some valuable experience out of this and they get to meet some of my friends, but I’m sure that they’ll enjoy doing this. After all, going and meeting is part of the job after all.

                “Let me guess, we’re going to help you on the job,” Jaime says. How does she manage to guess what I’m always planning? Why wasn’t she this aware of things when we went to school together? Well, she still was, but maybe not about certain things.

                “Well, someone surely catches on quickly to things. Yup, you’re going to help me on the job.” I quickly grab my bag and anything else that I’ll need to take. “Let’s go out to my car.” Yoobin and Jaime follow me to the car parking lot and get into my car with me. “Isn’t this exciting?” I comment.

                “Sure,” Yoobin says looking warily at Jaime. I decide not to say something about it.

                “Where are we going?” Jaime asks. I guess after all of these years she’s more of the forward type now.

                “We’re going to go visit a duo called Moon and Zelo,” I explain as I begin driving. “They’re going to help us endorse our newest product.”

                “Where are we going to go visit them?” Yoobin asks this time.

                “In their company,” I say. “It’s just the preliminary meetings. Soon afterwards they’ll be taking the photos needed with the product and then they’ll shoot a commercial.”

                “Moon and Zelo,” Jaime mutters, “I don’t think I’ve heard much about them.”

                “Hey,” I say as I look back in the mirror, but keep my eyes facing front. “I just explained them to you yesterday. Did you not pay attention?”

                “Sorry,” she apologizes.

                “No need, I figured that you guys would forget some of them, so I made up a fact sheets. Woo, facts. It’s in my briefcase if any of you want to search through it.”

                For the remainder of the drive, the car stays quiet as they’re probably reading all about Moon and Zelo. They’re just a dancing duo, well, they also rap and sing, but primarily known for their dancing skills. They’re also some of my closest dongsaengs. I’ve worked with them many times in the past, so the meeting that we’re about to have is going to be anything but formal. Even their manager knows that the meeting won’t be that formal and there will probably be a lot of goofing off, but Yoobin and Jaime don’t know that. Frankly, I’m not really planning on telling them that sort of thing until we get there and I see their reactions.

                It doesn’t take long until for us to pull up to the company. “We’re here,” I announce.

                “Wait…I think I know this place,” Jaime says as we walk up to the entrance.

                “You know it?” Yoobin asks looking at her. “How?”

                “I…I don’t know. Does Yongguk-oppa work here?”

                “Yongguk, who is that?” Yoobin asks her.

                “It’s my boyfriend,” Jaime clarifies. “He works for an entertainment agency, but not as an artist. He helps train them.”

                “Oh,” Yoobin says nodding her head in understanding. “He seems to be a really nice guy.”

                “He is,” Jaime says with a smile.

                Somehow, during their conversation, I start imaging what it would be like if I were the one dating Jaime. Would we have lasted this long if I had simply confessed to her in high school? Would she have even accepted me? I never knew her real feelings towards me and after I moved, we barely even kept in contact besides one day, which was the day that I started a different school. After that, we didn’t talk at all and it made me wonder what type of place I had in her life. I come back to my thoughts when Jaime’s waving her hand in front of me.

                “Earth to Himchan, are you alright?” she asks looking at me with a strange look.

                “Yeah? Oh, yeah, first we have to get clearance by the front desk.”

                Confidently, I walk in since I know that everyone there already knows me since I meet up with Jongup, who is Moon, and Zelo often. “Oh, Himchan, are you meeting up with Jonguppie and Junhongie?” someone asks as soon as I enter the door. Jaime and Yoobin don’t ask anything about the names since they should already know, if they read the thing, that their real names are Jongup and Junhong.

                “Yup, we have a business meeting today, no clowning around,” I attempt to say with the straightest face possible.

                “Yeah, like that’s going to happen,” he says rolling his eyes before he continues his work.

                “Hello Himchan,” the person at the front desk says. “I already know why you guys are here, so you are free to go through.”

                “Thanks,” I say flashing her a bright smile that I know melts her heart. The woman that is working at the desk has had a crush on me for quite a while, but I already have a girlfriend. Still, I can’t help my ways and smile and be nice to her, it’s just my ways. Sometimes I hope that I’m not exactly leading her onto anything and that she can just see me as a comfortable sometimes coworker without having to over think much about our relationship.

                “What floor is this meeting on?” Yoobin asks.

                “It should be on the fifth floor,” I tell them as we make our way to the elevator. “That’s what level they’re going to be on. There’s plenty of levels to an agency. Some hold offices and other places hold training rooms, you just never know what floor has what.”

                “Then how do you remember it?” Jaime asks.

                “You just do,” I say. “Or, rather, you won’t visit many of the floors so you just remember what floor you need to go on and then that’s it.”

                The three of us make our way to the fifth floor to the conference room where Jongup and Zelo are already inside and already making a mess by throwing things at each other. “Hyung!” they both yell once they see me.

                “Dongsaengs,” I say greeting them brightly. “How have you been?”

                “We’ve been well,” Zelo says. “I’ve been working on some new dance moves with Jongup-hyung here. Do you want to see some?”

                “Maybe later, we have a meeting to attend to. Where is your manager?” I ask looking around the room.

                “He’s not here right now,” Jongup says. “He says that we’ll be just fine by ourselves anyway. He trusts you.”

                “Oh, hyung,” Zelo says going behind me and approaching Yoobin and Jaime. “Who are these noonas?”

                “They’re my trainees, the people that I’m training,” I explain to them. “This is Yoobin and this is Jaime.”

                “Oh, noona, hello,” Jongup says immediately coming over and bowing. Zelo does the same.

                “Noona, we’ve heard a lot about you,” Zelo says to her.

                “How?” she asks.

                “Yongguk-hyung talks a lot about you,” Jongup says.

                “Especially when he talks about our emotion in our rapping or dancing,” Zelo explains.

                “So he does work here,” Jaime says nodding her head.

                “Yeah, he’s one of the best teachers,” Jongup says complimenting Yongguk.

                Jaime just nods her head with all of the compliments that Yongguk gets from Zelo and Jongup. It seems like they really do enjoy having him as their teacher and he seems like the perfect guy for Jaime. I can’t picture anyone else by her side.

                “So, let’s get this meeting started and we can talk more about Yongguk later,” I say taking a seat at the table. The rest follow my lead. “So, to start this meeting, Moon and Zelo will be promoting one of our newest products.” I start going into a full detail about the newest product, basically about what it is and what it’s used for and even bring out the sample. However, that only lasts for about five minutes. “Basically, Jongup, Zelo, you guys will be promoting us, okay?”

                “Fine by us,” they both say in unison.

                “There, the meeting is done,” I say with a big smile. I turn to look at Yoobin and Jaime. “Not all of the meetings will be this easy. It’s just because Jongup, Zelo, and I have a close friendship that we can get things done this quickly.”

                “Yeah, we kind of understood that once we walked in the door,” Yoobin says.

                “Let’s call Yongguk-hyung here,” Zelo suggests.

                “Do you think he’s on a break right now?” Jongup asks.

                “We’ll never know if we don’t call,” Zelo says as he takes out his cell phone. “Noona, don’t you want to see him?” he asks Jaime.

                “Um…it doesn’t matter,” Jaime hesitantly says.

                Without a second thought, Zelo calls Yongguk and begins having a phone conversation with him. The rest of us sitting there can only hear what Zelo says to him, but it sounds like it’s going well.

                “So, hyung,” Jongup says looking at me, “do you have to do anything else today?”

                “Nope, it’s only this meeting and back to stupid paperwork, although I’d really enjoy it if it was only this meeting that I had to do,” I tell them. “I like hanging out with you guys.”

                “Well we should all hang out together. We can have a dance party,” Jongup says as he dances a little in his seat.

                “Maybe next time,” I say patting him on the back as Zelo hangs up his phone. “What did he say?” I ask. I feel alright with Yongguk visiting. I don’t see a reason why I shouldn’t be unhappy about it if he makes Jaime happy.

                “He said he’ll be here right away,” Zelo says making himself comfortable in his seat.

                Suddenly, upon hearing the news that Yongguk is going to come, Jaime seems to get really shy. Does she really like him that much? I’ve never seen her act this way when we were in school before and normally I would hop on this opportunity and make fun of her…if that was the past, but now is now and I’ve grown up a little bit, or maybe not at all, from my past. However much I’ve grown up from the past, I’m just glad that Jaime and I were able to find people that really make us happy.

                Within no time, the door to the room opens to a very brightly smiling Yongguk. Does seeing Jaime make him happy? Without saying anything, he immediately goes up and hugs her. “Hey, I didn’t think you would be company to the company so soon,” he comments.

                “Well, Himchan had a meeting with these two,” she says motioning towards Jongup and Zelo.

                “Ah, Jongup and Zelo, what are they doing now?” he asks.

                “They’re going to be endorsing our newest product,” I tell him as I show him a paper. Yongguk takes it and begins reading it.

                “Hmm, seems interesting,” he says with his deep voice. “I’m sure Jongup and Zelo will do a good job. They’re one of my best students.”

                “They seem like good students,” Jaime says complimenting them. “Ah, before I forget, this is my other coworker, Yoobin. You already met Himchan.”

                Yongguk looks at me and then smiles and it takes me a moment to remember that we never told them last night that Jaime and I knew each other. Did he guess it himself or did Jaime tell him once they got home? I’m not mad that he knows, just…surprised that he didn’t do something. Then again, why would he be jealous at Jaime and me? We’ve just known each other because of school. Did he think that there was something between us in the past? Why do I find myself so concerned with Jaime suddenly? I have a girlfriend, Jessica. Jessica’s my girlfriend, she’s the one that I love.

                We spend a joyous time with Yongguk until he asks to see me out in the hallway for some unknown reason. Is this where he’s going to express his frustration towards me since Jaime’s known me forever, well, she’s known me since before I moved and then we lost contact.

                “Why did you want to see me?” I ask him as we’re out in the hallway.

                “I wanted to ask your advice on something,” he says as he leans up against the wall.

                “Advice?” I ask. What possible advice could I give him and about what?

                “Yeah,” he says as he looks down at the ground. Could this thing that he’s about to say be embarrassing? “You see…I’m planning on proposing to Jaime. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I don’t know how to do it.”

                “You want to propose to Jaime?” I ask half in shock and half in disbelief. I don’t know how to react. Sure, I’m happy, but why does a part of me feel like it just died?

                “Yeah, I mean, I don’t know what she likes. I haven’t even bought a ring for her yet, but I want to keep it a surprise,” he says looking at me with desperation in his eyes. “And you’ve known her since you were both in school, so you should at least know some things about her, right? Sure we’ve been dating for three years, but we never really talked deeply about this stuff. We’ve talked about it, but I’ve never asked her what type of ring she would want or what type of proposal she would like. We only talked about how we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with each other.”

                “Um…hey,” I say interrupting him before he can continue, “I’ll figure stuff out for you.”

                “But I don’t want you to tell her,” he nervously says. Even if I just met him last night, it seems weird seeing him as nervous as this. He gave off a cool vibe last night.

                “I won’t tell her, I promise,” I say with a smile. “So, we’re good, right? I’ll figure stuff out and see if I remember anything from our younger days and I’ll report back to you.”

                “Thank you,” Yongguk says with a light in his eye. “We should go back in before they start getting suspicious.”

                I let Yongguk go in first while I think about what he just said. He wants to propose to Jaime and he wants my advice on it. So he isn’t mad or jealous at me because I knew Jaime long ago. He just wants my advice on how to propose. How should I do this?


How will Yongguk propose to Jaime? How will Himchan help him? Will the proposal be a success?


Here's Chapter 6. Hope you enjoyed :D

Also, as an FYI, I'm working on another story featuring B1A4 since I currently don't have a B1A4 story going on right now. Plus I still have my EXO story that I'm still working on. So, we'll see which one I put up first once another one of my other fanfics ends.

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg