Jaime's Life - Perfect Ending and Beginning

It's You

“Wake up sleepyhead,” a voice says. I slowly open my eyes to see Daehyun hovering over me in bed.

                “Daehyunnie?” I ask. “What are you doing here?”

              “Yongguk-hyung told me to wake you up,” he says with a smile. “Don’t tell me that you forget what today is.”

                “Huh?” I ask. I actually did forget what today is.

                “Today is the day that you promised you would keep free for Yongguk-hyung. Let’s go! Get dressed, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, hurry!”

                “What?” I ask, but before anything is answered, Daehyun grabs my hand and begins leading me into the bathroom, well, practically shoving me into the bathroom in order to get the morning routines completed. I quickly do my morning routine and find Daehyun gone from the bedroom as soon as I come back. Figuring that I have to get dressed, I pick out a fairly simple outfit, just some khaki shorts and a green shirt, nothing too fancy, but nothing too casual either.

                I walk out of the bedroom and down the stairs to see Daehyun sitting on the couch. “Well it surely took you long enough,” he complains.

                “What?” I ask.

                “Never mind,” he says with a smile. “Let’s go, shall we? It doesn’t take that long to walk.”

                “Oh, alright,” I say with a nod of my head and immediately begin following Daehyun.

                We walk for a short while side by side. It’s a really nice day out, the sun is shining and the wind is only gently blowing. I can’t imagine a more perfect day. “Noona, you must really like Yongguk-hyung, right?”

                “Hmm? Why do you suddenly bring that up?” I ask her.

                “Because…it just seems like you guys are perfect for each other. You both help people when you know it’s not your place to be,” he begins and I look at him, “not that I mean it in a bad way,” he quickly says to clear up the what could be a misunderstanding, but I know that he means it in the nicest way possible. “It just seems like you guys care about each other a lot. Thank you.”

                “Anything for you,” I say reaching out my hand and ruffling the top of his head. “You’re always going to be special to us and we’re always going to help you. Even after you venture out on your own, get your own job and perhaps even start a new family of yours, Yongguk-oppa and I will always be here for you, don’t worry about ever being alone again.”

                “Thank you,” Daehyun says with the biggest smile. “And this is where I drop you off. Have a nice day.”

                Before I can ask any questions, he quickly leaves me standing there flabbergasted before a very familiar voice causes me to turn around. “What type of girl stands out here by herself?”

                “Himchan,” I whisper as I turn around and come face to face with him. “What are you doing here?”

                “Since Daehyun isn’t confident in driving, I’m here to drive you,” Himchan says with a smile.

                “Don’t tell me Yongguk-oppa bothered you to do this,” I worriedly say.

                “No, he didn’t,” Himchan says as she shakes his head. “I volunteered to do this. Now, get in,” he says as he opens the door for me. I give him a quick smile before I go into the car and Himchan goes in on the driver’s side “Listen, Jaime,” Himchan says as he begins driving off to who knows where. “About what you said before, about regretting never telling me goodbye. Don’t regret it anymore.”

                “But—,” I begin before he cuts me off.

                “No buts,” he says as he quickly looks at me before looking back to keep his eyes on the road. “Don’t regret about it. There’s no reason for us to say goodbye to one another. I mean, look at how far we’ve come since that day. I mean, sure I didn’t think I would ever see you again, but how was I supposed to know what was going to happen? And then here we are, meeting seven years after we last saw each other. It’s a miracle really.”

                “Miracle,” I whisper as I turn to look out the front window at the scenery that passes us by.

                “I mean, who would’ve thought that we would work together after what happened back then,” he says with a light chuckle. “I was a coward then, never confronting my feelings towards you, but now that I have, it’s nice. It’s nice to know that I can now be proper friends with you. I’m sorry if I was a jerk towards you in high school.”

                “It’s alright, I didn’t take any of it to heart.”

                “Good, and you shouldn’t keep that regret to heart either. Like I just told you, we’re going to be seeing a lot of each other around, so we’re not going to have any time for goodbyes. We’re never going to say goodbye to each other ever again. You’re my friend, my cherished friend since we were little,” Himchan said with a comforting smile. “Sure, I like you, but that shouldn’t get in the way of our relationship with one another. Oh, and we’re here.”

                I look out the window and my eyes immediately go wide. “This place…”

                “Shh, Yongguk wanted me to bring you here,” Himchan says with a smile. “Now, you don’t want to keep him waiting, do you?”

                Hurriedly, I work to unbuckle my seatbelt before hurrying to dash out the door, but not before I turn back to Himchan. “Thank you, once again. Friends,” I say with a smile.

                “Now go on,” he says practically pushing me along like Daehyun had done that morning. I smile at him before dashing up the path.

                Since the path isn’t that big, nor is it that difficult, I’m able to get up there within a matter of seconds and it’s there that I see Yongguk sitting there staring out into the distance. He must notice me there because he slowly turns to look at me and gives me a smile. Silently, he gestures for me to sit down on the blanket with him.

                Slowly, I walk over and sit down next to him. It’s a stunning view from the top of the hill. Honestly, after that day with Yongguk, I never thought that I would ever go back up to the hill, the place that shares so many memories between the two of us, but I guess I was proved wrong.

                “You…you probably know why I already called you up here, right?” Yongguk asks as he slowly grabs my hand.

                “Maybe,” I playfully say as I shrug my shoulders. “But I guess I won’t definitely know unless someone tells me.”

                “Hmm,” he says with a chuckle. “You know, Jaime, we’ve been through a lot, haven’t we.”

                “We have,” I say thinking about it. “But in the end, it’s still us two together.”

                “I remember the first day I met you,” he says with a chuckle. “At that party, you were totally out of place.”

                “Hey, don’t laugh at me,” I say poking him as he wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him.

                “I’m not, I’m cherishing the memory,” he jokingly says, but I know that he isn’t really making fun of me. It is a cherished memory for the both of us. “But I remember how we escaped and then we came up here, and that was the beginning of our relationship.”

                “Well, friendship,” I say correcting him.

                “Sorry,” he says with a slightly mocked voice. “Anyway, this place has many memories, so let’s make another one.”

                “Hmm?” I ask turning to look at him.

                “I know that I haven’t been the best boyfriend in the world,” Yongguk says as he adjusts himself so that he’s looking right at me and I’m doing the same. “I mean, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes and I frequently left you out of the loop and hurt you without knowing. But I promise I’ll do better. I promise I’ll do better than anyone else in the world. Why? Because you’re Jaime, my best friend and my girlfriend. We’ve had all of our firsts with each other, our first relationship, first kiss, first living with someone else, and hopefully…maybe…you’ll fulfill another one…and only. So Jaime Cho, will you marry me and be my only wife forever?”

                Yongguk goes into his pocket and pulls out a ring and presents it to me. I can’t say anything and just stare at it. Is he serious? Is Yongguk really serious about this? “I…I…” I stutter since I don’t know what to say.

                “You’re not going to reject me, are you?” he asks giving a nervous laugh.

                “Are you serious?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper as the excitement fills my body. “Are you really serious about this?”

                “More than anything in the world,” he says. “I know that this is what I want to do, I know that I want to marry you, I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Jaime Cho, I’ll ask you again,” he says with a chuckle and a gummy smile. “Will you marry me?”

                “Bang Yongguk, let me only answer you once,” I say as I look at him and give a gentle nod of my head. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”


Three Years Later

“Let me see him, let me see him,” Zelo says as he pushes Jongup out of the way.

                “We can both see him,” Jongup says as he looks back at Zelo.

                “Yah, you two,” Yongguk says at the two teenaged boys, “don’t scare my son. He’s soundly sleeping, you don’t know how much trouble it was to get him to sleep, do you?”

                “I know that he likes Uncle Daehyun more than anyone else in the world,” Daehyun says butting in, but a little too loudly.

                “Shh,” Zelo, Yongguk, and Jongup say in unison as they look over at him.

                I can only lie on the bed and chuckle at them. “What are you laughing at, noona?” Daehyun asks looking at me.

                “Some things never change,” I say with a smile as Yongguk goes over and sits on the hospital bed with me.

                “You know, you did a great job delivering him,” he says as he kisses the top of my head.

                “Thank you,” I say with a smile. “You weren’t so bad yourself.”

                “Hey, if you’re experiencing pain, then let me experience some, too,” he jokes.

                “So, what are you going to name him?” Zelo curiously asks.

                “We haven’t really been putting that much effort into names,” I begin.

                “I guess we should,” Yongguk says with a laugh. “If you guys have any suggestions, feel free to say them, but nothing too obscure, and no, we’re not naming him after any of you.”

                The boys quickly dash off to another corner of the room to begin their name brainstorming as I look at Yongguk. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to have them create the name?” I worriedly ask.

                “I’m sure it’ll be fine,” he says with a chuckle. “They’re not going to think of some weird names.”

                “Let’s name him Hoonup,” I hear Jongup say.

                “What about Jongjong?” Zelo suggests.

                “Or maybe we can just name him ourselves,” Yongguk says with a smile. “Boys, don’t combine your names, didn’t I say to think of something original?”

                “Sorry,” they respond in unison before going back.

                “Where is the new little baby?” Himchan asks as he enters the hospital room.

                “Hi Himchan-oppa,” I say greeting him brightly.

                “Hey, how did it all go? Good, I’m hoping,” he says.

                “It went well,” I say with a smile. “The boys over there are trying to create names.”

                “Well isn’t that cute, but I’m sure that you’ll be having enough children so that they can all think of a name individually.”

                “Oppa,” I say halfway yelling at him. “We’re not going to have that many children.”

                “True,” he says as he continues to joke, “it took you guys three years just to have one.”

                “It’s not our fault that we just wanted to spend time with each other and live our lives,” I say defending Yongguk and my choice.

                “I know, I know,” he says as he smiles and gives up.

                “So, tell me about your recent girlfriend,” I say. At the word girlfriend, Himchan’s face immediately goes red. “Don’t say that I don’t know about her. Everyone’s talking about her!”

                “I’ve seen her, hyung, he’s quite the beauty,” Jongup calls from the corner.

                “So have I,” Daehyun says as he walks back into the room with snacks. When he left and how he got them I have absolutely no idea. “She works at the company, doesn’t she? Yongguk-hyung,” Daehyun says getting his attention, “doesn’t Himchan-hyung’s girlfriend work at the company?”

                “Does she? I don’t even notice,” Yongguk mutters.

                “Let’s just stop talking about girlfriends already,” Himchan says interrupting the conversation. We all laugh at his sudden outburst.  “We’re here for the baby, now everyone remember about the baby over there? Let’s all direct our attention to the baby over there.”

                Three years. A lot has changed in three years, but a lot has stayed the same. Yongguk and I are still going strong, and now with the addition of our first child, things should be getting a little more hectic, but nothing that the two of us can’t handle. Yongguk is now training even more stars under the entertainment agency and is even producing some big hits, such as Jongup and Zelo’s songs, those two have grown so much within the past three years.

                Daehyun has continued to pursue his talent in singing with Yongguk even training him a little bit. He was even featured on one of Jongup and Zelo’s songs and the public is starting to know his face. If things keep going this well, he’s planning on debuting soon enough.

                As far as Himchan goes, I heard he has a girlfriend and that she’s nice. I personally haven’t seen her, but I’m glad that he’s finally going on with his life. Up until the marriage with Yongguk, and even after, Himchan didn’t even really see anyone. He didn’t even bring a date to the wedding, even though I tried setting him up with someone, he just wouldn’t take it. But it seems that after three years, he’s finally ready to get back out onto the dating scene, and I can’t express how happy I am for him.

                As far as what’ll happen from here on out, I’m not entirely sure. Yongguk’s brother and Jessica have gotten married and are living happily in the countryside together since Yongguk and I are in the city. We visit them sometimes, and we’ll be visiting more since we’ve had our son, or maybe they’ll just come here.

                I’m happy where I am right now, I wouldn’t change it for the world. What happened between Yongguk and I in the past only strengthened our relationship with one another. Our trust is on a whole new level and we understand that there are probably some things about the other that we won’t understand, actions that they do that we won’t be able to replicate or things that we won’t do ourselves. Yet we’re both happy with that. We both accept our differences with open arms, and I guess that that’s why we’re so happy with one another. We just accept each other the way that we are, and there’s no other way for us to live.

                “Are you sure they’re going to be okay?” I ask looking in the direction of all of the boys making baby names and crowding around to look at the sleeping baby.

                “I’m sure they’ll be fine,” Yongguk says with a deep chuckle as he looks at me. “I love you, Jaime.”

                “I love you, too, Yongguk-oppa,” I say with a smile as he gently kisses me on the lips.


And there you have it, the end of the original story, but there is still the alternate ending left :)

In case anyone was curious, the alternate ending will take place after Chapter 21 with Himchan's POV. Those chapters will be added later and will be labeled accordingly as the alternate ending chapters.


Anyway, so this is where Yongguk and Jaime end their story. I hope it was up to what you guys thought it would be. 


So, wait around for the alternate ending chapters and then after that will be the Extra Stuffs chapter.


How will Jaime and Himchan have their happy ending? 


Here's Chapter 27. Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg