AE: Himchan's Life - What's Happening

It's You

This takes place right after Chapter 21.


“Jaime?” I ask as I approach her while she’s sitting on a bench near the playground. Jaime doesn’t say anything; she doesn’t even look at me as I sit down next to her. Slowly, though, she moves over and gently rests her head on my shoulder. Without saying anything, we sit there in silence. I don’t know why she suddenly called me to meet up, but maybe it has something to do with the reason why I saw Jessica in Yongguk’s office. Heck there were pictures of him and her together in a box that Jaime found. Is that why she’s so upset? “Jaime…you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”

                “Why do guys never tell the truth?” she quietly asks.

                “That’s a good question,” I say with a chuckle.

                “Hey,” she says as she lifts her head off of my shoulder and gently hits my arm.

                “What?” I ask as I turn my head a little bit to look at her.

                “Why are guys all the same?”

                “Am I the same like Yongguk-hyung?” I curiously ask.

                “I don’t know, how much have you changed since high school?” Jaime jokes a little bit. It feels good to see her smile, it feels nice to see it.

                “I haven’t changed that much,” I say as I lean back in the bench as I attempt to think about it.

                “Yes you have,” she says with a smile. “You’re not the same Himchan that I used to know.” I turn to look at her and give her a little glare before she continues talking, the smile never leaving her face. I don’t want it to ever leave her face. “I mean, it could just be because I haven’t seen you for a long time, you know? But it seems like you’ve grown up a bit, you’re more mature than how we were during school.”

                “That was a really long time ago,” I say with a chuckle. “I mean, Jaime, that was high school, we’re in the real world now.”

                “Real world,” she comments with a laugh. “If this is the real world, then I want to go back to being a kid.”

                “Doesn’t everyone?” I ask her.

                We sit there for a while in silence, neither one of us saying anything, neither one of us finding a reason for us to say anything. Somehow I find it comfortable that we’re together like this. I want to ask what happened between her and Yongguk, I’m really curious, and somehow I think it has to do with those pictures. Did Jaime bring it up to him about those pictures?

                “Jaime,” I say after a while. Slowly, she turns her head to me.

                “Yeah?” she asks.

                “Let’s go have some fun,” I say with a smile as I get off of the bench and grab her hand to follow me.

                I have no plan, I have nothing in mind. The only thing that I want to do is to make Jaime happy. Sure, she had a smile on when we were joking with one another, but that may have not been genuine, it may have been forced. I want Jaime to really smile for real. I want her to forget everything that happened between her and Yongguk and just think about what’s happening now. All of the stress that she’s having, I want her to forget it all.

                Back when we were in school, she was the type of girl to be ho-hum about everything. It didn’t seem as though anything bothered her, and although I knew that it was just a front, I convinced myself to believe her. But looking at her now, it seems as though everything is starting to fall apart, that everything is starting to crumble in her life and she needs someone to lean on. That’s what I’m here for, that’s what I want to be here for.

                “Himchan, what are we doing here?” she asks looking at the amusement park in front of us.

                “We’re here to have fun, of course,” I say giving her a big childish smile.

                “But why at an amusement park?”

                “Because it’s your favorite place.”

                “My…favorite… You remember?” she asks shocked as she stares at me with open.

                “Yes I remember, now close your mouth, otherwise people will think you’re weird,” I say with a laugh before I jog to the entrance of the amusement park to buy the tickets. After buying the tickets, I turn around and see Jaime coming up behind me. “Here’s your ticket,” I say handing it to her, “and now we’re going to have a lot of fun.”

                Jaime and I enter the amusement park together and it brings back memories. This was the place when I realized my feelings for Jaime. Back then, some would’ve said that I was too young to know what I wanted in life, but seven year later, here we are together just like back then.

                “Hey, remember our eighth grade trip?” Jaime asks as she spins around to look at me as we’re walking down the main entrance path. “It was to this same amusement park. It’s changed a lot since then, I was never here since the trip.”

                “Really?” I ask. “I’ve been here after that trip.”

                “With who, your girlfriend?” she jokes.

                “No, not with any girlfriends,” I say with a smile. “The only girl that I’ve ever been with here is you.”

                “Okay…then,” Jaime awkwardly says before she turns around and begins walking again. “Then let’s go on that ride there.”

                “You’re on,” I say giving her a smile before I follow her to go onto the ride.

                Time passes as Jaime and I just have fun with one another, neither one of us are paying attention to the time and before we know it, it’s already starting to get dark and we’re on our way home. “Should I drop you off at your house?” I ask her as we go to my car.

                “I’d rather…not,” she quietly says as she sits in the passenger seat while looking at her hands.

                “Why not?” I ask. She hasn’t said anything about what happened to her all day, but I’m not an idiot to know that something had to have happened between her and Yongguk and that was the reason for her calling me over.

                “Um…could you drop me off…umm…” Jaime begins as she probably thinks about where I should drop her off, where she could probably stay the night, but she doesn’t think of anywhere and we both sit in silence.

                “Stay at my place,” I finally say breaking the silence.

                “Himchan,” she says as she looks at me.

                “It’s no problem,” I say giving her a smile. “You’re my friend, and I’ll always be there for you.”

                “But I wouldn’t want to be a burden,” she begins before I cut her off again.

                “You wouldn’t be a burden,” I quickly say. “You don’t have to tell me what happened between the two of you, but if you don’t have anywhere else to stay, then you can stay at my place. I’m not taking no for an answer,” I say as I begin driving.

                For the entire time that I’m driving back to the apartment, Jaime is quiet. “Thank you,” she whispers as we’re nearing my apartment. I don’t say anything in response and simply smile as I keep my eyes on the road.

              “Hyung, you’re home pretty late,” Gongchan says as soon as I walk through the door. “What are you…doing,” he slowly says as he sees Jaime behind me.

                “Gongchan, you’ve grown up,” Jaime comments with a smile as she looks at him.

                “Hello,” Gongchan politely greets. “Um…I’ll be in my room if anyone needs me.”

                “Alright,” I tell him. “Goodnight.”

                “Goodnight, hyung, goodnight noona,” Gongchan says before he leaves to go into his bedroom.

                “Wah, he has really grown up,” Jaime says with a smile. “It makes me feel old.”

                “That’s because you are,” I joke.

                “Hey, you’re older than I am.”

                “Eh,” I say with a shrug of my shoulders. “Anyway, I’m going to sleep in here, you can sleep in my room. I’ll take you to where it is.”

                “Are you sure, I don’t want—,” Jaime begins.

                “You aren’t disturbing anything. I still have some things that I need to complete anyway,” I say. “You…you look tired, so you should just go to bed first. I have some spare clothes if you need any.”

                “Ex-girlfriend clothes perhaps?” she asks with a smile.

                “None. I don’t keep girlfriend clothes here. Anyway,” I say as I begin taking out the papers that I need to complete, “my room is the only one with the door open, you should see it.”

                “Alright, thank you,” Jaime says before she turns to go find my room.

                I begin to work on the work that needs to be completed and get halfway through before my phone rings. I look at the name that pops up on the phone and see Jessica. I sigh as I just stare at my phone. I don’t know if I should answer it since I have no idea what she wants. Why would she be calling me? Wouldn’t she be doing something with her life? Something other than calling me this late when we’re already broken up. Seeing that the calling isn’t stopping, I hesitantly pick up the phone.

                “Hello?” I tiredly ask.

                “Himchan,” Jessica says. Her voice is soft, but that could have any meaning to it. She could be somewhere where she can’t speak so loudly, or she could just feel like speaking softly, or something could actually be the matter. I would think that it’s one of the other two before the third.

                “Yes?” I ask.

                “What are you doing?”


                “Are you busy?”


                “I was wondering if I could talk to you, it’s about earlier,” she says.

                “Earlier?” I ask. Does that mean that she wants to talk about when she was in Yongguk’s office?

                “Yes, would you mind meeting me for a moment?”

                “Where do you want to meet?” I ask. I can’t believe that I’m doing this. I can’t believe that I’m agreeing to go out and meet her. I guess I should see what she has to say, but I can’t believe that I’m going to actually do it.

                “I’m outside of your apartment now.”

                “What?” I ask as I get off of the couch and begin walking towards the door. Immediately I open it and see her standing there giving me a smile as she closes her phone. “Hello,” I say as I look at her.

                “Can I come in?” she asks as she looks inside of the house.

                “Um…sure,” I say as I move out of the way so she can come in. It’s not like I necessarily want her in the house, but I don’t want to stand outside in the hallway either, so I guess in the house it is.

                “Listen,” she says as she just immediately sits down on the couch. “I just want to talk to you about what you saw earlier today.”

                “What I saw,” I repeat after her. “I’m pretty sure I didn’t see anything.”

                “I just want to tell you what was really happening in the office today,” she begins.

                “Listen, I don’t really care for whatever you have to say,” I begin. “Honestly, I don’t want to hear what you have to say about the whole situation because I just might tell Jaime. Jessica, listen to me, I don’t approve of what you’re doing with Yongguk.”

                “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

                “I may not know the whole story,” I begin, “but I know that pictures exist of the two of you. I just don’t want to hear the truth. I know how great it would be to hear the whole truth and know the whole story, but if it hurts someone that I truly care about, then I’m sorry. I’d rather refrain from hearing something I don’t want to hear.”

                “Fair enough, I understand your feelings,” she says with a smile. “I just wanted to come here to say goodbye. I knew about your relationship with Jaime being fake and just an act. If you honestly didn’t like me or wanted to marry me, you could’ve just said so.”

                “Oh,” I quietly say. There’s really nothing else that I can say.

                “Anyway, I probably won’t be seeing much of you around…or maybe I might.”

                “Hey Himchan, do you think—,” Jaime begins as she walks out of my bedroom into the living room. Immediately I turn my head and see her just standing there staring at Jessica. It was probably a bad idea bringing her into the house, why did I think bringing Jessica into the house was a good idea? I should’ve not been lazy and talked to her outside of the apartment.

                “Ah, Jaime,” I say attempting to ease the tension that is slowly building in the room. “Is there something that you wanted?”

                Instead of talking, Jaime walks right up next to the couch, her eyes never leaving Jessica.

                “Or…maybe I was wrong, maybe you two are in a relationship,” Jessica awkwardly says as she looks at the two of us, and at Jaime wearing one of my t-shirts and shorts, both of which are a little big on her. “I guess…I guess I should go now.”

                “Wait,” Jaime says as Jessica starts to leave. Slowly, Jessica turns around to look at her. “Why are you ruining my life?”

                “What are you talking about?” Jessica asks.

                “Why are you everywhere I go? Why are you always in my thoughts?” Jaime continues.

                “Excuse me?”

                “Why are you with Yongguk?” she finally asks. I sit there in disbelief. Jaime just really asked her that? “I saw those pictures, I see the pictures that he keeps and I wonder to myself, why? What prompted him to do that? Is everything that we had together not special enough? What was wrong between us?”

                “Jaime, listen,” Jessica says as she attempts to soothe the angry Jaime. “It was never supposed to be like that.”

                “Isn’t that what everyone says? It wasn’t supposed to be like that?” Jaime asks as she begins to speak faster.

                I lose her in her mumbled words and the only thing that brings me back to reality is a thump on the floor. “Jaime!” I yell standing up and running over to where she’s lying on the ground. “Jaime, Jaime! Jessica,” I say looking at her.

                “Hyung!” Gongchan yells as he runs into the living room.

                “Gongchan-ah, call an ambulance!” I say turning to him as I pick Jaime up in my arms.


So this is the first chapter of the alternate ending, there might be 2 more, or there might be only 1 more, but there will probably be at least 2 more the way that things are going right now. And as you can see, the alternate ending chapters are marked by the AE in their chapter title to stand for alternate ending, haha.


Anyway, what happened to Jaime? What caused her to faint? What is the relation between Jessica and Yongguk? How will Himchan and Jaime get together (since this is the alternate ending we all know that's going to happen)? How will Yongguk and Jaime break up?


Here's the Alternate Ending 1st Chapter, or otherwise known as Chapter 28.

Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg