Himchan's Life - What In The World

It's You

I get a phone call awaking me from my deep sleep. Looking at the caller ID, I see that it’s an unknown number. Who would be calling me at this time? “Hello?” I groggily ask since I know that it could be a company returning my call and then again, after looking at the clock, I realize that it’s not even that late at all, I’ve just been sleeping for a very long time.

                “Himchan…Himchan…Himchan.” I hear my name being repeated through wheezes.

                “Jaime?” I ask being able to recognize that voice anywhere as I immediately sit up in bed. “Jaime, is everything okay? Why are you like that? I’m here, tell me.”

                “Yongguk-oppa…Yongguk-oppa…he…he,” she begins, but she’s unable to get out a full sentence. Whatever it is sounds like it’s serious.

                “What happened to Yongguk?” I ask. Did he propose to her? Impossible…we haven’t bought the ring yet. What happened to him?

                “He’s…he’s in the hospital.”

                “What?” I ask. “Jaime, calm down, alright?” I ask her as I hear her start crying on the other line even harder. “Jaime, I’m on my way alright? Just wait for me, okay? I’ll stay on the line with you if you want.”

                Quickly, I throw on some clothes and poke my head into Gongchan’s room. “Hey, you,” I tell him. “I’m going to the hospital.”

                “Why?” he asks looking at me with a concerned face.

                “Nothing, I just need to help Jaime.”

                “Did something happen to her?” he worriedly asks.

                “No, but something happened to her boyfriend. I’m not sure the details, but I know that he’s in the hospital and it doesn’t seem like it’s something good. Will you be okay being home by yourself?”

                “Yeah, yeah, go,” he says shooing me. “I’m a high schooler, I’m going to graduate, you can trust me home by myself.”

                “And don’t go do anything freaky with your girlfriend while I’m gone.”

                “Got it, got it, she needs you now, hyung,” Gongchan says, “go.”

                “Thanks,” I say as I shut his door and run downstairs as I grab my keys and put the phone back up to my ear. “Jaime, are you still there? Is everything still alright?”

                “I don’t…I don’t know…how…happened,” she manages to get out.

                “Shh, it’s alright,” I say as I begin my race to the hospital, but I still remember to be careful. “You don’t have to say anything, just wait until I get there, alright?”

                Probably breaking the record, I manage to get into the hospital and go to the emergency room. “Hello, can you help me?” I ask immediately going up to the reception’s desk. “Do you know where a Bang Yongguk is?”

                “He’s in surgery right now,” she says motioning towards the door. “His other family is waiting in there.”

                “Okay, thank you,” I say to her before I take off for the door. As soon as I enter, I see Jaime sitting on one side in tears and another boy sitting on the other side. It takes me a moment, but I recognize that boy as Daehyun, the one that was picking Jaime up from the office one day.

                “Himchan,” Jaime says looking at me as she gets up from her seat and walks right over to me. I see Daehyun lift his head and I see guilt written all over his face. Was he the one that caused this accident? Before I can ask any more questions, Jaime wraps her arms around me and buries her head in my chest. “He’ll be alright, right?” she whispers.

                “He’ll be fine,” I whisper back to her as I hug her close and put my chin on top of her head. “Yongguk is a strong guy and I’m sure that he’ll be able to get through it, okay? Don’t doubt him for on second. He loves you and I’m sure that he’ll be okay.”

                This isn’t helping me. This isn’t helping me trying to sort out my feelings for Jaime. Sure, there are feelings still lingering, they were lingering since the first time I saw her again and the fact that we never did date each other, but by her leaning on me because she needs my support now more than ever, it’s not helping me. Still, I’ll be there for her because that’s what she needs right now. Her boyfriend, her soon-to-be-husband, even if she doesn’t know that part yet, is in surgery right now and she’s afraid of his survival.

                “Here, let’s sit down,” I say bringing her to the bench that she was sitting at. I sit down first and she slowly sits down next to me and puts her head on my shoulder while she closes her eyes. I can tell that all of the crying had gotten the best of her and she’s tired and exhausted.

                “Himchan,” she whispers.

                “Yeah Jaime?” I ask.

                “Thank you,” she softly says.

                “No problem,” I say petting the top of her head as her eyes close.

                There is an eerie silence in the hallway now that Jaime has fallen asleep and I’m only left with Daehyun. We’ve never spoken to each other before and frankly, this is really our first time seeing each other. It feels awkward until Daehyun starts to speak.

                “So, how do you know noona?” he asks. His eyes look dead and his voice sounds dead. I can’t help but feel like he had some part in this.

                “We were classmates up until our second year of high school,” I tell him. “I’m Himchan, Kim Himchan.”

                “I’m Jung Daehyun,” he says introducing himself.

                “If you don’t mind me asking,” I hesitantly begin, “what happened? Why is Yongguk in surgery?”

                With the mention of that, it looks like Daehyun’s face turns to stone. It looks like everything has been drained from his body upon that one question, which only further proves that he must’ve had a hand in it.

                “It’s all my fault,” he softly says. “If I was just more careful then he wouldn’t be in this situation. I’m going to get those people that did it to him.”

                “Did what?” I ask.

                “The ones that stabbed him,” Daehyun says and instead of a dead look in his eye, it’s more of one for revenge. I can tell that this kid wants blood.

                “But what better would that make you than them?” I ask. “If you just want their revenge by hurting them, then that means that you’re the same as they are.”

                “But they did this to him; if they had just left me alone then maybe none of this would’ve happened.”

                “If who had left you alone?”

                “Aish, I don’t know why I have to explain myself to you,” Daehyun angrily says as he looks at me.

                “Because it would help?” I ask. “If you were to say it to me instead of saying it to Jaime or Yongguk, don’t you think that it would help? I’m a third party, I don’t know you and I don’t know what happened. I won’t judge you or anything and then I can help you explain it to the two of them. Don’t you think that it would help?”

                “I…I guess,” he sighs realizing that I’m right. “Well…I got myself involved in a gang, which I know is wrong, except I couldn’t deny them. They were my friends and they joined one and started hassling me to join one,” he begins. “I know that Yongguk-hyung and Jaime-noona would never like me being in a gang because hyung always told me to watch my grades and make sure that I was doing something good. He even told me to audition as a singer for his company sometimes, but I joined it anyway. Once I saw noona again before my university break, she said how I should come live with them on break and it made me realize that I don’t have anyone. I don’t have parents and I don’t have people that care about me like hyung and noona. That’s when I made up my mind. I made up my mind that I was going to break away from the gang, but then they started coming after me saying that no one does. That’s how hyung got stabbed; he was coming to save me from their fight. I should be the one in there, not him. If he dies, I don’t know how I’ll be able to handle myself.”

                “See, isn’t it better to just say it?” I ask. “To not hide anything and just say what your true feelings are?”

                “Yeah,” he slowly admitted as the surgery light goes off and the doctor comes out.

                “Who is family to the patient?” he asks.

                “We all are,” I say. I’m sure that Jaime wouldn’t mind since she’s sleeping, but I gently push her for her to wake up. “How is he?”

                “Thankfully he is doing fine,” the doctor says making Daehyun and I sigh in relief. I’m not sure if Jaime understands what’s going on yet since I just woke her up. “He had a lot of internal bleeding from the stab wound, but he’s doing perfectly fine. We’ll be transferring him to a hospital room now.”

                “Thank you,” I say getting up and bowing to him. Daehyun does the same.

                “Noona, noona, did you hear that?” Daehyun asks going over to Jaime. “Hyung is going to be alright, he’s going to be alright.”

                “Yongguk-oppa,” Jaime says. “He’s fine?”

                “He’s fine, noona, he’s fine,” he says as he envelops her into a hug.

                I stare at the sight and smile in satisfaction. “I’m going to go do the paperwork; do you two want to come with me to help?”

                “Sure, let’s go noona,” Daehyun says getting up and helping to support Jaime.

                After I finish all of the paperwork and see how much Daehyun is taking care of Jaime, I figure that there’s no reason or me to be there anymore. “Hey, I’m going to get going, alright?” I ask the both of them. We’re now sitting in Yongguk’s room. He’s lying on the hospital bed with an IV in his arm and he’s still unconscious. His waist is wrapped up because of his wound. “Are you two going to be alright here alone?”

                “I have it, don’t worry,” Daehyun says giving me a supportive smile.

                “Okay, I’ll just leave my phone number with you, too,” I say. Daehyun hands me his phone and I enter my number in just so he has it in case Jaime falls asleep and he doesn’t know who else to contact about anything. “And Daehyun, I’ll be there for you, too. Just like Jaime and Yongguk, I’ll be there for you. I have a younger brother, about your age, probably a little bit younger, but he’s a senior in high school, I’d think you two get along well.”

                “Oh, okay,” Daehyun says nodding his head.

                I look at Jaime and nod my head to Daehyun as I leave the room when I hear Jaime running after me. “Himchan, Himchan,” she says and I turn around to see her coming up to me.

                “Yeah?” I ask.

                “Thank you,” she says hugging me. “Thank you for coming when I called you. I didn’t know who else to call or anything.”

                “It’s alright,” I tell her with a smile. “I’m glad to have come and helped you. It feels like old times, doesn’t it?”

                “It does,” she says nodding her head. She’s probably remembering the same time as me.

                “Anyway, you don’t have to come in tomorrow; you should stay here with Yongguk.”

                “But what about the work?”

                “I can handle it,” I assure her. “I’ve worked alone before. Stay here with him, he needs you. See you later,” I tell her as I leave the hospital. Jaime, you’re making this even harder on me.


I go into work the next morning and go right up to Boss. “Hey Himchan, is there something wrong?” he asks.

                “Nothing,” I say shaking my head. “I was just coming to inform you that, if you haven’t already heard, Jaime is experiencing a family emergency right now and will be unable to come to work. She’s already informed me.”

                “What happened?” he asks concerned. “Is everything alright with her?”

                “Everything is doing well,” I say. “At least better than they were last night. She spent the night at the hospital.”

                “I hope everything is alright and if you see her again tell her my best wishes.”

                “Will do,” I say slightly bowing as I make my way to my own office where I collapse into the chair.

                I think about last night and Jaime hugging me. She’s making it harder on me, but maybe if I’m feeling this way about her, then I probably shouldn’t be together with Jessica. I should probably break up with Jessica as soon as possible in order to get all of this confusion through my head over with, even if it means that I won’t be dating Jaime because of Yongguk. Somehow, as long as Jaime is happy, I think I’ll be happy.

                I sigh as I attempt to do some of my work. It’s really difficult when Jaime and Yongguk keep popping into my mind. How could a more perfect couple exist in the world? They’re perfect with each other and what right do I have to break apart their happiness? The only realization I have right now is that Jessica and I…we don’t have any of that. Honestly, I don’t think I see her in my future.

                Just as I start thinking of how to go about breaking up with her, the door to my office opens and in she walks. “Ah, Jessica,” I say at the sight of her. “There’s something I need to tell you,” I say figuring that straightforward is probably the best way to go about these situations.

                “I do,” she says without even listening to me.

                “What?” I ask confused as to what she means by that.

                “You were going to ask me to marry you and I accept.”

                “What?” Where in the world did she get that idea?

                “Don’t play stupid with me, one of the workers here saw a proposal plan and before you even decided to do it, I figured that I wanted to marry you anyway, so here I am and I’ll marry you.” Jessica comes over and hugs me.

                Right when I was about to break up with her, what should I do?


What is going to happen with Jaime, Yongguk, and Daehyun? What is going to happen now tha Jessica thinks that the proposal plan was for her? Will Himchan be able to break up with her? Will he be able to tell Jessica that the proposal wasn't for her?


Here is Chapter 12. Hope you enjoyed :D

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firstzyx #1
Chapter 32: Duh, i really like this story. Actually im in himchan team, nah i felt bad for yongguk tho. The one who date her for 4 years is him but they're like strangers to each other. I wonder how it felt, he's dated her 4 years for crying out loud and ended up marrying one night stand gurrl gah nu uh good job
YouxJr #2
Chapter 32: i'm team yongguk, but i love both ending :'D
Chapter 31: This alternative endong is so gooooooooood! I'm happy for jaime & himchan!!
Chapter 32: I'm so sad this is over. ;_;
Chapter 32: Omg this was a great ending *0* ♥
I don't know which one I liked more because both are super :)
Great job!
Chapter 30: The story is amazing! Can't wait for the next chapter to be out! Fighting!
Chapter 30: OMO! HE SAID IT WHAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Finally after years he confessed *0*
Chapter 30: Himchan's so brave. ;_;
I hope Jaime gets with him!
Omo! Himchan go go! This is your chance *0*
Chapter 29: I was not expecting her to be pregnant.. Omg