Chapter 65

Love Will Find A Way






The next day at the hospital

“How’s he, noona?”, Mr. Jung asked her sister soon after he and the rest arrived at the hospital. He received a call from her sister this morning, informing that his father has already awake from his unconsciousness.

“He’s fine, though he still weak. He can talk like usual, but maybe a bit slow”, his sister replied.

“Can I see him now?”, Mr. Jung asked.

“Yes, you can, dear. But, please don’t make too much noise, okay?”, his sister said.

“Dae, noona”, Mr. Jung nodded his head.

“Alright, guys. Let’s get inside, but don’t make too much noise. Haraboji is still in a weak state”, Mr. Jung told the rest. All of them nodded, and followed Mr. Jung from behind. They slowly entered the room one by one. Sooyoung who was carrying Danny in his arms suddenly stopped walking, and quickly poked on Jessica’s waist. Jessica immediately turned at Sooyoung.

“Babe, do you want me to stay here with Danny, or you want us to get inside too?”, Sooyoung asked his fiancee.

“Wae?”, Jessica asked while looking at Sooyoung.

“I’m afraid this little champ will make a fuss while we’re inside later”, Sooyoung replied.

“It’s okay, sweetie. I don’t think he will do that, he’s a good boy. Besides, I brought his milk bottle just in case if he need it later”, Jessica said as she showed the milk bottle warmer that she was holding.

“Okay”, Sooyoung replied as he smiled. “Baby, keep quiet, otay? Nol-haraboji (great grandfather) is sick”, Sooyoung said to his little boy while putting his index finger on his lips, gesturing Danny to silent.

“Nol-aboji schik?”, Danny asked his daddy. Jessica just smiled while hearing their small conversation.

“Yes, baby. Nol-haraboji is sick. Don’t make any noise, otay?”, Jessica said as she leaned closer and gave a peck on his cheek.

“Otay”, Danny replied and nodded his head.

“Good boy”, Jessica patted his head gently. “Come, let’s get inside”, she said as she led them to enter the room. Mr. Jung has already sat on the chair next to the bed. He gently caressed his father’s hand.

“Dad”, he said softly while looking at his father who was lying helpless on the bed. His father slowly opened his eyes.

“Hey, son, you’re here”, he weakly said as he tried to get up. Mr. and Mrs. Jung dashed forward and helped to adjust the adjustable bed so that Mr. Jung senior could leaned comfortably against the bed headboard.

“Dad, you don’t have to get up. You’re still weak”, Mr. Jung said worriedly.

“It’s okay, son. I want to have a look at all of you here better”, he replied slowly. Jessica gestured her baby sister and Nicole to walk closer to the bed.

“Annyeong, haraboji”, Jessica greeted him.

“Annyeong, Sica. Ah, all my grandchildren has grown up and become pretty now”, Mr. Jung senior said. The three girls smiled after hearing their grandfather’s words.

“How are you feel right now, haraboji?”, Jessica asked.

“Never better, dear. How about you? When are you girls going to get married? I want to see you girls getting married and have more grandchildren before I close my eyes”, Mr. Jung senior said.

“Haishh.. haraboji, don’t say like that. You’re still young and strong”, Nicole replied.

“Unnie will getting married in two months time, haraboji”, Krystal said while glancing at her sister. Jessica just smiled sheepishly.

“Jinja? Aigoo.. why it took so long, son? Can’t you just speed up a bit of your daughter’s wedding date? I can’t wait too long to see my grandchildren getting married”, Mr. Jung senior replied while looking at Mr. Jung. Mrs. Jung just smiled on her father-in-law’s words.

“Dad, it’s not that we purposely want to extend the date. But, you’re still not recover yet, and your soon-to-be grandchildren-in-law here need to prepare lots of things before they could have their wedding ceremony”, Mr. Jung said while glancing at Sooyoung.

“It’s true, abeonim. We need to do lots of preparation for Jessica’s wedding since this is the first time ever”, Mrs. Jung said. Mrs. Jung senior nodded his head slowly.

“Arasso. So, where’s my soon-to-be grandchildren-in-law? Is he here?”, he asked.

“He’s here, haraboji”, Jessica said as she walked towards Sooyoung and Danny.

“Annyeong, haraboji. I’m Choi Sooyoung”, Sooyoung greeted and bowed.

“Annyeong, Sooyoung. And, who’s this cute little boy, huh?“, Mr. Jung senior asked while looking at Danny.

“He’s Sooyoung’s nephew, haraboji. His late sister’s son. Baby, say hello to nol-haraboji”, Jessica said to his little boy.

“Anyong, nol-aboji”, Danny said shyly.

“Aigoo.. so cute”, Mr. Jung senior chuckled. The oldest Jung has already fallen for Danny’s cuteness. Sooyoung and Jessica just smiled on his words.


Mr. Jung senior suddenly coughed while rubbing his chest. Mr. Jung dashed towards the bed.

“Dad, are you okay?”, he frantically asked while holding his father’s hand.

“I’m okay, son. Don’t worry. I just need to lie down, I’m tired”, Mr. Jung senior replied.

“Okay, dad”, Mr. Jung said and immediately gestured Hyoyeon to help him to recline the bed. He then helped his father to lie down on the bed.

“Alright, everyone. Haraboji need his rest right now. Let’s visit him again on tomorrow, okay?”, Mr. Jung said to them. All of them nodded their heads. “Dad, we’ll go now. We’ll come on tomorrow to visit you again, okay?”, Mr. Jung said to his father.

“Okay, son. Thank you for coming”, Mr. Jung senior replied.

“You’re welcome, Dad. Have a good rest”, Mr. Jung said as he smiled. He and the rest then slowly leaving the room.

Meanwhile in Seoul, at Choi Industries


“Oh.. hi, Hyuna! What’s up?”, Hyorin said while looking at Hyuna who was standing in front of the door.

“Miss Hyo, Mr. Lee is already here now”, Hyuna said.

“Alright, just send him in. And, Hyuna, can you please make coffee for us?”, Hyorin replied.

“Sure, Miss Hyo”, Hyuna said and immediately walked away.

“Good morning, Miss Hyorin”, Donghae greeted her as he entered the room.

“Oh, good morning, Mr. Lee. Please, come in”, Hyorin said as she immediately stood up from her chair and walked towards Donghae.

“It’s nice to meet you again, Miss Hyorin”, Donghae said as he held out his hand to shake hands with Hyorin.

“Yeah, nice to meet you too. Please have a sit, Mr. Lee”, Hyorin replied as she shook hands with him. She then led Donghae to sit on the couch.

“Thank you. No need to be too formal, Miss Hyorin. Just call me Donghae”, he said as he immediately sat on the couch.

“No, need to be too formal to me too, Donghae. Just call me Hyorin or Hyo”, Hyorin said. A few seconds later, Hyuna came with a tray of coffee mugs in her hands.

“Here’s your coffee, Mis Hyo”, Hyuna said as she put the coffee mugs on the table.

“Thanks, Hyuna”, Hyorin thanked her. Hyuna bowed and left the room.

“So, can we start our discussion now?”, Hyorin asked as she got up from the couch and walked towards her desk to take the file. She then walking back to the couch and put the file on the coffee table.

“God, you’re so beautiful. I don’t think I can handle it”, Donghae thought.

“Yeah, sure. Let’s”, Donghae replied while his eyes never left to stare at Hyorin. Hyorin noticed on Donghae’s act, and it caused her to feel uncomfortable. “I-I’m sorry”, Donghae said as he noticed on Hyorin’s unpleasant look. Hyorin just smiled bitterly, and then she started to brief Donghae about the draft contract while flipping through the document that was on the table.

About half an hour through their discussion session, suddenly Hyorin’s phone rings. She took her phone that was on the coffee table, and looked at the screen. She furrowed her brows.

“Sorry, Donghae. I need to answer this call”, Hyorin said as she got up from the couch.

“Yeah, sure”, Donghae said. Hyorin then walked to her desk and sat on the chair.

“Yes, Miss Lee?”, Hyorin said.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you, Miss Hyorin. Your daughter, Minha, she’s not feeling well. She started to vomit non-stop half an hour ago”, Miss Lee informed.

“Mwoh? Alright, I’ll be there in half an hour”, Hyorin frantically said as she immediately stood up from the chair, and walked towards the couch.

“Is everything okay, Hyo? You looked worried”, Donghae asked in concern.

“Yes, I have an urgent matter to attend to. Ermm.. can we continue our discussion on tomorrow?”, Hyorin replied while looking at Donghae.

“Okay, sure. Ermm.. if you don’t mind, can I know why?”, Donghae asked.

“My daughter, she’s not feeling well. I need to take her to the clinic”, Hyorin replied.

“What? H-her daughter? She’s already married?”, Donghae thought as he was in a state of shock and frustration.

“Oh, okay. So, I’ll see you on tomorrow”, Donghae said in a low tone as he got up from the couch.

“Okay, I’m so sorry. I need to go now”, Hyorin replied. She then headed back to her desk, and took her handbag and other stuff before she walked out of her room. Donghae just stood still there, watching her walking away.

“You’re so pathetic, Lee Donghae”, he mumbled sadly.

Back to the Choi’s Hotel, Daejeon

At SooSica’s room

“Babe, what are we going to do today? Sooyoung asked while caressing his little boy’s hair. Danny felt sleepy after drinking his milk, and he was sleeping on the bed. Jessica was lying beside the sleeping Danny while watching TV.

“I don’t know, baby. But mom told me just now that all of us will have a dinner at my aunty’s house tonight”, Jessica replied while looking at Sooyoung.

“Hmm.. I feel bored. Why don’t we take a tour around the city, or doing a shopping at the mall?”, Sooyoung suggested.

“I don’t think I want to do that today, baby. I felt tired and restless. I just want to sleep with you hugging me and this little sleepyhead”, Jessica said as she giggled. She took the remote control and switched off the TV.

“Aww.. that’s very sweet of you, babe. Come here, y mama!”, Sooyoung said as he moved a bit, and patted the empty space next to him, wanting Jessica to lie down there. Jessica chuckled while slowly moving from her spot to Sooyoung’s side. She then lie on her side and hugged the little boy. Sooyoung slowly sneaked his arms around Jessica’s and Danny and back hugged both of them.

“Alright, let’s schleep!”, Sooyoung said while kissing Jessica’s back head and hugged them tight. Jessica slowly giggled, and not long after, both of them fell asleep.

1 hour later

“Urghhh”, Jessica suddenly awake from her sleep as she suddenly felt nausea. She’s slowly getting out of bed, and immediately rushed to the bathroom. Sooyoung was startled with Jessica’s movement, slowly released his hand from the little boy, and sat up straight. He then heard a voice from the bathroom, and immediately got up from the bed, and rushed to the bathroom. He opened the bathroom’s door and found Jessica was sitting at the floor, facing the toilet bowl.

“Babe, are you okay?”, Sooyoung squatted down and rubbed on Jessica’s back.

“Yeah, I’m okay”, she weakly replied. A few seconds later she’s vomiting again. “Urghh..”, she massaged her temple.

“Babe, you’re not okay. Come, let me bring you to the hospital”, Sooyoung immediately stood up and helped Jessica to stand up. Jessica just nodded her head as she too weak to say or do anything. Sooyoung then helped Jessica to change her blouse and wore her jacket.

“What about Danny?”, Jessica asked while looking at the sleeping little boy.

“I’ll ask Krystal to look after him for a while”, Sooyoung said as he immediately dialled Krystal’s phone number.

“Hello”, Krystal lazily answered the call.

“Krys, I really need your help right now”, Sooyoung said.

“W-what is it? W-what’s wrong, oppa?”, Krystal asked frantically.

“Your sister, she’s not feeling well. I need to bring her to the hospital for checkup. Can you please help us to look after Danny for a while?”, Sooyoung replied.

“What happened to unnie, oppa?”, Krystal asked again.

“I don’t know yet, Krys. She felt nausea and keep on vomiting half an hour ago. I’ll let you know after we come back from the hospital, okay?”, Sooyoung replied.

“Okay, I’ll be there in 5 minutes”, Krystal said.

“Thanks, Krys”, Sooyoung replied as he ended the call. 5 minutes later Krystal arrived at their room.

“Unnie, what happen to you?”, Krystal said while hugging her sister.

“I don’t know, Krys. I felt nausea and keep on vomiting just now. My head spinning”, Jessica weakly replied.

“Hmm.. you better go to the hospital right now, and have a checkup, unnie. Don’t worry, I’ll look after Danny here”, Krystal said.

“Thanks, Krys”, Sooyoung thanked her. “Alright, we go now”, Sooyoung said, and both of them walked out of the room.

At Daejeon Hospital

After registering Jessica’s name at the counter, the nurse took Jessica to the treatment room to take a blood and urine sample from her. After done with the process, both of them waited at the waiting area in front of the hospital’s outpatient clinic. Jessica rested her head on Sooyoung shoulder, while Sooyoung gently massaging his fiancee’s temple.

“Miss Jessica Jung”, the nurse suddenly went out of the treatment room and called her name.

“Yes?”, Jessica answered while looking at the nurse.

“Please come in”, the nurse said. Sooyoung then helped Jessica to get up from the chair, and walked towards the nurse. Both of them entered the room. The nurse closed the door, and handed the file to the doctor.

“Miss Jung, please have a sit”, the doctor said. He then looked at Sooyoung. “And, you’re?”, he asked.

“I’m Choi Sooyoung, her fiance”, Sooyoung said as he smiled.

“Oh, please have a sit, Mr. Choi”, the doctor said. Both of them immediately sat on the chair. The doctor then read the file that was handed by the nurse before. “So, Miss Jung. You're having a nausea, and vomiting frequently, and also having a headache, right?”, the doctor asked.

“Yes, doctor”, Jessica replied. The doctor then closed the file and immediately got up from his chair.

“Alright, Miss Jung. I need to do a checkup on you. Please lie down on the bed over there”, the doctor said as he gestured the nurse to led Jessica to the bed. Jessica then got up from her seat, and followed the nurse. The nurse helped her to lie down on the bed. The doctor then started to check on Jessica’s body using his stethoscope, and also checking on her blood pressure.

“Okay, Miss Jung, you’re done. Please have a sit first”, the doctor said after he done with the checkup. The nurse helped Jessica to get up from the bed. Jessica then walked towards the chair and sat beside Sooyoung. Sooyoung took her hand and intertwined his hand with hers. A few seconds later, the other nurse entered the room, and handed the doctor another file. The doctor then immediately read on it. His lips then slowly formed a smile after reading the file.

“Miss Jung, congratulations. You’re in 2 weeks pregnant”, the doctor said smilingly.




**Yeayy!!! Jessica is pregnant! ^^ hehe..






Hello chingus! Sorry again for the late update. Hope you guys like the chapter. Thank you so much for subscribing and voting this fanfic. And, thank you so much for your comments as well. I'll try to update as fast as I could. Don't forget to comment, okay?

Love you guys! <3


Your humble author.

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I just realize there're some mistakes I'


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diana_knight07 #1
Awww this story is sweet and i love reading it, thank you for this fanfic author :3
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 72: Done reading this?
Chapter 72: please update soon
Chapter 72: I love this story.. please keep writing especially soosica, this story really make my day. thankyou for writing this good story, you're cool authornim, keep writing, fighting!
Elo-Elo #5
Chapter 67: could you give me the pdf version [email protected]
leesonekyu #6
Chapter 45: haha lol what do you expect from a byuntae haha
leesonekyu #7
Chapter 35: kaka kryber jjang :D well amber really looks like a guy haha you will not mistaken her as a girl :D so cool
leesonekyu #8
Chapter 30: smell TROUBLE
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 23: confession now:] hihi