Chapter 38

Love Will Find A Way







The sound of alarm clock has awaken Sooyoung from his sleep. He immediately took the alarm clock from the side table, and pressed the stop button. He rubbed his eyes while looking at the time. It’s already 6.30 in the morning.

“Haishh.. why do I have to go to work today?”, he grumbled. He tried to sat up, but he felt a grip on his waist. He looked down on his waist, and found a pair of hands were wrapped tightly around it. Yeah, it’s Jessica’s hands, who else, right? She was still in a deep sleep. Well, she’s really tired after their first.. oh, sorry, scratch that.. after Sooyoung’s first night, and their hot and intimate session on last night.. LOL!

He slowly tried to release Jessica’s hands from his waist, but failed to do so. The grip was so tight. Jessica who felt a movement beside her slowly opened her eyes, and staring at Sooyoung with a weak smile.

“Good morning, babe”, Sooyoung said and gave a peck on her lips.

“Good morning, baby. Do you have to go to work today?”, she replied weakly.

“Yes, sweetheart. I’ve got a class this morning, remember?”, he said. Jessica pouted.

“Aigoo.. please don’t do that. I really need to go to work, babe. My students have a mid-term test this morning”, he explained. She released her hands from Sooyoung’s waist, and turned her body to her side.

“Babe, please don’t be like this. I love you”, he said while hugging his sulky girlfriend from behind. Jessica sighed, and turned to face Sooyoung. She then kissed his lips several times.

“I love you too. I’m sorry for being selfish”, she mumbled. Sooyoung smiled and kissed her forehead.

“It’s okay, babe. I understand”, he said while caressing her back. “Hey, if you feel bored, why don’t you go to Aunty Im’s apartment? You can catch up with her while playing with Danny. How about that?”, Sooyoung suggested.

“Baby, you know that I’m not used to do that. I used to work in the office. I don’t mind staying with Danny at home, but, I prefer to work rather than staying at home. Can you please let me find a job? At least I can do something, and I can help you too”, Jessica replied. Sooyoung was silent for a while, as he was in a deep thought. He was a little reluctant at first, but he didn't want Jessica to think that he’s controlling her life. He worried that if he did so, Jessica will feel depressed. He let out a soft sigh before he started to speak.

“Alright, if you say so. But, if you couldn’t find any, just stay at home, okay? My pay is enough to support us three”, he said as he gave in.

“Thank you, baby. You’re the best!”, she smiled widely and kissed his lips passionately. They then broke the kiss and leaned their foreheads together, breathing hard.

“You’re welcome, babe”, he said and kissed on her nose. “Alright, I need to shower now. You can continue your sleep”, he said as he slowly released the hug and sat up.

“Otay”, she replied cheekily, mocking Danny’s. Sooyoung chuckled and got up from the bed. He took his towel and heading to the bathroom. Jessica took her pyjamas that scattered on the floor and wore it back. She’s afraid that Danny will freak out if he found out that she’s sleeping when he entered the room at anytime soon.

After finished showering and get dressed, Sooyoung heading to the kitchen to make breakfast for his princess and the little warrior. It’s just a simple American breakfast, some toast with peanut butter and coffee for him, scrambled egg with cheese, cereals and milk for his little one, and chicken bacon with salad and orange juice for his princess. 15 minutes later, he’s done preparing the breakfast.

“Done!”, he said excitedly while clapping his hands. He then sat on the stool and enjoyed his breakfast while reading some news through his iPad. Done with his breakfast, he then took a yellow sticky notes, and jotted down something on it, and stick it to the fridge. He carried the plate and coffee mug to the kitchen sink and washed them.

He walked to his little warrior’s room, and tiptoed to the bed. He slowly sat beside the sleeping little boy, and his hair gently. He leaned closer and kissed his cheek.

“Sleep well, baby. Daddy love you. Daddy will see you soon, otay?”, Sooyoung mumbled slowly. Danny's lips suddenly form a smile, as if he heard what his father has spoken to him.

“You’re listening to what daddy has said, aren’t you?”, Sooyoung giggled softly and pecked his son’s cheek for one last time. He slowly stood up from the bed, and tiptoed out of the room, heading to his room. He took his bag pack, and slowly tiptoed towards the bed. He kneeled down on Jessica’s side, and slowly brushed her bangs that has covered her beautiful face. Sooyoung stared at her face lovingly.

“I love you, babe, so, so much”, he mumbled while kissing her forehead. Jessica stirred a bit when she felt his lips touching her forehead. She opened her eyes slowly, and smiled weakly at Sooyoung. She pulled his neck closer to her, and kissed his lips.

“I love you so much too, baby”, she mumbled between the kisses. They then broke the kiss, gasping for air.

“I’ve prepared breakfast for both of you, don’t forget to eat them, okay?”, he said as he caressed her cheek.

“Okay”, Jessica smiled while staring at him. Sooyoung pinched her nose, and she cutely wrinkled it.

“I’ll see you tonight, bye!”, Sooyoung pecked her lips for the last time, and got up from the floor. He bid her goodbye and slowly leaving the room.

“Bye!”, Jessica waved at him, and continued her sleeping.

2 hours later


Jessica was startled with the phone ringing, and she slowly opened her eyes. She immediately reached the phone that had been placed on the side table.

“Hello”, she lazily answered the call.

“Good morning, is this Miss Jessica Jung?”, the caller asked.

“Yeah, Jessica’s speaking”, she replied. “Wait, wait, who’s this?”, she asked as she slowly sat up on the bed.

“I’m Gyuri from Choi Industries. I called to inform you that you have been shortlisted by our CEO to be interviewed for a Marketing Director’s position in our company. The interview will be held this afternoon, at 2.00 p.m.”, she informed.

“Mwoh? This afternoon?”, she asked in disbelief.

“Yes, Miss. This afternoon. Are you interested to attend the interview?”, Gyuri asked.

“Y-yes.. I-I’m interested. I’ll come to your office this afternoon”, Jessica replied.

“Okay. Please present at our office half an hour earlier, and don’t forget to bring your original certificates and transcript together”, Gyuri said as she reminded her.

“Sure, Miss Gyuri. Thank you for informing me”, Jessica thanked her.

“You’re welcome, Miss Jessica. I’ll see you at 2.00”, Gyuri ended the call.

“Wow, that was fast! I just sent my resume two days ago”, Jessica mumbled to herself. “Choi Industries? Does this company has to do with my Sooyoungie?”, she said in curious. “Nah, I don’t think so. There are many Choi’s here in Korea. Why should I bother, right? I need to shower now”,  she said as she got up from the bed, heading to the bathroom.

After finished showering and dressed up, Jessica then headed to Danny's room to wake up the little boy. Since she need to attend the job interview in the afternoon, she need to send him to Aunty Im’s to babysit him for a while. She walked to the bed, and sat slowly beside the sleeping little boy. She his hair gently and kissed his cheek.

“Baby, wakey, wakey..”, she whispered to the little boy’s ear softly. Danny was hugging his Rilakkuma plush toys tightly while sleeping. She smiled as she found Danny looked so cute when he's sleeping while hugging his plush toys.

“So cute, just like his daddy”, she mumbled. She kissed his cheek again several times, tried to wake him up. “Baby, wake up. Aunty need to attend a job interview today, sweetie”, she whispered to the little boy’s ear. Danny stirred a bit, but his eyes were still closed. “Danny, sweetheart, wake up”, she said as she patted his thigh gently. Danny slowly opened his eyes.

“Aunty Jeshika..”, he weakly said.

“Yes, baby?”, Jessica smiled and his hair.

“Mwik pleash”, he cutely said. Jessica chuckled.

“Aigoo! Are you thirsty, baby?”, she asked. Danny just nodded his head.

“Alright. Let’s go to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth first. And then you can drink your milk, and eat your breakfast, otay?”, she softly said.

“Otay”, Danny nodded his head while rubbing his sleepy eyes. Jessica helped him to get up from the bed, and carried him in her arms, heading to the bathroom.

After having breakfast together with Danny, Jessica tidy up the table and washing the dishes. She then took Danny to the bathroom and bathe the little boy. After she had done getting ready to attend Interview, and after making sure all the needs for the little guy has been prepared in his bagpack, Jessica and Danny then leave the apartment and she brought the little guy to Aunty Im's apartment.

“Aunty Im, could you please taking care of Danny for today? I need to attend a job interview this afternoon, and I’ll be back in late evening”, Jessica said.

“Sure, Jessica. Just leave him here. He’s already used to stay here since he was small. He’s just like my own grandson. Don’t worry, he’ll be fine”, Aunty Im said as she smiled.

“Thank you so much, Aunty Im. Here’s his bagpack”, Jessica thanked her while handing over the bagpack to Aunty Im.

“You’re welcome. Good luck for the interview!”, Aunty Im said.

“Thank you Aunty Im”, Jessica thanked her again. She squatted down to the same level with Danny and hugged the little guy. “Be a good boy to Aunty Im, okay? I love you, baby”, Jessica said and kissed his cheek.

“Otay.. I lop you too”, Danny cutely replied. Jessica pointed to her cheek, wanted Danny to kiss her there. “Muahhh”, he pecked her cheek. She giggled and patted Danny’s head gently. She then released the hugged and immediately stood up and bid goodbye to them before leaving the apartment.

Later that afternoon at the Choi Industries building

Jessica entered the building right after she parked her car at the building's parking space. Since she came early, she directly headed to the lobby and sat on the provided couch. She decided to text her lover to inform him about the interview.

To: My Sooyoungie

Hi baby,
I just want to inform you that I got a call this morning, asking me to attend a job interview today. Right now I’m at the interview place. I left Danny at Aunty Im’s apartment.

A few minutes after that, she received a reply from Sooyoung.

From: My Sooyoungie

Hey babe. Jinja? Where?

She was about to reply the text when suddenly someone approached her.

“Excuse me Miss, are you having an appointment with someone here?”, the person asked.

“Uh, no. I came here to attend a job interview. It’s still early, so I just crash here for a while”, Jessica replied.

“Oh, really? What’s your name, Miss?”, the person asked.

“I’m Jessica Jung”, she introduced herself.

“Oh, so you’re Miss Jung. I’m Gyuri by the way. I’m the one who called you this morning”, Gyuri said as he held out her hand to shake hands with Jessica.

“Miss Gyuri, it’s nice meeting you here”, Jessica immediately stood up and shook her hand.

“Come, follow me to my office. You can wait there while having a coffee”, Gyuri said.

“Thank you Miss Gyuri”, she replied.

“Just call me Gyuri”, she smiled and led the way to the elevator. Both of them entered inside and Gyuri immediately pressed the close button.


The elevator stopped at the 30th floor where Gyuri’s office is located. She led Jessica to her office.

“Please, come in, Miss Jung”, Gyuri said while holding the door knob.

“Oh, just call me Jessica”, she said as she entered inside.

“Have a sit, Jessica. I’ll get you a coffee”, Gyuri said, and immediately walked out of the room. Jessica looked at the table name stand in front of her. “Park Gyuri, HR Manager. Oh, she’s the HR manager here”, she mumbled to herself. Her eyes wandered around the room, and she saw a picture framed of Gyuri with a young and handsome man back hugging her. “That must be her boyfriend”, she thought. Suddenly she smacked her forehead. “Oh, god! I forgot to reply Sooyoungie’s text”, she mumbled while looking for her phone inside her handbag. She was about to type the text when suddenly Gyuri entered with a tray of coffee mugs in her hand. Jessica dumped back her phone inside the handbag. (Author’s note: Poor Sooyoungie! LOL!)

“Here’s your coffee. Please have a drink”, Gyuri said while placing the coffee mug on her table.

“Thanks, Gyuri. So, you’re the HR manager here, right?”, Jessica said.

“Yup, and I’m the in-charge officer of the interview today”, she replied.

“Can I know how many candidates will be interviewed for this position?”, Jessica asked while sipping her coffee.

“Not many. You’re the one and only candidate for this interview”, she replied in short.

“Only me?”, she pointed to herself as she was in surprised. Gyuri smiled and nodded her head. “Ermm.. can I know why?”, Jessica asked in curious.

“Because our CEO interested to offer you for this position. So, he asked me to call you personally to invite you to come for the interview. I’m sorry for the short notice. He’s quite busy with meetings and everything, and he only got time this afternoon”, Gyuri explained to her.

“Oh, that’s very nice of him”, Jessica replied. They continued chatting until they didn’t realize that it was already 2.00 p.m.

“Hey, it’s the time already. Come, let me take you to the CEO office room”, Gyuri said as she got up from her chair.

“Okay”, Jessica replied as she felt nervous. She’d never attended any job interviews since she’s working with his father’s company after she graduated from the university. She followed Gyuri from behind. Finally they reached in front of the CEO office room. Gyuri knocked the door.


“Come in!”, a voice shouted from inside. Gyuri pulled the door knob, and slowly opened the door.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Choi. Miss Jessica Jung is here, ready for the interview”, Gyuri said as she bowed to the man. Jessica’s eyes got widened when she found out the man who was sitting on the big comfy chair was the man who appeared in Gyuri’s picture.

“Oh, my! Her boyfriend is the CEO of this company?”, she thought. He immediately stood up from his chair and walked towards the girls.

“Hello Miss Jung, I’m Choi Siwon, CEO of the Choi Industries”, Siwon introduced himself to Jessica. He extended his hand to shake.

“Hello Mr. Choi, it’s nice to meet you”, she said as she shook his hand.

“Please, have a sit”, Siwon said as he immediately sat on the couch. Gyuri then sat beside him and handed a file to him.

“Thank you”, she said and sat on the other couch which opposite the couple. Her eyes wandered around the room while the couple was busy discussing on something. She looked at the room's wall where there are numerous framed pictures hung in there. Her eyes then glued at a picture where Siwon was standing next to someone whom she knew very well.

“Excuse me, Mr. Choi. Can I ask you something”, Jessica suddenly asked. Siwon and Gyuri immediately shifted their gaze at her.

“Yes, Miss Jung? What is it?”, Siwon replied.

“The picture of yours over there, the man who was standing beside you, can I know who is he?”, she curiously asked as she pointed her finger to the wall. Siwon quickly turned his head to the wall.

“Oh, that’s my cousin, Choi Sooyoung. He’s my late uncle’s son, the owner of the Choi Industries”, Siwon answered with a smile.

“H-he’s your c-cousin?”, Jessica stuttered.

“Yes, he is. Why? Do you know him?”, Siwon’s turn to ask. Jessica slowly nodded her head.

“H-he’s my boyfriend”

“He’s what?”















Hello chingus! I'm so sorry for the late update. I was so busy with my work, plus not feeling well for the past few days (cough and flu). And, sorry again for disappointing you guys because there's no scene included in the chapter as has been suggested and requested by you guys. I told you I'm not good in writing scene, so, sorry again! Mianhae! Please don't give up on me, okay?

I'll try to reply all your comments soonest possible. Don't forget to drop your comment as well. Thank you so much for your patience. I'll see you guys in the next chapter!



Your humble author.

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I just realize there're some mistakes I'


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diana_knight07 #1
Awww this story is sweet and i love reading it, thank you for this fanfic author :3
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 72: Done reading this?
Chapter 72: please update soon
Chapter 72: I love this story.. please keep writing especially soosica, this story really make my day. thankyou for writing this good story, you're cool authornim, keep writing, fighting!
Elo-Elo #5
Chapter 67: could you give me the pdf version [email protected]
leesonekyu #6
Chapter 45: haha lol what do you expect from a byuntae haha
leesonekyu #7
Chapter 35: kaka kryber jjang :D well amber really looks like a guy haha you will not mistaken her as a girl :D so cool
leesonekyu #8
Chapter 30: smell TROUBLE
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 23: confession now:] hihi