Chapter 57

Love Will Find A Way







The next morning

“Urghh... what time is it?”, Sooyoung mumbled weakly after he was awakened by his phone alarm. He took his phone that was on the side table, and looked at the phone screen. “Hmm.. 7.30”, he mumbled again while putting the phone back on the side table. He then felt a sudden weight on his waist. He looked down, and he found out his ice princess was still sleeping soundlessly while hugging his waist tightly like a koala bear.. LOL!

Sooyoung smiled as he slowly brushed her bangs that has covered her face. He leaned forward to kiss her forehead. There’s no response from the latter as she was still in a deep sleep. He kissed her nose, still no response. He then went for her lips, but before he could kiss her lips, suddenly Jessica opened her eyes.

“Don’t you dare!”, she said with a straight voice. Sooyoung was startled. Jessica immediately released her arms from Sooyoung’s waist and got up from the bed. “I’m still not done with you”, she said while glaring at him before she headed to the bathroom. Sooyoung gulped.

“Haishh... Jessica..”, he sighed. He then got up from the bed, and slowly walked out of the room. He went to Danny’s room, and slowly tiptoed to the bathroom to wash his face and brushed his teeth. After freshen himself, he walked to the bed, and slowly sat next to the sleeping little boy. He gently his hair, and kissed on Danny’s cheek. He then got up from the bed, and went out of his little boy’s room, heading to the kitchen to prepare a breakfast for his ice princess.

“Alright, done!”, he mumbled to himself after he finished preparing breakfast for Jessica. A few minutes later, Jessica appeared in the kitchen, already complete with her work attire. She then walked to the fridge and took a bottle of plain water. She took an empty glass, and poured the water into it. She slowly drank the water.

“Babe, come and have a breakfast first”, Sooyoung said. Jessica just ignored him and continued drank the plain liquid until it finished.

“Jessica, please. Don’t do this to me. I know you mad at me because I didn’t tell you about my past relationship with Hyorin, right?”, Sooyoung said. Jessica suddenly turned to look at Sooyoung who was sitting at the stool.

“Why did you pointed out of something that you had already known?”, she replied sarcastically. Sooyoung sighed before he started to speak.

“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry for not telling you about me and her. But that was my past, Sica. I don’t think I should share something that has become a history in my life. We broke up a long time ago, before I met you. You knew that she’s already married, right? I mean, what’s the point if I told you that she was my ex-girlfriend? Although we’re used to be an item before, but now I regard her as my friend, Sica, that’s all. You know that I’m madly in love with you. She was my past, and you’re my present and my future, Sica. Please have a trust on me”, Sooyoung explained. Jessica just keep silent while staring at the window near the kitchen sink. She just stood still there. Sooyoung stood up from the stool, and walked towards her. He grabbed her hand, and slowly pulled her to the kitchen counter. Jessica just complied.

“Please, at least eat some breakfast before you go to work. Don’t let your stomach empty, you’ll get sick later”, Sooyoung said as he released her hand. He pulled the stool and guided Jessica to sit on it. Again, Jessica just complied, and slowly she sat on the stool. He poured the orange juice into the glass, and placed it in front her. Sooyoung was about to leave the kitchen when suddenly Jessica grabbed his hand. He pulled Sooyoung closed to her, and hugged his waist.

“I’m sorry”, she said as her voice started to crack. “I’m sorry for being a selfish”, she continued. Sooyoung slowly her hair, and kissed on top of her head.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. Let’s not bring this matter up again, okay? Trust me next time, will you?”, Sooyoung replied. Jessica nodded her head. “Alright, eat your breakfast now. You’ll be late for work later”, Sooyoung said as he gently patted Jessica’s back head. Jessica slowly released her arms from Sooyoung’s waist, and she pulled Sooyoung’s hand to sit on the stool next to her.

“Eat with me”, Jessica said while looking at Sooyoung.

“Okay”, Sooyoung just complied. He took the plate that contained with a pancake, and cut it into a small piece. “Here, eat this”, Sooyoung said as he carried the fork closed to Jessica’s mouth and fed her. Jessica opened widely and munched the pancake. “Aigoo... so cute, just like Danny”, Sooyoung giggled as he . Jessica’s face reddened. She lightly punched Sooyoung’s arm. Sooyoung just chuckled.

“Soo, can I ask you something?”, Jessica asked while still munching her pancake.

“Sure, babe. What is it?”, Sooyoung replied as he cut the pancake into a small piece and fed himself.

“Did you.. ermm.. did you ever love Hyorin? I mean, when you’re dating her, did you really love her?”, Jessica asked. Sooyoung put the cutleries, and he took Jessica’s hand that was on her lap, intertwined with his hand.

“Hmm.. how should I say this? I actually had a crush on her when the first time I met her at the student club. So, after I started to know her, I asked her out and, she agreed. After we’ve dated for two months, she told me that she just liked me as a friend, and she’s already had a boyfriend. When we’re dating, Siwon hyung had met her several times when he visited me at the campus. So, that’s how he knew Hyorin”, Sooyoung said. Jessica nodded her head.

“So, I guess she’s the girl that you almost had a with, huh?”, Jessica asked in curious.

“Yeah. Almost had it, if she didn’t tell me that she had a boyfriend”, Sooyoung giggled. Jessica suddenly hit his arm.

“Yah! You think that’s funny?”, she exclaimed while giving her icy stare at her fiance.

“Oww! You’ve asked me that kind of question, so, I just answered it!”, Sooyoung grunted while caressing his sore arm. “Anyway, why are you making it as a big deal while you and Donghae used to have se...”, Sooyoung was about to continue his words when suddenly Jessica covered his mouth with her hand.

“Alright, no need to mention that again, will you?”, she said with a stern voice, glaring at Sooyoung. She immediately released her hand from Sooyoung’s mouth.

“So, now we’re even, huh?”, Sooyoung smirked. Jessica glared at him once again.

“Yeah, yeah.. just shut up and eat, Choi Sooyoung!”, Jessica said annoyingly as she took the fork from Sooyoung’s hand. She then forked the food and fed Sooyoung. Sooyoung just giggled. He then glanced at the kitchen’s wall clock.

“Alright, princess. It’s already 8.00. You should go by now”, Sooyoung said while patting her lap. Jessica drank her orange juice for the last time. She then immediately got up from the stool and headed to the living room. Sooyoung just followed her from behind. Jessica took her handbag and her work bag and grabbed her car keys that was on the table. She then walked to the shoe rack, and wore her high heels. Before she pulled the door knob, she stopped for a while, and turned to her back.

“I’ll see you at lunch, okay? Don’t go anywhere”, she leaned forward and gave a peck on Sooyoung’s lips. Sooyoung wrapped his arms around Jessica’s waist.

“Why don’t you just come to YoonYul’s cafe, and have a lunch with me there? I might be there this afternoon”, Sooyoung suggested.

“Okay. Are you going to bring Danny together?”, she asked.

“Yes, sweetie. I’ll bring our little champ too, and we can have our lunch together today”, he replied with a smile.

“Alright, I need to go now. Bye, I love you!”, Jessica said as she gave another peck on Sooyoung’s lips.

“I love you too, babe. Drive safely!”, Sooyoung kissed on her forehead before he released his arms from her waist. Jessica smiled and waved her hand at Sooyoung before she went to the elevator. After Jessica disappeared from his sight, Sooyoung closed the door and went inside.

“Pheww! Mission accomplished. Good job, Sooyoung!”, he said as he patted his own shoulder and smiled widely. He felt relieved that his problem with Jessica finally resolved. He then headed to the kitchen to clean up the table and washed the dishes.

At Choi Industries

“Good morning, Miss Jung!”, Hyuna greeted Jessica soon after she arrived. She went to Hyuna’s desk.

“Hey, Hyuna! Good morning to you too!”, Jessica happily greeted her PA back.

“You look cheerful this morning, Miss Jung”, Hyuna said.

“Am I?”, Jessica replied. Hyuna nodded her head with a grin. Jessica just giggled. “Anyway, do I have any appointments or meetings for today?”, she asked. Hyuna quickly checked on her planner, and scanned through on today’s schedule.

“Hmm... so far you don’t have any”, Hyuna replied.

“Alright, good. I’ll going out for lunch with my fiance this afternoon. Maybe I’ll come back to the office a bit late”, she said.

“Okay, Miss Jung”, Hyuna replied. Jessica was about to enter her office room when suddenly Hyuna called her.

“Miss Jung, I’m sorry, I forgot to inform you. Miss Hyorin has already waiting for you at your room”, Hyuna said.

“Oh, really? Okay, thanks Hyuna!”, Jessica thanked her and immediately entered her room.

“Good morning, Hyo!”, Jessica happily greeted Hyorin who was sitting at the couch, waiting for her.

“Good morning, Jessie!”, Hyorin immediately stood up from the couch and greeted her back with a smile. Jessica headed to her desk, and put all her stuffs inside the cabinet drawer. She then walked to the couch.

“Have a seat, Hyo”, Jessica said. Hyorin sat back on the couch. “So, are you ready to start your work today?”, Jessica asked.

“Yes, Jessie. I’m ready”, Hyorin replied.

“Okay, let me check with Mr. Kang first whether your office room is ready or not”, Jessica said as she got up from the couch and walked back towards her desk. She sat on her chair and immediately dialled Mr. Kang’s extension number.

“Yes, Miss Jung?”, Mr. Kang answered the call.

“Mr. Kang, have you got Miss Hyorin’s office room ready?”, Jessica asked.

“Yes, Miss Jung. Miss Hyorin’s room is ready. I’ll come to your room in a minute”, Mr. Kang replied.

“Okay, thanks Mr. Kang”, Jessica thanked him. She got up from her chair and walked back to the couch. “Your office room is ready now, we’ll wait for Mr. Kang to come here”, Jessica said.

“Thanks, Jessie”, Hyorin said. “Ermm.. Jessie, about yesterday..”, Hyorin was about to continue her words when Jessica suddenly cut her off.

“It’s okay, Hyo. Soo had already told me about it. Let’s just forget about that, okay?”, Jessica said as she smiled. Suddenly they heard a knock at the door.

“Please come in, Mr. Kang”, Jessica said. Mr. Kang entered inside the room.

“Good morning Miss Jung, Miss Hyorin!”, Mr. Kang greeted them.

“Good morning, Mr. Kang”, Jessica and Hyorin greeted him back in unison.

“So, shall we go now?”, Mr. Kang asked as he waited at the door.

“Yeah, sure. Let’s go”, Jessica said as she followed Mr. Kang from behind, together with Hyorin. A couple of minutes later they arrived in front of Hyorin’s new office room.

“Here’s your office, Miss Hyorin”, Mr. Kang said as he opened the door.

“Thanks Mr. Kang”, Hyorin thanked him. She and Jessica immediately entered inside the room. “Wow, it’s nice!”, Hyorin said excitedly while walking towards the window. She was amazed with the view from her office.

“Do you like it?”, Jessica asked.

“Yes, I like it! Thanks, Jessie!”, Hyorin thanked her.

“You don’t have to thank me, Hyo. It’s our duty to provide our staff with the facilities”, Jessica replied.

“Hmm.. Miss Jung, Miss Hyorin, if there’s nothing else, I’d like to excuse myself”, Mr. Kang said.

“Sure, you can go now. Thank you once again, Mr. Kang”, Jessica replied. Mr. Kang bowed to them and slowly headed back to his room.

“Knock! Knock!”, suddenly they heard a voice at the door. It’s no other than their boss, Siwon.

“Hey, oppa! Please come in”, Hyorin said. Siwon then entered inside the room.

“So, how did you find this room? Is it comfortable?”, Siwon asked.

“Yes, it is, oppa. Thank you so much”, Hyorin thanked him.

“You’re welcome. By the way ladies, I just want to inform you that we’ll have a lunch meeting with the CEO from Global Ventures this afternoon”, Siwon said.

“Mwoh?”, Jessica exclaimed as she was in surprise. She really couldn’t make it as she had promised Sooyoung to have a lunch together today.

“Sica, are you okay?”, Siwon asked while looking at her curiously.

“Ermm.. y-yeah.. I’m okay. Hmm.. oppa, can I excuse myself from this lunch meeting?”, Jessica asked.

“Wae?”, Siwon replied.

“Hmm.. the thing is.. I’ve promised to have a lunch with Sooyoung and Danny today”, Jessica said shyly. Siwon then chuckled.

“Oh, okay. So, since Jessica is unable to join the lunch meeting, so, you, Miss Hyorin are compulsory to join me for the lunch meeting, arasso?”, Siwon said before he went out of the room.

“Arasso, oppa”, Hyorin giggled.




**Annyeong! ^^**








Hello chingus! An update for today. Hope you guys like the chapter. Don't forget to drop your comment as well. Love you guys! Have a nice weekend! ^^


Your humble author.

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I just realize there're some mistakes I'


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diana_knight07 #1
Awww this story is sweet and i love reading it, thank you for this fanfic author :3
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 72: Done reading this?
Chapter 72: please update soon
Chapter 72: I love this story.. please keep writing especially soosica, this story really make my day. thankyou for writing this good story, you're cool authornim, keep writing, fighting!
Elo-Elo #5
Chapter 67: could you give me the pdf version [email protected]
leesonekyu #6
Chapter 45: haha lol what do you expect from a byuntae haha
leesonekyu #7
Chapter 35: kaka kryber jjang :D well amber really looks like a guy haha you will not mistaken her as a girl :D so cool
leesonekyu #8
Chapter 30: smell TROUBLE
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 23: confession now:] hihi