Chapter 5

Love Will Find A Way

The next morning

This morning, Sooyoung is free from his lecturing schedule. Although he felt a slight dizzy since he drank few cans of beer on last night, he managed to wake up early whenever the alarm started to ring. He had getting used to it for the past four years. He turned off the alarm clock and immediately got up from his bed, heading to the bathroom.

After done with shower and get dressed, he immediately went to Danny’s bedroom, and slowly opened the door. The little warrior was still in a deep sleep. He slowly sat on the edge of the bed next to the sleeping boy.

“Danny, baby, wakey, wakey!”, Sooyoung gently patted his arm. A few seconds later, the little boy wake up.

“Daddyyy..”, Danny weakly called his father. He rubbed his sleepy eyes.

“Still sleepy, huh?”, Sooyoung said to him. He nodded weakly. “Remember, daddy want to take you out this morning? Let’s get ready, okay?”, Sooyoung said softly to his son. He slowly got up and sat on his bed. Sooyoung got up from the bed and carried the sleepy little boy to the bathroom.

After took his shower and get dressed, Danny happily run towards the couch and sat on it, waiting for his father to pack his bag. After finished packing, Sooyoung went out of his little boy’s bedroom, and slowly tiptoed towards the couch.

“Gotchaa!”, he teased his little boy, causing him to scream and laughed loudly. He jumped on the couch and tickled his son.

“Daddyyyy.. schtopp!”, Danny scream and laughed, kicking his feet in the air. Sooyoung immediately stop tickling his son and got up from the couch.

“Alright, that’s enough. Let’s go little champ. We will have lots of fun this morning”, he said as he lifted his little boy and carried him in his arms.

“Lech go!”, Danny exclaimed excitedly.

At McDonalds restaurant

Sooyoung and Danny arrived earlier at the fast food restaurant since its not far from their apartment building. For the past few years, Sooyoung and Siwon would meet at McDonalds since it has a play area for kids. Sooyoung will pick the table near the play area so that he can easily monitor his son playing there.

While he was busy watching his son playing, suddenly she was startled by a familiar voice who greeted him.

“Hello Soo”, Siwon greeted.

“Hello hyung, have a seat”, Sooyoung said as he let out a small smile. Siwon sat on the chair facing his cousin.

“It’s been a long time, huh?”, he started the conversation.

“Yeah”, he replied shortly. His eyes still gazing at the play area.

“Where’s Danny?”, Siwon asked.

“He’s playing over there”, Sooyoung replied while pointing his finger at the play area.

“So, what do you want to eat? I will order. It’s on me”, Siwon asked.

“It’s okay, hyung. I’ve already order it for me and Danny. They will send it in a minute”, Sooyoung replied.

“Oh, okay. I’ll go and order for myself then”, he said as he got up from the chair. A few minutes later, the staff came with a tray of meals that has been ordered by Sooyoung earlier. Sooyoung thanked the staff and he immediately got up from his chair, walking towards the play area. His eyes wandered around the area, looking for his son. He then spotted the little boy who was busy playing with kids play slides.

“Danny, come here!”, he called the little boy’s name while waving at him. Danny immediately run to his father and hugged his leg. Sooyoung then squatted on the same level with his son.

“Have fun so far?”, he asked the little boy.

“Yesh! fun!”, Danny grinned.

“Hungry?”, he asked again. Danny nodded his head vigorously.

“Come, let’s eat”, he stood up and held the little boy’s hand, walking back to their table. Danny immediately released his hand from his father's as soon as he saw Siwon and ran towards him.

“Uncle Shiwon!”, he shouted excitedly.

“Hey Danny! Wow, you have grown up, young man!”, he said as he carried the little boy and put him on his lap. “And, heavy!”, he purposely bounced him on his lap. Danny laughed excitedly.

“Alright, here’s your meal. Eat this, okay?”, Sooyoung said while placing the tray in front of the little boy. Danny nodded and took a few fries and stuffed it into his mouth.

“Easy, young man. Eat slowly, okay?”, Siwon said as he patted the little boy’s head. Danny smiled gleefully.

“So, what is it so important that you wanna talk about?”, Sooyoung asked as he took a bite of his double cheeseburger.

“I still want you to come back to us, Soo. Please, if you don’t want to do it for yourself, just do it for Danny. For the sake of his future”, Siwon calmly said as he took a sip of his coffee.

“And, for the umpteenth time I told you that I’ll not fall for it this time. Please, hyung. Please respect my decision. Danny needs his real life, not spending for the rest of his life with the maids”, Sooyoung sternly said.

“So, you call your life now, a real life, huh? Come on, Soo. Working as a part-time teacher, and a part-time waiter, is this your real life?”, Siwon smirked. Sooyoung’s heart was boiling mad, feeling offended by his cousin's words. He tried to calm himself, not wanting his son to notice on their ‘hot’ conversation.

“Say whatever you wanna say, hyung. I stick with my stance. So, please don’t bother about it”, Sooyoung sarcastically said. Siwon just gritted his teeth, feeling indignant with his cousin's answer.

“Okay, okay, if you say so. Just do whatever you wanna do. I won’t give up, Soo. I’m sure, someday you’ll come back to us. Don’t tell me that I haven’t told you on that time”, he said.

“Hmm.. whatever, hyung”, he mumbled while munching his cheeseburger.

“Alright, I’ve nothing else to say. Please excuse me, I need to attend a meeting in another half an hour. Danny, uncle need to go now. Be a good boy to your daddy, okay?”, Siwon said as he patted Danny’s head softly. He put Danny on the chair next to him, and he got up from his seat.

“Otay!”, Danny nodded his head.

“I’ll see you later, Soo”, Siwon said.

“Yeah, see ya!”, he replied indifferent towards his cousin.

“Good bye Danny!”, Siwon bid good bye to his nephew.

“Boi boi uncle Shiwon!”, Danny waved his hand at him. Siwon immediately leaving the restaurant.

“Alright, little champ. Finish your food. Daddy need to go to work after this”, Sooyoung said while wiping a smudge off his son’s mouth.

“Danny want play!”, the little boy whined. He was like almost crying. Sooyoung got up from his seat, and move to sit next to the little boy. He put his arm around the little boy’s shoulder.

“Daddy will bring you here next time, okay? Daddy promise”, Sooyoung said to him softly.

“Pwomish?”, Danny replied as he held his pinky finger. Sooyoung entwined his pinky finger with his son’s.

“Yes, daddy promise”, Sooyoung smiled and patted his son’s shoulder.

After they had finished eating their meal, Sooyoung and Danny leaving the restaurant, heading back to their apartment. Sooyoung then send his little boy to the babysitter’s house before he went to Yuri's cafe.

At Yuri’s Cafe

Sooyoung arrived at the cafe earlier than usual. Although his shift began on 2.00, he didn't mind to begin work early because this a bit much to help him busied himself from the remembrance of sad things that had happened in his life.

“Hey Soo, you’re early today”, Yuri greeted him.

“Yeah, I don’t have lecture this morning, so I decided to come early. Is there anything that I can do?”, he asked.

“Hmm.. could you please send this to our customers out there. Wooyoung still not coming yet, and Jiyeon is quite busy at the moment”, Yuri said as he placed the tray filled with food that has been ordered by customers earlier at the ordering counter.

“Yeah, sure boss. Let me”, Sooyoung replied while walking out of the kitchen. He then took the tray and carefully carried it to the customer’s desk.

“Excuse me Miss, here’s your ord... Tiff? What are you doing here?”, Sooyoung asked, in surprise.

“Obviously I’m here to eat, though!”, Tiffany replied as she chuckled.

“Hehe.. yeah, you’re right”, Sooyoung laughed while scratching his head. “Why are you not with Tae? Where’s he?”, Sooyoung asked again.

“He had something to be settled at college. I’m here with my friend”, Tiffany replied. Sooyoung look at her weirdly.

“Where’s your friend?”, he asked.

“Oh, she went to the ladies for a while”, Tiffany replied. A few seconds later her friend went back to their table. “Ah, there she is”, Tiffany said while waving her hand at her friend. Sooyoung turned his head to the direction of where Tiffany had said.

“You?”, Sooyoung shockingly said.

“You?”, she said as was in shock too.

“I know you!”, both of them said in unison.

“You’re Choi Sooyoung, right?”, she asked.

“Ahuh, and you’re Jessica, right?, Soooyoung asked her back.

“Jung. Jessica Jung is the name”, she sternly said.

“Wait, wait, how did you know my name?”, Sooyoung asked.

“Hmm.. well, my younger sister knew you. She’s your student”, Jessica replied.

“Your younger sister? My student?”, Sooyoung confused.

“Yes, Krystal Jung, your student. Wait, wait. If you’re her teacher, then what are you doing here?”, she looked at him weirdly.

“I’m working here, though!”, Sooyoung replied.

“I don’t get it”, Jessica said.

“Hmm.. guys”, Tiffany suddenly interrupted.

“Which part that you didn’t get?”, Sooyoung asked.

“You, working here”, Jessica replied.






**Finally.. SooSica first meeting, Part 1.. pheww! -.-'







Hello chingus! Sorry for the late update. Hope you guys like it. 

Thank you so much for subscribing and reading my story. Thank you for your comments as well.

Enjoy reading! ^^



Your humble author.




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diana_knight07 #1
Awww this story is sweet and i love reading it, thank you for this fanfic author :3
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 72: Done reading this?
Chapter 72: please update soon
Chapter 72: I love this story.. please keep writing especially soosica, this story really make my day. thankyou for writing this good story, you're cool authornim, keep writing, fighting!
Elo-Elo #5
Chapter 67: could you give me the pdf version [email protected]
leesonekyu #6
Chapter 45: haha lol what do you expect from a byuntae haha
leesonekyu #7
Chapter 35: kaka kryber jjang :D well amber really looks like a guy haha you will not mistaken her as a girl :D so cool
leesonekyu #8
Chapter 30: smell TROUBLE
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 23: confession now:] hihi