Chapter 64

Love Will Find A Way



They became sweeter and sweeter now a days.

Nor they just gave up to hide it?!

Lovely SooSica!

CR: Heavenly Forest, soosica628




Later at night, at one of the hotel restaurants

“Thank you for coming, honey”, Jiwoo said as she patted her husband’s cheek.

“You’re welcome, darling. Now, where’s my ‘once in a blue moon’ nephew?”, Sanghyun asked his wife as they entered the restaurant. Jiwoo giggled on his remark. The waiter then guided them to the VIP dining room of the restaurant.

“Let’s get inside. They’re already waiting for us”, Jiwoo replied while entering the dining room and looked at the table where the Jungs, Sooyoung, Danny and Hyoyeon were sitting.

“Alright, let’s meet them”, Sang Hyun said to his wife.

“Annyeong everyone!”, Sanghyun and Jiwoo greeted them soon after they approached their table. “Jung ssi, it’s nice to meet you again!”, Sanghyun said excitedly as soon as he saw Mr. Jung. He held out his hand to shake hands with Mr. Jung.

“Sanghyun ssi, nice to meet you again too!”, Mr. Jung immediately stood up and shook hands with Sanghyun. He then looked at the rest at the table, and he spotted his nephew, no other than Choi Sooyoung. He then walked towards Sooyoung. Sooyoung quickly stood up and bowed to him. “Hey, Youngie! How are you doing?”, he said as he hugged Sooyoung.

“I’m doing good, uncle”, Sooyoung replied and returned the hug. Sanghyun patted on his back before he released the hug.

“Good to know that, son. And, this must be Danny, right?”, he asked as he looked at the little boy who was sitting on Jessica’s lap.

“Yes, uncle. He’s Danny. He’s 4 years old now”, Sooyoung replied while ruffling Danny’s hair. “Baby, say hello to haraboji”, Sooyoung said to the little boy.

“Annyeong, aboji”, Danny said while looking at Sanghyun. He then buried his face on Jessica’s chest as he felt shy. Sooyoung and Jessica giggled on his action.

“Aigoo.. so cute! Annyeong, Danny. You’ve grown up now, little guy. I remember I met him for the first time when he was still a baby”, Sanghyun said while patting on the little boy’s back gently. Sooyoung just let out a small smile. He then pulled the chair for his wife and let her to sit first before he took a seat next to her. He then stared at Jessica.

“And, this pretty young lady must be Jessica, right?”, Sanghyun asked.

“Y-yes, uncle”, Jessica replied shyly.

“Sorry for keep you guys waiting. Alright, since everyone is here, so, shall we start our dinner?”, Jiwoo said. All of them nodded their heads. She immediately called the waiters, and informed them to start serving the foods and drinks. While waiting for the waiters, Sanghyun started the conversation.

“So, Jung ssi, how do you find the hotel so far?”, Sanghyun asked.

“It’s really a world class hotel, Sanghyun ssi. The room, the service, everything is at the top of my list”, Mr. Jung said.

“Jinja? Wow, my wife here is really a hardworking one, eh? She seldom spent her time with me because she has dedicate herself to manage this hotel until it become as good as it is right now. Well, you know, this is the one and only gift from my late brother-in-law to her, I mean, her big brother, and also Sooyoung’s father. So, I guess she had already did the best”, Sanghyun said with a small smile carved on his lips. He felt a bit reluctant to mention about Sooyoung’s late father as he didn’t want to ruin everyone’s mood and also the situation. He put his hand on top of Jiwoo’s hand that was on his lap, and patted it gently.

“It’s okay, Sanghyun ssi. We understand. Well, as I said just now, we’re really enjoying our first stay in here. Jiwoo ssi is such a dedicated person. I really admire her hardworking though”, Mr. Jung said. The rest of them just smiled while listening to Mr. Jung and Sanghyun’s conversation intently.

“Thank you, Mr. Jung”, Jiwoo said with a smile. Not long after, the waiters entered the dining room while carrying trays of food and drinks with them. They started to serve them for the dinner.

While they were enjoying their dinner, Sanghyun suddenly stopped eating. He then glanced at his wife, signaling her to get a permission to start the talk. Jiwoo then nodded her head slowly.

“So, I heard that our Sooyoung here has already engaged with your eldest daughter, Jung ssi. So, since we’re already gathered here, can we discuss about their wedding?”, Sanghyun asked.


Mr. Jung coughed up his food that he had eaten as he was surprised with Sanghyun sudden question. Jessica and the rest were surprised too as they looked at each other. Krystal, in the other hand, covered with her hands, tried to hold her laughter. What they didn’t know is that Jiwoo and Sanghyun have already discussed with Sooyoung about the wedding plan through the phone while Sooyoung was in the hospital.


At the hospital’s cafeteria earlier on that afternoon

“Hyo, I need to go to the gents, can you please wait for me here?”, Sooyoung said soon after they’re done bought the drinks for the Jungs.

“Sure, buddy”, Hyoyeon replied as he walked towards their table and sat back there. Sooyoung immediately headed to the toilet. After he was done with his business, he went out of the toilet, and quickly took his phone from his pants pocket. He dialled a number.


“Yoboseyo?”, the voice answered.

“Annyeong, Mrs. Choi. Sorry for disturbing you again. Can I talk to you for a minute?”, Sooyoung said.

“Gwenchana, Soo. Yes, sure dear. You want to add another room on your booking?”, Mrs. Choi a.k.a. Jiwoo asked.

“No, aunty. It’s not about that. I.. hmm.. I have something to discuss with you, aunty, and it’s quite important”, Sooyoung replied.

“Jinja? What is it that you want to discuss, dear?”, she asked again.

“Aunty, I really need your help. Since my fiancee’s parents are here, can you and uncle discuss about our wedding with them? I don’t want them to think that I’m not serious with their daughter, aunty. I really love my fiancee, and I want to end up our relationship with marriage, as soon as possible”, Sooyoung replied.

“Wow, that sounds serious, Soo. You know, me and your uncle never have this kind of experience. Well, since your cousins are still underage”, Jiwoo said as she chuckled. Sooyoung just giggled on her funny remarks.

“I know, aunty. But, I just want it to be proper, since Jessica’s father is quite a well-known businessman in Korea. At least, you and Uncle Sanghyun can act on behalf of my late parents, to have a proper discussion about our wedding plan”, Sooyoung said.

“Aigoo.. please don’t say so, dear. You’re going to make me sad. Arasso, I’ll discuss with your Uncle Sanghyun before he came here for dinner tonight. Don’t worry, okay?”, Jiwoo replied.

“Okay. Thank you so much, aunty!”, Sooyoung thanked her.

“You’re welcome, dear. I’ll see you later. Bye!”, she said as she ended the call.

**End of the flashback**

“Honey, are you okay?”, Mrs. Jung frantically asked while patting her husband’s back.

“Y-yeah. I’m okay”, Mr. Jung replied while wiping his mouth with the napkin.

“Jung ssi, are you alright? I’m sorry if you’re surprised with my sudden question”, Sanghyun asked while looking at him worriedly.

“Yes, I.. I’m okay, Sanghyun ssi. Don’t worry”, Mr. Jung replied with a small smile.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to discuss about it here. Maybe we can discuss in some other time”, Sanghyun said. Mrs. Jung and Jiwoo just smiled after hearing on their husband’s conversation.

“No, it’s okay, Sanghyun ssi. I’m fine with it”, he replied.

“Unnies, seems like dad has finally met his match”, Krystal whispered to her sister and Nicole. The Jung girls giggled.

“So, can we start our discussion now, Jung ssi?”, Sanghyun asked.

“Yeah, sure”, Mr. Jung replied.

“Alright, let’s discuss about the date of their wedding first”, Sanghyun said as he smilingly looked at Sooyoung.

“Thank you”, Sooyoung mouthed to his uncle. Sanghyun winked at Sooyoung, and the latter just giggled silently on his uncle’s action.

Meanwhile in Seoul

“Princess, finish your homework first before eating your dinner, okay?”, Hyorin said to Minha. Both of them were at the living room, sitting at the floor.

“Okay, mommy”, Minha nodded her head, and continue doing her school homework. She was coloring the cartoon characters she has drawn earlier at school. Hyorin smiled while caressing her daughter’s hair gently.

“Hyo dear, dinner is ready!”, Mrs. Park shouted from the dining room.

“In a minute, mom!”, Hyorin shouted back. She was about to say something to her little princess when suddenly her phone beeped.


Hyorin took her phone that was on the table, and immediately looked at the phone screen.

From: Unknown number

Hi, Miss Hyorin! Have you had your dinner?

“Huh? Who’s this?”, she mumbled to herself. She quickly replied the text.

To: Unknown number

Was about to. Who’s this?

“Let’s see whether you’re going to reply or not”, she mumbled. A few seconds later, her phone beeped again.

From: Unknown number

It’s me, Lee Donghae. I was about to ask you out for dinner. I guess, maybe next time. Sorry to disturb you. I’ll see you on tomorrow morning. Good night!

“Donghae? Where the hell he got my number?”, Hyorin’s eyes widened as she was in surprised. “I don’t know what’s his motive, asking me out for dinner”, she thought. She then replied the text.

From: Hyorin

Yeah, maybe next time. It’s okay. Good night to you too.

“This is weird”, she mumbled as she thought Donghae seemed like trying to make a move on her. “Haishh.. don’t think negative, Hyo. Who knows, maybe he just wants to be friends with me”, she mumbled again.

“Mommy, I have finished my homework”, Minha said as she shoved the drawing to her mother.

“Jinja? Let me see”, Hyorin said as she took the drawing and take a look on it. “Wow.. it’s pretty! Good job, princess!”, Hyorin said and patted her daughter’s head gently. “Alright sweetie, halmeoni has call us to have a dinner. Let’s go!”, she said as she put the drawing on the table, and immediately got up from the floor. She pulled her daughter’s hands as she helped her to get up from the floor. Both of them then headed to the dining room.

Back to Daejeon, at The Choi’s Hotel

At SooSica’s room

“Are you happy now that we’re going to get married in two months time?”, Jessica smilingly said while staring at her fiance who was busy drying his hair with a towel as he just took a shower. “Come here, let me help you”, Jessica said as she patted the bed, wanting Sooyoung to sit next to her. Sooyoung then walked towards the bed, and sat on the floor.

“I’m so beyond happy, babe”, Sooyoung smiled widely. Jessica took the towel from his hand, and helped him to dry his hair.

“But, are you okay, quitting your job as a teacher and waiter? I don’t want you to feel burden with my dad’s request, baby”, Jessica said as she stopped drying his hair for a while.

“No, it’s okay, babe. You don’t have to worry. Your dad was right. It’s about a time now. Besides, I’ve already promised Siwon hyung to return to work at Choi Industries. I can’t be selfish right now, babe. Soon I’m going to be a husband to my soon-to-be lovely wife here, and a father to our child. I don’t want my family to suffer because of me”, Sooyoung said as she patted on Jessica’s hand gently. Jessica couldn’t help but to smile widely upon hearing his sweet words.

“You just don’t know how much I love you, Soo. I can’t wait to be Mrs. Choi”, she said as she wrapped her arms around Sooyoung’s neck and kissed on top of his head.

“Me too, sweetie. I want Danny to have more siblings after this. At least four”, Sooyoung said as he chuckled. Jessica immediately released her arms and playfully bite Sooyoung’s ear. “Oww.. that hurts!”, he cried.

“That’s for being a ert!”, she giggled as she caressed on the spot where she bite just now.

“I love you, Mrs. Choi”, Sooyoung said as he took Jessica’s hand and kissed on it.

“I love you too, Mr. Choi”, Jessica replied and ruffled his hair.









Hello chingus! I'm so sorry for not able to update often. I'm a full-time office worker, so, I could only update whenever I have a free time. So, please bear with me, guys!

Thank you so much for voting, subscribing, and commenting on this fanfic. It will end soon, maybe I'll write a few more chapters, including SooSica wedding. So, don't forget to drop your comment as usual.

Love you guys! <3


Your humble author.

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I just realize there're some mistakes I'


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diana_knight07 #1
Awww this story is sweet and i love reading it, thank you for this fanfic author :3
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 72: Done reading this?
Chapter 72: please update soon
Chapter 72: I love this story.. please keep writing especially soosica, this story really make my day. thankyou for writing this good story, you're cool authornim, keep writing, fighting!
Elo-Elo #5
Chapter 67: could you give me the pdf version [email protected]
leesonekyu #6
Chapter 45: haha lol what do you expect from a byuntae haha
leesonekyu #7
Chapter 35: kaka kryber jjang :D well amber really looks like a guy haha you will not mistaken her as a girl :D so cool
leesonekyu #8
Chapter 30: smell TROUBLE
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 23: confession now:] hihi