Chapter 55

Love Will Find A Way


**SooSica parody! Shikshin Sooyoungie! LOL! XD**



The next day

Jessica insisted Sooyoung to contact Hyorin to invite her to have a lunch together with them. She wanted to discuss with Hyori about the offer to work at Choi Industries. Since Sooyoung told her that Hyorin graduated with a degree in business studies, Jessica suggested that Hyori could help her by being her assistant manager. She had already discussed about it with Siwon, and he agreed with Jessica’s suggestion to create a new position for Hyorin.

So, here they are, at the mall, waiting for Hyorin and her daughter, Minha to arrive. They are waiting at Danny’s favorite fast food restaurant, McDonalds since the little boy keep on asking his daddy and mommy to have their lunch there. While they were busy enjoying their meals, Hyorin and Minha entered the restaurant. Sooyoung who noticed on their presence immediately waved his hand at Hyorin, gestured her to come to their table.

“Soo, sorry we’re late. I’m still not familiar with this area, so, it takes time to come here”, Hyorin apologized to them.

“It’s okay, Hyo. Don’t worry. Hyo, meet my fiancee, Jessica Jung. Sica, this is Hyorin, my friend”, Sooyoung said and introduced Jessica to Hyorin. Jessica immediately stood up from the chair and held out her hand to shake hands with Hyori.

“Hi, Hyorin. Nice to meet you. Thank you for coming here”, Jessica said with a smile.

“Hi, Jessica. Nice to meet you too. You’re most welcome, and thank you for inviting us to have a lunch with you guys”, Hyorin said as she shook Jessica’s hand.

“And, this little girl?”, Jessica asked while looking at Minha.

“Oh, this is my daughter, Minha. Sweetie, say hello to Aunty Jessica”, Hyorin replied while her daughter’s back hair.

“Annyeong”, Minha said as she bowed to Jessica. Jessica smiled and caressed the little girl’s cheek.

“Annyeong, Minha. You’re cute!”, Jessica said to the little girl. Minha smiled shyly while holding her mother’s hand. “Please have a seat, Hyorin, Minha”, Jessica said. Both of them then took their seats.

“What do you want to eat, Hyo? I’ll order them for you and Minha”, Sooyoung asked. Hyorin tapped her chin while looking at the menu board.

“I’d like to have Filet-O-Fish set and Happy Meal set for Minha. Thanks Soo”, Hyorin replied.

“You’re welcome. Little champ, stay here with mommy, otay?”, Sooyoung said to his little boy.

“Otay daddy!”, Danny nodded his head while continue eating his food. Sooyoung then winked at Jessica before he headed to the counter to order the food. Jessica smiled sheepishly while glancing at him. Hyorin just smiled while looking at both of them.

“So, Jessica, how long have you been knowing Sooyoung?”, Hyorin started the conversation.

“Hmm..”, Jessica moved her fingers, making a mental calculation. “About 7 months”, she said.

“Oh, I see”, Hyorin replied as she nodded her head. “So, when are you guys planning to get married?”, she asked again. Jessica just let out a small smile.

“We’re not planning yet when”, Jessica replied hesitantly. Hyori was surprised with Jessica’s answer.

“Oh, why?”, she asked. Jessica let out a sigh before she answered.

“Me and my parents, we’re really not in a good term. I used to engage with someone before Sooyoung, and that guy was my parent's choice. My dad chased me out of the house after I told him that I wanted to call off my engagement with that guy. I fell out of love with him after I met Sooyoung”, she explained. Hyorin nodded her head while listening to her.

“I’m sorry to know about that, Jessica”, Hyorin said while Jessica’s hand. “I know, it must be hard for you, right? Just be patience, okay? I believe someday your parents will understand”, Hyorin tried to soothe her.

“Yeah, I hope so. Thanks Hyorin”, Jessica thanked her. “Oh, by the way, I heard from Sooyoung that you’re looking for a job, right?”, Jessica asked.

“Hmm.. yup. I bet Soo has already informed you that I’m moving back here, right?”, Hyori said. Jessica just nodded her head.

“Yes, and I’m sorry for you too”, Jessica said while patting Hyori’s hand.

“Nah, don’t be. It’s okay. I should do that long time ago. There’s no use to live together if your spouse had another woman in his life besides you. And, all of the time, you keep on questioning yourself,  what have you done wrong until your spouse change his heart?. Then, after a while, I couldn’t take it anymore, and divorce is the best solution to end up my frustration towards him”, Hyorin replied with a bitter smile.

“Hmm.. I hope Sooyoung wouldn’t do that to me. He doesn’t know how much I love him. I had against my parents will just because of him”, Jessica said.

“Don’t worry, Jessica. I knew him well. He wouldn’t do that to you. I can see a happiness written all over his face whenever he talked about you. I’m sure he must deeply in love with you too”, Hyorin said as she assured. Jessica just smiled in return.

“Hmm.. Hyorin, if you don’t mind, I just want to ask. How did you know him?”, Jessica asked. Hyorin was about to reply when suddenly Sooyoung appeared with a tray of meals that he had ordered in his hands.

“Alright, here’s your order”, Sooyoung said as he laid the tray on the table.

“Thanks Soo”, Hyorin thanked him. Hyorin took the meal set for her daughter, and placed it in front of the little girl. “Eat slowly, okay?”, she said.

“Okay”, Minha nodded her head as she took one fries and started to munch it. Jessica was staring at them.

“She looked just like you, Hyorin. How old is she?”, Jessica asked.

“Oh, she will turn 6 on next month”, Hyorin replied.

“Hmm.. she’s 2 years older than Danny. But, she still can be his girlfriend though, right little champ?”, Sooyoung's sudden words earns a laughter from both Hyorin and Jessica. Danny just grinned while looking at Sooyoung.

“They’re still young for dating, Soo”, Hyorin giggled. Sooyoung just chuckled.

“Yeah, Hyorin is right. What were you thinking, you ert!”, Jessica playfully slapped Sooyoung’s arm.

“Oww.. babeeee.. I’m just kidding!”, Sooyoung whined while caressing his arm. Hyorin smiled while looking at them.

“You guys are cute! Both of you are really meant to be together”, Hyorin said.

“Yeah, we hope so”, Sooyoung said and intertwined his hand with Jessica’s. Jessica smiled while looking at their intertwined hands.

“Alright, let’s discuss about the job offer at Choi Industries”, Jessica said. “So, are you interested to work at Choi Industries as my assistant manager?”, she asked.

“Hmm.. I’d love to. But, can you please give me some time to think about it? I still need to settle some personal matters first”, Hyorin replied.

“Oh, sure. We’re not in a rush anyway. Just come to my office whenever you’re ready, okay?”, Jessica said.

“Thanks so much, Jessica. I’ll try to settle my matters soonest possible”, Hyorin thanked her.

“Okay, ladies, and kiddies. Let’s finish our food. After this we can go shopping!”, Sooyoung clapped his hands excitedly.

“Huh?”, Jessica, Hyorin and the kiddies turned their heads, looking at him weirdly.

A few days later, at Choi Industries


“Come in!”, Jessica shouted from inside.

“Miss Jung, Miss Hyorin is here”, Hyuna appeared in front of the door with Hyorin at her back.

“Ah, finally you’re here!”, Jessica smilingly said while immediately getting up from her chair. She walked towards Hyorin and hugged her. “Please come in”, Jessica invited her to get inside the room. “Hyuna, can you make us a coffee?”, Jessica asked.

“Sure, Miss Jung”, Hyuna said.

“Thanks dear!”, Jessica thanked her. Hyuna immediately leaving the room. Jessica led Hyorin to the couch, and both of them sat on it.

“So, have you made your decision?”, Jessica asked. Hyorin nodded her head.

“Yup”, she replied in short. She then took a file holder from her bag, and handed it to Jessica. “Here’s my academic transcripts, certificates and recommendation letters from my previous employers in U.S.”, she said. Jessica slowly flipped through it pages by pages.

“Hmm.. impressive”, she said while her eyes still looking at the file. She suddenly stopped at one page. “Oh, you have been a trainee at Wall Street? Wow.. superb!”, Jessica exclaimed excitedly. Hyorin just smiled.

“Yeah, my ex-husband recommended me to be a trainee while he was working there”, Hyorin said.

“I’m sorry about that, Hyo”, Jessica apologized. She put the file holder on the table and caressed Hyorin’s hand.

“Nah, I’m fine with it, Jessie”, she said as she let out a smile. “So, when are we going to meet your CEO?”, Hyorin asked.

“Oh, I almost forgot about that. He’s in the meeting with the client at the moment. I’m supposed to join the meeting, but I've already told him that I need to wait for you to come here”, Jessica replied.

“Aww.. thank you, Jessie”, Hyorin thanked her. A few seconds later, Hyuna entered the room with a tray of coffee mugs in her hands.

“Here’s your coffee Miss Jung, Miss Hyorin”, Hyuna said as she placed the coffee mugs on the table.

“Thanks Hyuna”, Jessica said. Hyuna just smiled in return and left the room. Hyorin and Jessica continued their chatting while waiting for Siwon to finish his meeting. Half an hour later, Jessica’s phone suddenly rings. Jessica excused herself and immediately walked to her desk.

“Yes, Suzy?”, she answered the call.

“Hello, Miss Jung. Sorry to disturb you. Mr. Choi has just finished his meeting. He asked you to come to his room right now”, Suzy, Siwon’s personal assistant informed.

“Okay, I’ll be right there in a minute. Thanks Suzy”, Jessica said as she ended the call. “Hyo, let’s go. The CEO is already waiting for us”, Jessica got up from her chair and took her organizer that was on her desk. She walked towards the couch, waiting for Hyori to grab her things and her handbag.

“Alright, let’s!”, Hyorin said and walked towards Jessica. Both of them then headed to Siwon’s office room.

“Hey, Suzy!”, Jessica greeted Suzy soon as she reached in front of her desk.

“Miss Jung”, Suzy immediately stood up and bowed to her.

“Suzy, this is Miss Hyorin”, Jessica introduced Hyorin to Suzy. She then smiled at Hyorin and bowed to her. Hyorin did the same to the latter.

“Nice to meet you Miss Suzy”, Hyorin said.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Miss Hyorin. Come, follow me”, Suzy replied while walking towards the door.


“Come in!”, Siwon shouted from inside. Suzy immediately entered the room.

“Mr. Choi, Miss Jung and Miss Hyorin are here”, Suzy said.

“Oh, let them in. Thanks Suzy”, Siwon said as he immediately got up from his chair. Jessica and Hyorin stood in front of the door’s room. Siwon then walked towards the couch. “Hey, Sica, please come in”, he said.

“Hi oppa, thank you for your time”, Jessica replied as she headed to the couch, followed by Hyorin from behind. “Oppa, this is Hyori as I have told you earlier. Hyo, this is Mr. Choi Siwon, CEO of Choi Industries”, Jessica introduced her to Siwon.

“Hyorin?”, Siwon’s eyes widened as soon as he saw Hyori.

“Yes, Siwon oppa. Still remember me?”, Hyorin replied with a smile.

“Wait.. you guys know each other?”, Jessica asked in confusion while looking at both of them.

“Yup, I met her few times when she dated Sooyoung while they were studied in U.S.”, Siwon replied.






** Uh oh! O.o **











Hello chingus! I'm back! Sorry for the late update. I was so busy with my work nowadays. I'll try to update as often as I can. Mianhae! :( *bowed*.

Don't forget to drop your comment, okay? I admit that I really really enjoyed reading your comment, guys. I'll try to reply each and every comment of yours later. To my new readers and subscribers, thank you so much for reading and subscribing this story. Hope you guys like the update. See you guys in the next chapter! ^^


Your humble author.


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I just realize there're some mistakes I'


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diana_knight07 #1
Awww this story is sweet and i love reading it, thank you for this fanfic author :3
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 72: Done reading this?
Chapter 72: please update soon
Chapter 72: I love this story.. please keep writing especially soosica, this story really make my day. thankyou for writing this good story, you're cool authornim, keep writing, fighting!
Elo-Elo #5
Chapter 67: could you give me the pdf version [email protected]
leesonekyu #6
Chapter 45: haha lol what do you expect from a byuntae haha
leesonekyu #7
Chapter 35: kaka kryber jjang :D well amber really looks like a guy haha you will not mistaken her as a girl :D so cool
leesonekyu #8
Chapter 30: smell TROUBLE
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 23: confession now:] hihi