The Question

I Couldn't Care Less

Look at those two chatting it up...I didn't even know they were close. What could they possibly talk about? Music? Why are they laughing? Last time I checked, music wasn't funny -

Luhan! That's too much foam!” Another worker named Joon rushed over with a towel in hand.


Oh! Sorry!!” Luhan, too busy glaring at the two people from across the cafe, had accidentally added an overflowing amount of foam to a caramel latte. Stupid Sehun look at what you made me do!


Luhan was cleaning the mess when he spotted Joon carrying two mocha frappuccino.


Hey Joon, I'll take that to the table for you.”


Why? I can do it.” Joon gave him a clueless expression.


Just let me do it,” Luhan insisted, grabbing the two cups before Joon could protest.


With his eyes set on the two people, Luhan made his way towards them. Sehun turned to look at him when he was right in front of their table.


Here two mocha frappuccino. Enjoy,” he said, voice sounding a little bitter.


Sehun grinned and took the two cups. “Thank you.”


Oh! Luhan! I didn't know you work here,” the club president cheerfully exclaimed.


And I didn't know you meet Sehun outside of school.


Yeah. I work here,” He answered with a serious face. Luhan hears Sehun chuckling softly. He thinks this is funny? Luhan quickly shot him a dirty look.


Sehun and I were just talking about how this cafe is perfect for dates.” The girl smiled.




Giving Sehun the evil eye, Luhan says with a fake smile, “Yeah. Perfect. I have to get back to work now. Nice seeing you again.” Not.


Without another word, he walked off - head still spinning with the thought that Sehun only came to the cafe to meet up with the club president.


I'm just shocked that he meets with her..... Definitely not angry.


He looked over to their table and his jaw dropped. The girl was taking a picture of the two of them on her cellphone. Their heads were practically bumping into each other! And they were making stupid peace signs. He never makes peace signs when taking pictures with me....


Luhan rolled his eyes and began furiously wiping the counter. Who cares if he takes pictures with his friends? They are friends.........who happen to meet in a popular lovers cafe! UGHHHHH.


I don't feel so good,” Luhan unknowingly admitted, rubbing his temple. Something inside of him is aching; he doesn't know if it's his head or his chest (or his heart).


Joon came over and pressed his palm on Luhan's forehead. “Hmm you don't have a fever.”


Too busy wailing inside, Luhan doesn't see Sehun almost falling off his chair when he caught Joon checking Luhan's temperature.


I'm going to sit down for a sec--” He stopped because he notices the girl was getting ready to leave. To Luhan it looks like she's waiting for some sort of hug. Feeling unbelievably alert now, Luhan grabbed a menu on the counter and speed walked his way to their table.


Hey! Did you two order any cakes to go with your drinks?” Luhan interrupted the two of them with a sickeningly sweet voice.


Oh no that's fine. I'm about to leave, thanks though,” The girl replied, she then turned to Sehun and smiled. “It was nice talking to you Sehun. Make sure you stop by the music center.”


Uh um yeah,” Sehun said with little enthusiasm.


Bye then.” The girl took a step forward, arms outstretched, clearly trying to initiate a hug, but Luhan stepped right in front of Sehun and shook her hands.


I hope you come by often,” Luhan lied. The girl looked startled at the fact that Luhan was randomly shaking her hand, but she smiled and responded with a “Yes.”


See you soon,” Luhan concluded. “Bye now.”


Luhan, too busy with congratulating himself for successfully thwarting her plan, doesn't notice the cup of iced tea in her hand. After waving to the girl, he snapped his head back to Sehun, glowering at the boy.


That was some nice ing right there.” Sehun smirked, eyes shining, almost as if he was impressed with Luhan.




What are you talking about?” Luhan's eyes narrowing at Sehun.




Now do you have to meet with some other girl or are you done for today?” Luhan asked mockingly.


Sehun pursed his lips and shook his head. “Nope. I'm done.” You better be.


Well the door is right there - Hey! What are you doing?!”


Out of nowhere Sehun grabbed Luhan's hand and pulled him closer. He pressed his hand against Luhan's forehead. “You have a fever?”


N-n-no!” Luhan smacked Sehun's hand away. The spot where Sehun had touched him was beginning to warm up and Luhan didn't want Sehun to see him so flustered. “Now if you don't mind, I have to get back to work.”


Is it really work when you're just standing there talking to that guy?”




That muscle guy over there with the stupid grin.” Sehun pointed towards Joon, dislike written all over his face.


Joon? He's my co-worker for goodness sake.” Luhan huffed.


Well, I don't like him.”


I don't think you should be telling me who you like and don't like, Mister I Meet With the Club President At the Cafe My Boyfriend Works At.”


Sehun scoffed. “What does me meeting her have anything to do with you talking to that guy?”


It has everything to do with it!” Luhan said a little too loud, causing some of the other customers to stare.


Oh so maybe I shouldn't come here to meet people then!”


Fine! Don't!”


Sehun threw his hands in the air. “I don't even know why I'm here. Next time don't tell me to come if you were going to ignore me the whole time.”


DON'T WORRY I WON'T!” Luhan exclaimed angrily.


GOOD!” Sehun replied with just as much anger.


You can leave now! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!” Or else I will!


Turning on his heels, Luhan stalked back to the counter, ignoring all the stares directed towards him. From behind him, he heard the sound of the door closing. He sighed and dropped his head.


Did we just fight? We use to bicker all the time...but why does this feel different? Is it because he's not just my roommate anymore...


Realizing that fighting with his boyfriend is different from fighting with his roommate, even if they are the same person, Luhan looked at his phone with a forlorn expression. He's not even going to text me.


Was that guy Sehun?” Joon came over to where Luhan was moping.


Yeah,” Luhan replied softly.


Lover's quarrel?


Luhan nodded in response. Joon smiled. “Cheer up. It's going to be fine.”


I hope so.”


And if it doesn't – a bottle of soju always does the trick.” Soju......?




Here Lay hyung, I got you what you wanted.” Sehun gave the drink to Lay and stormed off into his room. Laying on his bed, he exhaled.


That went well. You manage to get into an argument with Luhan on the first day you visit him at work. Great job idiot.


Pulling out his phone, he looks at the wallpaper – it was a picture of Luhan sleeping cutely on his arm.




Sehun-ah? Oh there you are.” Luhan came in the room and after spotting Sehun on the bed, he climbed on, surveying the papers spewed all over the bed. “What are you doing?”


Organizing all of my music sheets.”


Luhan made an “O” with his mouth. 


You don't want to go to the park with us? Promise we won't play Frisbee.” Luhan smiled as he nudge the younger boy.


No. I'm fine,” Sehun said, still focused on putting the papers in their proper notebooks.


Okay then.” Instead of leaving, Luhan plopped down on the bed, seemingly at ease.


Sehun looked at him, confused. “You're not leaving?”


Luhan shook his head. “No. I can't leave you home alone.”


I'm not 8 you know.”


Luhan giggled. “I know, but if I go, I won't be able to have fun anyway – since you're not there.”


You're too attached to me.” Sehun smirked.


Luhan laughed. “Yeah yeah.” He ruffled Sehun's hair.


Yah! I'm not going to let you stay if you're going to bother me.”


Oh really? So you're going to kick me out if I do this?” Luhan ruffled his hair again.


Yahhhhh. Don't make me get out your sleeping bag.”


Luhan stiffen. “Y-you ...”


Found it? Yes. Under the bed. Which reminds me, what are you 10? Who would hide it under the bed?”


Hey, it's a good hiding spot since you couldn't find it,” Luhan reasoned.


Whatever. I really want to organize this before dinner, sooooo...”


I know. I know. I won't mess with you.” Luhan smiled. Sehun went back to what he was doing before being interrupted.


Oh Sehun-ah, next time don't threaten me with the sleeping bag, if you know what's best for you.”


Sehun looked at him. “Ho ho is that so?”


Yup.” Luhan looked him straight in the eye. Sehun gulped when he realized that it was the same look Luhan gave him when he had told him to stop cuddling so much.


Sehun decided that it was best to get back to organizing.


One hour later....


DONE!” Sehun fist pumped the air. “Now that I'm done, do you want to go eat something --”


Sehun turned to his side only to find a sleeping Luhan (who was sleeping on his own arm instead of the pillow). Wow..a 21 year old who naps during the day..


Carefully lifting Luhan's head, Sehun was trying to get him to sleep on the pillow, but Luhan had other plans. He grabbed Sehun's arm and placed it underneath his head, thinking it was a pillow. The older boy wrapped his arm around Sehun. Since he was stuck anyway, Sehun took out his phone and snapped multiple pictures of Luhan. He knows it may come off as creepy, but Luhan sleeping is just too cute not to take pictures. Besides, Sehun was one hundred percent positive Luhan had tons of candid photos of him stored somewhere.


S-Sehun,” Luhan mumbled.


Smiling at the fact that Luhan was probably dreaming of him, Sehun leaned forward and gently kissed Luhan, making sure not to wake him up. He grinned when Luhan whimperd as their lips disconnect.




Ugh! I have to go fix this.


Checking his watch, Sehun speeds up. It's almost closing time. For the first time ever, he was going to pick Luhan up from work.


He walked by the restaurant that he usually goes to after school. He was about to just past by when a head of honey brown hair caught his eye. He stopped in his tracks. That's it?


Stepping into the restaurant, and taking a closer look at the figure with his head down on the table, Sehun groaned when he recognized the face - Luhan.


After paying the ahjumma for the bottle of soju (which was still 2/3 full), Sehun led a drunk Luhan out of the restaurant.


Why did you drink when you know you can't drink that well?” Sehun asked, though he knows the reason why Luhan could possibly resort to drinking. It had something to do with him.


I-I hic wasn't feeling good, so hic Joon suggested that soju could hic cheer me up,” Luhan answered, his hand squeezing Sehun's hand tighter every time he hiccupped.


Tell Joon that he's going to die tomorrow,” Sehun said with a straight face.


Okay hic. I will.” Luhan tripped and before he could hit the pavement, Sehun caught him.


Aishh!! You can't even walk properly!”


Sehun bent down in front of Luhan, his back waiting. “Get on.”


Luhan hesitated at first, but instead of getting on Sehun's back, he sat on it.






Sehun lets out a loud groan, grabs Luhan's arms, places them around his neck and lifts the older boy up. Wow what did he eat today?!? He doesn't look that heavy..Aishh. 


You should feel privileged,” Sehun grumbled.


Hic Why?” Luhan asked, his breath giving Sehun goosebumps. The older boy's face was so close to his own that every time the boy exhaled, Sehun could feel his whole face warming up.


You're the first person I piggybacked.”


He could feel Luhan's face stretching into a smile. Afterwards, the older boy was silent for awhile so Sehun assumed he was asleep, but then he spoke again, voice almost a whisper.


I was hic really happy that you came to the cafe, but then I saw hic you and that girl and....I didn't feel good,” Luhan confessed. “I don't know why though...”


Sehun chuckled at how clueless his boyfriend can be. “You were j-e-a-l-o-u-s. Jealous.”




Yeah. You saw me with her and that made you a little angry correct?”


Luhan nodded. “Really angry,” he whispered.


D-did you hic only come to my cafe to meet up with her?” He asked, sounding a little sad.


Of course not. I came to visit you. She saw me and came over. I wasn't on a date or anything,” Sehun blurted out. I don't even know why I'm telling him – he won't remember this tomorrow.


Who do you like more? Me or her?”


Are you seriously asking me that?!” Oh yeah...he's drunk. 


Answer the hic question.”


You. I like you a lot more.” A whole lot more.


Happy with the answer, Luhan started swinging his legs around.


Stay still,” Sehun hissed, but that didn't damper Luhan's spirits. He started rambling about cafe dates, couple pictures, and peace signs (the heck is he talking about?).


When they got to their neighborhood, Luhan leaned his head against the side of Sehun's face, his hair tickling Sehun.


Sehun-ah,” Luhan whispered, hands clasping a little tighter around Sehun's neck.




Can I ask you something? It's an hic important question.”


Yeah go ahead.”


Answer honestly okay? Don't lie.”


Just ask!”


Okay...Who do – who do you think is cuter? Me or Bambi?”


Sehun cracked a smile at his boyfriend's ridiculous question. Wow....He sounds completely serious.


Well???” Luhan asked, sounding slightly impatient.


Sehun chuckled. “Of course Bambi.”




Sehun couldn't see but he knew Luhan was furrowing his eyebrows. Luhan then started shifting around on Sehun's back, seemingly trying to get off.


Yah! Stop moving around! I'm not letting you down,” Sehun warned.


Let me down and go carry Bambi instead!” Luhan retorted.


Sehun laughed. “You're such a child, hyung.”


A cute one right?” Luhan asked, his voice suddenly perky. Yes.


Sometimes,” Sehun teased. Luhan gave him the silent treatment after that.


As they got near their house, Sehun peeked at Luhan, who was nodding off. His lips curved into a smile at the sight of his adorable, intoxicated boyfriend.


Idiot. You're Bambi.”


My Bambi




~~~~~~ Aaaaaahhhhhh the fluff. Killing all my readers with a massive amount of fluff. Lol. So Sehun's plan to get Lulu jealous worked, but he didn't expect Lulu to go drink his sorrows away. It also backfired when he got jealous himself. Lol. Drunk Luhan is so adorable!! And Joon makes a guest appearance (my MBLAQ bias). 

I apologize for procrastinating >< This chapter was supposed to be uploaded yesterday, but I got carried away and then I was unexpectedly busy...But I will  buckle down and get started on the next few chapters! Expect more updates :)) Thanks guys. Subscribe and comment ♥

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ICCL - Right now there is a tie between option A and C. Hmm which will win?


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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 20: Sehun's bambi
Chapter 22: YAAAAAAY Sehun finally realized! My hands are itching to just hit him with a brick
Chapter 22: YAAAAAAY Sehun finally realized! My hands are itching to just hit him with a brick
Chapter 21: Rereading for the nth time yaay, lmao the gifs in this chapter
XiaoShixun #5
Chapter 2: Cute
pinknatnat95 #6
2020 reading it again... Really love the story... ❤❤
Chapter 12: It’s 2020 but I am re-reading this again ugh will never get tired of this beautiful story. ?
seulrenedump #8
Chapter 42: I'm so happy that I can always go back to this <3
manlymaknae #9
Re reading over and over again because this is just a masterpiece huhu