
Skinny Chicks don't eat salads

Wahhhhhh ~
I'm so happy today
I don't know why either :D
Well enjoy the update ~


Hyoyeon's POV


Oh my god . . . . 

I dropped the piece of paper and picked the other one up .

It read :

" Hyoyeon , I love you . I don't know what I would do without you . I know you're hurt because of Eunhyuk and his friends' prank at his party . I could never forget the day we met . It was raining and you were crying in the rain because that stupid prank . Hehe . I kept thinking about you after that day and fortunately I saw you at school the next day ! I knew it was you .
You asked me why I was so nice to you when everyone else was so mean , I was nice because I didn't know I loved you yet . I know that sounds weird but it's the truth . My heart beats faster each time I see you . Hehe you're gonna make me have a heart attack one day ~
I'm sorry for hurting you . Minji was just my past friend . I know I don't like her anymore . I love you and only you .
Even though we've been through a lot of tough things , I'm still glad that I'm still here with you .
Let's make a million memories together ~

With much Love ,

Taemin .

P . S : ILOVEYOU ~ " 

I let that paper with feelings drop too .

What . . . ?

Who's Minji ?

How come no one has told me that Taemin was my past boyfriend ?

Why didn't anyone help me remember these important memories ? 

Suddenly , a gale blew and I had to cover my head and eyes again since it was so strong .

It stopped quickly . 

I opened my eyes and I was back in the same old lonely apartment again .

There was no more furniture or people .

I was standing in the middle and I was still wearing the same clothes .

The door remained fully open and it was already night . I stomped noisily out of the apartment and slammed the door behind me .

Running down the stairs , a cold breeze hit my face like a wave of water . 

My motorcycle was in the same place I left it . My helmet a couple feet away from my ride . I yanked the helmet over my fuzzled head and drove in a north direction .

I didn't bother to close the glass protector on my helmet . The coldness felt so good . 

I breathed a heavy sigh and I kept going .

I sped back to my current apartment . I didn't want to live with Mom because I didn't want to bother her . I parked in a unoccupied space . 

I fumbled with my keys and finally opened the door . 

I threw my helmet in a random corner and collapsed onto my homey bed . 

Today is so confusing . . . . 

Maybe this is a dream . . . 

I would rather think this is a dream than reality . I stared at the white ceiling .

Then I got an idea . 

Shouldn't Mom know ? 

Yeah ! Yeah she should ! Maybe I can get answers from her ~

I swiftly ran out of the room , jumped on my ride and rapidly drove to Mom's house .

It took like ten minutes to get to Mom's house . 

I knocked on the door when I was done parking my motorcycle .

" Hyoyeon ? " She questioned as she opened the door .  

" Mom ! " I half squealed with excitement . She stepped aside so I could enter .

I ran past her and sat down on her sofa .

" Oh how come you're so late ? " Mom rolled up her sleeves and sat down with me .

" Oh well I wanted to ask you something . It's about my life before I lost my memories . " 

Mom stiffen a bit and then composed her posture .

" What of it ? Did you get any memories back ? " She asked quietly but interested .

" How come you're speaking so lowly ? " I mimicked her jokingly .

She straightened up and cleared .

" So did you get any memories back ? "

" Yes but I have a lot of questions to ask . "

" Ask me then . "

"  Did I ever have a boyfriend before Eunhyuk ? " I asked straighforwardly . Mom glanced down at her feet then answered .

" No you didn't . Your best friend was Eunhyuk and from now you guys started dating . "

" Are you sure ? " I raised my eyebrow in suspicion . 

" Yes , now next question . " She rushed . Why is she rushing me ? . . .

" Uh . . . Who's Taemin ? " This time , she froze with stiff tension . 

  " Uh-Ummm .. . I don't know who you're talking about . . . " Mom rubbed her neck uncomfortably .

I eyed her in suspicion .

" Okay . . . You're lying . " I clarified honestly . Mom's eyes widen . I smiled in truimph.

" Stop lying Mom . . . you're a bad liar like I am so stop it . "

" W-W-Why don't you come back next time ?! Ahahah ! " She grabbed my wrist and push me out the  door .

I stumbled forwards then turned back to Mom .

" M-Mom !? " I yelled when she slammed the door in my face .

" YAH MOM ! OPEN THE DOOR !! " I pounded on her door forcefully .

No answer .

" Aish !! " I kicked her door and then stomped off to my motorcycle .

" Oh my gosh this old lady . . . " I muttered as I strapped my helmet on and went off .

" Kicking me out of the house . . . " I muttered unpleasantly as I a street .

I drove to the dance academy and parked .

I took long strides as I was walking .

Even though it was closed , the security guard knows me and lets me in without any problems .

" Hey Mr . Ong ~ " I greeted as I approached him .

His  chubby face lightened up with a smile .

He was a chubby man and a nice one too . He's 36 years old and is married with two children .

" Hey Hyoyeon ~ " He smiled chinkily .

" Using the dance studio again ? " He jabbed a finger behind him . I nodded .

" Yes please . " I smiled as he handed me the keys . I took them and went in .

I stuck the key in and twisted . I opened the door and dropped my helmet on the bench .

I took out my iPhone out and plugged it in to the wireless stereo . I strolled down my songs list .

I picked ' I Get So Lonely ' by Janet Jackson . Man , she is so awesome when it comes to dancing and singing at the same time .  I wanna meet her some day .

I turned it on .

The music began and so did I .

" . . . I get so lonely ~ . . . "  The music cooed relaxingly .

I moved with the music and matched the beat the way I wanted to . Soon after , I was lost in my own dancing world .

Now I couldn't hear my footsteps anymore , the only thing I can hear is the music floating around my body .

It feels like the music is right in my ear .

I know I'm being hypnotized by music and the best part is that I forget all my troubles and existing human beings . In my own world , dancing , music and I only exist .

Then I felt two hands on my waist and dance along with me . I didn't bother to question whose hands were those .

I moved with the body behind me simultaneously .

The song changed to ' With U ' by Janet Jackson . I smiled as one particular verse came up .

" Cause when I'm with you
I don't want tomorrow to come
And if I had my way
I'd spend every day and night in your arms
So let me lay here
And feel what happiness feels like
And wish for it to last because
Tomorrow it's back to real life

Until then
I'll just keep dreaming ~ "

The stranger spun me like a ballerina .

The music flowed around us and played Merry Go Round with us .

I could almost see the music notes in bare air .


Taemin's POV


I was about to leave the academy since I fell asleep in the hallway due to exhaustion . I rubbed my eyes but paused as I passed the hip hop dance studio .

There was music playing , muffled because the door was closed .

Curiously , I peeked inside and saw that girl from this morning's I Need A Girl practice .

What is she doing here ?

I opened the door all the way and she didn't notice me .

I walked in , taking loud steps trying to make her notice me .

What the heck ?! Why doesn't she see me ??!
" Hello ? " I called to her . Her face held no signs of hearing me . Her eyes not blinking and her expression says that she's daydreaming . 

I studied her movement . Wow she is indeed a good dancer . 

Hmmm . . . Janet Jackson , sister of the King of Pop . . .

I have to admit this girl has good taste in music and dancers .

I smiled as she continued to not notice me .

Man , this morning's dance battle was 
a dance battle . 

I've been in a lot of dance battles and I won ALL of them . I'm so proud ~

But never did I find any of them a challenge .  But this girl's dancing was . . .
amazing . . .

Her body moved in the right way , her body popped in the right places , her body waved the right sequence . . . .

Then I noticed something . . . she looks like she's glowing .

Not realizing that I was moving towards her , I rested my hands on her waist while she was pausing with the music . 

She still didn't notice me .

I lowly chuckled at her state .

I danced with her and I have to say :


A bubbly , eager feeliing started to build up in my chest . Then , I started grinning like a stupid idiot . I tried to not smile but my mouth wouldn't listen to me .

I spun her around like a ballerina .

Wow she can do ballet too ~

So many suprises from this girl ~

The song ended and I winded up hugging her to my chest and her head tucked under my chin .


Hyoyeon's POV


Omo . . . . Taemin ?

He was the one dancing with me the whole time ?!

He was hugging me to his chest with my head in the crook of his neck .

His arms feel so warm and protective .

So familiar but I can't recall much . . .

Realizing that we've been hugging for sometime now , I broke away from him .

" Taemin ? What are you doing here ? " I gasped breathlessly .

" I fell asleep in the hallway and then I woke up and saw you . . . . . so yeah . " He stuck his hands into his pockets and gave a neutral smile .

I brushed some hair in my eyes out of the way .

I can't believe I just danced with the guy I suspect was my boyfriend from before .

I cleared my throat .

" Well I'm gonna go now . "  I announced distantly .

" Wait ! " He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back .

" Yes ? "

" I - "

" OPPA ! " A piercing girly scream filled the studio .

I diverted my head to the door which was open and a girl standing there , enraged .

" Y-Yoona ? What are you doing here ? " Taemin stuttered , caught off guard .

Yoona stomped over to him and shot a death glare at me .

Ah ! I know now ! She's the girl that I bumped into in the morning . I find her kind of weird . .

I blinked twice not knowing why she's mad .

" Oppa , who's she ? " She glared scornfully at me . Her glare and expression are so . . . gah !

Deja vu ~

' If you don't get away from Taemin , then I will get someone to steal him away ! ' . . .

A faint threat replayed in my head . The voice is similar to this Yoona .

Did I know her before I lost my memory ?

I studied her meticulously .

I rubbed my head , massagng my temples .

" Yoona ! She's just my dance partner . " Taemin explained , slightly whining .

" Really ? Is that all there is to your guys' relationship ? " Yoona sneered at me secretly . I rolled my eyes , making it obvious that I was annoyed by her personality .

" Yes . That's it , why are you so jealous ? " I asked irritably .

" I'm his GIRLFRIEND .  I'm suppose to be jealous . " Yoona spat in my face . Seriously , she did spit in my face . I wiped her saliva off my cheek .

I purse my lips and rested my hands on my hips .

I walked in a circle , observing her clothes and her style . I ' tsk' and rubbed my chin like an inspector .

" Mmm hmm . " I summed up . Yoona stared at me as if saying ' WHAT ? "

" What are you doing ? "

" You seem like his girlfriend but you look like a . " I stated casually and smirking at her reaction .

" Oppa ! She just called me a ! Are you just gonna stand there ? " Yoona whined and pouted ( a little too hard ) . I grimaced at her pout .

" Hyo- " I cut him off by holding up a finger .

" Hell no . He isn't part of this . Aren't you going to fight your own fight !? Wimp ! You let your MAN fight your arguments ? " I ranted incredulously . Everything about this makes me irritated .

" I can fight my own fights ! Unlike you , I acutally got a man Hyoyeon ! " She hissed taking a step closer to me .

" Wait , how'd you know my name ? " I blinked confused . I never told her my name .  WTF ?

" Huh ? " Yoona's eyes enlarged . Taemin , who was quiet throughout this dispute , spoke up .

" Yeah , how do you know her name ? I never told you I had a dance partner . " Taemin crossed his arms , anticipating an answer .

"  Uh - um - ah . . . " Yoona played with the hem of her skirt .  I raised an eyebrow .

" Well ? "

" I saw you dancing here one time and I asked for your name because you were so good and everything . . . " She excused .

" Really ?  Were you looking for me ? " Taemin chirped . Yoona nodded innocently .

I eyed her .  I know she's lying .

" Oh you could've said that earlier . "

" I  just . . . yeah . " She sighed nervously . I scoffed mentally .

I went over to the stereo and unplugged my iPhone .

I grabbed my helmet and was about to bid them goodbye but paused .

They were kissing in front of me .

I stared at them . The longer I gaze at them the more angry I get .

I gritted my teeth in disgust . They finally broke apart with satisfied smiles . I almost threw up .

" Bye . . . " I muttered darkly .

" Bye !~ " Taemin waved blissfully . That made me even more annoyed .

I shoved my iPhone in my buttpocket and - Oh I forgot the keys .

I spun around and stormed through the door .

Yoona and Taemin were still making out in the room but this time they were in a corner .

Suprising them , I got the keys off the ground then strided loudly out of room .

" Got to a hotel won't ya . . . " I mumbled grumpily as I exited the building .

" Here Mr . Ong . Thanks . " I gave the keys to Mr . Ong and headed to my ride .

I kciked off the engine and went back to my apartment .

Today was is too tiring . . .

My brain is probably frazzled because of the memories I gained today .

I sped up ten miles and then I stopped at a redlight . There weren't any cars on the road at this time . It was probably 12:30 in the morning right now .

I started driving towards a bit when the light turned green but I stopped dead in my tracks .

I heard a pleading , helpless shriek . It was high like a dolphin .


It was coming from an alley on my right . I shivered as her scream echoed in my head .

I turned into the alley and saw a groups of thugs crowding over something . A person . 

 I revved the engine to go faster .

As I got closer to them , I screeched to a stop and swung the of my motorcycle towards them.

They stopped glaring at me .

" Hey go away ! "  One of the ugly thugs shouted .

" Unless you want to play with us too ?  " Another sleazy thug droned . I glared with pure disgust .

I glanced at the victim . It was Jessica .

" GET AWAY FROM HER !! " I screamed evilly and daringly .  I smirked when they looked taken aback .

" I 
DARE you to touch her again . " I challenged dangerously .  I tucked my hand into the flap of my jacket to make the illusion that I have a gun .

Those fools ! They fell for it .

Except for one of them . . .

This one super ugly greasy thug pushed his way through the group and pulled a knife out from his pocket . The handle was wrapped in white tape and there was a lace tied around it and to his hand so it wouldn't get knocked out of his touch .

I didn't take my eyes off of him .

" How about a fight ? "

" Sure . " I agreed immediately .

" Hyoyeon don't !! " Jessica shouted desperately .

The guy lunged at me with the glaring knife . I dogded swiftly away .

Dammit , how am I suppos to fight him if he has something I can't fight with .

My eyes searched for something to use as a weapon while my body dogded the knife .

I spotted a broken beet bottle . The bottom shattered making the bottle more sharp .

I eyed the thug I was trying to fight and the shattered bottle .

He lunged , I ducked and swooped the bottle into my hand .

I tried stabbing guy but he won't stay still !!

Unfortunately , he sliced my forearm . It didn't hurt actually but I'm pretty sure it will later . . .

" Hyoyeon .. . . " Jessica cried , tears runnning down her face .

I ignored her and concentrated on how to beat but not kill this guy .

I jabbed the sharp end at him and I got his chest .

He stumbled backward , pressing his hand against his fresh wound .  Blood slowly seeping out of his hand .

I smirked .

I took the chance to get him . I swung and made a huge gash on his shoulder . He dropped to the ground , the knife hanging from his wrist , and both of his hands pressed against his injuries .

He glared hatefully at me . I let the breath , I've been holding , out .

" I win .
Now GET AWAY FROM HER ! " I jabbed a finger behind me . They

avoided any contact with and ran away fearfully .

I crouched down by Jessica who was crying and her clothes ripped .

I tried to cover her up but that didn't work so I took off my jacket and made her wear it .

" Thanks . " She whispered as I helped her up . She looked so weak , I decided to carry her like a princess .

I set her on my motorcyle and placed her hands on my waist .

Soon after , I neutrally drove at a steady pace .

" Are you okay now ? " I asked worried about her silence .

" I-I'm okay . Thanks so much Hyoyeon . " She groggily mumbled .

" No worries . Where's Kyuhyun's house ? " I asked .

" What ? Why ? "

" I'm going to take you there . If you have a boyfriend and this kind of thing happens, you usually suppose to go to your boyfriend . " I commented .

" Okay . . his is on Trask Ave . and Main Street on the left .  " She sniffled hugging my waist tighter and harder .

I said nothing and sped up my driving to the destination .

I got there in five minutes . That's the fastest I can drive .

I got off and helped Jessica get off . I supported her by the shoulders and elbow .

I knocked on the door .

A drowsy Kyuhyun answered the door but he woke up when he saw Jessica .

" Jessica ! What happened ?? " He half yelled as I pushed her gently into his arms .

" She was getting ually harassed by some stupid greasy thugs . Take care of her please ? "

" Of course I will ! Oh Jessica take seat here . " He carried her into his house and onto his big couch .

His house was sort of big but not that big . The walls were white and the floor was made of blue carpet . His living room was average . Eh what can I say ?

He softly placed her on the couch horizontally . She rested her head onto a pillow .

Kyuhyun was patting her head , smoothing out her messy hair .

" Thanks Hyoyeon for being there when I wasn't . " Kyuhyun gave me a friendly affectionate hug and patted my back .

" No problem . I gotta go now . See ya tomorrow . " I quickly left and went home .

" How come you're arm is bleeding ? That cut is so big ! " Kyuhyun exclaimed horrified .

I glanced at my forearm and and shrugged .

" No problem . I fix it when I get home . See ya . " I dismissed it .

" Whatever you say . . . bye . "

I left and went home .

I shivered as I entered my room .

I cleaned the wound and wrapped it in a bandaid and some gauze then fell asleep on my bed .




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kim_032 #1
Chapter 64: Omg. This is such a great story!! There are cute moments, and sad moments, i love this story so muuchh~ good job author-nim!
Chapter 64: Ooh... love it love it very much~!!! ^^ do you mind to make the sequel?? ^^
I'm really addicted in this story, i'm gonna read it again for the fourth time ^_^
i remember reading this when it was still first in winglin, then you put it here. haha, still one of my fave hyoyeon stories ^^
Chapter 64: SEQUEL please! or make another hyotae story. :"> more likely same as this. (innocence, humor, jealousy. romance, melo). just so perfect! you're uch a great writer! make another one pleaseeee. :((
It's my third time reading this fanfic :)
this is crazy like this is the first ever fanfic that made me cry your story is amazing :)
So good make more hyoyeon and Taeyang plz I beg u
I love this story ! ^^ So much .. I love your story background picture too .. :))