Gong Minji

Skinny Chicks don't eat salads


Gong Minji's POV


"Hello , I'm Gong Minji . Nice to meet you . " I introduced myself with a smile . Students stirred noisly .

"Okay . Gong Minji you sit in front of Lee Taemin over there . " Mr . Mong pointed to an empty desk in front of a cute guy who looked like he just saw a ghost . I nodded and headed to the desk with my head slightly down . I sat down and Mr . Mong started the lesson .

"Take out your notebooks and get ready to take notes please . " Everyone obliged .


20 minutes later


The bell rang and the girl students rushed out of the classroom . I was about to go with them to make friends but the male students started to surround me .

"Do you have a boyfriend ? "

"Are you free this Friday ? "

"Do you have a sister ? "

"Would you like a tour around the school ? "

The last question suprised me a little . I turned to the owner of the question . Oh it's that guy that sits behind me . Ummmmm what's his name again ?

"Yes I would like a tour around the school . " I accepted with a grin . He grinned at me too but there was this sad feeling floating around his eyes .

I got up and followed him . I heard the male students complain and whine . I chuckled . It's always been like this for me . At my old school inj Busan the boys and girls always followed me around everywhere I go asking the repeatitive questions . I was flattered and everything but I wasn't interested . However , that was my life after I got into a fire accident . I lost my memory . I really don't remember anything . The only people I remember are my family and friends . I didn't recall being popular . It turns out that I was the Dancing Princess at school . After I got out of the hospital , my sister , Gong Minhwan , got me caught up with everything . She told me that I loved dancing the most in my life . Minhwan also told me that I popped , choreographied(not even a real word ! LOL ~ ) , and I could do the splits too . But I couldn't do the splits that well since I was in the hospital for a long time . I reunited with my friends too . They were so happy to see me and I was happy to see them too . The weird thing is that they kept asking me about a guy named Lee Taemin . I mean who is this guy ? Did I date him ? I don't know but ever since I came here my head has been hurting a lot . When dancing I feel empty . There's something missing like someone is suppose dance beside me . Then a flash of pain exploded in my head .




"Oppa you did that part wrong ! " A 15 year old Minji shouted at her best friend .

"Oh sorry Minji . Hehe I promise to get it right . Let's start again ~ " He cheered . Minji nodded .

"Boom Boom Boom Pow ~~ " The music pumped through the studio . Minji and her oppa started their awesome choreography again .


End of Flashback


"Oww . . " I rubbed my head . I stopped in my tracks as I saw what just flashed in my head .

"Are you okay ? " The guy,who is taking me on a tour of the school,asked . I nodded faintly .

"I'm fine . Can you show me where the bathrooms and PE offices are ? " I said pursing my lips as the pain subsided .

"Um okay . Minji can I ask you something ? " He asked informally . I paused and turned to him narrowing my eyes . Didn't he notice that he called me informally ?

"What is it ? " My tone a bit sharp .

"Don't you remember me ? " He said as his voice cracked . I blinked twice .

"You? I don't think so . . . I don't even know you that well . " I said hestitantly . I suddenly remember the flash of memory in my head . The face of the guy was covered by something so I didn't see his face . He suddenly grabbed my shoulders . I gasped silently snapping out of my thoughts .

"Gong Minji . It's me Lee Taemin . Don't you remember me ? " His eyes shined with sadness and longing . Lee Taemin ? That's the guy my friends keep asking me about . Is this him ?

"Lee Taemin ? You are Lee Taemin ? " I asked trembling under his touch .

"Yes I am . How come you're acting like you don't know me ? We hung out everyday after school . " His eyes started to get watery .

"Did you go to Bo Mi High School ? "

Taemin nodded .

"So you're him . "

"What ? "

"My friends keep saying things about you . Asking this and that . Am I suppose to know you from before ? "

"What do you mean from before ? "

"Before I lost my memory . " I blurted out . What am I doing ? I barely remember or know the guy and now I'm telling him everything !? Grrrr . . I'm so weird .

"L-Lost your memory ? But your sister told me you died . " Taemin stared at me unbelievingly .

"How'd you know I have a sister ? "

"At Bo Mi High School , we'd hang out after and during school everyday . We would tell each other secrets and play together . We made dances together and perform them at public places . We were so good that one day you and I got confronted by a talent agent but soon after that you got into an accident . At the hospital , they didn't let me see your body and your sister , Minhwan told me that you were dead . You know how much I cried after that ? My parents thought I was in depression so they offered therapy for me but I declined . But now you're here alive and breathing . I still can't believe I saw you when you entered the classroom . Heh I STILL can't believe you're alive . " Taemin took a step closer to me . I didn't feel afraid or scared but I feltlike I've known him since like forever .

"How come I don't have any memories of you ? " I asked not expecting Taemin to answer . For some reason I started to tear up . Why can't I remember someone like him ?

Silently , he pulled into a gentle hug . I relaxed once I was in his familiar arms . Then memories started to flow into my brain .


Memories , ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZI4GG3KEJI )


"Oppa ! Do you think we're going to make it in the music industry ? "

"Of course we are ! You and I are the best in world ! "

"Hhehehe !! "


"Taemin oppa ! What do you want to eat today ? "

"Let's go eat yogurt ! "

"Okay ! "

"What do you want Minji ? " I thought for a while scanning the menu .

"Cookies and Cream . " I answered grinning ear to ear .

"Okay . One Cookies and Cream and one Rainbow Sherbet please . " Taemin oppa told the cashier .


"Taemin this is Minji . Minji this is Taemin . He is six years old just like you so be nice to him okay ? "

"Okay Mommy . "

"Now go say hi . " She pushed me toward the boy . I stuck out my hand .

"Hello I'm Gong Minji . What's your name ? " I asked playing with my fingers shyly .

"My name is Lee Taemin . I hope we can be great friends . " He said fidgeting with his feet . I smiled .

"Yeah okay ! "


"Minji you have to pop your chest inward not outward okay ? " Taemin demonstrated . I nodded . It was the Tae Bo Middle School talent show and Taemin and I were going to be in it .

"5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ! " The music started and Taemin and I danced .

"Boom Boom Boom Pow ~ " The iPod sang .

I popped my chest inward and not outward on the right beat . I smiled proudly as our routine was coming to an end .

"Good job Minji . We are going to win this talent show ! " Taemin pumped his fist in the air . I laughed and pumped my fist also .


"Ahhhhhhh !!! Someone go save my song please !!!! " A woman begged as firefighters tried to hose down burning building . Taemin and I were walking home from school and were passing a burning building .

A powerful urge surged through me and the next thing I know I dropped my bag and ran into the burning building .

"MINJI !!! DON'T !! " Taemin's voice rang muffled over the sirens of the fire trucks arriving . I kept running and running .

I searched all over cautiously for a little boy .

"Little boy !! Where are you ??!!!! " I shouted smoke shooting up my nose .

There was no answer . I began to search through the closet and other places that a boy would hide .
I ripped open a basement door and found the little boy in the dark corner with his head in his arms . I panted as I kneeled down beside him .

"Little boy come with me and you'll be safe . " I stuck a hand out and he took it without a second to spare . I carried him over my shoulder and tried to find the exit out of this place .

Everything was burning horribly and smoke was making me a little dizzy already . I don't even know what floor I'm on . I spotted a window and looked out from above .

"I found the boy !!!!!!!!!!!! " I yelled with all my might despite the dizziness .

The firefighters heard me and dragged a huge trampoline thing . I know what to do . I held out the boy and dropped him hoping he safely landed on the trampoline . I saw that he did and grinned .
My smile faded as the floor beneath me started to crumble . I tried to run but it was too late , the floor already broke and I fell .

"AHHHHH !!!! " Everything went black .


"Taemin oppa can you help me on this problem ? " I asked . We were doing homework at my house .

"Sure . Which one ? "

"Number 7 . I don't how you find the value of X . "

"Okay these are Alternate Interior Angles so they're congruent . Since this angle is 45 degrees then this other angle is 45 degrees . Get it ? "

" Oh I get it . Thank you oppa . "

"No problem . "


"Let's play Princess ! "

"But I'm a boy Minji . " I shrugged .

"We're only 9 years old . We're still young . My mommy told me that when you're young you can do anything ! " I giggled .

"But still how am I going to be a princess ?"

"Oh no you're not going to be a princess , you're going to be my prince ~ " I explained laughing . Taemin's face lightened up .

"Let's make a dress with the blanket . " I suggested .

"Okay . I'll make it pretty since you're my princess and I'm the prince . "

"Sure . And I'll make you a prince suit like in the barbie movies since I'm your princess ~ "

"Yay ! "

"After making the clothes do you want to dance together like a princess and prince should ? " Taemin asked timidly .

"Yeah that'll be the most funnest thing ever ~ "


"Congratulations Aunt Nana ! I can't believe you're getting married ! " I squealed loudly . My aunt grinned dreamingly .

"I can't believe it either honey . Hehee . " She giggled in a daze .

"So who's the man you're marrying Nana ? " My mom asked excitely . I leaned in to hear .

"It's Kwon Jiyong . He and I have been dating for almost 8 years now and we'd like to take it to the next level . I'm soo happy ! " She sighed and grinned ear to ear .

"This makes me wonder when my Minji will get married . Don't you wonder too ? " My mom asked like an old lady gossiping . I giggled and blushed .

"Oh yes of course but you gotta remember that Minji is only 14 years old now . You're gonna have to wait a long time before she gets married . " Aunt Nana punched my mom's arm lightly . I blushed even harder .


At the wedding


"You may now kiss the bride . " The priest announced . It went dead silent as everyone waited for them to kiss .

When their lips touched , everyone roared with applause and cheering . They broke apart embarrassed and laughing together . Everyone continued to applause and cheer . Aunt Nana wore a stunning white flowing dress with a trail of glitter following her everywhere she went . I cheered for them also . Aunt Nana's face was so happy and estatic . Kwon Jiyong's face was bursting with happiness . He leaned in again to kiss her again . Everyone went wild . I laughed at his actions . Some people ' awwed ' .

I was the maid of honor and was wearing a light baby green dress . The dress was strapless and it fit me nicely . From my waist and down , the dress was puffed up in ruffles . The baby green was Aunt Nana's favorite color . The high heels I was wearing were a little too high for me but it was okay . The high heels were a baby green color too . I curled my long hair for this special event and put light make up on . My mom did my make up for me . She put on black eyeliner , purple eyeshadow , and some blush on my cheeks .

"WHOOOOOO!!!!~~ " Uncle Kwon Jiyong hollered as he popped opened a bottle of wine . Aunt Nana laughed at his actions . I smiled . I felt a tap on my shoulder . I spun on my heels to face the person .

"Oh hey Taemin oppa . " Yes Taemin and his famly were invited too .

"Hey Minji . I like your new uncle . Haha . " He laughed with heavy humor . I giggled with him .

"Yeah I know right ? It's like they were already married before the wedding . I wish my wedding would be like that . " I stared at them dreamingly .

"It can be if you find the right and perfect guy . " Taemin said with a mischievious smirk . I smiled .

"Yeah . . . "

"Okay now folks it's time for the slow dance . Partner up with anyone and slow dance your way to heaven . " The priest announced with a twang in his voice .

Soon after everyone was partnered up with someone except me .

"May I have this dance Minji ? " Taemin asked holding out his hand . I took it without hesitating . I smiled as he led me to the dance floor .

He put his arms around my waist and I s my arms around his neck and swayed with him in perfect sync . It was . . comfortable and relaxing . We gazed into each others eyes . Soon the whole world was gone and it was just the both of us .

"So you want your wedding day to be like this ? "

"Yeah I really do . " I laid my head onto his chest shyly .

"Then on your wedding day I'll prepare your dress and you prepare my suit for me deal ? "

"Deal Taemin oppa . "


End of Memories



Hyoyeon's POV


Where did Taemin go ? I go to restroom for a minute then he disappears . That's weird . Where's Minji at ?
I turned around a corner and found them hugging each other . Wow that fast huh ? I hide behind the building and spied on them . I know that seems like it's wrong but for some reason I felt like I had to do it . I peeked .
Minji's eyes were wide open in suprise and then they went half lidded as if she was dreaming about something . Taemin's eyes were dripping with tears of happiness . He smiled as he cried . It was a touching sight but how come I want them to break up so badly ? A green monster came out of me and was telling me to go break them up . I held myself back .

"Damn he got the new girl already ? He's good . " A voice said near my ear .

"Omo ! " I held my chest because of the startle .

"Oh did I scare you ? Sorry Hyoyeon . "

"Yes you did scare Eunhyuk . Thanks . " I said in sarasm .

"Hehe whatever . Do Taemin and Minji know each other or something ? "

"Yeah they do . Why do you ask ? " I said gritting my teeth feeling jealously crawl up my spine .

"Why do you sound so mad? " Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow .

"I'm not angry ! " I snapped crossing my arms . Eunhyuk held up two hands in defense . I let out a sigh .

"Sorry Eunhyuk . I'm just having a weird day today . " I half lied . Eunhyuk nodded understandingly .

"Are you jealous ? You seem like it . "

"I-I-I'm not jealous ! What makes you think that ? " I tried to sound smooth but it came out tumbling . I looked down in shame .

"So I was right . You are so dead jealous . " Eunhyuk smirked . I scowled at the ground . I lifted my eyes to see them . Minji's lips were moving but I couldn't hear what she was saying . I spun around and walked calmly away .

"Wait where are you going ? " Eunhyuk caught up with me .

". . . " I didn't say anything and just kept stomping away .

"Hyoyeon . Seriously what is wrong with you ? "

"Nothing . " I mumbled .

"You're jealous of a guy you don't even like . W- "

"Look . I'm not jealous of anyone okay ? I'm just having a bad day got it ? " I cut him off curtly .

"Oh I get it . You're PMS-ing right ? It's that time of month for you right ? Hahah ! I knew it ! " Eunhyuk jumped up and down grinning . My mouth dropped open . WHAT ?!

"Oh no Eunhyuk you got it all wrong . I'm not on my . . ahem . . period . I'm just a little upset today that's all . " I whispered the word 'period' since we were walking in the hallways . Eunhyuk chuckled lightly .

"Sure you are . "

"But - "

"Oh we gotta get back to class we have 2 minutes ! "

"Let's go then . "

We sprinted to classroom . When we got there , most of the class was there already including Minji and Taemin who talking to each other rather secretly and flirtatiously . I pursed my lips and went to my desk quietly . Eunhyuk did the same . Taemin just continued to talk to Minji completely ignoring me . I felt so left out and a little lonely .
The bell finally rung and everyone stopped talking as Mr . Mong entered with a smile .

"How was everyone's morning break ? "

"Good ! " The whole class answered in unison excluding me . I kept a composed face .


After School


I waited hopefully at the school's entrance gate for Taemin . Wondering if he's going to walk home with me , I search around . I smiled when I saw him exiting the school but my smile soon faded as I spotted Minji tagging along with him . She hooked her arm with Taemin's arm like they're a couple or something . I backed up a little as they went closer to me . When they were about to pass by me , I tried to call Taemin but something stopped me as he passed by like a stranger . I froze for a minute . Didn't he see me ? I bit my lip . A familiar feeling began to swell up in my tummy again . It was the feeling I had when I learned my parents left me alone with no one to be with me . I was alone then and I guess I'm suppose to be alone now . From the looks of it , they look like they're already dating . I should back off now that he has a girlfriend . I shouldn't hang out with him so much because it might get his new girlfriend jealous and cause trouble . I've seen it in a lot of dramas . I know it's only dramas but still it can happen in reality too .
I stared at them walking side by side laughing and having fun . Yoona and her friends joined them too . Yoona and her friends didn't seem suprised when Taemin and Minji were linking arms together . They haven't been bothering me in a while now . Weird but I like it . Alone . Lonely . Abandonment . These words are no stranger to me . I guess God decided that I should be alone the rest of my life . How cruel ! I only have one and only one friend now : Eunhyuk . I tried smiling to myself but it turned out to be a sad smile .
I spun around and walked home by myself . Then something else popped up in my mind . I HAVE TO GET 2 MILLION WON IN THIRTY DAYS !!!! GAHHHHH !!!!
I hurried home , did my homework and then searched newspapers for jobs . Hmmmmm . . . . no these jobs are too low paying . NEXT ! Oh I saw a job that paid the highest I've seen , it was a construction site thing . I copied the adress down and changed to warm clothes and went to my restraunt job first .


Seafood Cove 8:30pm


"Aish ! How dare you show up today !!!??? " Ms . Lee yelled with her nostrils flaring with anger . I cringed . I was getting scolded because I didn't come to work yesterday . The day I was stuck in the elevator with Taemin , Eunhyuk and Dad .

"That day was the most busiest day we had but we didn't have enough people to carry out orders ! Where were you when we needed you Hyoyeon !? "

"I was in a sticky situation Ms. Lee . I'm sorry I won't do it again . " I bowed apologetically . She rubbed her forehead .

"I almost broke my back because of you ! You didn't mind calling us to inform you weren't going to be here yestreday either !! Aish really this stupid idiotic girl !! " She lunged at me but the other workers held her back from hitting me . I backed up and almost tripped over a box . She refrained and panted heavily .

"You're fired . Get out now . "

"But - "

"Leave . " She emphasized heavily . I blinked and untied my apron and went out the back door . I slammed the door closed . I blinked back tears as they came onto me like a tsunami . I punched the wall in anger and frustration . How come life is so hard to me ? ! I kicked the wall . I leaned against the brick wall with my back to the wall and slid down slowly into a sitting position . Crying , I dug my face into my knees and cried .

I cried for about 15 minutes . I just lost my job and my life at school isn't doing too well either . Why is everything so hard ? Why can't things be easy ?
I pulled out the paper I wrote the address on and I got up . I went to the train station near Seafood Cove and used the money I got from working there to get a ticket to Daegu . Daegu was where the construction site is . I sighed as I stepped onto the old silver train . I sat down in the corner where not a lot of people usually sit . I placed my head against the cold glass and stared out of it .
What is happy ? Happy is when delighted , glad , estatic or pleased right ? I want to feel those emotions but I somehow can't do it . The only time I was 'happy' was when I was with Taemin . Oh a day without him is so lonely . I'm so tired . Physically and Mentally . Jeezz . . .

"People who are traveling to Daegu , please get ready to leave in 5 minutes . " The robotic voice claimed on the speaker thing . I straightened up and sat there staring into space . I don't know what I was staring at but I just kept doing it .

"Okay we're are at Daegu now . Please exit the door to your left or right . " The voice commanded . I was the first one to get off the train .

I asked several people where the construction site is and eventually made my way to it .
Men in bright orange vests and diry gloves were working very hard . I went up to a man that looked like he was the boss .

"Excuse me Ahjussi , I saw your job ad in the newspaper and I wonder if I can take the job . " I said .

"Um little lady this job is for tough MEN . Not for little girls like you . Now go on . " He was old with gray hair but a little rude . I raised my eyebrow .

"If you let me have the job then I'll work like a man . I promise ! " I stared at him straight into his weary wrinkle eyes . He let a frustrated breath .

"If I let you take this job will you ever bother me again ? "

"I will never bother you again sir ! " I confirmed . He chuckled .

"Follow me little lady . " I followed him to a basket full of orange vests and gloves . He fished a vest and a pair of gloves out and threw to me . I caught them .

"Put those on and oh here is this helmet too . " He handed me a helmet . I slipped them on quickly .

"For starters , I want you to bring the bags of cement to Mr . Bong over there . He's the one over at the spinning machine see ? " I nodded .

"Okay now start working . Be careful . " He said as he walked away . I smiled and skipped over to the bags of cement . I tried to carry them at first with my hands but that didn't work . So I used all my strength to throw one up in the air (not that high ) and caught it in my arms then passed it onto Mr . Bong who was just pouring the cement into a spinning machine .


After passing all the cement bags


"I'm done Ahjussi ~ What do I do next ? "

"Hmmmm . . That's it for tonight actually . "

"Really that's it ? "

"Well you did get here kind of late . We started at 4:30 and you came here at 9:00 . But it's okay come back tomorrow again and I'll give you lots to work on okay ? " He patted my head .

"Actually the night shift is over now so go on home . " I nodded and slipped off the vest , gloves and helmet and handed it to him . I smiled and went off to the train station .

I got onto the train and went off home .


Hope you guys liked this chapter ~

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kim_032 #1
Chapter 64: Omg. This is such a great story!! There are cute moments, and sad moments, i love this story so muuchh~ good job author-nim!
Chapter 64: Ooh... love it love it very much~!!! ^^ do you mind to make the sequel?? ^^
I'm really addicted in this story, i'm gonna read it again for the fourth time ^_^
i remember reading this when it was still first in winglin, then you put it here. haha, still one of my fave hyoyeon stories ^^
Chapter 64: SEQUEL please! or make another hyotae story. :"> more likely same as this. (innocence, humor, jealousy. romance, melo). just so perfect! you're uch a great writer! make another one pleaseeee. :((
It's my third time reading this fanfic :)
this is crazy like this is the first ever fanfic that made me cry your story is amazing :)
So good make more hyoyeon and Taeyang plz I beg u
I love this story ! ^^ So much .. I love your story background picture too .. :))