Threat , Blackmail , Bribe

Skinny Chicks don't eat salads



Kahi's POV



That thinks she can keep that secret forever ??!!

I threw my bed's pillow across the room in anger and frustration

Yoona is the I'm referring to if you don't know . She threatens to kill Hyoyeon in front of me if I ever tell Hyoyeon that her real boyfriend is Taemin and isn't Eunhyuk . Aishhhhhh !!!!



I'm going to tell her one way or another . I'm not going to let that psycho kill my baby !

She's got guards securing my house so if Hyoyeon comes to me or something , they'll make sure that I don't tell her by staring me down like an animal .

I'm in my room taking my anger out on a pillow . . . How pathetic .

I should go out and do something but the guards follow me everywhere and it's

I don't know what to do anymore . . .


Hyoyeon's POV


YAHHH !! " I yelled at the middle schoolers crowding my ride .

They turned the heads and their eyes widen to its limits . The stupid idiots dropped the spray cans and froze . I'm serious . They literally froze .

I clenched a fist and took slow dangerous steps towards the cowards .

I approached the one nearest to me which was to my right .

It was a girl with a makeup splattered on her face . What is she ? An ABG ?

I snatched her collar and yanked her in the air , glaring at the that clown face .

Her eyes were already watery and she looked like she was about to piss in her pants . HA !

" Who the hell do you think you are ?! " I screeched in her ABG face . Tears fell .

" Don't you ever mess with me again . Or I will - no promise to beat the puberty out of you and your lil wannabe friends . You think you're bad ? I'll show you what bad is . " I let go of one side of her collar and I now am holding her by one hand .

I closed the other hand up into a tight fist and was about to punch the hell out of her but then my phone rang loudly .

I sighed through my nose and let the down . She scrambled away with her frightened friends .

I fished my phone out of my pocket and answered it in a huff .

" What ? " I greeted rudely .

" Hyoyeon ? Are you here yet ? " It was Youngbae's soft voice .

" Oh . Not yet . I just ran into some trouble . I'll be there soon . " I soften my own voice .

" Okay . See ya . " I hung up and started my vandalised motorcycle . . I'm going to kill those kids . . .

After speeding through the streets of Seoul for five minutes , I finally arrived at Youngbae's Dance Academy .

I parked in a random spot and took my helmet off , shaking my wavy hair . I ped my black leather jacket . I gripped my bag that had my dance clothes in it .

I took one last glance at my motorcycle , studying the retarded graffiti drawn by those wannabes . I shook my head in shame of having to show off that hideous design .

I went into the semi busy lobby and to the elevator .

The elevator doors slid open and I stomped grumpily to the main hiphop dance studio .

I stormed inside and found Youngbae sunbae and someone else . He wasn't my dance partner for this dance piece . . . 

If you're wondering what dance piece , it's the I Need A Girl piece . 

He was skinny to the bone and tall . The guy had straight orange-brownish hair and his eyes were big and brown but also shiny . He was wearing a loose gray jeans , a baggy white graphic tank top with polychromatic hightops . 

I set my helmet and bag down on the brown wooden bench and stripped off my leather jacket . They didn't seem to notice me . 

Other than the leather jacket , I was wearing black hightops converse and white skinny jeans and slightly loose graphic tank tops . Kinda like the stranger dude .

The reason they didn't notice me was because they're were freestyling to rave music . 

I cleared my throat nosily and they stopped . Youngbae sunbae's face was lit up by a happy grin . But the stranger didn't seem to be happy to see me . 

Screw him . If you're not happy then get the hell out of here . That's what I wanted to say to him but not with Youngabe sunbae here . 

Sunbae ran up to me and hugged me as a greeting .

" Hey Hyoyeon . "

" Sorry I was late . These stupid middle schoolers were messing with my baby ride . " I explained seriously . He nodded understandingly . 

" It's fine . I want you to meet someone though . " He slung an arm around my slumped shoulders and led me to the bored looking stranger .

" Hyoyeon , this is Lee Taemin . Your partner because Junho got hurt and had to go to the hospital .
" Huh ? What happened to Junho ? " I asked curiously . 

" Junho ripped a ligament on his leg while doing a new bboying move . "
He said solemnly . 

" Wow what move ? "

" A  headspin . Somehow , when he was trying to stop his headspin, he stretched his leg to far and it ripped his ligament . "

" Anyway , " Sunbae started again , " Lee Taemin is your partner now . " He gestured to the boy standing across from me . Taemin was just staring at me .

" What are you looking at ? " I asked curtly not able to hold back anymore . Taemin was taken back but then he fixed his expression quickly .

" Hyoyeon be nice . " Youngbae sunbae warned . I didn't say anything but glare at Taemin .

" Fine . I'm gonna go change . " I snatched my bag and went to the bathroom to change .

" What a manwhore . " I mumbled unpleasantly as I stripped and dressed in more baggy clothing .

" I'm back . " I said as I entered the studio once again .

" Welcome back . Let's start now . I already taught most of the steps already . Taemin when you don't know the moves , just improvise . " Sunbae assured the bastard .

Yes I know I just met him but the feeling he gives me just pisses me off .

The music started and I got into place . Taemin did the same thing .

( A/N : I'm pretty sure you guys know what the I Need A Girl choreo looks like right ? )

" Girl ~ I need a Girl ~ " The music sang soothingly .

I did what I was suppose to do and now comes the kissing scene .

" Girl like you ~ Gotta make you mine , I'mma treat you right ~ " Then I forcefully kissed him on the cheek . Then I continued dancing and Taemin was suppose to act like he was happy about geting my kiss .

There's suppose to be backup dancers behind and with us but then it was their day off or something .

Anyway. . .


Youngbae's POV


Aish ! I can't stop thinking about that
deceiving girl I met the other time .

The girl said if I told Hyoyeon that Taemin was her real boyfriend then she'll shut my academy down . Then she'll make sure none of the entertainment companies accept my productions or songs !

How awful is that !!!!

I officially despise that scammer !!

I think her name was Yoona or something .

I then noticed someone was calling my name . I looked up to find Hyoyeon and Taemin gazing at me .

I straightened up and cleared my throat .

" Are you okay Sunbae ? " Hyoyeon asked , worried . I nodded and smiled reassuringly .

That was really good you guys . Taemin , very good improvision and Hyoyeon , the kiss was so real and pure . Great job . Just make sure you do that at the performance next week . " I excused myself and went outside .


Hyoyeon's POV


Youngbae sunbae left the room in a hurry and I was left alone with Taemin .

But there's something I felt when I kissed him . I touched my lips and it's tingling a lil bit .

Then it hit me .

My head started to hurt a lot and then . . .




" It's okay Hyoyeon . . ."

" Why are you so red ? "

" Don't worry about Yoona .. . "

" I will never love Yoona and I will only love you . . . "

" I know you're lying Hyoyeon . "

" I'll help you with your weight issue . "

 "You know it's not good to walk in the rain alone at night

" We're on a date . "

" I see this passionate feel in your eyes when you dance . It's really mezmorizing when I see you dance . I love it . "

"If you don't give up on Taemin , I will make sure someone else will steal Taemin away from you ! "

" I only love you . "


w""""""""""""""""""'''''''''' """   """""
" Ouch . . . " I whined silently as I rubbed my head . Some of my memories were coming back and it hurt like hell !

" What's wrong with you ? " Taemin asked snobbily . I quit touching my head and glared lethally at him .

" Nothing . My head's just hurting . " I growled harshly .

God , there's something about his voice that is so familiar to me .

His name is Taemin and the returning memories mention a name Taemin . . .

Could he be someone I knew ?

I stared at him , with bushed up eyebrows .

" You know it's rude to stare at someone hot as me . " He stated arrogantly . I scowled upsettingly .

" Hot ? I've seen better than you ! " I retorted slyly .

" Puh-lease ! I bet he can't even beat me at dancing ! " He boasted highly .

I smirked and laughed uncontrollably .

" Yeah right ! I bet you can't even beat me in a dance battle ~ " I snorted . Taemin raised an eyebrow .

" Is that a challenge ? " I stopped laughing .

" What if it is ? " I asked tilting my head of messy hair . He went over to the stereo and put on some catchy beats .

" How 'bout right now ? " Taemin challenged . I nodded furiously .

We faced each other with confident stances .

" You go first . " I invited tauntingly . He smirked and started to pop to the music . I watched in false amazement .

The only he did was pop . Then he pushed me back , teasing me to bring it

I started to dance . . .


I'll post the next part tomorrow
I have to go to sleep now . . *YAWN*

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kim_032 #1
Chapter 64: Omg. This is such a great story!! There are cute moments, and sad moments, i love this story so muuchh~ good job author-nim!
Chapter 64: Ooh... love it love it very much~!!! ^^ do you mind to make the sequel?? ^^
I'm really addicted in this story, i'm gonna read it again for the fourth time ^_^
i remember reading this when it was still first in winglin, then you put it here. haha, still one of my fave hyoyeon stories ^^
Chapter 64: SEQUEL please! or make another hyotae story. :"> more likely same as this. (innocence, humor, jealousy. romance, melo). just so perfect! you're uch a great writer! make another one pleaseeee. :((
It's my third time reading this fanfic :)
this is crazy like this is the first ever fanfic that made me cry your story is amazing :)
So good make more hyoyeon and Taeyang plz I beg u
I love this story ! ^^ So much .. I love your story background picture too .. :))