DY Dance Academy

Skinny Chicks don't eat salads
I started school already and it's okay . I was so freaked out since I didn't get my books , locker , lock and agenda on the first day but IT'S OKAY!~
I got them now but I just need my PE clothes and locker . GRRR!! Everything's so complicated in high school !! *sigh* Well I just need to get used to it . . .
Well heres chapter 13 Hope yall enjoy it !

P . S : I won't be updating as frequently as I use to anymore . Now I'll update every 2 days !


Weekend with Taemin and Hyoyeon at DY Dance Academy


"Wow this place is huge ! " I spread my arms to emphasize how big DY Dance Academy is . I said yes to Taemin about dancing here at this academy . I seriously want to lose weight quickly and dancing is an excellent way to do so . Dancing involves your whole body . If you work your whole body then you're bound to lose some pounds .

"Yeah I know . I said that the first time I came here too . " Taemin agreed happily . This studio was no joke .

The practice studio is the like the size of half a football field . There are different studios for types of dances . For example , there is a ballet studio for ballet students on the fifth floor . Yes this place is like 3 or 4 stories high . DY Dance Academy teaches ballet , jazz , cha cha , hip hop , and belly dancing . I giggled when I heard about belly dancing . Taemin led me to each practice studio . Each of them were different . They each had different teachers , equipment , and styles .

"Taemin oppa what does DY stand for ? " I asked while checking out the flexible ballerinas doing their stretches .

"DY stands for Dong Youngbae . He's the owner of this academy . He produces his own music and choreography . Dong Youngbae sunbaenim is very good at dancing . He is like the best . But his stage name is Taeyang . Dong Youngbae sunbaenim performs also . " Taemin explained while I was staring at those girls that look like their breaking their back .

"He performs too ? Where ? " I asked full of curiousity .

"Youngbae sunbaenim performs all over the place : local , overseas , out of town , and ect . He is really respected among dancers in Korea .

"WOWW . . . Dong Youngbae is the best . " My jaw hung
from my mouth . Taemin used one finger to push my jaw up closing my mouth . Taemin grinned and chuckled playfully .

"I think you should start with ballet and then move onto cha cha and then hip hop . "

"Why start with ballet and cha cha ? "

"Start with ballet since it gets you more flexible and elegant . Cha cha will get your feet to move fast . Hip hop is both of those things . Ballet will get you flexible while cha cha will teach you how to move your feet . Hip hop is agressive and fast . To be able to wave and pop you have to be a little bit flexible for those too . So I'm getting you ready . " Taemin intelligiantly informed .

"Did you take ballet and cha cha ? " I raised an eyebrow expecting him to answer yes .

"No I didn't need to get flexible or ' wavy ' for hip hop . It was natural for me . " Taemin innocently stared at me .

"So you're a natural ? You're so lucky ! " I gasped . Taemin laughed loudly . I smiled .

"You'll start tomorrow . I enrolled you in beginning ballet . " Taemin excitedly said . I squealed softly .

Saturday DY Dance Academy 8:00am .


Today was the day I start ballet at DY Dance Academy . I sighed happily and stepped into the entrance . My class was on the fifth floor so I took the elevator .
I was holding onto my bag with my towel , brush , and water bottle in it . I wore a big t-shirt and grey sweats pants and sneakers . The other people in the elevator were silent as a dead person . I rocked on my heels . The others were wearing ' dancing ' clothes . There was one girl with a tutu . It was weird and awkward .
The doors slid opened and I rushed out from the elevator and searched for the ballet room . My head nearly broke because I turn my head so much looking for the dang room . Taemin told me it was room E6 . I saw E7 and E8 but no E6 . I went back to the direction I came from and saw room E6 . Hmm weird I didn't see it there before . I shrugged and opened the door a little bit .
I peeked in . A teacher and girls were warming up and stretching . It looked painful .
I opened the door and let myself in .

"WHO ARE YOU ? " A loud voice boomed and made me jumped in major suprise .

"I'm new . I enrolled y-yesterday . " I stuttered nervously . This lady was seriously scaring the crap out of me . I gulped . The instructor came closer .

"Oh really ? Did Taemin enroll you ? " The creepy lady lifted her eyebrow suspiciously . I cringed back and nodded . Her expression turned from suspicious to sweet . Freaky !

"Oh so you're are the she that he was talking about ! HOHOHO! Welcome to the World of Ballet !! " She gushed into my face . To close to my face if you ask me .

"I'm Mrs . Yang and what's your name ? " Mrs . Yang batted her eyes at me . Ew .

"I'm Hyoyeon . Nice to meet you . " I stared at my feet frightened by her sudden sweetness and kindness . I looked up .

"You better do the stretches or you'll pull something . " Mrs . Yang informed me while taking my bag and placing down on the bench across the room . I nodded silently .

"Well . . . Jessica can you show her how to stretch in this class ? " A girl with chocolate brown hair came over to me with a icy and bored expression . I felt more scared than before . The rest of the class resumed to what they we re doing before .

"Hey I'm Jessica . Let's go over here and do the stretches . " Once she smiled she looked really friendly . She pointed the space behind the class . I nodded shyly and followed her .

"The first thing to do is stretch your neck . Slowly spin your head like this . " Jessica demonstrated by rolling her head slowly to the right and then to the left . I copied her .

"Okay then stretch your chest outward and then inward as far as you can okay ? " Jessica demonstrated it and I did as she said . It did feel refreshing .

"Thirdly you stretch you arms and waist . " She raised her arm in a straight position and leaned right . Jessica did the same with the other arm . Then she twisted her waist . I heard cracks . I stared at her with a horrified expression . She laughed lightly .

"That's okay . The cracking means you are stretching . Next you warm up your legs . " She and I did squats together .

"And then while doing the squats you stop , " Jessica said while demonstrating , " and make your back into a straight plank . This warms up your legs and outer thighs . " I bent down as far as I can . It hurt more as Jessica pushed me down lower .

"Do that couple times . Next you do splits in the air . " When she saw my confused expression she showed me how . Jessica stood on one foot and slowly lifted her other leg up making a perfect split while balancing on one foot . I gulped nervously .

I did what she did only I lifted my leg as far as I can which wasn't any far . Jessica gripped my leg gently as she lifted it up even higher . My legs were shaking now . She let go and said to do the same thing with the other leg . I did as she said .
Jessica showed me a lot more stretches but I won't mentnion them since they were extremely painful . We did sit ups , push ups , and other sore feeling warm ups .

"Mrs . Yang Hyoyeon is done warming up now should she join us in our daily routine ? " Jessica asked like a business woman .

"Sure we were going to start our daily routine anyway . Okay let's start ! " Mrs . Yang pumped a wrinkled fist in the air . The class went to one end of the classroom . I copied them .

Four people go across the floor doing . . . who knows what . Oh I get it now . Everyone has to get across the floor doing . . . ummm what's it called again . . . . tut jumps . Basically you have to jump on one foot while the other one is behind your knee with your hands in the air . It looks really elegant when everyone else did it . But when I did it , it looked like a horse galloping . Jessica did it as elegant as the others did .
Then did the same thing again but only the other side . I still looked like a horse galloping .


4 hours later ~


I was sweating through my t-shirt . I learned so much today . I learned pirouettes and how to do a 2nd position jump which was just jumping and doing the splits in mid air . I tried it . Don't do it a home kids . I panted as I exited the room when class was over . I seriously was sore everywhere . When I stand up I shake and shiver everywhere . I was sooo tired . I took my water bottle and chugged it greedily . I exhaled and put the bottle in my bag . I rested there for a while closing my eyes .
I got up and went down to the 3rd level to search for Taemin .
The elevator doors slid open and I stepped but bumped into someone . I looked up and gasped .

"Why are you here loser ? " Yuri spat .

"Why are you here then ? " I spat back . Yuri glared at me . I glared back with the same viciousness . Yuri checked me out from head to toe . She scoffed and pushed past me and into the elevator . I stood there until the doors closed . I inhaled and exhaled . She's so . . . mean!!
Ignoring the thing that just happened and went to look for Taemin . I remember he told me that his room was C4 over the phone yesterday . My eyes wandered and found the room . I was about to grab the handle but what if I interrupt them ? Turning away from the door , I stood there deciding if I should go in or not .
I heard a click and then something hard slammed into my sore back . I gasped in pain but didn't cry no matter how much it hurt . I looked back .

"Hey watch it fattie . " One guy looked at me digustingly and went off . The other students exited the room gawking at me . I rubbed my back unconciously .

Taemin got out last wearing a lose muscle shirt sweating like me . He was carrying a bag and wearing sweats like I was . Taemin smiled when he caught sight of me in front of him .

"Hey Taemin oppa ! " I greeted grinned while rubbing my back .

"Hey Hyo ~! Oh! What wrong with your back ? Did you hurt at ballet ? " I shook my head when his eyes were about to burst with concern .

"I was waiting for you here and then the students from you class started to come out . I didn't know but then the guy who opened the door , opened the door on me . He hit my back . He didn't even apologize . How rude ! " I exclaimed . I huffed a breathe .

"Hahaha! " Taemin started to laugh really hard . I gawked at him confusingly .

"Hey why are you laughing ? " I stomped in frustratiion not knowing why he was laughing at me while I'm explaining something serious . I twisted my mouth . But Taemin just laughing harder and harder .

"Taemin oppa why are you laughing ?? " I asked again . Taemin's laughter died down to chuckling . Then Taemin stopped laughing all together and stared at me humoriously .

"I laughed because you're not worried about your back but you making a big deal out of a guy being rude to you . " Taemin said wiping his tears clearly enjoying the moment . I let out a chuckled .

"Well let's go Taemin oppa . " I said putting my hand on his shoulder . He stopped and pointed to my back which hurt less then before .

"What about your back ? " Taemin's expression turned to worried . I shrugged it off .

"Taemin oppa you worry too much . Just relax for minute . " I took his hand and dragged him to the elevator . I pressed the down button .

"Are you sure you're able to dance with your back hurting like that ? " Taemin said swung his arm around my shoulders .

"Yeah of course . It doesn't even hurt anymore . " I half lied . It's still sore . I smiled reassuringly . Taemin grinned back .

The elevator opened and we stepped in with Taemin's arm still around me . It was comfortable .
The doors slid opened and we were about to exit the building but I stopped when I saw big trophies in the glass containers .

"What are these ? Awards ? "

"Those are all Dong Youngbae sunbaenim's awards . " Taemin said proudly . I gazed dreamingly at them . They were so shiny and delicate . They were all gold no silver . There must of been 20 of them . I felt a tug on my shirt .

"Hyo let's go now . " Taemin urged . I agreed and went home with him . It was a good learning day .


At home with Taemin


"Taemin oppa I'm sleepy . " I told him with my eyes heavy with sleep .

We had spent the rest of the day at my house talking and cooking up food that Taemin taught me . It was interesting how he knew how to cook other foods other than kimbap . We did our homework and helped each other efficiently . It was 8:45pm . I was getting sleepy . Taemin was still energetic .

"Oh then you should go to sleep . I'll go home now . "

"Oh I'll show you to the door then . " I got up and escorted him out the door .

"Bye Hyo and good night and sweet dreams . " Taemin hugged me and I hugged him back weakly . I smiled tiredly at him .

"Bye Min oppa and sweet dreams to you too . " I laughed and Taemin walked down the stairs and disappeared . I closed the door .

I sighed exhaustedly . Dancing every bit of energy you have in your body . I'm still sore and everything but at least I'm getting in shape .
I cleaned everything up , brushed my teeth and then fell asleep as soon I hit the bed .


How'd you guys like it ??
Yayaya Hyoyeon is finally working on losing weight !!
I'm tired sooo
DancingQueen2 out !~

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kim_032 #1
Chapter 64: Omg. This is such a great story!! There are cute moments, and sad moments, i love this story so muuchh~ good job author-nim!
Chapter 64: Ooh... love it love it very much~!!! ^^ do you mind to make the sequel?? ^^
I'm really addicted in this story, i'm gonna read it again for the fourth time ^_^
i remember reading this when it was still first in winglin, then you put it here. haha, still one of my fave hyoyeon stories ^^
Chapter 64: SEQUEL please! or make another hyotae story. :"> more likely same as this. (innocence, humor, jealousy. romance, melo). just so perfect! you're uch a great writer! make another one pleaseeee. :((
It's my third time reading this fanfic :)
this is crazy like this is the first ever fanfic that made me cry your story is amazing :)
So good make more hyoyeon and Taeyang plz I beg u
I love this story ! ^^ So much .. I love your story background picture too .. :))