Not yet . . . Only when I get back

Skinny Chicks don't eat salads
I made kimbap for the first time today ~! It's kinda hard but it's also easy . I AM SO FULL FROM ALL OF THE EATING !~
Well Enjoy!!~ HEHEHEHE!!


Eunhyuk in Hyoyeon house 9:45pm


"So what is it ? " I asked not peeking at him . I twisted my lips because it was so weird with him just him being in my house . My eyes wandered and landed on him .

"I wanted to say that I'm s - sorry . " Eunhyuk stuttered as if it was really hard to say out loud .

I let his apology sink into my brain . Did he just say that he was sorry ?

"What ? Did you say that you were sorry ? " I was so shocked . I was as shocked as when Eunhyuk pulled that stupid prank on me .

"Yeah I did . And I want you to take it seriously and not as a joke . " He stated firmly as his eyes were serious .

"What made you want to apologize to me ? " I asked kind of feeling pissed at his sudden change of personality .

"The joke didn't make me feel bad at first but then that night I saw you in front of my house crying . . . I started to feel guilty . I brushed it off at first but then I saw you treating the new kid , Taemin , like a best friend . I sort of felt left out because I should be your best friend not some new kid in school . " Eunhyuk ended it with a big huff .

"You sure this isn't a prank again ? " I said coldly raising my eyebrow . He shook his head violently . I continue to stare at him .

I thought about it for a while and then came up with an idea .

"I'll accept your apology-" I got cut off when Eunhyuk crushed me with a hug then he let go .

"I'll accept your apology when I get back . " I said proudly . He had confusion written on his face .

"Back from where ? "

"I mean you're not going to see me during summer . But you better keep an eye out for me . I could be right in front of you and you may not even know it . " I smirked at the thought of me getting skinny .

"O-Okay Hyoyeon . " Eunhyuk agreed still not knowing what I meant . I sighed tiredly .

"Look it's late now you should get home . " I said trying to shoo him out the door . He protested and faced me .

"Wait where are your parents ? It looks like you live here by yourself . " I shrugged .

"I don't know what happen to them but they left all of a sudden . They left a note saying that they were sorry . But I live alone now . " I casually informed him . Eunhyuk stared me with unreadable eyes . I grimaced with my mouth twisted .

"Oh I didn't know . Sorry Hyoyeon . I should have been here with you . " Eunhyuk stared at his feet in guilt . I nodded .

"No it's okay . I didn't expect it either . " I smiled sadly .

"Well you should go home now . Your parents are probably worried . " I patted his back like an old buddy .

"No they out of town on a business trip . I want to have sleepover with you . Like we always did when we were little . " I widen my eyes suprise that he still remembers that .

"But don't we need to go to school tomorrow and you don't have your uniform or toothbrush or anything . " He shrugged and sat on my bed resting on his hands .

"I could just get my clothes in the morning . " I slowly nodded . Eunhyuk got off my bedd and sat on the grown like a puppy waiting to be fed . Ha so cute . I smiled awkwardly and pulled my blanket off my bed and spread it on the floor for Eunhyuk . But we only have one pillow . . . How are we going to sleep with only one pillow ?
I paused as Eunhyuk got the blanket comfortably .

"How are we going to sleep with one pillow Eunhyuk ? " I couldn't stop from asking .

"Maybe we could share a pillow . Or I sleep on the floor and you sleep on the bed . " He suggested . I accepted since I didn't want to get weird with him on the floor . I tossed him the pillow . He caught it in time before it hit his face .

"I thought you were going to use the pillow . "

"You use it . You're a guest in my house . I treat my guests with royalty . " I joked while giggling . Eunhyuk chuckled lightly .
After my head fell onto the pillow I went to sleep immediately .


Next morning 5:30 am


I slammed my hand on my alarm as soon as it rang . I lifted my head with my eyes still half closed and saw that Eunhyuk was still sleeping on the floor soundly . I smiled . I got up and tried to wake him up .

"Eunhyuk ~ " I called softly . Eunhyuk stirred a little bit . I giggled when he pouted .

"Eunhyuk wake up ~ " I shook him a little harder this time . His eyes fluttered and opened fully . He groaned lazily and rubbed his eyes .

"What time is it ? " Eunhyuk asked while yawning .

"5:30 . " I answered going into the restroom .

"What !? " I heard him exclaim from the other side of the door . I laughed .

When I was done brushing my teeth I put on sweats . I exited the restroom and found Eunhyuk sprawled out on the floor asleep . I sighed .

"Eunhyuk wake up! " I shouted loud but loud enough for the neighbors to hear . He shot up in a sitting position with his eyes closed . I stared at him .

"I don't want to wake up at 5:30 in morning . " He whined . It was too cute .

"Well I have to go to work so make sure you wake up at 7:00 okay ? "

"What ? You go to work in the morning too ? " He stood up fully awake . I nodded .

"I need to pay for rent . "

"Oh okay . " He stretched and headed out the door with me .


Eunhyuk got dressed in his uniform and is now helping Hyoyeon with delivering milk .


"You really do this every morning ? " Eunhyuk asked as he placed a pack on the doorstep .

"Yeah but only tuesdays-fridays that's all . " We moved onto the next house .

"I can't believe you gotta work two jobs everyday . " Eunhyuk scoffed incredulously .

"Hmm it's pretty easy since it's just part time . "

"Waking up at 5 . . . that's too hard for me . I need my beauty sleep ~! " Eunhyuk whined stomping his feet . I laughed at his silliness .
We approached Taemin's house . Taemin was waiting casually in uniform . His eyes widen as he saw me and Eunhyuk .

"How come Eunhyuk is with you ? " Taemin asked curiously pointin at Eunhyuk .

"Eunhyuk apologized to me about the prank that he pulled and he stayed the night since it was late . Plus it's dangerous to go out a night . " I explained . Taemin friendly smiled .

"Well let's go back to Myungsoo Ahjussi so we're not late . " Taemin swung an arm around me and dragged me away . Eunhyuk caught up with us and . . . let's just say the whole walk to Myungsoo Ahjussi was dead silent . Taemin still had his arm around me and Eunhyuk was walking on Taemin's right . He was kind of left out . Taemin's expression was happy but Eunhyuk's expression was . . . dark .

"Oh yeah Hyoyeon I'll start helping you with your . . . issue when summer starts okay ? " Taemin winked playfully . I nodded chuckling .

"What is Taemin talking about Hyoyeon ? " Eunhyuk raised an eyebrow .

"Didn't I tell you that I'd forgive you after summer ? Taemin is going to help me with my change . " I said . I grinned . Eunhyuk still looked clueless .

"Heheh just wait when upcoming summer is over then you'll know . " I smiled at Taemin secretly . Taemin chuckled .

We arrived at Myungsoo Ahjussi and I rushed to change leaving Taemin and Eunhyuk to wait .


Eunhyuk's POV


I glared secretly at Taemin . This dude treats Hyoyeon as if she is his ! Taemin seems too nice for a guy . . .
I shouldn't let my guard down . I grimaced and huffed a breathe . Just then Hyoyeon came out with a bright smile .

"Let's go . "

"Okay . " Hyoyeon agreed .

On the way to school Hyoyeon stood in the middle of us . I wanted to tell Taemin that Hyoyeon was my best friend but I couldn't since it would be rude .
Unconciously I glanced at my watch and my eyes widen . It was 7:50 ! We going to be late!!

"You guys we going to be late if we don't hurry ! " I exclaimed outloud making Hyoyeon and Taemin look at each and run like crazy . I ran with them also .
I never knew Hyoyeon could run so fast . . . well for a big girl . I tried to match Hyoyeon and Taemin's speed and I succeeded .
We had 2 minutes to make it to class . We were already in the hallways of the 2nd floor . Our class was on the 3rd floor . We flew up the stairs to the 3rd floor and slowed down as we begin to approach the classroom . All three of us were panting like dogs .
I slid the door and the first thing I feel is a skinny body slamming into mine and arms wrapping around my waist . I was squeezing my eyes shut and my hands up in defense . I opened my eyes and Taeyeon was hugging me tightly . So tightly that it hurt . I sighed and removed her arms .

"What are you doing ? " I asked her harshly .

"I just missed you . Last night I came to your house and you weren't home so I got worried . " Taeyeon looked up at me with puppy eyes and pouting lips . I let my eyes wander and found Hyoyeon's eyes . Her eyes were questioning and suprised . Her head was tilted . I moved my sight back to Taeyeon .

"Uhhh . . . I was umm . . . at a friend's house . " I stuttered .

"Oh really who's house ? " Taeyeon asked in a girly voice . Taeyeon batted her eyelashes .

"A family friend's house . You don't need to know . " I said in a excusing tone . Taeyeon nodded understandingly and went back to her seat . I sighed relieved at what just happened . If Taeyeon knew that I slept over Hyoyeon's place then she would get the wrong idea . She doesn't know that Hyoyeon and I are best friends . I bit my lip and sat down at my desk next to Donghae .

"What was that all about ? " Donghae whispered when Mr . Mong entered .

"I'll tell you about it later . . . " My voice trailed off when I saw Taemin tuck a strand of hair behind a sleeping Hyoyeon's ear . Was she that tired ? If I was her I couldn't handle two jobs at a time . I sighed and then turned my attention back to Mr . Mong .


Taemin's POV


Hyoyeon resembles a baby when she sleeps . I chuckled silently as she stirred and woke up . We were in the middle of class . Hyoyeon slowly lifted her head and begin taking notes like the rest of the class . I did the same .
The rest of the day passed by fast in my opinion . I was still thinking of a way for Hyoyeon to lose weight . She does thinner then the night I saw in the rain . She gotten a little paler too . Hyoyeon should rest more . I know she works two jobs but she should take it easy .
Oh! I know she should go to the dance school I'm in . DY Dance Academy . It's awesome I have a lot of friends there that I could introduce Hyoyeon to . Yes ! This is it !
When we were walking I suggested it to her .

"Hey Hyoyeon do you want to enroll in my dance school ? " I asked her hoping that she would accept . Hyoyeon was suprised .

"Why ? I don't know how to dance . " She said negatively .

"It doesn't matter . A lot of people didn't know how to dance when they first started either . Plus it'll help you with your weight issue . " I nodded approvingly . She was still deciding . Hyoyeon twisted cutely . I smiled at her natural cuteness .

"I'll think about it Taemin oppa . " She said when we arrived at her apartment . I grinned .

"Okay tell me tomorrow . " I ran off to my house .

I hope she accepts .


Dancing is coming !!

<3 you guys

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kim_032 #1
Chapter 64: Omg. This is such a great story!! There are cute moments, and sad moments, i love this story so muuchh~ good job author-nim!
Chapter 64: Ooh... love it love it very much~!!! ^^ do you mind to make the sequel?? ^^
I'm really addicted in this story, i'm gonna read it again for the fourth time ^_^
i remember reading this when it was still first in winglin, then you put it here. haha, still one of my fave hyoyeon stories ^^
Chapter 64: SEQUEL please! or make another hyotae story. :"> more likely same as this. (innocence, humor, jealousy. romance, melo). just so perfect! you're uch a great writer! make another one pleaseeee. :((
It's my third time reading this fanfic :)
this is crazy like this is the first ever fanfic that made me cry your story is amazing :)
So good make more hyoyeon and Taeyang plz I beg u
I love this story ! ^^ So much .. I love your story background picture too .. :))