
Complicated Love

The week passed and everyday Yoona would be eating a new cupcake with lovehearts and the letter 'Y' as icing design. I never saw the mysterious boy again. It's Monday and we're all eating lunch except Jaejoong who is absent mindedly playing with my hair, Jessica sat at the far table, her hair wasn't in it's usual pony tail but it was let out with her fringe clipped up. She's changed a lot since our 'talk', she's become a lot more mature and alike with the other girls. Jessica didn't stand out anymore so most of her so called fans have swarmed to Yoona making it difficult for her to be around us. I was studying the cafeteria out of boredom until i spotted the mysterious boy sitting at the table beside Jessica's, he was reading a book and completely unaware of my stare "You know him?" Yuri asked from beside me "That's Yoona's secret admirer, i find him so familiar even though i've never met him before" i answered her truthfully, Yuri was always good help when it came to complicated sitautions "Does Yoona know?" "No, she hardly notices him. Whenever i see him i have a flashback, well i don't know if you'd call it that since i never remember it happening" Yuri nodded slowly while staring at him "I think you should make friends with him" she suddenly spoke up "Thats a bit strange. Just walk upto him and randomly want to be friends?" i asked and she nodded again still staring at him. We headed back to class but on my way i heard a piano playing from the music room again, guessing it was Mr. Mysterious i made my way to the doorway and stood quietly but was surprised when i looked up and found Jaejoong playing the piano instead, his fingers pressing smoothly on each key and the soft melody seeped into my mind.

When he finished playing i spoke up "Hey" he turned around startled by the sudden voice, he let out a relieved sigh when he saw me "How was it?" he asked with a soft smile "You never told me you could play the piano" i said making my way towards the seat beside his "You never asked" he stated "I liked it, you should play more often" we sat there totally forgetting about classes and laughed at random jokes when the bell rang for another class. The music room was usually empty and quiet ever since the new music room has been built, all the music lessons are held there, we talked on until there was a noise of soemthing dropping at the door. Jaejoong and i turned our heads and there stood Yoona's admirer, a box had fallen out of his hands and out rolled a cupcake, the one he planned to give Yoona i guessed "Hello" i waved at him and he just stared back blankly, even though he was wearing thick, nerdy glasses, you could see he was good looking. "Hi" he finally waved back but the expression on his face was still blank, Jaejoong slowly stood up and i followed "That cupcake looks familiar" Jaejoong said pointing at the cupcake on the floor "Looks like the ones Yoona eats everyday" he said turning to me, i laughed nervously "I'm sorry for being nosy but you're Yoona's secret admirer right?" i asked turning back to the boy by the door, he nodded slowly "My name is Jason" he bowed, me and Jaejoong bowed back "I'm Lee ~~~ and this is Kim Jaejoong, my boyfriend" i introduced us "I know" he mumbled but Jaejoong heard "You know us?" he asked getting a bit suspicious "Can i talk to you Jaejoong-shii?" Jason asked and Jaejoong just nodded slowly and left with him leaving me in the abadoned music room. I sat down and thought for a while before remembering about the cupcake on the floor.

-Jaejoong's POV-

"What is it?" i asked when we left the music room and were just randomly roaming the school halls "First off, you won't tell ~~~ about this" Jason said with a poker face, i chuckled then answered "I won't" it was quiet for a while before he continued "My parents and her parents used to be friends but then her parents were murdered. She doesn't know that because her eldest sister tells her it was an accident, my family moved away from the neighbourhood when they heard about this. ~~~ and her sisters had no relatives so they had to go to the orphanage, Tae Li noona was nice enough not to tell the police anything about us because she knew my parents moved away because they wanted nothing to do with them. I feel guilty towards them even if it wasn't my fault, i was closest to ~~~ because we're the same age" i nodded and stared ahead trying to take in everything "Who murdered her parents?" i asked out of curiosity "I don't know but i heard they were imprisoned" he answered and i nodded again. ~~~ must have suffered a lot and her sisters, i felt bad for her and from now on i know it's gonna hurt when i see her happy face "Ga Eun noona saw me yesterday and we talked, she told me to stay away from ~~~ah and make sure she never finds out about what happened to their parents. I feel guilty so since you're her boyfriend i told you but please don't tell her" i nodded in understanding, ~~~ would definitely be depressed if she found out "I won't" i assured him then he walked ahead to his class. I then remembered about him being Yoona's secret admirer and was about to ask him about it but he was long gone. I walked back to the music room and ~~~ah was still sitting where i left her "What did he say?" she asked and i just smiled "Nothing much" then the dismissal bell rang.

We walked home with all our friends and Yoona was eating her cupcake "You gave it to her?" i asked ~~~ah and she shook her head "He must've given her another one" she said. He probably made them too since they had her initials on them, it was surprising though because Yoona usually doesn't care about her admirer's gifts but she always ate his cupcakes "I met your admirer" i said to Yoona when i walked a bit ahead of ~~~ah and was now behind Yoona, she spun around to an abrupt stop making me almost bump into her "Was he cute?" her eyes sparkled up "Do you like him back?" i asked and she blushed "I think so even if i've never met him" she said "I guess he's good looking" i answered her question and her eyes sparkled up again "Can i meet him?" she asked hopefully "He's nerdy" i randomly stated "Woah so his good looking and smart?" she brightened even more "Are you two cheating on our ~~~ah" Hyuna suddenly appeared behind me, i jumped a bit "Jaejoong said he met my secret admirer and he said he's good looking and smart" Yoona said dreamily "Ooooo is he better looking than you?" Hyuna turned to me "Of course not" i answered making a face "Naww he must be really ugly then" she sighed, i swear if she wasn't a girl i would've punched her for insulting me "Omo is he gonna ask you out?" she turned her attention to Yoona since she got the hint that i'm pissed "Oh i hope so" they went on squealing and giggling, i'm so glad ~~~ah isn't like this. I walked faster to catch up with the rest of them "Where's ~~~ah?" i asked Yunho and he pointed to Yuri and ~~~ah giggling over something, not them too, i facepalmed and decided to walk with the guys instead.

A short chapter just so you know what happened to 'your' parents. COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE<3 I update everyday once or twice but i can't update on Sundays ;D

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Finished transfering from MinHee_xD to this account! I will do Saranghae, Happy Endings Don't Exist and Marry...HIM?! tomorrow. Thank you for your support


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Chapter 25: love it!~ it's cute and sweet
CB_Zinger #2
Complicated! Love it :3
Great story
MaeMae_xD #4
Sorry guys! I wrote this originally from my old account MinHee_xD and my writing was a bit rusty then. Just transferring all my stories to this account now xD
EleBear25 #5
I agree with aimee2304.. ^^