Our First Christmas

Complicated Love

-Jessica's POV-

The next day i woke up super early and changed into a denim skirt with stockings underneath, white blouse and black parka along with heeled red boots. When i was done the others slowly woke up, ~~~ah was casually dressed in a sweater, jeans and a parka with joggers. What does Jaejoong see in that girl? She hardly knows what fashion means and she's poor! Today was Christmas and we decided to go shopping for each other's gifts. I bought all the brands for the boys and picked out something cute for ~~~ah, just in case she gets me something and i don't have anything to give back and besides it would make me look good in front of Jaejoong. Throughout the whole shopping session i could see ~~~ah and Jaejoong being silly, what has she done to him? He used to be well mannered and never lost composure in public, all because of that stupid !

-Jaejoong's POV-

Instead of really buying any gifts ~~~ah and i just messed around but no one really cared. We both bought stuff for the boys and when it came to Jessica i randomly picked out some expensive pair of shoes, i didn't need to buy ~~~ah anything because i already got her gift ready before we even went on this trip. "What should i get Jessica?" ~~~ah asked me, she's so kind to still get Jessica a present after everything Jessica's done to her "I don't know, just pick out something randomly" i answered "I can't do that, gifts are meant to be from the heart" she said looking through some jewelerly. My girlfriend is so kind ^^ "I'll get this thanks" she said to the shop keeper and handed her a long white clutch, it was stylish but completely plain white "You sure?" i asked her and she nodded. Whatever. We arrived back at the cottage and everyone started to wrap the gifts, i could see ~~~ah doing something with the sewing machine. I failed at wrapping most of the gifts but it's the thought that counts right? After finishing we went down for Christmas dinner, everyone chatted and laughed while eating. It was nice to be able to do this once in a while since my mum is in heaven and my dad is always working, i never really grew up as a normal child. ~~~ah really brought happiness into my life and i'm so thankful towards her for that. It was time to open our presents, Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin and I mostly got fancy stuff. Jessica and ~~~ah recieved many jewelery, i was surprised that Jessica actually got ~~~ah something, ~~~ah was giving Jessica her present and she was unwrapping it slowly, i couldn't wait to see the reaction on her face when she gets something plain for the first time in her life. But when she took it out everyone gasped. It wasn't the plain white purse that ~~~ah bought it was the same style but was now in red silk and on the front engraved in silver glitter was the word 'Jessica'.

"You made that?" i asked ~~~ah, surprised and she nodded happily, Jessica was obviously happy but didn't show it too much "Thanks ~~~ah, it's beautiful" she said and for the very first time Jessica seemed...sincere? "Everyone's given their presents but Jaejoong and ~~~ah still haven't exchanged gifts" Yoochun said, i dashed to my room and came back with a little bag, from the bag i took out a small blue box with a white bow ribbon on top. I opened up the box and inside were couple rings with half a love heart on each so if you put them together it makes a full love heart, on the inside of the rings were engraved J&~. ~~~ah stared at the rings wide eyed then looked up at me with teary eyes, i wiped away the first tear that slipped down her cheek and wore the ring on her finger then put my own on. She admired the ring for a while before giving me a huge bear hug "Thanks Jae, i love it" she whispered in my ear, everyone cheered except Jessica who looked quite jealous. Then from the pile of ~~~ah's gifts there was a wrapped gifts that she had wrapped, she gave it to me and i unwrapped it. Inside was a photo album i could see she had made herself, it was designed with a Christmas theme and the front read 'Our First Christmas' i opened it and inside were pictures of me and her that we took on our trip, they were also photoshopped to have snowflakes decorating the edges or flowers and christmas lights. It was so pretty and she went throught the effort to make it, i looked up at her and smiled speechlessly then gave her a kiss on the cheek "I'm gonna keep it FOREVER!" i told her then went back to admiring the pictures. We went to bed after that because we'd have to be on our way back the next day.

-~~~ah's POV-

The next morning i woke up and packed all our stuff, since Jaejoong was still asleep i packed his stuff for him then woke him up. After breakfast we loaded our stuff onto the mini bus "Anyone forget anything?" asked Yunho. We all checked the cottage for the last time then got on the bus, during the entire ride all i payed attention to was the gorgeous ring on my finger. When i looked at Jaejoong he had fallen asleep, we finally arrived home. Jaejoong said he had some stuff to do for his dad so he didn't stay over for a while. My sisters admired the ring with me and told me how lucky i was. I thought so too, i really love Jaejoong and this ring meant more to me than just a precious rock, it was Jaejoong's heart! That night i slept well and the next morning i woke up, it was snowing, paving the streets with layers of soft whiteness.

So i said they left on Christmas Eve and then two days later i said it was Christmas =.= Sorry for my stupid mistake but lets just pretend they went the day before Christmas Eve =D COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE<3

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Finished transfering from MinHee_xD to this account! I will do Saranghae, Happy Endings Don't Exist and Marry...HIM?! tomorrow. Thank you for your support


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Chapter 25: love it!~ it's cute and sweet
CB_Zinger #2
Complicated! Love it :3
Great story
MaeMae_xD #4
Sorry guys! I wrote this originally from my old account MinHee_xD and my writing was a bit rusty then. Just transferring all my stories to this account now xD
EleBear25 #5
I agree with aimee2304.. ^^