
Complicated Love

The first week of school passed awkwardly and Jaejoong's wedding was the top of every discussion, even the school staff gossiped about it. Throughout the entire first week Jessica didn't go to school, she must be really upset and angry, Jaejoong however was normal and ignored all the comments around him. He even seemed more focused on school work and became a completely different person, he wasn't even this happy when he hadn't known about the wedding yet. It was Monday on the second week after Jaejoong's wedding, i sat in class bored, the teacher was just writing random stuff on the board, some copied but some just messed around, i stared out the window and wondered how Jessica was doing and if Jaejoong was really happy or if he was just putting on an act. School ended quickly and instead of waiting for Hyuna, Yuri, Hyun Joong or Jaejoong, i just rushed home. "I'm home!" i shouted as i put my shoes away "Oh do you want soemthing to eat?" Tae Li unnie came down from the stairs "No i'm full, is Ga Eun unnie still at her course?" "No she's in her room with Onew" Tae Li said taking a bite of an apple "ONEW?! Do you think she likes him? Hyuna supports them" i whispered to Tae Li unnie but she just shrugged, i sighed and made my way to my room. "Hyuna, it's ~~~ah" i called "Did you get home safely? Why didn't you wait for any of us?" she asked all worried "Calm down, i'm fine" i answered, i told her about Onew and Ga Eun and she got all excited again, they did look good together but they were too young for marriage, maybe just dating would do now.

The next day at school, first period past quickly so it was now lunch and Jessica came to school today. She sat at the end table all by herself unlike usually when she has a bunch of boys around her table and Yoona by her side, ever since the wedding day she had hated Yoona for objecting the wedding "Can i sit here?" a sweet voice asked, i looked up and to my surprise it was Yoona, even more surprising she wanted to sit with me? "Umm sure" i slided closer to Jaejoong and she sat down beside me "Why aren't you sitting with Jessica?" Changmin asked right out "Well ever since what i did at Jaejoong' s wedding, she's mad at me. I don't care though, i don't like the way she treats me, i'd rather not be her friend" Yoona explained poking her food with her fork "Well you can hang with us" i suggested and she brightened "Really unnie? Gomawo" "Unnie?" "Neh, you're older than me" "Oh". "Are you sure? What if she's just one of Jessica's traps" Jaejoong whispered to me "Don't worry, she objected your wedding right?" i asked brightly, even though i wasn't too sure and i didn't want to become depressed because of Jessica again, i had to give Yoona a chance. The rest of the day went by and Yoona was really different to Jessica, she didnt care about her messy hair in the wind whereas Jessica would've got annoyed, she was popular and pretty but also nice. It was surprising that there was someone as perfect as her, even better than Jessica. Less girls swarmed around Jaejoong and Jessica continued to be popualr, many said Yoona was a traitor but she ignored their words and went of with her day cheerfully.
"Unnie, want to have ice cream with me after school?" Yoona asked "Sure are the others coming?" "I'll ask them" she brightly smiled and skipped off. She acted a bit too happy sometimes but she hasn't done anything bad to me yet so maybe thats just her personality, she said that when she was with Jessica she could never smile truthfully. But with us she felt like she could be herself, maybe she was just one of those really bubbly girls. Jaejoong began to trust her more and she became close with Hyuna, since they were so girly all the time. "Wanna go out for ice cream after school?" i asked Hyuna at our lockers "Is Yoona coming?" "Aish, all you worry about is Yoona now, i'm not your best friend anymore?" i complained playfully "Don't worry, you'll always be my no.2" she laughed "No.2? So Yoona is no.1 now?" "No Taecyeon is no.1" she said and walked off to her next class, i chuckled and walked in the opposite direction towards P.E. "Get into partners" Mr Hwang shouted with his usual grumpy voice, i remembered when Jaejoong was still a jerk, i'd always end up with Hyun Joong and Jaejoong would always send me death glares, smiling at the memories i remembered Hyun Joong isn't in this class. Someone suddenly jumped on my shoulders, causing me to tumble forward but i didn't fall over "My partner" the person squealed, i looked behind my shoulders and it was Yoona, Jaejoong pouted because he didn't get to be my partner and ended up with Yuri instead since he didn't want to be with the weird geeky guy. I gave him a 'fighting' fist and he smiled back.

-Jaejoong's POV-

That girl totally stole my girfriend, it's been like this ever since she started hanging out with us, she'd always stick around ~~~ah and i'd never get the chance to have some alone time with her. I kneeled on Yuri's feet and she started doing sit ups, i kept my eyes on Yoona and ~~~ah, when Yuri came up she suddenly stopped "You find Yoona suspicious? I think so too" she commented "She's always around ~~~ah, it's like she's lesbian" "Ha, i can assure you she's not but why is she always so happy? It's creepy" "Kwon Yuri and Kim Jaejoong. Please stop talking and exercise!" Mr Hwang shouted and Yuri continued with her sit ups. The entire P.E session, i kept my eyes on Yoona and her suspicious behaviour, everytime ~~~ah caught me she would always roll her eyes. She's blinded by that girl already, has she forgotten what Jessica did to us? Was Yoona really trustworthy?

After school we all headed to the ice cream shop, Yoona was going to sit next to ~~~ah but i quickly swooped over and Hyuna was safely on the other side of her "Whats up with you?" she asked "Nothing" i replied smiling "What do you want?" i asked looking through the menu "Chocolate and mint" ~~~ah beamed "Okay!" i said and ruffled her hair, she pouted and started complaining with Hyuna. Everyone ordered and i studied the table, Hyuna and Taecyeon were sharing a huge bowl of ice cream and feeding each other, Yuri and Yunho chatted while eating, Yoochun and Junsu were bullying Changmin, ~~~ah ate quietly while Yoona kept glancing at her once in a while. This girl was really strange, how come she doesn't pay any attention to anyone else besides ~~~ah, it's not her fault i didn't marry Jessica, this is so unfair, just because ~~~ah is my girlfriend. After ice cream i walked ~~~ah home and Yoona went her own way, thankfully. "Good night" she waved before unlocking her front door "Be careful about that Yoona girl, howcome she keeps looking at you" i grumbled "I noticed too but lets not worry about her" she said and kissed me on the cheek then entered her house. I walked home thinking about a bunch of things, i left my car at school but i couldn't be bothered going back so i'll just get it tomorrow after school.

I still haven't decided whether i should make Yoona evil or not. Hehe COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE<3


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Finished transfering from MinHee_xD to this account! I will do Saranghae, Happy Endings Don't Exist and Marry...HIM?! tomorrow. Thank you for your support


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Chapter 25: love it!~ it's cute and sweet
CB_Zinger #2
Complicated! Love it :3
Great story
MaeMae_xD #4
Sorry guys! I wrote this originally from my old account MinHee_xD and my writing was a bit rusty then. Just transferring all my stories to this account now xD
EleBear25 #5
I agree with aimee2304.. ^^