the lucky girl

i just can't get enough

♪♫she just can't enough, she's addicted to my love. ♪♫ 

I reached for the alarm clock on top of my bedside table as it continuously rings. I checked at the time. It was almost 7am. I watched as sunlight rays swallowed the entirety of my room. I then checked my phone from under my pillow. 3 unread messages. Startled, I opened my inbox. Great. 2 from Youngbae and the last was from Seungri.

"Good morning love, wake up! Don't forget to eat your breakfast! We're on our way to another CF shoot. I love you" -Bae

"Love, you wouldn't believe Seungri, he kept on bugging me to text you to come over again tonight at the practice." -Bae

"Hey there lucky one, good morning. I couldn't help but think of you after last night." - Seungri

Ohhh eotteoke? what now? of all the girls why should i be the one experiencing this? Oh well, kindness does really pay of. :)

I replied to both of them:

To Youngbae : "Good morning too love, just woke up. And yeah, tell maknae i'm going tonight, love u too."

To Seungri: "Hey there. thanks again for last night :) (that reply was the most kindest, honest to goodness reply i can offer him)

I then got up my bed, hurried to the bathroom and dressed up quickly. I was on my way to work when I saw something written in my side of the car window. I felt sorry for myself since lately I haven't had the chance to tidy up my car. 

"lucky girl" it read.

I immediately knew who the culprit was, Seungri. Who else would call me that? I reached for my phone inside the front pocket of my bag as soon as the stoplight hit red. I texted him: "What was that all about?" Surprisingly, he replied back faster than I thought and he said: "oh i'm sorry for that. Haha! i'm so happy i finally caught your attention. I miss you." Such a flirt! Was he even aware of my relationship with Bae or was he just a plain numb flirt?! I hit the gas pedal hard the moment the light hit green.

I replied as I got to work. "Let's talk tonight. Let me just clarify some things with you, fyi." I didn't care anymore what he would think of me. I was just being frank. "ohhhh, now i'm scared! I'll see you then!" he texted back. Instead of the thought of me almost liking him, my mood suddenly shifted and it ruined my day. I wasn't productive the whole day as most of the time I just sat in front of my desk thinking. He was a total jerk! One more wrong move from him and I swear i'll not think twice on telling it to Youngbae.

It was almost 6pm in the wall clock, the day went on fast. literally, I thought only when your enjoying what your doing time does it make fast, but why is it now that i'm pissed, time also came fast? does it mean i'm enjoying thinking about Seungri too? 

*Seungri's POV

I'm happy or so, I thought. Last night was awesome. It was the first time I experienced a real conversation with a girl. not just with any girl but a lucky girl who not only stole my hyungs heart but also mine. I feel like a total idiot. Of course I know the situation where im coming from. But you see, i like her. I like her so much it hurts. Everytime I see them together, i feel like my heart is being torned/ripped and all those heartbreaking terminology every hopeless romantic has thought of. I just let it all pass with all due respect to Youngbae hyung. If given a chance, i wish i was the one who's always there for her. You know why I like her? she cares for everyone, she always sees the good in each person she meets even if it's a stranger. I don't want to sound weird, even though my hyungs see me as the insensitive, loud maknae, deep inside i'm the best lover any girl could wish for! 

Why am i doing this to myself? I'll just hurt more, I say to myself. I want her. I really want it this time. If i'm not gonna make a move soon, i might end up as one of the groomsmen in their wedding .If.and.only.if.that.will.happen. I have to do something. I feel that somehow she may have feelings too for me. i can't explain further. I better think of a plan to see if i'm right.

"Seungri! come on over," Jiyong calls from the far end of the room where we were shooting our upcoming CF. "oh, uh, yeah.." I stutter as I stand but my mind is still wondering from the 'deep' thought I just had. On the othe side of the room I saw Youngbae talking to someone on the phone, unfortunately I overheard the conversation.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, we're okay here love." Love? was he talking to my "lucky girl"? crap that! A sudden burst of emotions ran down my whole body. Why was he reassuring her? Could she have possibly told Youngbae about our little talk last night? Aisshh!!! this can't happen, not now...

isn't it getting a little bit hot in here? poor maknae... calling all the silent readers out there come and voice out your comments! :)

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ijustcantgetenough fic completed! happy reading guys! :)


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jasjasme #1
I love this fanfic. \o/
Chapter 32: Woaaah daebak!

This is my first time reading a fanfic. N' I gotta say its the ____ yo! Its a great well imotionally played fic. (y)

I've read it all in 1 day!

Keep up the good work n' I'll be waiting for mor great fics from you!
CAMSAMNEDA ..*thumbs up*
awesome <3 !
read it in one day, hate it.. JK i LOVED IT!!!<3 probbly one of the best ones ive read!!, no joke :)
locah4mocha070512 #5
great work author-nim!!! i'll be anticipating more fics from you!!!
aaawww, i love it unnie! <3 i sooo love the wedding part!
will definitely look forward to your next fics!

hugs form your little sister!^^
HoneyHanie #7
Yayyyyyyyy!!! Beautiful wedding beautiful scenes.. Beautiful story.. Can't wait for the finale.. Update soon! ;)
DesignIsVip #8
still, no M chapter!! no need though :)
DesignIsVip #9
Ahhh!! One more chapter to go.. :(
Anyways, i find the little girl quite scary, men.. 2:30 am? anyways.. im still sad, this will end up:(