killing me softly

i just can't get enough

I felt a sudden gush of wind swept past my face. I opened my eyes, blinked again and saw that I forgot to close my window. So darn cold! I stood and closed the window, ugh, it's raining outside. In fairness, this cold bed weather makes me wanna stay in bed all day. It's just 7am so I decided to catch up on my Zzzzz's some more. I placed a pillow above my head. This is weird. Thoughts of what happened last night, Seungri, I got my phone from my bedside table. A text message, from Youngbae... was sent the time Seungri and I were together. Shoot.

Just as I was about to reply, He called.

Me: Bae, good morning, sorry wasn't able to reply last night

Youngbae: Good morning love, no, no, it's okay, i'm sorry had to text you that late, ummm...

M: I fell asleep immediately after you left that's why...

Y: haha, aww sorry I had to leave early last night...

M: no worries,


Y: um, love, sorry I had to put this up, but can we talk?

M: sure. (my voice crackled as I hear him say 'can we talk?') when? about what?

Y: thanks, as soon as possible maybe, I'll pick you up after work, our guesting will only be until 5pm later, don't bring your car okay? (his voice as cold as ice)

M: (bothered) oh, okay then I shall get ready since I'm gonna commute to work this morning. I love you. I'll see you later.

Y: okay, love you too.


I slapped my forehead so hard tears started to form in my eyes. For a moment I was the lucky girl last night, then tonight I don't know if i'll still be that lucky one. Ohhhhh... what have I put myself into? I wanted to die then and there. Seriously, my mind wasn't focused on going to work today but I have to, it's a monday, the boss will kill me if I don't report today. I dragged my feet to the bathroom, I have to work. I muttered. After I took a quick shower, I dressed up and went out quickly. Just as I was about to hail a cab, A familar looking car honked and there he was, Seungri. How the hell he'd come fast and arrived just in time? doesn't matter. He opened the car window, "hop in!" he exclaimed with a different smile in his face. "wh-why are you here? this early? are you stalking me again?" I said as I sat inside.

"I overheard your conversation with Youngbae hyung this morning, i'm sorry" he then grabbed my hand and kissed it. Flirtyyyy maknae. I thought and smiled. "I felt bad that you had to go to work without a car so I decided to pick you up by myself." He said. "Are the other guys awake? I thought you guys had this guesting...." He cut me off  "Relax, it's still early, I told them I had to buy something and i'll meet them at the studio. so that it won't be obvious." He said. I sighed as he explained. "Here, this is for you," he handed me a cup of coffee. "I bought this on the way, I can't afford seeing you famished from that talk you had with Youngbae hyung." he continued. I smiled, "Thanks I badly need this" and took a quick sip.

"So, you're gonna meet him tonight eh?" He asked. "Uh, yeah, I don't know what to do, I mean, we're just starting to get to know each other, then there he is." I looked down drank some more of the coffee. "Don't worry, whatever he says, or whatever happens after tonight, I'll wait." He replied and placed an arm on my shoulder, reaffirming me. "Thank you again, your really not giving up on me eh?" I asked. "Of course not, i'm just starting here and I suppose you also?" he replied. "I, I don't know, but what's important is I like you too."

Silence suddenly filled the car, Seungri held my hand and squeezed it as we arrived in front of the building where I work. "Thanks for driving me here." I said as I unlocked the door. "No, stop, Iet me do it," He said and went down and rushed towards my side. He opened it for me and as I stepped down he said "Text me if anything comes up, I'm yours 24/7" thens smiles and kissed me. I was caught dumbfounded. "Bye," he said and went back to his car. I smiled in return and went inside the office. Oh no, this feelings I'm having for him, It keeps on getting stronger.

I was here in the office, in front of my desk, sitting but my mind is completely not here. I can't work properly, then lunch time came, I texted Seungri.

Me: Where are you? I can't bring myself to focus in my work today.

Seungri: We're still here at the studio, but the guesting is about to be finished. We have another guesting in a while.  Want me to pick you up now? haha. :)

M: Really? (I didn't think twice) Sure. Joke!

S: I'm not joking, I'll leave as soon as you tell me to pick you up, besides, I'm not required to stay in the next guesting...

M: Well then, head over here as soon as your finished there.

S: Okay! Wait for me outside, i'll text you when i'm near. You need some unwinding and I'm the perfect person for that.

M: Silly! okay, i'll just make an excuse so that I can leave here early. Your really driving me nuts! You should know that. :)

S: I'll take that as a compliment. See you :)

Okay, my minds totally blown off. After about 30minutes, Seungri texted that he was on his way. I fixed my things and I headed to my boss, I excused myself and asked permission If I can leave, I had an emergency to attend to, without much further ado, she allowed me with the condition that I will extend my time tomorrow. I agreed and hurriedly went outside. It didn't take so much time when Seungri arrived.

"Hey," I said and got inside his car. "You look so flustered" was all he said when he saw me. "Please, let's not talk about this, just take me somewhere" I replied. "Okay, sit back and relax. I'll take you to this special place." He smiled and winked at me.

I was silent the whole ride. Seungri kept on making jokes, his efforts paid off when I laughed at a particular joke he told. "Hahahaha! that's what I like about you, you always make me laugh, there was never a dull moment with you." I said. "This is just one side of who the real I am." He replied. "Well, we're here!" he said as we stopped. I looked around, he brought me to this carnival theme park thats situated beside the sea. "This is wonderful! I've never been here my entire life!" I smiled as he opened the car door for me. "See, only few people know about this place, i've been here a couple of times, whenever I feel blue or just in need of some pure fun, I go here. I haven't brought anyone here so that makes you the first person, my lucky girl." He said and hugs me from behind as I my eyes continue to feast at the beautiful place. It was full of colors! I missed being a kid, so you could imagine me being all giddy as we entered the site.

I felt like I found my haven in this place. The entire time I spent with Seungri made me feel ecstatic. This was a new experience for me, for us. He really did knew how to cheer me up. I enjoyed this. This was I exactly need.


I hurried over my car as to not arrive late at my girl's office. It was quarter to 6pm. I felt somewhat nervous as I stepped on my gas pedal. I didn't want to hurt her. I love her soo much. I arrived shortly after 6 and texted her I was outside, I tried calling her but her phone seemed to be turned off. I had no choice but to go inside. I asked the receptionist if she was still there, she just looked at me and told me to check inside as she was busy talking on the phone.

I searched for the room where she works. I knock but there was no answer, I opened it and surprised to see that the light's were off. Really? I thought it was clear in our conversation this morning that I'll be picking her up. I sighed. I was about to close the door when I saw her drawer slightly opened. Clumsy. I decided to close it when I saw something inside, her keys! How could she leave without checking on her keys! This time, I feel something really is not right. Fumed, I closed the door and went back to the receptionist, "Miss, could you possibly know what time (Your name) left?" confused, the receptionist recalled what time she left, "Um, from what I remembered, she left around 4pm?". Great. I shook my head in dismay. I went back to where my car was parked. I stood looking for signs if her car was there or something. 

*well how'd you think of this chapter? Torned perhaps? sorry for getting you guys emotional. see you in the next chapter! :)

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ijustcantgetenough fic completed! happy reading guys! :)


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jasjasme #1
I love this fanfic. \o/
Chapter 32: Woaaah daebak!

This is my first time reading a fanfic. N' I gotta say its the ____ yo! Its a great well imotionally played fic. (y)

I've read it all in 1 day!

Keep up the good work n' I'll be waiting for mor great fics from you!
CAMSAMNEDA ..*thumbs up*
awesome <3 !
read it in one day, hate it.. JK i LOVED IT!!!<3 probbly one of the best ones ive read!!, no joke :)
locah4mocha070512 #5
great work author-nim!!! i'll be anticipating more fics from you!!!
aaawww, i love it unnie! <3 i sooo love the wedding part!
will definitely look forward to your next fics!

hugs form your little sister!^^
HoneyHanie #7
Yayyyyyyyy!!! Beautiful wedding beautiful scenes.. Beautiful story.. Can't wait for the finale.. Update soon! ;)
DesignIsVip #8
still, no M chapter!! no need though :)
DesignIsVip #9
Ahhh!! One more chapter to go.. :(
Anyways, i find the little girl quite scary, men.. 2:30 am? anyways.. im still sad, this will end up:(