after the 'love' has gone

i just can't get enough

*Flashback of the night at the party


Finally I had the urge to talk to (your name). Seeing her in a happy state with Youngbae hyung only proves that I have to move on. Really. But boy, how I wish I could have spent more time with her. *Stop it Seungri!!!*(I side slapped my face). I stood up from where I was sitting at the bar. I scan the entire place, hoping I would bump into that "lucky girl" tonight. Top and Jiyong hyung are at the far end of the dance floor, flirting with some unfamiliar ladies. Daesung is in the dance floor, busy showing people his new skills, Youngbae hyung and (you) just left the place a couple of minutes ago. Eotteoke? I sighed, rubbed my forehead with my fingers and walked outside.

This is killing me. I know I should not be left alone at this time but I can't let my hyungs suffer because of me. I don't want to be a pain in the . I continued walking past the other bars aligned in the street. I turned left at the corner of the street. I just let my feet do the pleasure of taking me to some place. Oh, I looked up and saw the sky, no stars, even the night is siding with what i'm feeling I thought. After a few minutes of walking, I can't believe where my feet brought me, the sight of a park with a pond... A flashback of my childhood years sprung into my head. This is it! this is where my mom brought me after school way back when I was in grade school. haha! I immediately ran to the nearest bench and sat down. This is what you call good life. I reminisced at the times where I used to play in that pond, I had so many good memories here. How I wish I was with that special girl here with me so I could share these happiness I'm feeling right now.

This whole place was fantastic. Until my phone rang. Ugh. "Wae?" I asked as I saw it was Top hyung calling. "Where the hell are you?" he asked. "uh, I'm here at the park." I said. "Oh, I thought your with someone, aren't you going home yet?" he asked on the other line. "Um, how about you guys? I thought you were with those girls?" I answered. "Haha! oh, them girls? no, they're not my type, I dunno with Ji but I'm going home in a few, you want me to pick you up there?" Top asked in confusion. "hahaha! mean hyung! no, you go ahead, I'll stay here first, thanks anyway." I replied. "Okay, take care, bye." Click.

So where was I? Aish! I almost jumped out of the bench from what I heard. Just in the bush across me, I hear someone weeping, or was it? it sounds like a voice of a child. Out of mere curiosity, I stood up and walked towards that weeping bush. I slowly peered inside, ( horror sounds playing in my mind, this scene I remember was like from that scary movie I watched a couple of nights ago).... Aigo, it's true. Right in front of my eyes was a little girl, aged 4-6... I checked out my watch. It's 230am. What could she be possibly doing here at this hour in this place? I asked myself.

I bend down and touched her face, she looked at me with those swollen eyes from crying. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I sat down beside her. "I got lost, I... I didn't know where to go..."she answered as she snuggled beside me. I placed my arms around her, this kid crying beside me is really breaking my heart. "Where are your parents? what happened?" I asked. She looked at me and said "my mommy and daddy are gone, I only have my sister left with me." Poor child I thought. "I'm sorry to hear that, but what got you here? at this hour?" I asked again. "My sister, I don't know, she brought me along when she met a friend in this park just before midnight, she allowed me to play in that pond, but when I came back, they were no where to be found." she answered and tears continue to fall from her eyes. I pity this child, I had nothing to do but hug her. I slowly took her hand and held her face, "tell me where you live, I'll take you home, pretty girls like you should not be seen outside at this hour." I laughed as I wiped the remaining tears in her little cute face. "Oh,,okay kind sir." she replied. "I'm Seungri," he offers his other hand and shakes the little girls hand. "Hi oppa, I'm SunHee," she said and let out a smile. I stood up and carried the little girl.

This little girl sure does have a weird sister. Once I see her, I'll grapple her. kidding. SunHee told me the directions to where she lives. We walked to back to where my car was parked. I felt sorry for her, I didn't want her to walk so I carried her again. She smiled at me and said "thank you oppa, i think i like you" then giggled. I smiled and replied "I like you to kid."

I opened the car door and placed little SunHee inside, worried, I fastened the seatbelt for her. She smiled back and let out a laugh. "You little girl," I pinched her nose "you are so cute, but your starting to scare me off..haha!" I said. She smiled more which made me pinched her cheeks now. "Ouch!" she yelped and her face turned red, almost about to cry again. "sorry, sorry, sorry, SunHee, oppa's sorry..." I said. "you didn't have to be that rough on me!" she exclaimed and pouted. "Okay, okay, let's go, I don't want your sister to worry more." I said and started the car engine.

"Here we are," I said and looked at SunHee only to find her sleeping comfortably in the passenger seat beside me. This girl really has got the soft side of me. I felt like this child was my own. I parked infront of what seem to be like a abandoned apartment. I decided to not wake her up, instead I carried her, since there was a security guard sitting outside the gate, might as well ask him if he happens to know which floor this little girl I'm carrying lives. Just as I was about to close the car door...

"SunHee!" someone cried behind the guard. There she was, she must be the sister of this little girl I was carrying. She looked worried, her face almost about to cry as she was running to where I was. I was stunned when I saw her near me, she's beautiful, I thought. "How'd you find her?" she asked, her face now with tears. "Oh, so, your the sister, I guess?," I asked, still holding the sleeping little girl in my hands. "Yeah," she sighed. "Lucky me, I saw her crying, hiding under the bushes in the park..." I answered, "how in the world could you abandon someone so adorable like her?" I asked inquisitively. "Uh, i'm sorry, things just came up..." she looked down "anyway, thanks for bringing her back." she said as she extended her arms signalling me to give back her sister. "oh, no, not that easy, I want to put her back safely on my own, perhaps you could lead me to where you stay?" I asked. The girl stared at me suspiciously, obviously she had nothing to do but to turn her back and walk towards the apartment. I sighed thinking that this girl really is weird, she's mysterious, which lead me to want to get to know her, and their family background.

"I'm Seungri, by the way." I said and extended my free hand as we entered the rusty elevator. "I'm Kara" she replied, returning me with the handshake. "Thanks again." she said and looked down. "Sure, it was a good thing I was strolling around the park late this night." I replied and looked at her. Ding. The elevator door opened. The corridor smelled like the old times, old wood,etc. We walked past a couple of rooms and stopped as we reached a old white door with a small glass. "Here we are," she mentions as she takes out a key from her torn out jeans and unlocks the door. The place isn't the one I imagined as to what the whole apartment looked like from the outside. It gave me a cozy feeling, home-like feeling to be exact. She lead me to a pink babyish room, SunHee's room I suppose. "You can put her there," Kara continues, pointing to a bed full of stufftoys. I walked over to the miniature bed, carefully laid down the little girl I felt like my own. I tucked her under her soft blanket and kissed her chubby cheeks. "Sleep well, my girl." I whispered in SunHee's ear and turned back.

Kara was standing at the door, tears flowed again from her soft pale cheeks. "What's the problem?" I asked worriedly. "uh, nothing," she wiped her tears and looked over at her sister. "I just want to say how grateful I am and lucky that of all people, it was you who saw her, your such a good man." she said and rushed over to where I was standing and gave me a hug. I was stuck at that very moment, this girl who didn't even know me, nor my figure as a celebrity would suddenly hug me. It felt sincere. I returned the hug and as she pulled away from me, I touched her face, "it's my pleasure, thank you also for bringing me. home." I said and walked towards the door. "Uh, home?" Kara said as she followed my steps. "Yeah, this whole place where you live reminded me of home. I miss this feeling." I replied. "okay, better get going, you sure do look so tired." she said. I smiled at her concern for me. "Bye, Kara, hope to see you and SunHee someday." I said and walked outside the door. "Bye Seungri, thank you so much for this. I'll forever be reminded of your great heart to my sister." she said and closed the door behind.

As I walk outside, I felt peace in my heart. Things happened so fast, my heart was the one that was badly injured. I suffered from physical and emotional pain....

*hey readers! sorry for the late update! hope you like this one. Seungri's the highlight of this chapter.. 2 more chapters and this story's a wrap! let me see your comments on this one! happy reading :)

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ijustcantgetenough fic completed! happy reading guys! :)


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jasjasme #1
I love this fanfic. \o/
Chapter 32: Woaaah daebak!

This is my first time reading a fanfic. N' I gotta say its the ____ yo! Its a great well imotionally played fic. (y)

I've read it all in 1 day!

Keep up the good work n' I'll be waiting for mor great fics from you!
CAMSAMNEDA ..*thumbs up*
awesome <3 !
read it in one day, hate it.. JK i LOVED IT!!!<3 probbly one of the best ones ive read!!, no joke :)
locah4mocha070512 #5
great work author-nim!!! i'll be anticipating more fics from you!!!
aaawww, i love it unnie! <3 i sooo love the wedding part!
will definitely look forward to your next fics!

hugs form your little sister!^^
HoneyHanie #7
Yayyyyyyyy!!! Beautiful wedding beautiful scenes.. Beautiful story.. Can't wait for the finale.. Update soon! ;)
DesignIsVip #8
still, no M chapter!! no need though :)
DesignIsVip #9
Ahhh!! One more chapter to go.. :(
Anyways, i find the little girl quite scary, men.. 2:30 am? anyways.. im still sad, this will end up:(