the big lucky night

i just can't get enough

(okay, readers, its your time to shine! it's the big day! the wedding you've been waiting for with Youngbae all your life ♥ )

I must've slept at the wrong side of the bed this time. My left arm felt a little numb, aigo... this can't happen. I should not worry about these little things. I checked the time, 8.30am. I got down from my bed and walked outside my room. I smell the sweet aroma of coffee, I rushed towards the kitchen, "Mom! where's Dad?" and sipped on the cup of coffee mom made for me. "Oh, he woke up early to pick up your sister Alex at the airport, you know her, she hasn't come home for a couple of months already, " Mom replied grinning. "Oh, what is it now this time?" I asked and wiped the excess coffee from the corner of my lips. "Oh, you know, your little sister's overly obsessed with her work, erm...which reminds me, is everything set for later?" mom asked.

"candles, veil, cord, check. hmmm.. am I missing something else? oh wait! check the groom!" I ran towards my room and got my phone from my bedside table. I dialled Youngbae's number. After a few rings, a familiar voiced answered, "Yoboseyo?", ooohhh, who could this be? sounds like Youngbae but, oh snap! This must be his hyung! "annyeong! is this Hyunbae oppa?" I asked. "annyeong! (your name) if your looking for Youngbae, he left a couple of minutes ago..." he said on the other line. "a jinjja?," I exclaimed and continued "really at this hour?." I went outside the room and searched for my checklist, found it! calm and steady lying in the couch. Before I picked it up I asked Hyungbae, "hmmm, okay, sori I sort of hanged, tell him I called, won't bother asking where he is, i'll see you later!" I said, "hahahha! you sound so tensed dongsaeng, Youngbae just went to do some last-minute errands. I'l let him know, take care!" Hyunbae replied. Click. End of conversation.

I walked over to the kitchen and saw mom, relaxed and seated at the dining table with a cup of coffee in her hand and a newspaper on the other hand. She peered from behind the paper as she saw me approaching her, "what is it dear?" she asked, signalling me to sit down beside her. I shook my head. "Ah, my daughter, you need not say a word, I know what is already bothering you, the wedding later, am I right?" mom asked. I sighed, pulled a chair and sat down beside her. Mom really had this talent of knowing how I was feeling exactly. I placed my arms around her and hugged her tight. "Mom, it's not only the wedding i'm worried about, it's also Youngbae who i'm more concerned right now," I pulled from that tight hug and faced her, "I called him but his brother told me he went out, I want to believe him but I'm having this feeling that he just didn't went out....I don't know mom." I shrugged and let out a deep sigh.

"Aigo, wedding jitters, my dear, your putting too much pressure on yourself, keep calm, everything will be just fine, trust me." Mom then held my hand and gave it a light squeeze. We both smiled and continued our mother-daughter intimate talk when a knock on the door was heard. Mom stood up first so that means she'll be the one to open the door. I then heard heels clanking at the wooden floor. I turned around and saw my sister! "Alex!" I exclaimed and jumped in her arms with her almost losing her balance. "Gaaaahhh!! look at the excited bride!" Alex commemted as she pulled her arms from me. "Shut up!" I laughed as she stared at me. "honestly unnie, you look radiant" Alex then gives her sister that warm, sincere smile. "Why thank you sister! you really need this time for you to relax those creative juices and maybe, just maybe, meet your future yeobo! hahahah!" I I shrieked as she throwed a couple of pillows to me.

"Stop it!." Alex and I immediately stopped our little pillow fight and turned our heads to the direction of the voice. "Apppppaaa!!!" full of vigor, I threw hard the pillow I was holding to my sister and ran to our father. Appa smiled and called Alex as well. He placed both his arms at me and Alex and kissed each of us in the forhead. "Ah, my two lovely daughters," he said as he pinched our cheeks, "I missed having both of you in my arms, soon, it's only  Alex I'll be hugging..." he exhaled and pulled me and Alex closer to him. "Aigo, Appa, I won't leave you, in fact you'll be hugging not only me and Alex but Youngbae as well." I smiled as checked on his reaction. His face suddenly lit up and pinched my cheeks. "Well, your right, better make sure he'll take good care and be a faithful and loving husband to you." said Appa and hugged me again.

4 Hours after...

It's almost 4pm, Alex entered my room and whispered, "it's almost time! better hurry up!" she then sat beside me and posed her puppy-eye face at my make up artist. "Omo, this is it," I said and looked at the stylist, "thanks for the help!" I continued staring at my reflection then at my sister, then at my reflection... "Hey! are you sure your okay?" Alex asked poking me at the side then laughs, "I can't believe my unnie is finally getting married!" Alex shouted, which made mom and dad rushed over my room. "Girls! what's the commotion?" mom asked as she stands beside me and Alex. "Mom, can't you see?," Alex points at me, "look at unnie, her face, so radiant..." she then turns at mom only to see tears forming in her eyes, "awww, mommm, mianhe," she then grabs mom and to the other side so that i'm at the middle, "look, we all look beautiful, we are intelligent and most of all, we're happy, so mom, let's just enjoy later okay?! i've got your back!" I then placed my arms on both mom and Alex, "thank you so much for making it here on my wedding day, nonetheless, im more than happy to see everyone, just like the good ol' times."


It feels like a dream. Everything. My heart. My soul. I was mesmerized while staring at the wedding venue. I pinched myself to check if what I was seeing with my own eyes are real. I slowly rolled down the car window hoping no one would identify me. It was breathtaking, the wedding location. Youngbae and I worked hard in preparing for this but he opted to be the one in charge on looking for the perfect place. I wanted to help him but I knew he wouldn't allow me so I just agreed with his idea. He said it's a surprise too so the thought of it made me look forward more on the wedding date. True enough, I was more than surprised, I almost cried but stopped myself so as not to ruin my make up. The venue's setting was on top of a hill. A humungous pavillion was set up for the wedding rites, and from afar, I can see the guests all waiting outside (I can't help but feel oh so giddy while sitting inside the bridal car). What caught my attention more was the scent of the ocean breeze not far from the venue. My excitement leveled up more seeing the place filled with my favorite almond cherry flowers! Oh Youngbae, you make me love you more!

I searched for my phone in my clutch bag and dialled Alex's number. "Unnie! Where are you?! everyone's like here, they're all looking for you!" Alex exclaimed in the other line. "Hush hush now! you don't have to be so loud! im just here around the place...ummm.. have you seen Youngbae there?" Alex then looked at the entire place, then there he was, Youngbae at the far end of the tent, all smiles while conversing with the other boys. Good he's here, Alex thought and went back with the call with her sister. "Yeah, I saw him already, now, you get your freakin' self here so we can start with the ceremony!" Alex ordered her sister. "okay! thanks!" was all I said and put the call down. I sighed and smiled at the same time knowing that Youngbae is already inside. I ordered the driver to drive up to the venue. Without much further ado, I slowly got out of the car, nobody saw me cos they were all inside the pavillion already, except the photographers documenting our wedding. 

"Hi (your name)," a familiar voice spoke from behind, I turned and to my surprise, "Seungri!" I exclaimed and ran to him. "Am I running late?" Seungri joked as he held his arms in front of me. "No, no! you came just in time," I said and held his hand, "whoaaah, you... you look different," I continued examining his face, "I missed you!" I said and gave him a hug. "Awww. and you, you look as beautiful as the day I first met you." he said and looked at me. I smiled and told him to go and find the rest inside as the ceremony is about to start. He winked at me and bid goodbye. 

Here goes...

All eyes were on me as I entered the place. It really was an akward moment but what the heck, this is my day! I smiled and start walking down the aisle. Tears started to form and fall as I near the end of the aisle, both Youngbae and dad, beside each other. I cannot describe what exactly I'm feeling at this very moment. As I reached the end line, my dad held my hand and smiled, I smiled too, tears continue falling, then I turned at Youngbae, he smiled and wiped my tears as he politely got my hand from my dad. 

( i won't further describe the whole wedding ceremony, i'll leave it to your imagination)

"You may kiss the bride!" the celebrator announced as Youngbae and I both faced the our guests inside. We then both turned to each other, Youngbae, being his ecstatic self joked the guests by covering our first public couple kiss with his hand. Everyone then laughed at Youngbae's gesture. After the ceremony, we had our pictures taken inside, firstly with our family members then with our friends. Of course, we had to have this special picture taken with Youngbae's BB brothers, as they stood beside us, Seungri suddenly giggled. We all glanced back at him, his smile was familiar. It was the same smile he flashed at me that night he told me that he liked at me. Confused, Jiyong standing beside him whispered at him "What's wrong with you?". Seungri suddenly snapped back from his trance state of mind to his normal self and stared at us then to Jiyong, "Hyung, that girl..." he then points out to the girl holding a dslr camera, dressed in what seemed to be the uniform where she works in. "Ah, is she, she someone you know?" Jiyong continues. "Ne, met her just this one time...wherein..." flashback of what happened that early morning she met this girl. Seungri tried his very best to get the attention of the girl to look at him exactly, unfortunately, he wasn't recognized. "Too bad she doesn't remember me, anyway I'll try it again, this time, the old normal fashion way. 

"You look gorgeous and extra hot, love" Youngbae whispered in my ear. I felt his breath tickle my inner senses, I gazed up at him and replied "why thank you love, you on the other hand look sooooo incredibly hot!" I giggled as I whispered those words in his ear as we walk outside the pavillion. As we entered the car I asked him, "where's the reception love? i'm soooo curious now." Youngbae then looked me in the eyes and carefully tucked the excess hair in my ear "you shall see later." he replied. Then he got a handkerchief in his pocket and covered my eyes. "I'll tell you if it's time to open," he said. "Okay! copy that!" I answered.

After a few minutes, I heard someone open the door for us. Youngbae then stood up and assissted me in getting out of the car. I have this gut feeling that this was the place for the reception I remembered awhile ago. The smell of ocean breeze, so refreshing and relaxing I thought. This was exactly one of my dream wedding receptions. "Here, open your eyes love!" Youngbae exhales and smiles as he sees my aegyo reaction. Ah, it is true! the reception was at the beachfront just below the hill where the ceremony took place! All the guests stood up as they saw us in front of them. Everyone joined in clapping and cheering for us as we arrived at the place whe are seated. Almost a dozen open tents surrounded us, guests were seated inside the tents, so romantic while both of us are placed in the middle of everyone with a small beach umbrella on the side.

"I suddenly felt tears of joy coming out of my face, Youngbae wrapped his arms around my waist "oh love, please don't cry, not here," he said and wiped my tears with his hand. I couldn't believe that dreams do really come true. We both sat down. I admired Youngbae, I was more than thankful for him, for being his own self, for exerting much much effort in preparing this whole thing for me, for us, for our family and friends. "I love you" I whispered in his ear as I took a piece from the sliced cake handed over to us. "And I love you more, forever and until whenever" he whispered too and leaned closer to me and kissed me. This whole day was really a success. I felt like I was really loved by this man sitting beside me. I will also be forever thankful for our family and friends who made our special day extra special by witnessing this love we both have for each other.


Seungri continues to search for the girl he saw awhile ago. Since she's one of the photographers, she might pass by here any minute, he thought. THEN.... JACKPOT!!!! it's true! she's here! that girl!. Seungri stood up from their table, his hyungs giving him death stare glances, he just ignored them and continue walking to where the girl was. "Um, *coughs, excuse me," Seungri whispered in her ear. The girl, quite shocked from the whisper looked back and shoot him a pokerface. Seungri somewhat felt embarassed. "Hmmm... I remember you, (she then scratches her head) hm...Seungri?!" she asked. "Ne! you remembered me!" Seungri exclaimed at the thought of her remembering him. "of course! how could I forget that one guy who took my lil sister home?! she said. "Nah, that's nothing, oh, um, can we like catch up after this, um, after this event?" Seungri asked stuttered. "Oh sure! later! by the way, SunHee's still looks for you specially yesterday when he saw you in one of your perfs on TV." she said and turned her back and started walking away. "Haha! okay! later eh?! see you again Kara!" Seungri happily exclaimed. 

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ijustcantgetenough fic completed! happy reading guys! :)


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jasjasme #1
I love this fanfic. \o/
Chapter 32: Woaaah daebak!

This is my first time reading a fanfic. N' I gotta say its the ____ yo! Its a great well imotionally played fic. (y)

I've read it all in 1 day!

Keep up the good work n' I'll be waiting for mor great fics from you!
CAMSAMNEDA ..*thumbs up*
awesome <3 !
read it in one day, hate it.. JK i LOVED IT!!!<3 probbly one of the best ones ive read!!, no joke :)
locah4mocha070512 #5
great work author-nim!!! i'll be anticipating more fics from you!!!
aaawww, i love it unnie! <3 i sooo love the wedding part!
will definitely look forward to your next fics!

hugs form your little sister!^^
HoneyHanie #7
Yayyyyyyyy!!! Beautiful wedding beautiful scenes.. Beautiful story.. Can't wait for the finale.. Update soon! ;)
DesignIsVip #8
still, no M chapter!! no need though :)
DesignIsVip #9
Ahhh!! One more chapter to go.. :(
Anyways, i find the little girl quite scary, men.. 2:30 am? anyways.. im still sad, this will end up:(