I'm Sorry

Our Secret


We were sitting in the living room, opposite from each other. I could feel Luhan's stare at me. However I didn't dare to face him and instead I buried my face in my legs which were hugged closely to my body. It was silent and awkward and no words were spoken. We both didn't know how to start our conversation and honestly I didn't want to talk. After a while, what felt like a eternity to me, Luhan finally decided to break the silence.


“I'm sorry.” Despite hearing his guilty voice I still refused to have eye contact to him. Afraid he would see this vulnerable side of me.


“Can you ever forgive me Hyori? Please don't be mad at me anymore. I didn't mean to hurt you... How can I make it up to you? Do you maybe want to hit me?”


“I'm not mad at you. There is no reason to ask for forgiveness as you were drunk and didn't knew what you were doing. Moreover you don't need to make it up to me. And no! Why should I want to hit you? Hitting you won't make me feel better.”


“Because I deserved to be hit by you. I've hurt you so much and didn't even realize it. Of course there is a reason to be sorry.”


He paused and took a deep breath. “I'm sorry for being so obvious and hurting you. I'm sorry for being a jerk and getting drunk. I'm sorry for taking you for granted. And most of all I'm sorry for falling in love with you.”


My head snapped upside at once by hearing the last apology. I could feel my eyes widening and my heart rate speeding up. I staring at Luhan to see if he was serious or just joking with me. However he looked serious and apologizing at the same time. There was no trace of playfulness in his eyes. Did I hear him right? Did he just confess to me? Was he really returning my feelings?


Still caught in my confused mind I didn't realize Luhan standing up and going towards me. Only when his face was close to mine did I snap out of my train of thoughts. Before I could back away I was already captured in a kiss. Luhan was holding my head in place and prevented me from pulling away. I was still to shocked to respond. Everthing felt like a dream and unreal. The guy I have loved for a while was kissing me. When Luhan pressed my head closer to his I finally kissed him back. I loved the feeling I got when we kissed. Luhan's lips felt so soft and nice that I always felt lost when they were placed onto mine. I didn't want it to end but we had to break apart because we needed to breath. Our nose were still touching each other and Luhan was looking deeply into my eyes. When I looked into his eyes I actually was able to see the emotion 'Love' mirroring themselves in his brown orbs. I was still a little dazed and didn't know what to say. Luhan sat down beside me and was now caressing my cheek.


“I love you Hyori. Do you feel the same?”


Still not able to find my voice I just nodded in respond.


“You do know that I'm a married man and have a daughter right?”


And again I just nodded. “Despite knowing all this you still want to be together with me?”


I placed my hand on top of his hand that was situated on my cheek. Before I knew it a sincere smile made it's way on my face. Happiness took over my whole body and for the first time since a while I felt really blessed.


“I don't care about you being taken or that you have a daughter. Just knowing that you love me and are prepared to be in a relationship with me makes me experience and undescribable happiness... I love you Luhan. There isn't another man I would wish to be with other than you.”


A bright smile adored his face and he pulled me into a warm embrace. Even though we knew that it was wrong, for us it felt like it was the most right thing in the world. At that moment we didn't care about the consequence our relationship could have. Right then the only thing that mattered to me was being in Luhan's embrace and feeling his love.



I don't care that our relationship is dangerous. I don't care that I have to share you.

All that matters to me is that I can finally hold you close to me and love you dearly.

I'm grateful that my onsided love that I harboured for years is finally returned.



I decided to go with a happy outcome ^_^

I hope you guys don't mind.

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I'm on Hiatus =(


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Chapter 23: I actually have mixed emotions for this story. I was actually pretty affected because of their situation because I'm from a broken family, and as I was reading, I'll be honest and say that I was really hoping they wouldn't be together at the end. I know it would have probably what other's wanted, but coming from a person who had to experience what Eunji might have gone through, if they did end up together, I was happy with what happened. ^^
Chapter 23: Dont mind the hate comments. I like it that there are some stories here that has a grasp of reality. Nothing in reality will have a happy fairytale ending.
But Yuri is magnimous too, she forgive Hyorin. And laid down her pride to save her family.
At least Hyorin got her closure with Luhan. :)
Thank you for writing this!
Banging_bangtan #3
Chapter 23: Excuse me but who called you jerk????? Authornim has mindset of reality that relationship didn't last long forever.... Because at the very beggining it was wrong so wrong,,,,,, and there was a happy ending indeed because she's free and happy because she found a right man who loves her complety no more no less.
Kahanbo123 #4
Chapter 23: Eeeeeehh?!?!
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 18: Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY?!?!!! I'm tearing author-nim! Wae?
bunny5760 #6
Chapter 23: ouhhhhhhhhhh okayyyyyyy, i get it now. Hmmm at least she got the eyeliner hottie. Huhuhuhuh ^^ But but... Luhan... i wish Yuri would get sick or something then Hyori would get Luhan. Muahahaha i'm so evil. But since she's happy with Baekhyun then I don't mind. Hehehe, anyway its a great story. hahaha. made me all pumped up. XD
Chapter 22: What?! It's over? Noooo! Luhan! Take her back dangit. I wanna punch him again. -.-' Hyori, how can you just let go your freakin luhan that you loved from i-don't-know-how-long-but-i-know-it's-a-long-time. Be selfish and fight for him, aiyo making me frustrated.
Chapter 21: What?!! Nooooooo, dang Hyori just be selfish and make eunji your child! Aiyaaa
Chapter 9: Okay... I take back about punching Luhan... glad he finally realized his feelings, god, the suspense. Huhuhu