Lonely Dinner

Our Secret


I was lying alone on my cold bed. When Luhan had to go home with his family I couldn't help myself but to feel dissatisfied when he left me. I wished we could have walked together while holding hands and kissed goodbye. I was already used to that ritual and felt incomplete when we didn't do it. However I couldn't bring myself to be mad at him. From the beginning I knew that this relationship would cause trouble and pain. But having the knowledge over that didn't stop me from having negative emotions.


Still absorbed in my thoughts I was startled when suddenly the ringtone of my mobilephone pulled me out of it. I reached for my phone which was placed on my nightstand and was curious of who would write me a message at this time. I was surprised and at the same time happy to see that the message was from Luhan.



Are you already sleeping already? If you were then I'm really sorry to have woken you. But I wanted to tell you how sorry I was to let you see Yuri kissing me and for not giving you much attention. I know it must have hurted you. So I'm realy sorry.


It's already late so you should get back to sleep. Good night Hyori. Sleep well and I love you.



Unknowingly a smile appeared on my face. Even though for other people it was only a short message which should be normal to be received, for me the message showed that he loved me and truthfully cared for me. Not wanting to wait much longer I started to write a reply.



No you didn't wake me up. I was just lying in my bed.
It's alright. You don't have to feel sorry. Our relationship isn't official so it's normal to act like that. I'm going to sleep now. Good night and sleep well too. I love you.



After hitting the 'Send' button I placed my cellphone back to it's rightful place. By sending me that message the worry and anxious feeling dissapeared and I was able to drift into dreamland peacefully.






The next day I happily drove to work. I missed Luhan and was excited to see him. Finally entering the bureau I walked over to him. Upon seeing me he showed me a smile and stood up to hug me. Returning the hug and inhaling his scent I felt that the waiting paid off. There was no other place I would rather be than in his protective arms. After a few minutes he pulled away and at once I missed his warmth. Before I could protest he pulled me into a short kiss.


"Let's eat dinner together."


I happily nodded before I went over to my desk to start my work. However not before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. I couldn't wait to finish everything and go out with Luhan. Luckily I was so preoccupied with my work that evening came quickly. Saving my work and turning my laptop off I stretched my sore limps.


"Are you ready?"




Happily I skipped over to Luhan's side and interwined our fingers. I really missed holding his hand. Even though it wasn't so long away since I lastly held it. Slowely we made our way to our car as we wanted to savour the moment. Reaching our parked cars we had to let go of each other. After driving behind Luhan's car for a while we reached a restaurant. Parking and locking the cars we made our way inside. A waiter welcomed us and leaded us to a table situated in the back. We ordered our dishes and conversed actively.


Suddenly Luhan's phone rang and halted our conversation. Quickly he fished his cellphone out of his pocket. After looking at the caller's identity he met my eyes with an unsure expression.


“It's Yuri.”


“What are you waiting for? Pick up.”


At once he pushed the green button and accepted the call.


“Hello... Right now?... Is it important... Alright... See you later.”


I didn't know what Yuri was talking about. However despite only hearing one side of the short conversation I knew what was about to come next. After ending the call Luhan looked apologetically at me. Before he could talk I interuppted him.


“I understand. You should go home.”


“I'm so sorry Hyori. But I don't have another choice.”


I shook my head and forced a smile on my face. “I know that you don't have another choice. I'm not mad at you. Don't worry about me and just go.”


Unsurely he nodded before bidding me goodbye and leaving the scene. I wanted to go too. However we already ordered our dish and it would be rude to leave.


Not long after Luhan's leave the food arrived. Despite my appetite already vanished I still ate my food as my body needed it. I couldn't taste anything and savouring the dish was out of question. The before bright light of the restaurant suddenly seemed really dull to my eyes. Luckily the guest here weren't so curious and didn't notice my lonely presence.


After ending my meal I paid for our meals. I didn't miss the curious look the waiter gave me when he saw the untouched dish opposite from me. But knowing it would be impolite to ask for the reason he just gave me the bill.


After paying I left the restaurant and went to my car. While I drove home I couldn't conceal my disappointment anymore and let a deep frown scar my face.
It wasn't like anyone could see me...



Even though I know that you don't belong only to me and I should be happy to have you, I can't help but to feel sad when you leave me for your legal lover.
Am I selfish to ask : “Please don't go and stay with me.”?




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Chapter 23: I actually have mixed emotions for this story. I was actually pretty affected because of their situation because I'm from a broken family, and as I was reading, I'll be honest and say that I was really hoping they wouldn't be together at the end. I know it would have probably what other's wanted, but coming from a person who had to experience what Eunji might have gone through, if they did end up together, I was happy with what happened. ^^
Chapter 23: Dont mind the hate comments. I like it that there are some stories here that has a grasp of reality. Nothing in reality will have a happy fairytale ending.
But Yuri is magnimous too, she forgive Hyorin. And laid down her pride to save her family.
At least Hyorin got her closure with Luhan. :)
Thank you for writing this!
Banging_bangtan #3
Chapter 23: Excuse me but who called you jerk????? Authornim has mindset of reality that relationship didn't last long forever.... Because at the very beggining it was wrong so wrong,,,,,, and there was a happy ending indeed because she's free and happy because she found a right man who loves her complety no more no less.
Kahanbo123 #4
Chapter 23: Eeeeeehh?!?!
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 18: Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY?!?!!! I'm tearing author-nim! Wae?
bunny5760 #6
Chapter 23: ouhhhhhhhhhh okayyyyyyy, i get it now. Hmmm at least she got the eyeliner hottie. Huhuhuhuh ^^ But but... Luhan... i wish Yuri would get sick or something then Hyori would get Luhan. Muahahaha i'm so evil. But since she's happy with Baekhyun then I don't mind. Hehehe, anyway its a great story. hahaha. made me all pumped up. XD
Chapter 22: What?! It's over? Noooo! Luhan! Take her back dangit. I wanna punch him again. -.-' Hyori, how can you just let go your freakin luhan that you loved from i-don't-know-how-long-but-i-know-it's-a-long-time. Be selfish and fight for him, aiyo making me frustrated.
Chapter 21: What?!! Nooooooo, dang Hyori just be selfish and make eunji your child! Aiyaaa
Chapter 9: Okay... I take back about punching Luhan... glad he finally realized his feelings, god, the suspense. Huhuhu