Break Down

Our Secret


"Really? You can come today?"

I was more than happy to know that Luhan could visit and spend some time with me today.

"Yeah I can. It has been a while since the last time we spent time together. And I really miss these times."

"Then I'll see you later?"

"Yes. However I have to take care of something now. See you later alright?"

"See you later."

Hanging up I went into the kitchen at once. Luhan loved the taste of my food and I too missed cooking for him. Before he got married to Yuri, he would always come over to eat. However after the marriage he never came even once. At first it was really unusual to not have him sit at the kitchen island and talk to me anymore nor having him as my company. However as time flew by I got used to it. That was why I was exhilirated to cook for him again.
Looking in the fridge I was fortunate that I had all the ingredients which I needed to make his favorite dishes there. I took everything I needed out and started to cook.

After cooking for a while I finally finished preparing the dishes. Looking at the clock I realized that there was still time left before Luhan would appear. Not wanting to sit around I started to clean all the dishes which were dirtied by my cooking joy. While I washed them I heard the front door opening and a person entering. Quickly drying my hands I walked in the corridor. When o saw Luhan I happily ran over to greet him. I hugged him before pulling back and grasping his hand to drag him in the dinning room. Once entering the room I turned around to face him again. I smiled at his surprised look.

"Did you make all this for me?"

Enthusiastically I nodded at his question to answer it. Once again I pulled him over to the table as he on his own wouldn't have moved. After he sat down I went to the other side and seated myself opposite from him.

"Come on. Stop looking and let's start eating. Or else the food is going to get cold."

"Thank you. I will eat it well."

Not waiting much longer we started to enjoy the dishes wich were placed over the table.

"So I suppose Eunji understood the situation?"

"Not really. She is still to young to really understand it. She just didn't mind it to much. I asked her if she could keep it a secret and she agreed happily to it."

"I see. I'm sure that when she gets older she will understand the forbbidance of the kiss and she will be disgusted or angry."


After that we just talked about different topics and continued eating. Eventually we finished our dinner and together we cleaned everything.

Afterwards we went over to my spacious couch and made ourself comfortable on it. Without any hesitation I cuddled closer to him and he didn't seem to mind as he placed his arms around me to pull me closer. Not another word was exchanged and for a while we just frooze in that position and enjoyed the time which was rarely granted to us.

"Want to watch a movie?"


Reluctantly I released myself from the warm hug and went over to the recorder to put in an interesting movie. After placing the movie in the player and pressing play I hurriedly went over to cuddle with him again.

After we watched the movie for a while we were suddenly disturbed by the ringing of a mobile phone. At once Luhan reached inside his pocket and picked up the call.

"What is it?... Can't you do it alone?... I'm a little busy right now... Can't it wait?... Aish. Alright. I'll come home now."

I observed his face while he talked to Yuri. I could follow how his calm face turned into an annoyed one and at the end he looked semi angry. Delicately I grasped his hand between my own and I his hand affectionately as I didn't want to face him.

"Today was nice. So don't you dare to feel guilty."

He let out a sigh before pulling me with his right arm closer.

"I liked it too. I really don't want to go..."

Burying his face in my hair he savored the little time he had left with me.

"Come on. You make it seem like I'm going to leave you. I won't disappear. So please drive home assured."

"You are way to nice to me. Can't you be more clingy? How can you be so magnanimous?"

I giggled at him before finally pulling away from him. He groaned in protest and mumbled something incoherently.

"Well it must be because I'm overjoyed by the fact that my one sided love finally got returned. Or I'm just used to waiting for you and having to share."

With that I stood up while pulling him along.

"I don't want to go."

Ignoring his whining I dragged him to the front door.

"Do I have to?"


"Alright. See you then."


Giving me one last kiss on the cheek he left through the front door leaving me alone with the still running movie.


It has been a while since we last had time to act like a couple. Luhan has been busy with work and when not work held him up then it would be his wife. Fortunately I could see him at work if not I was sure my ugly side would show up.



Today was supposed to be a joyful one. After begging and bugging Luhan for a while he eventually got time to meet me today.

I prepared almost a feast for today's dinner and I looked forward to seeing his expression upon seeing the dishes prepared for today.

I wore a black dress and light make-up which gave me an adult like image. Looking at the time I noticed that it was already time for him to come and by now my excitement couldn't be contained any longer. Sitting down at the table I glued my eyes on the clock wich hung above the door in the dinning room.

I followed how the time ran clockwise until finally both pointer aimed on 12 o'clock which at the same time indicated the end of the day.

By now the food was already cold and untouched. As the meaning from the food was over I stood up and looked dejected at it. Suddenly anger spread through my numb body. Angrily I took all the dishes which I spend hours cooking for to the kitchen and dumped everything in the bin.
I knew that if my parents could see my deeds they would scold me for spoiling precious food. However right at the moment I couldn't seem to care about anything. The only things I could care about was the failed dinner and the tears which blurred my view. Slowly the feeling of the anger flew away only to be replaced by loneliness. Right then and there I broke down. The only sound echoing through the house were the screams and sobs which were produced by my crouched self.


Do I really not matter that much to you or why did you leave me alone?

How could you forget our 6th month anniversary when I counted down the days?



I think this story will end soon.

There is not much plot left =(

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I'm on Hiatus =(


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Chapter 23: I actually have mixed emotions for this story. I was actually pretty affected because of their situation because I'm from a broken family, and as I was reading, I'll be honest and say that I was really hoping they wouldn't be together at the end. I know it would have probably what other's wanted, but coming from a person who had to experience what Eunji might have gone through, if they did end up together, I was happy with what happened. ^^
Chapter 23: Dont mind the hate comments. I like it that there are some stories here that has a grasp of reality. Nothing in reality will have a happy fairytale ending.
But Yuri is magnimous too, she forgive Hyorin. And laid down her pride to save her family.
At least Hyorin got her closure with Luhan. :)
Thank you for writing this!
Banging_bangtan #3
Chapter 23: Excuse me but who called you jerk????? Authornim has mindset of reality that relationship didn't last long forever.... Because at the very beggining it was wrong so wrong,,,,,, and there was a happy ending indeed because she's free and happy because she found a right man who loves her complety no more no less.
Kahanbo123 #4
Chapter 23: Eeeeeehh?!?!
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 18: Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY?!?!!! I'm tearing author-nim! Wae?
bunny5760 #6
Chapter 23: ouhhhhhhhhhh okayyyyyyy, i get it now. Hmmm at least she got the eyeliner hottie. Huhuhuhuh ^^ But but... Luhan... i wish Yuri would get sick or something then Hyori would get Luhan. Muahahaha i'm so evil. But since she's happy with Baekhyun then I don't mind. Hehehe, anyway its a great story. hahaha. made me all pumped up. XD
Chapter 22: What?! It's over? Noooo! Luhan! Take her back dangit. I wanna punch him again. -.-' Hyori, how can you just let go your freakin luhan that you loved from i-don't-know-how-long-but-i-know-it's-a-long-time. Be selfish and fight for him, aiyo making me frustrated.
Chapter 21: What?!! Nooooooo, dang Hyori just be selfish and make eunji your child! Aiyaaa
Chapter 9: Okay... I take back about punching Luhan... glad he finally realized his feelings, god, the suspense. Huhuhu