Business Party

Our Secret


The next day I felt tired and drained. However unfortunately today I had to go to work and thus I dragged myself out of my comfortable bed to get ready. After I finished my morning routine I drove to my work place. Upon entering the bureau I was already prepared for the excuse Luhan would present me. And this time again I wasn't wrong as he already stood up to apologize about his absence yesterday.

“I'm so-”

“Do you know what day yesterday was?”

“The day where we were supposed to have dinner together?”


“What else should there be?”

“Doesn't matter. Just forget it.”

Confusion was written all over his face and instead of helping him get ride of it I just went over to my desk and left him standing behind. However before I could start my task I saw a shadow towering over my working desk. Looking up I was confronted with a hurt and confused Luhan.
*Shouldn't it be me who carries that hurt expression?*

I can't make it up to you tomorrow as there is a business party tomorrow. That is why I want you to come with me.”

I was about to decline his offer when he interrupted me.

I won't take a no as an answer.”

Normally I would protest when I didn't want to go somewhere. However today I felt to tired to decline and thus I just approved of his invitation. Thruthfully told I didn't feel like talking to him nor interacting in any way with him. Luckily today nothing team work related was on the schedule as I was sure the results of me having to work with him would be awful.

Good I will meet you at the party then.”

With that we both went back to our work and like usual that was all we did the whole day.



The next day I got up when it was already noon. The lack of sleep which resulted to my tiring day I had yesterday was caught up completely. Feeling refreshed and fit I stood up and got ready for the business party which was going to be held in the evening. As the host was a man with elegance I knew that I had to look good for the party.
After taking a long shower I dried and wrapped a towel around my body and walked into my closet. Not wanting to embarrass myself later I took my time to choose the right outfit. After scanning and trying on numerous dresses I picked a black dress which hopefully would be up to the party's standards. Finish checking if I wore the dress right I went over to my make-up table to mask my face lightly. After applying the make-up I saw that it was already time to go. Slipping on my high heels I went to my car and drove of to the party.


Narrator's POV


After she entered the grand hall where the party was held it was already filled with laughter and conversing people. When she stepped into the hall she was greeted by the host warmly which she returned with the same enthusiasm. Afterwards she excused herself and walked around searching for Luhan. However she didn't realize that almost all the eyes which got hold off her image were mesmerized by her beauty at once. Whispers started to fly around her but she still didn't take notice of it as she was to busy searching for Luhan.

At that moment Luhan was standing alone in the hall as his wife went over to her friends to join in the conversation. As they would get home late they had to ask Yuri's mother to take care of Eunji for a day. When suddenly a lot of people started to whisper around and looking in one direction he started to get curious of what the reason was which made almost every guest halting their earlier activity. Following their gaze he still couldn't see the cause. As following their gaze didn't help him he started to walk in the direction where everyone was looking.

She is so beautiful.”

Do you think she is taken?”

Look at those legs. They look so long.”

While walking he could catch some of the whispers which were exchanged rapidly. Suddenly he halted and surprise was written all over his face. In front of him stood Hyori in a breathtaking dress and her look could make idols run for their money. Still rooted to the floor Hyori finally spotted him. Smiling she walked in his direction before stopping in front of him. Not once realizing the looks she received from many guests.

Good evening Luhan.”

Finally snapping out of his daze he smiled at her too. “Good evening. I'm happy you could come.”

Can we go somewhere else? It's so crowded here.”

He nodded and leaded her to a quieter place where they could talk normally. From where they stood they could see the guest enjoying themselves. For a while they just stood in silence and watched the lives going on.

Suddenly he held her hand tightly preventing her from pulling away. Worry appeared on her face and she tried to free herself. The anxious and catious which were developped from the former incident told her to unchain herself at once.

If you keep struggling like that I will kiss you.”

At once she stopped and playfully glared at him. “Meanie.”

Seeing her in front of him he felt content and happy. He still couldn't believe that this beautiful woman was his girlfriend. With her beauty she could get any man who were even more wealthy than him. Moreover he was sure that that man would treat her much better than he could ever do. His face showed a soft and gentle expression and that made Hyori puzzled.

You know I love you a lot. I'm happy when you are here beside me. I want to hug you and never let go. Only having you beside me makes me feel like the whole world belongs to me.”

Luhan how could you?”

Upon hearing that voice time seemed to stop for them and their body froze to statues. Turning their heads around they came face to face with Yuri, Luhan's wife. She looked like she was burning with fury but at the same time hurt could be seen in her eyes.

So Hyori was the woman you have been cheating on me with?”

By now a lot of guest were looking at the scene of drama which occurred before their eyes. Everthing seemed to have drown in silence and the only voice that could be heard was Yuri's. Luhan and Hyori didn't dare to say anything nor they dared to move an inch. Furiously she walked towards them while glaring deathly at Hyori.

You despiteful woman. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? For your information you are destroying a family!”

Taking in a deep breath Yuri pointed accusingly at Hyori.

You selfish MONSTER.”

When she heard that word tears streamed down her face endlessly. Yuri was right. She knew that everything she told her was right on the point. That was why it hurted her a lot. Suddenly she started running. She just couldn't bear all the eyes which looked disgustingly at her. She wanted to get out of here. Out from everyones view. While she pioneered her way to the entrance she pushed everyone on her route away.



That was the last thing Hyori heard before she pushed the doors open and ran outside. However when she looked behind her she saw that Luhan was no where to be seen. Quickly she got in the car and drove home. The whole night she spend crying from shame and pain. Not once did she receive a comforting call or message.

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Chapter 23: I actually have mixed emotions for this story. I was actually pretty affected because of their situation because I'm from a broken family, and as I was reading, I'll be honest and say that I was really hoping they wouldn't be together at the end. I know it would have probably what other's wanted, but coming from a person who had to experience what Eunji might have gone through, if they did end up together, I was happy with what happened. ^^
Chapter 23: Dont mind the hate comments. I like it that there are some stories here that has a grasp of reality. Nothing in reality will have a happy fairytale ending.
But Yuri is magnimous too, she forgive Hyorin. And laid down her pride to save her family.
At least Hyorin got her closure with Luhan. :)
Thank you for writing this!
Banging_bangtan #3
Chapter 23: Excuse me but who called you jerk????? Authornim has mindset of reality that relationship didn't last long forever.... Because at the very beggining it was wrong so wrong,,,,,, and there was a happy ending indeed because she's free and happy because she found a right man who loves her complety no more no less.
Kahanbo123 #4
Chapter 23: Eeeeeehh?!?!
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 18: Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY?!?!!! I'm tearing author-nim! Wae?
bunny5760 #6
Chapter 23: ouhhhhhhhhhh okayyyyyyy, i get it now. Hmmm at least she got the eyeliner hottie. Huhuhuhuh ^^ But but... Luhan... i wish Yuri would get sick or something then Hyori would get Luhan. Muahahaha i'm so evil. But since she's happy with Baekhyun then I don't mind. Hehehe, anyway its a great story. hahaha. made me all pumped up. XD
Chapter 22: What?! It's over? Noooo! Luhan! Take her back dangit. I wanna punch him again. -.-' Hyori, how can you just let go your freakin luhan that you loved from i-don't-know-how-long-but-i-know-it's-a-long-time. Be selfish and fight for him, aiyo making me frustrated.
Chapter 21: What?!! Nooooooo, dang Hyori just be selfish and make eunji your child! Aiyaaa
Chapter 9: Okay... I take back about punching Luhan... glad he finally realized his feelings, god, the suspense. Huhuhu