
Our Secret


"I'm sorry."


"For what?"


"For the ruined date."


"What made you think that way?"


"Well I planned it to be only you and me. And not Sehun appearing and giving us no private time. I'm sorry for that. It must have bored and annoyed you."


We were standing in front of my house . It was already late and the temperature dropped drastically. I slowly wrapped my arms around Luhan's waist and absorbed some of his warmth.


"What are you talking? I really enjoyed today's date. There wasn't a moment where I felt bored. Moreover I have to thank you for letting me experience such a beautiful night. Really thank you Luhan."


Now he was hugging me back and snuggled his face into my hair. I didn't want to let go and at that moment I wished he could stay with me. However to my misery he pulled away from the hug and at once the cold was bitting at my skin again.


"I should get going now. Go inside. You are freezing. It's getting late and you need to sleep. Tomorrow we need to work again."


Involuntarily I nodded. I still didn't want to part from him and a part from me told me to hold him again. Luhan stepped closer to me and affectionately kissed my forehead.


"Sleep well and sweet dreams. I'll see you tomorrow."


"You too Luhan. See you tomorrow."


With that Luhan went to his car and I entered my house.




When I got to work the next day Luhan was already there going through some documents. Smiling I ran over to him and kissed him on the cheek.




"Oh you're finally here. Morning Hyori."


Not having much time I went through the class wall which separated the grand bureu into two. Looking at my desk I already saw the stack of paper that needed to be finished by the end of the work day. I sighed before sitting down to start the work.


Shortly before our work day ended the door suddenly opened and a woman entered. Looking up from my work I saw a sight which I wasn't prepared to see. Even though I should be used to the view I realized that I still wasn't. The woman who entered was no one else but Yuri. Moreover she was kissing Luhan and smiling at him like nothing happened. I couldn't surpess my envy and I felt a pang of jealous flow through my body. Luhan was looking apologetically at me and I saw that he really didn't want to kiss her at the moment. Luckily my attention was quickly pulled away from them when I heard small footsteps which were followed by a cute voice.


"Papa! I missed you a lot!"


I saw how Eunji ran over to Luhan and hugged him tightly. Seeing the little angel made my negative emotion fate away at once and the frown which scarred my face before was replaced by a smile. After greeting her father she turned around and ran over to embrace me.


"Hyori. I missed you too!"


"I missed you too. How are you?"


Beaming up at me she replied in a cheerful voice: "I'm fine. Now that I'm back here with Mama and Papa. We can be a happy family again! Furthermore I can see you again too."


"I see. That is good for you. Now you can be with your Mama and Papa again."


I smiled at her. However the smile which was placed on my face wasn't truthful. Right now I realized what a monster I was. I was a selfish rotten woman who dared to threaten to separate a happy family. Through my selfishness I could break this stable family apart and make Eunji sad. Feelings of guilt and disgust with myself erupted in myself.



I'm a selfish Monster which is destroying a family. Moreover I'm a despiteful person who knows about the consequence but still wants to continue this prohibition...




I wanted to thank everyone who subscribed to this story ^_^ 

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Chapter 23: I actually have mixed emotions for this story. I was actually pretty affected because of their situation because I'm from a broken family, and as I was reading, I'll be honest and say that I was really hoping they wouldn't be together at the end. I know it would have probably what other's wanted, but coming from a person who had to experience what Eunji might have gone through, if they did end up together, I was happy with what happened. ^^
Chapter 23: Dont mind the hate comments. I like it that there are some stories here that has a grasp of reality. Nothing in reality will have a happy fairytale ending.
But Yuri is magnimous too, she forgive Hyorin. And laid down her pride to save her family.
At least Hyorin got her closure with Luhan. :)
Thank you for writing this!
Banging_bangtan #3
Chapter 23: Excuse me but who called you jerk????? Authornim has mindset of reality that relationship didn't last long forever.... Because at the very beggining it was wrong so wrong,,,,,, and there was a happy ending indeed because she's free and happy because she found a right man who loves her complety no more no less.
Kahanbo123 #4
Chapter 23: Eeeeeehh?!?!
Kahanbo123 #5
Chapter 18: Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY?!?!!! I'm tearing author-nim! Wae?
bunny5760 #6
Chapter 23: ouhhhhhhhhhh okayyyyyyy, i get it now. Hmmm at least she got the eyeliner hottie. Huhuhuhuh ^^ But but... Luhan... i wish Yuri would get sick or something then Hyori would get Luhan. Muahahaha i'm so evil. But since she's happy with Baekhyun then I don't mind. Hehehe, anyway its a great story. hahaha. made me all pumped up. XD
Chapter 22: What?! It's over? Noooo! Luhan! Take her back dangit. I wanna punch him again. -.-' Hyori, how can you just let go your freakin luhan that you loved from i-don't-know-how-long-but-i-know-it's-a-long-time. Be selfish and fight for him, aiyo making me frustrated.
Chapter 21: What?!! Nooooooo, dang Hyori just be selfish and make eunji your child! Aiyaaa
Chapter 9: Okay... I take back about punching Luhan... glad he finally realized his feelings, god, the suspense. Huhuhu