Aching Heart

I'm Sorry, I Still Love You

Yesung POV:

The night club reeked with the smell of sweat, alchol and smoke. There were people everywhere doing their own activities. Bodies are grinding against each other, hands were in the wrong places. Lips where connected in hot lustful kisses. These things disgusted me, it was always only a one night stand in nightclubs. I came to the nightclub only wishing to forget the pain that is slowly consuming me. I drank shots and shots of margarita but I can't feel the fimilar dizziness that makes my head spin and forget all thats bothering me. 

Everyday was hell for me. Everday when I close my eyes the face that I longed to see will appear. Sometimes he will be smiling at me, sometimes I would see him smiling at another man, looking at him with those loving eyes that once belonged to me until I pushed him away. At times I will see his tear-stained face that broke my heart along with the tears that kept on pouring. Has he already moved on? Or is he still broken like the day I left him? I want to see him, I want to hold him in my arms. I want to tell him I love him. I want to keep our promise. I just want to be together with my Wookie. 

I walked out of the club, needing to go home before my parents worry. Why do I have to be the only child? Why do I have to marry Tiffany? She doens't even love me. We are just tools for our families busniess. 

I was about to get in my car when a pair of arms dragged me into a nearby alley. I tried to fight free of the man but he was way stronger than me. Suddenly, someone esle came up and punched me across the face making me stumble backwards. I felt blood  trickling down my nose. Before I can react I felt my stomach smash together with my back while a third person drove his fist in my adbomen. My knees buckled due to the force of the blow. A burning sensation ran through every cell of my body making me taste bile, adrenline, with hints of blood mixed in it. They didn't give me time to recover, their fists and kicks rained on me without mercy. I tried to defend myself and call out for help. But no one was there to help. Every part of me was in pain and I couldn't do anything to stop them. My vision was becoming blurry as I curled into a ball trying to protect my head as they kicked and punched me with brutal force. A guy grabbed a fist full of my hair dragging me up and banging my head against the wall several times, I can feel blood trickling down my face. They gave me one last kick before throwing me a envelope and running off into the night leaving me in a bloody mess.

I dragged my crippled body up leaning myself against the wall. I tried to breath but oxygen seem to have abandoned me right now, I opened the envelope with my bloody fingers careful not  stain any words. 


To My Dear Yesung,


             You really are a bastard. How can you just leave Ryeowook like that for some ed up business engagment? Does Ryeowook mean that little to you? Oh, your pea-sized brain must be wondering how i know when the news isn't even out yet. Well I am the hire to the Kim company which is currently ranked higher than yours. You don't need to know my reasons why I never told you or why I decided to enroll in a local public school. All you need to know is that I have the ablilty to crush you and your family. Do me a favor, never appear in front of Ryeowook again. He suicided because of you, your lucky that Sungmin found him in time or else you would have gotten a lot worse than a beating. Of crouse if you dare to ever show your face in front of us especially Ryeowook I cannot guarantee what will happen to you and your family. And since I'm too kind for my own good I will give you this advice: try and attempt anything stupid I will make sure you and your family reunites in hell. I will be watching you JongWoon so be mindful of you actions. I do know you are suffering right now, but it was your cowardliness that lead to it. Yet, your cowardliness has almost cost Ryeowook his life. Remember JongWoon if anything happens to Ryeowook you will be the first one to die. 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Kim Heechul    


Wookie...I'm sorry, I really am. Heechul-hyung's right it was because of my cowardliness that lead to today but I can't leave my family, I'm sorry Wookie. Please just forget about me and move on, I am nothing but a coward. I pulled out my phone and dialed Siwon. I can't let my parents see me like this. 

"Siwon-ah, can you pick me up right now? I'm near the alley that's behind the club we go to."

"What happened? I'll be there in five minutes wait for me okay."

"Thanks, I don't know what I would do without you." I said before he hung up.

I stored the letter safely within my pocket as I waited for Siwon. I'll make sure to burn it when I get to Siwon's house. I don't want anyone finding this. I also texted my parents telling them that I will be at Siwon's tonight.

A few minutes later, I saw Siwon pull up in front of me.

"What happened hyung? Who did this to you!" Siwon asked as he helped me into his car.

"I'm fine Siwon., can I go to your house tonight? I told my parents already." 

"Sure hyung." 

 The rest of the car ride was in silence. My whole body hurts but not as much as my heart. It's heart wrenching to think about Wookie, my Wookie that almost died becuase of me. I feel so useless, I'm sorry Wookie I turly am. Please find someone better than me and move on. I don't deserve you. Slowly, I felt my conciousness ebbing away and I welcomed the peace and darkness that overwhelmed me. 


I'm really sorry, I'm not good with writing about people being beat up or threating messages. >.< I'm sorry if it ...

But please comment anyway.~

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Hi guys! I'm back from China! I'll start updating now thanks for waiting!


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 32: Huwaaa pls update.. I want henwook holiday in taiwaaaaan~
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 30: Awwwwww henwooookkk.. Love it so much! Go team henwook!
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 21: Wookie is having selective memory loss? O.o
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 20: Im glad that he got the blood..
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 13: I teally didnt expect the plane would crashhhhh and he just mer henry tooooooooooo huwaaaaaa
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 11: Wow.. A bold move from wookie to move country>~> i hope he will be happy there
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 9: Onew? O.9 i thought itll be henwook?
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 8: P.p having kyu in this chapter makes me think that this will be a kyuwook story loool @.@ why wont henry appear &.&
Keyv88 #9
Chapter 6: O.o heechul is so scary like that now i kinda pity yesung @.@
Keyv88 #10
Chapter 4: O.o it must have been verryyy hard for wook.. But i cant blame yesung either since his parent kneel in front of him like that i know it would be hard o.o but then again wookie even left his parent to be with yesung@.@