Please Wookie, Wake up!

I'm Sorry, I Still Love You

Ryeowook POV:

 Where am I? It's so dark in here. I can't see anything but infinite darkness that surronded me. 

Yesung? I called out but there was no response/

Minnie? Kyu? Anyone?!?! I shouted.again and again but I was only answered with silenece and darkness. 

I slowly sat down hugginh my knees. No one is here for me, I'm alone, I'm so scared Yesung, I'm scared. I miss you, I miss your touch, you small hands, you smile, your eyes, I miss you. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I don't want to be trapped here forever, I want to be with yesung even if I have to see him with antoher person. Please just let me see Yesung again, I still love him and I always will until the end of time. 

Aburptly, a lavish door appeared and along with it the person whom my heart longed for landed in front of it. 

Yesung! I called out to him.

He walked towards me with his arms strechted open, he was smiling so handsomely. I would have ran foward immediatly but something was off. There was something wrong with the way his eyes glistened. Sure, it was loving but under the that pair of loving eyes was coldness. When Yesung saw that I wasn't running towards him he stopped and frowned.

"What wrong Wookie? Don't you miss me?" Yesung asked.

Of course, I miss you Yesung! i said. How could I doubt him? I mentally scolded myself as I ran into his embrace. 

I missed you Yesung, why did you leave me? I asked thinking to the past. 

I'm sorry Wookie, it was a mistake to leave you, I would never leave you again. Yesung said as he locked our lips together. 

No...something was wrong, These lips aren't Yesung's, their too cold and a bit too hard to be his. I instantly started struggling against him. 

What's wrong Wookie?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Don't call me that! Your not Yesung! Let go of me! Who are you! I screamed while thrashing around. It was no use he was far stronger than me, I bit him hard. What I think is blood started flowing except the blood wasn't red. It was a the color of green the type of green that made you sick. The thing started laughing. Yesung's face melted and it dripped onto my skin. It was sticky and it burned, I screamed and thrashed trying to escape from it's grip. The outter layer that looked like Yesung started melting and it revealed a girl. The girl had long black hair that was stained with red. She was pale, too pale to be normal. Suddenly that door opened, on the other side of the door were flames and people were being roasted. The pleas for help were overwhelming. 

No! Please no! Someone! Anyone! Please, help! I don't want to go in there, please!  The girl grabbed me by the arm and hurled me toward the flames. I was trapped inside a cage that was slowly being lowered into the fire. The burning sensations were slowly killing me. No...I don't want to be stuck here, I don't want to be tortured please! My skin was melting and my flesh was slowly being burnt. That wasn't the worst part. The burnt parts of my flesh started moving on it's own and when i brought it closer to my eye I saw bugs. Hundreds of what looked like black maggots were squirming in my flesh! I screamed and tired to shake the maggots off me but it wouldn't work. They were slowly crawling up my arms, and my shoulders, my  neck and my face. They were all over my face, they crawled into my nostrols and mouth.  I can feel them crawling inside of me, and tearing at my organs. Just as I think this was going to end a voice brought me back.

Wookie! Walke up , please! We need you! it's Minnie's voice! 

Minnie! Where are you? I looked around frantically searching for the source of the voice. But everything started to fade, the fire did, the cage did, the maggots did, the girl did, the darkness did, and so did I. The last though I had was to forget. To forget everything that tears my heart apart. To forget about Kim JonWoon. I want to be happy.


Henry POV:

It's been four days since that day. Four days since Wookie was pulled from the grasp of death. Four days since I realized I fell for this boy. When I heard that he had almost no chance of surviving I felt like suffocating. I hated myself because I couldn't do anything to save him. I hate myself for not being able to save him on the plane resulting in his death. But when I found out that he was saved I felt as if my heart was pulled from a abyss. And now I'm here, waiting for my love to wake up. I know he probably wouldn't be able to accept me right away but i will wait.

The door opened and Sungmin-hyung peeked in. 

"Henry, you should get some sleep you haven't rested properly for four days straight. You should go take a shower, eat something, rest a bit, and then you can come back later arraso?" 

"But hyung I want him to be the first person I see when he wakes up!" I protested trying my best to move him with my aygeo. 

"No Henry, be a good boy and listen to your hyung, I'll call you once he wakes up." 

"Can I skip the restting part then?" I asked pufffing my cheeks trying my best to look very cute.

"Stop that, I'm not going to fall for that. You don't look cute Henry, you look scary. You haven't slept or eaten for four days!" Sungmin exclaimed. Ouch..that really hurted.

"Fine hyung, but I'll be back in five minutes max." I said before leaving. He's probably right I don't want to scare my Wookie when he wakes up, 


Sungmin POV:

That poor kid, he hasn't eaten or slept for four days straight. He came limping in when he heard that Wookie was in danger. He was a mess when he heard the news. 

"Wookie! Walke up, please! We need you!" I whispered as I grabbed his hand hoping to him some sort or encouragement. 

Two days before, Yesung came, begging us to let him see Wookie. We denied it. I couldn't risk having Wookie near him anymore. It's too dangerous for him.  I sighed again staring deep into the sleeping figure. Wookie! Come on! You can do it, I know you can! 

"Ughh..." I was lost in my thoughts when Wookie gave a low and painful groan bringing me back to reality. 

"Wookie? Are you alright?" His eyes were still closed but he was mumbling something but I couldn't hear it.

"What? I can't hear you." He gave another weak groan before he tried to open his eyes. 

"I...need....w-water." He croaked. I quickly poured him a cup of water.

"Stay still okay, don't do ANYTHING! I'm going to get the doctor" I instructed as I ran off to get Zhou Mi, 

"Zhou Mi, Zhou Mi, Zhou MI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as I ran to his office. 

"Yes Min?" He looked tired and awfully stressed because he also didn't get much sleep.

"Zhou Mi! Wookie woke up!" I exclamied happily.

"He did? Let's go now, you should inform the others." He replied. Within a matter of seconds everyone was gathered outside of Ryeowook's room. Zhou Mi opened the door revealing a sickly but concious Ryeowook. Henry was the first one to run up to him and hug him gently and carefully not wnting to accidently hurt him or anything. 

"Thank you Wookie, thank you for waking up." He said while sobbing.

"Who...are you?"

Time froze. He doesn't remember? Everyone was silent. Ryeowook forgot about Henry, what about us? What about Yesung? 

" you remember us?" Heecul inquired with a worried look on his face.

"Of crouse Heechul-hyung, Minnie hyung, and Kyu. I'm sorry but I do I know the rest of you?" He asked referring to Siwon, Zhou Mi and Henry. 

"No, it's fine. know who...Yesung or Kim JongWoon is?" My eyes widened at the question, how can he ask that? He just recovered!

"What are you talking about Heechul-hyung? Who's Yesung and who's JongWoon? He really did it a good thing or a bad thing? 


Finally updated! Please subscribe and comment! Comments really do encourage me. ^^ 

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Hi guys! I'm back from China! I'll start updating now thanks for waiting!


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 32: Huwaaa pls update.. I want henwook holiday in taiwaaaaan~
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 30: Awwwwww henwooookkk.. Love it so much! Go team henwook!
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 21: Wookie is having selective memory loss? O.o
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 20: Im glad that he got the blood..
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 13: I teally didnt expect the plane would crashhhhh and he just mer henry tooooooooooo huwaaaaaa
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 11: Wow.. A bold move from wookie to move country>~> i hope he will be happy there
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 9: Onew? O.9 i thought itll be henwook?
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 8: P.p having kyu in this chapter makes me think that this will be a kyuwook story loool @.@ why wont henry appear &.&
Keyv88 #9
Chapter 6: O.o heechul is so scary like that now i kinda pity yesung @.@
Keyv88 #10
Chapter 4: O.o it must have been verryyy hard for wook.. But i cant blame yesung either since his parent kneel in front of him like that i know it would be hard o.o but then again wookie even left his parent to be with yesung@.@