Is there still hope?

I'm Sorry, I Still Love You

Sungmin POV:

The room was eerily silent. Everyone was too shocked to speak. My brain refused to take in the information. What the hell did he just say? Wookie is dead? Bull! Who does he think he is that he can declare Wookie's death? He probably didn't even search correctly. Frustration shot up inside of me eating away at my rational part of my mind.

"IMPOSSIBLE YOU LIAR! YOUR THE ONE THAT'S DEAD! YOUR WHOLE ING FAMILY IS DEAD!" How dare he say that Wookie died? He can't be dead. I grabbed him by his collar and slammed him into the wall.

"What did you say?" I hissed. I can see the fear in his eyes. I was about to punch him when a arm held me back.

"Stop Sungmin" Heechul ordered. I felt my sanity come back before I let go of the poor man. I mumbled an apology to him. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me.

"Did you check the number of corpse with the number of people who were recorded to have boarded the plane?" Heechul asked the man after he regained his breath.

"Yes, Young Master, the number of corpse and the number of people were the -" He didn't get to finish his sentence when a knock was heard.

"Come in" Another person in a black suit similar to the rescue team leader walked in.

"We're sorry Young Master but there was an error, two people are missing according to the number of people that were recorded to have boarded that plane."

Relief shot through me. Of course Wookie isn't dead. What was I thinking? Now the only thing left is to find Ryeowook. But how?

"Heechul if Ryeowook isn't dead then where is he? How do we find him?" I questioned.

"Where did you search? Did you search on the islands Jaejoong?"

"Yes, we did however some were private territory so we couldn't intrude. One was Mr. Choi's and another one is Mr. Lee's" The man who was called Jaejoong answered.

"Go, I will call them and let them know." Heechul said.

"But..what if the survivors were not Mr Kim?" Jaejoong asked

"It doesn't matter, bring them back." Heechul responded.

"Yes Young Master, we will be taking our leave then." They turned around and left the room silently.

"You should go get some rest Sungmin. I don't want your body to perish before Wookie comes back. And before he comes back you can live with me if you want so you don't have to keep on going back and forth. I already prepared a bedroom for you two, it's next door."  Heechul-hyung said.

"I don't want to though, I want to wait for Wookie. You should sleep, your eye bags are ruining your beauty." I resisted.

"YAH! You brat! I'm the great Kim Heechul eye bags do not affect my beauty the slightest bit. Now you should go get some sleep."

"It's true Minnie you should go sleep. Heechul-hyung and I will stay here. If anything happens I promise I'll wake you up okay?" Kyu said as he dragged me out of the room. So far for asking. 

"Fine.. I grumbled as I crawled into bed twisting and turning violently before finally settling down. Sleep came quickly washing all of the stress from me.


Siwon POV:

I was going to my private island with my friend, Zhou Mi today. Since Kibum was in American and Zhou Mi's girlfriend just passed away I thought that maybe I'll bring him here to clear his mind a little. I was comforting Zhou Mi until we both heard a cry for help. As we advanced forward a figure came into our view. He was a boy about 19 I guess? He has what I assume was blood all over him. He was alone in the middle of the ocean and he was holding on to something, no someone. I quickly went in and told the captin to drive towards the young man.  I saw Zhou Mi go in and prepare the first aid kit, he's a famous doctor, that's why it was so painful for him to lose his girlfriend to a disease. He was a doctor and he couldn't cure it. I went down to help them up.

"Are you okay? Here, come on first." I extended my hand to help him up. Instead he asked me to take the other guy up first. I assumed it was his family or boyfriend. 

"Okay." I said as I hauled the other boy up. The other boy was smaller and very light. Blood covered the boy's face. I couldn't even make out his features, His had alot of deep cuts with several shards of what I assume was either glass or metal in it. I was extremely careful to not do anything that would worsen his condition. I gently settled him face down on the platform before I went and helped the other one up. They were both extremely cold, how long have they been in the water and what happened?

"Thank you." said the boy before falling unconscious. I caught him just before he hit the floor.

"Mi? Is he okay?" I asked while I placed the boy next to the other boy.

"No.." Mi said gravely. He looked very serious. "His spine is broken in many places, and his ribs are broken, There are also many shards of what I think is metal inside the cuts which are very deep. Besides that both his leg is broken and parts of his neck are dislocated. It's a miracle that his heart is even beating right now with so much blood loss and injuries!" Mi said as he was still working on cleaning up the boy and washing his wounds. "We need to get him to your hospital on the island NOW! And tell Mr. Jung to please drive faster I'm afraid that he might not last any longer than an hour with out proper treatment."

"What about the other boy?" I asked as I texted Mr, Jung, our captain, to speed up. Mi moved from the other boy and started to check out this boy.

"He's injured too but it's nothing compared to the other one. His leg is apparently fractured and I assume one of his ribs are dislocated. His muscles are pulled in several different places but otherwise he should be find. Also, judging from the temperature and the stiffness of their body I would say that they have been in the water for over 3 hours or so"

"What do you think caused this Mi, and it's in he middle of the ocean!" 3 HOURS! How is that possible? 

"I would have said a sever car crash, but since cars don't drive on water then....the only possibilities are plane or boat crashes."

"  Will they survive?"

"I think this one can, but I'm not sure about the other one, he's too severely injured. Even if he does survive there will be after-effects, which I'm not sure off." Zhou Mi said as he returned to cleaning the face of the boy that was severely injured.

Wait...why does he look so familiar. The more Mi cleaned the blood off his face the more familiar he looks. Skinny, small frame. High cheek bones and well defined jaw line.


The boy who was severly injured was Ryeowook! Yesung's lover! What is happening here...why is he in the middle of the ocean with another guy? Who is the other guy? What happened? Can he survive? Should I tell Yesung? So many questions bombarded my head all at once. Shock must have been clearly written on my face.

"Siwon? Siwon? SWION!?!?" Zhou Mi snapped me back to reality.


"Why are you so shocked do you know him?"


"He's the guy that Yesung had to break up with!?!?! Why is he here then? Should we tell Yesung?"

"I...I- don't k-now....I- d-don't know Mi..."

Was it a coincidence that I meet Ryeowook here? What has possibly gone wrong?  


I kind of messed up the order >.< Sorry! I should have posted Henry's POV first rather than Sungmin's. Sigh...Im going to fix it so I'm just going to add a Henry's POV in chapter 13. So please re-read chapter 13 if you already did! I"M SO SORRY! Okay I think I over used the word "sorry" too much...T.T but I made so many mistakes... 

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Hi guys! I'm back from China! I'll start updating now thanks for waiting!


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 32: Huwaaa pls update.. I want henwook holiday in taiwaaaaan~
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 30: Awwwwww henwooookkk.. Love it so much! Go team henwook!
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 21: Wookie is having selective memory loss? O.o
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 20: Im glad that he got the blood..
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 13: I teally didnt expect the plane would crashhhhh and he just mer henry tooooooooooo huwaaaaaa
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 11: Wow.. A bold move from wookie to move country>~> i hope he will be happy there
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 9: Onew? O.9 i thought itll be henwook?
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 8: P.p having kyu in this chapter makes me think that this will be a kyuwook story loool @.@ why wont henry appear &.&
Keyv88 #9
Chapter 6: O.o heechul is so scary like that now i kinda pity yesung @.@
Keyv88 #10
Chapter 4: O.o it must have been verryyy hard for wook.. But i cant blame yesung either since his parent kneel in front of him like that i know it would be hard o.o but then again wookie even left his parent to be with yesung@.@