
I'm Sorry, I Still Love You

Ryeowook POV:

"Ouch!" I whimpered as I fell on the floor. I looked at the person who I bumped into. He was also sitting on the floor, like me. He was... cute. Too cute... he was pouting and he looked like a mochi! 

"Sorry!" we both said as as we both got up. It turned out we were both sitting at the seats near the window. 

"Hi! I'm Henry Lau! I'm 22," Henry chuckled as he introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Kim Ryeowook. I'm two years older than you." 

"So... you're my hyung? You look so young!"

"Thanks. Wait, you're not Korean, right? How come you can speak Korean?"

"No, I'm Taiwanese, but I was born in Canada and I can speak Korean because I'm freakin' awesome!" ...'Because I'm awesome' was something Yesung would always say.

"No, not really. Did anyone ever tell you that you look like a chipmunk or a mochi?"

"So, I'm not awesome? That's not nice, hyung. And please don't call me a mochi because that makes me sound so... un-manly?"

"Nah, I'm just joking. You're... cute. Do you play any instruemnts? I play a bit piano."

"ME TOOO!~ I play the piano and the violin! And thanks for the compliment? " 

"You're really talented!" ...Just like Yesung.

"Hehehe... No, not really." He was a modest kid. I liked him. There were a lot of things in common between us. We both loved singing, playing the piano, composing, and sweets. Throughout the flight, we became really close. Henry was not only modest and cute, he was also observant.

"So Wookie-hyung, do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend?"


"Well I noticed that through out the whole conversation. You never mentioned a thing about girls, whether it be celeberties or just talented girls. It's all boys, so, I thought maybe you were gay? There's really nothing to be ashamed of, I'm not homophobic."

"Well... I..." I could feel the memories threatening to spill back.  I guess Henry sensed my uneasiness because he changed the subject pretty quickly.

"Well... when we get to Taiwan do you want to-" He didn't get to finish his thought when the plane started to shake violently. The juices on our foldable table spilled over, seeping into our clothes. A flight attendent's voice was broadcasted throughout the plane.

"Please do not panic! We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties. Please use the oxygen masks that will drop down and follow the the steps necessary for an emergency landing!"

The plane went into chaos. Women were screaming while trying to put the masks on their wailing children. Men were trying to stay calm, but the sweat dripping down their chins implied otherwise. However, I didn't feel fear. I felt calm, like I didn't care whether I survived or not. Maybe, just maybe if I died, then I wouldn't have to feel the pain of the past. Maybe if I died, I would be happier. Maybe, if I died, I could see Yesung again. But a small part of my heart was nagging at me telling me to live. Telling me that there might be another chance of love. But the question is... with who? I cannot see anyone else that can capture my heart but Yesung, who had thrown it away. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist. For a moment I thought it was Yesung but when I turned around I realized it was Henry. A hint of disappointment was felt but I was glad. I was glad that Yesung wasn't with me because I knew I wouldn't survive. 

Suddenly we lurched foward, crashing into something. My head hit the window hard. I could feel the familiar warm and sticky liquid flow down my head. The way the seatbelt tugged on my stomach prevented me from taking in oxygen. I felt dizzy. Pieces of the plane started crashing down on us. I was on top of Henry in an instant, just in time to shield Henry from a part of the ceiling that was close to hitting him.  As it crashed onto my back I could feel pieces of it cut into my flesh and the weight of it crush my bones. Blood started pouring out from the deep cuts made by the falling piece of metal. The pain seared through my body. Red spots started to blur my vision, but I refused to let myself go unconcious. I had to save Henry. He's so young and he has such a bright future in front of him, unlike me. I have nothing to lose anymore, Yesung was my everything, but he left. Piece after piece, the heavy metal continued crashed onto my back. I could feel Henry's resistance but I refused to let him flip our positions. Soon, I couldn't sustain myself any longer. I've lost too much blood to continue. I let myself fall into darkness, the sound of Henry crying started to fade. At the last moment, I realized that I didn't regret ever loving Yesung.

Thank you Yesung. Saranghae. I thought before I walked into the palms of death.


Heechul POV:

"Young Master! Mr. Kim's crashed into another plane bringing both planes down into the East China Sea. There will be most likely no survivors according to the level of damage." 

Wookie... plane crash... no survivors... dead...

"No! Go! Send our personal rescue team and search for Kim Ryeowook! NOW! I WANT TO SEE HIS BODY DEAD OR ALIVE! GO! NOW!" 

"But... young master... it will just be a waste of money!"

"I SAID GO NOW!" I roared. I couldn't control my frustration. It was my fault! I couldn't protect Wookie. Why did I ever agree to let them be together! 

"AHHHH!" I screamed. I punched the wall, not caring about the blood that was flowing down my hand. I don't want to believe Wookie is dead.

"Hello, Sungmin?"

"Heechul! Did something happen!?"

"Wookie... his plane... it crashed into another plane and they said according to the damage, there... will be no survivors."

"No... no... NO! Impossible!" Sungmin started crying and wailing. He was muttering incoherent words. I can feel tears gathering up in my eyes, too. How long has it been since I cried? I never thought that when I would cry once again it would be because of losing our precious eternal makane. There would surely be a miracle. There has to be, because everyone here needs it. 


I finally updated! Sorry if it's late and it . I can't really describe a plane crashing, I searched up a lot of images on google to get an idea. Just to make this clear Wookies plane crashed into another plane and both planes crashed into the ocean. 

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Hi guys! I'm back from China! I'll start updating now thanks for waiting!


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 32: Huwaaa pls update.. I want henwook holiday in taiwaaaaan~
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 30: Awwwwww henwooookkk.. Love it so much! Go team henwook!
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 21: Wookie is having selective memory loss? O.o
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 20: Im glad that he got the blood..
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 13: I teally didnt expect the plane would crashhhhh and he just mer henry tooooooooooo huwaaaaaa
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 11: Wow.. A bold move from wookie to move country>~> i hope he will be happy there
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 9: Onew? O.9 i thought itll be henwook?
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 8: P.p having kyu in this chapter makes me think that this will be a kyuwook story loool @.@ why wont henry appear &.&
Keyv88 #9
Chapter 6: O.o heechul is so scary like that now i kinda pity yesung @.@
Keyv88 #10
Chapter 4: O.o it must have been verryyy hard for wook.. But i cant blame yesung either since his parent kneel in front of him like that i know it would be hard o.o but then again wookie even left his parent to be with yesung@.@