
I'm Sorry, I Still Love You

Sungmin POV:

Anger, was what I felt when I saw Wookie and another man on the couch touching each other. How could he just give himself to someone else so cheaply? If we had just came a litle later then he would've been molested. I lost control, I raised my balled fist and slammed it into Wookie's face making him fly off the couch. I could see blood dripping down from the corners of his mouth.

"Why?" I demanded


Why did you lie?


"Why did you yourself to some random guy like a would? Is your body really that cheap that anyone could touch it?"

"I don't know... I'm sorry. I started getting drunk and then this really excited feeling got over me and I was really high. I'm sorry Minnie-hyung."

"Don't call me that, I'm not your hyung!" I hissed. I've never been this angry before, never. 

"I'm sorry Sungmin-hyung!"

"I TOLD YOU TO NOT CALL ME THAT! I'M NOT YOUR HYUNG! I DON'T HAVE A DONGSAE WHO'S SO SELF-CENTERED AND LIKES TO HURL THEMSELVES TO RANDOM GUYS IN A NIGHTCLUB! DON'T CALL ME HYUNG, IT DISGUSTS ME!" I screamed. Tears were running down my face, I couldn't help it I felt as if a knife had peirced right through my heart. We were family weren't we? And families don't lie to each other. 

"I'm sorry Sungmin-sii..." Tears were also streaming down Wookie's face. I know I hurt him but how can that compare to what he did to me? He shattered my family. I was sobbing uncontroablly, I felt kyuhyun embrace me whispering for me to calm down.

"Let me ask you this one more time, why? Why did you do ths?"

"I don't know...I just wanted to escape. I'm really sorry. I know you'r really mad but please I'm begging you, please don't hate me! You can hit me all you want, I'll do anything just don't hate me! Wookie cried as he got on his knees bowing his head down. He was shaking so hard. I wanted to go and hug him and tell him it's okay but I couldn't bring myself to. Yes, I lovd him, but I needed some space.

"I won't be going back to your apartment." I turned around and left. I couldn't stay here anymore, it's too suffocating.


Ryeowook's POV:


Am I really a ? Am I really that cheap? Was I just a disposable to Sungie too?  I guess I am....

I was too lost in my thoughts that I failed to see the fist aming for my face. The unexpected blow sent me flying towards the floor. It was then that I snapped back to reality. I stared at my hyung, hurt and disappointment was evident in his eyes. Water was flowing down his bunny like face.

"Why?" He asked, I can sense the anger behind the question.

But how can I anser the question? I didn't dare to, I'm afraid, I'm scared to lose him.

"Why did you lie?" His voice was rising with each question.

I couldn't answer again. Why did I lie...because I wanted to forget? Because I hated myself? Becuase I didn't want to burden them? Because I thought I could heal? No..these weren't it. Because I wanted to escape reality. Because I wanted to die. 

"Why did you yourself to some random guy like a would? Is your body really that cheap that anyone could touch it?"

"I don't know... I'm sorry. I started getting drunk and then this really excited feeling got over me and I was really high. I'm sorry Minnie-hyung." Excues....these were all excuese...I just didn't want to lose him. Tears were forming in my eyes now blurring my vision. 

"Don't call me that, I'm not your hyung!" He hissed. He was never angry at me before. he was never this angry at anyone before. What have I done...


"I'm sorry Sungmin-hyung!" 


"I'm sorry Sungmin-sii..." 

"Let me ask you this one more time, why? Why did you do ths?"

"I don't know...I just wanted to escape. I'm really sorry. I know you'r really mad but please I'm begging you, please don't hate me! You can hit me all you want, I'll do anything just don't hate me..." I picked myself up and dropped to my knees in front of him. I can't lose him he's my only family. Tears flowed freely down my chin, dripping on to marble floor. 

"I won't be going back to your apartment."Sungmin said after a period of silence. He stormed out of the room with Kyuhyun, he didn't look back.

Are you happy now?" Heechul-hyung said I didn't know if he was angry, mad, or disappointed. But his voice was cold and emotionless. He was going to leave me wasn't he? Of course he would.

"You better get home now and think about how will you can apologize to Sungmin." With that Heechul-hyung left. I was here all alone, crying. 

I didn't bother wiping my tears away knowing that they would just contiune flowing. I slowly stood up, handed a random stack of cash to the waiter and left. I decided that I would leave for good. I shouldn't cause them anymore pain then I already have. As soon as I got home I booked a ticket for the next avalible flight to Taiwan. I used the whole night to pack my stuff. I left behind a lot of things, I left anything that would remind me of the past. I wanted to start new. I would never forget Sungmin-hyung, Heechul-hyung, Kyuhyung, and the others, I would always cherish them in my heart. But I would surely forget Yesung.


I'm going insane ~ >.< ~....I thought of so many possibilities for this first i had it all planned out but then new ideas kept on coming up...

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Hi guys! I'm back from China! I'll start updating now thanks for waiting!


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 32: Huwaaa pls update.. I want henwook holiday in taiwaaaaan~
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 30: Awwwwww henwooookkk.. Love it so much! Go team henwook!
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 21: Wookie is having selective memory loss? O.o
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 20: Im glad that he got the blood..
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 13: I teally didnt expect the plane would crashhhhh and he just mer henry tooooooooooo huwaaaaaa
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 11: Wow.. A bold move from wookie to move country>~> i hope he will be happy there
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 9: Onew? O.9 i thought itll be henwook?
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 8: P.p having kyu in this chapter makes me think that this will be a kyuwook story loool @.@ why wont henry appear &.&
Keyv88 #9
Chapter 6: O.o heechul is so scary like that now i kinda pity yesung @.@
Keyv88 #10
Chapter 4: O.o it must have been verryyy hard for wook.. But i cant blame yesung either since his parent kneel in front of him like that i know it would be hard o.o but then again wookie even left his parent to be with yesung@.@