Dream Catcher


                I can now boast that I’m luckier than millionaires and professionals because I have IU’s love already and I promised to myself that I will not let anyone rob her from me because she’s more than riches and treasures.

                Even if I didn’t hear her ‘I love you,’ I am 100% sure that she loves me too because she wants to go out in this place with me and she never let go of my hand which made me feel good and calm.

                Anyway, the door is locked and we both don’t know how we will get out from this dream. Good thing IU’s a good interviewer and a very smart girl because she asked me about my life on Earth which started the long conversation. I can see through her eyes that she’s totally amazed by my description of Earth especially when I said that it’s colorful and lively. She shared to me that she’s excited to see my world and my family because she wants to have permanent friends who can give her everlasting happiness. With that, I promised that I would do my best for her to experience freedom.

                And yes, we’re in the middle of happiness when the stubborn door opened violently and a very strong wind came in. I embraced IU and protected her beautiful face. I cannot open my eyes widely because of the wind and my head was pulled by my hair. Later, my vision was totally blank. I lowered my head and closed my eyes, IU is still wrapped by my arms and none of us tried to move because we may carry away by the angry wind.

                After few seconds, I felt the wind calmed and I opened my eyes slowly. Coming from the door was a beautiful woman wearing long white gown just like IU. She’s looking at us sharply like she’s mad at what she’s seeing. I let IU see the woman and when she saw her, IU was shocked.

                “Mother,” she whispered surprisingly.

                It’s not surprising for me to know that the woman is IU’s mother because they exactly look alike but IU is prettier and her face looks kinder than her mother. I cannot look straight at IU’s mom because her stare is creepy like she can devour the two of us easily.

                “IU,” her mother’s voice echoed the whole place. IU and I looked at each other and later she faced her mom with her head low. “Come to me, darling,” she spread her arms and waited for IU.

                IU stepped forward but I stopped her because I’m worried but IU gave me an it-is-alright look so I let go her hand.

                “It looks like you already have a best friend,” her mom chuckled. “It’s so fast IU, but you should obey and choose me instead of him, right?”

                “No,” I whispered to IU. “Don’t leave me.”

                Actually, I didn’t know that she has a family because she never mentioned it while we’re having a conversation.

                Now, I can see on IU’s eyes that she’s so confused and worried too. If I were her, it is also hard to choose between family and love, but I think the best thing to do is to introduce my love to my family so things will all settle down. I look presentable and handsome to IU and maybe there’s also a possibility that I would look presentable at her mother’s eyes too.

                Good idea, Wooyoung!

                Before IU walked towards her mother, I took my chance to introduce myself to her mother, “Well hello ma’am, my name is Jang Wooyoung.” I tried to walk with full confidence and I saw IU giving me a what-are-you-doing look but I didn’t mind her and continued, “Your arrival was in good timing because IU is going to tell you that she’s totally in love with her best friend Wooyoung. Maybe it’s a good thing if you let me introduce myself-“

                “I don’t like humans,” IU’s mother cut me and rolled her eyes. “Because they are stupid and not good influences for my daughter.”

                “Mother,” IU said softly like she’s also hurt by her mother’s words.

                “What IU?” her mother started to walk towards us. IU walked back slowly and I took her shaking hands. “Look back at your past; you said to yourself that you won’t let yourself fall for someone like him, right darling? Now, look at you, so deceived and so confused.” When she’s already in front of IU, she took IU’s hand from me and gave me a scary look again. “This man beside you is braggart. He will give you depression and sadness when you became dependent on him.”

                “He changed mother,” IU tried to protect me.

                “How sure are you?” her annoying mom tapped IU’s shoulder. It’s really irritating because her mother is so bad. Why does she keep on poisoning her own daughter’s mind? She’s trying to teach IU to choose the wrong choices, I know it! If I see this lady stepping on our world, I’m going to kick her out. She’s not welcome there. “IU, your patients are still bad yesterday, today and tomorrow. They all tricked you because they underestimated this dream. How can you say that they’re already good individuals if you don’t see them everyday?”

                “But they promised-”

                “Oh promise, promise, promise,” IU’s mother laughed even if it’s not funny anymore. “Promise is not a safe word and it’s already a cliché, IU. I do see them everyday and their attitudes are still bad so I decided that it’s already enough because you’re wasting your time and beauty with those humans and I want you to come with me.”

                Tears went down from IU’s eyes and she’s so sad about her mother’s nonsense story. She looked at me like she’s asking me if I am also one of those ‘patients’ who betrayed her. Slowly, I shook my head and gave her a smile but she didn’t respond.

                “Wake up, IU” her mother interrupted again.  “This Jang Wooyoung may harm your heart. Don’t let him break your heart into pieces. Remember, you’re a good dream catcher and he’s a human,” she observed me from head to toe. “You don’t suit with each other.”

                Really? IU’s mother is not beautiful anymore! Who is she to judge our relationship? I want to punch her face and keep shut but I need to have manners because IU is going to leave me right away if I did that.

                I shook my head when IU looked at me again, “IU, I’m not one of them. I love you and you know that.”

                “Why should she believe you?” Will you please shut up? It’s so obvious that I’m talking to IU and not to you. “Are you her mother? You just met a very while ago and you think she would believe you? That’s not my IU.”

                I don’t know why IU is not speaking but she keeps on crying silently. I know she’s finalizing her decision right now that’s why she’s not involving herself into this boring and annoying conversation. I just hope that her conclusion will be good and appropriate. IU loves me.

                “Better wake up now, big head,” her mother raised a hand and the strong wind is coming again.

                “IU!” I shouted her name because I don’t know what to do and I don’t want to wake up. Thankfully, IU wiped off her tears and she looked at me. Finally, she made a decision and that is to push her mother away and run towards me. She took my hand and we ran towards the open door. Neither of us looked back at her mother because we can hear her monstrous growl behind.

                “Wooyoung!” IU said while we’re running. “No matter what will happen after this, I will always be inside your head and heart. Remember that, okay?”

                “What?!” I looked at her. “Why are you saying that?”

                “I love you,”

                She pulled me and we both jumped outside the door without knowing what will happen next.




Thank you so much for the readers and God bless you. :)

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MilkyCouple4ever #1
Plz update dream catcher 2 soon!! I'll be waiting for ur story!
berry1207 #2
i'll be waiting for the 2nd part of dream catcher ! :)
and your upcoming story of course !!
just comment to my wall when you started your story ! :)
and please keep me update with your stories ! :)
berry1207 #3
what'll happen ???
UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~
Angang430 #4
Yay. Wooyoung got revenge for his noona. Keep updating.
berry1207 #6
really.. realt like this story....!! :)
berry1207 #7
n.p. :)
update ! :)
PrimadonnaMin05 #8
Thank you @IU_leejieun. :)
berry1207 #9
your story is very nice .. :)
update !!!!! :)
wOOyOuNg-nIe #10
..ahh!!! what happens then???!! UPDATE MORE!! goosh!! your story is very nice!! :)))))