Dream Catcher


                I woke up 4:00 in the morning and saw Bianca and IU still sleeping. I stood up quietly and went to the kitchen. I washed my face and prepared three cups of hot coffee. While sitting alone on a dining chair, I thought of buying a new dress for IU and show it to her when she woke up. Without hesitations, I hurriedly finished my coffee and ran outside the house, making no sounds.

                I was so excited that I forgot to bring my sweater. I rode my bicycle and went to the nearest shop selling clothes even if my whole body was freezing. I stopped in front of a 24-hour shop selling different colorful and long dresses which looks suitable for IU. I parked my bike and went inside the store. A friendly sales lady approached me.

                “Good morning, sir,” she greeted. “What kind of dress are you looking for?”

                I was not familiar with the kinds of dresses so before I answer the lady, I looked around the store and thought of a color that would fit IU well. When I saw a white cocktail dress adorned with small red ribbons on its straps and red flowers on the lowest part of the dress, I pointed it to the lady and she took it. I also ordered the long simple white dress with long sleeves and paid for the dresses.

                “Thank you sir for coming to our store,” the lady thanked and opened the door for me. I thanked her too and smiled because I can now see the good reaction from IU when I gave these dresses to her.

                I took my bicycle and drove fast again. The main roads were not full yet because it’s still early in the morning but I was surprised when I saw a police car heading to our street. I pedaled faster and followed the car.

                I stopped when they stopped in front of the vacant lot behind our apartment. They posted three brown-colored papers on the wall and went back again inside the car and drove away. I just walked with my bicycle and took a look at the papers.

                “Oh no,” I was shocked when I saw its content because the paper says that IU’s missing. I know that Wooyoung did this because I saw his cell phone number written below the image of IU. I was afraid because Wooyoung already knew that IU is with me and maybe later or tomorrow, the police will come to the apartment and start searching for me. This is bad. Quickly, I detached the papers and ran to the apartment. I went straight to our bedroom and there, I didn’t saw IU and Bianca and I thought they were taken by the policemen while I was not here, so I ran outside. The street was still quiet and empty. I saw the policemen a while ago that they didn’t stop in front of the apartment so I went inside again and searched for the two. I put the papers in the garbage can.

                “IU! Bianca!”

                They were not in the kitchen even in the living room. The only room that I didn’t check was the bathroom. I walked towards it and before I open the bathroom door, I heard laughter inside and I leaned my ear on the door.

                “What is this?”

                “That’s oppa’s toothbrush. Hey! That’s not yours!”

                I heard Bianca’s voice and there was laughter again.

                “Can I drink this? It looks and smells delicious,” I heard IU’s voice which made me calmed.           

                “No, Angel. That’s shampoo! I used that a while ago in your hair.”

                There were giggles again and I also found myself smiling because their conversation inside sounds funny and happy.

                I let them have fun there and put down the paper bag I bought in front of the bathroom door and went to the kitchen. I decided to bake cookies and muffins for breakfast because I am also good at baking. I prepared the recipe and cleaned the table and sink. I feel so happy while preparing the ingredients because I heard IU laughed. I the radio and danced while mixing the baking powder into flour. I opened the oven and put the unfinished cookies and muffins inside it and heated. I cleaned the table again and washed the dishes while still dancing. I saw the empty cups of IU and Bianca and washed it too.

                Later, I heard the bathroom door opened and I first heard Bianca’s voice, “Oppa is baking cookies again. You’ll love it when you tasted it, Angel.”

                “That smells good too. It’s not shampoo, right?” IU asked and I saw her body covered only with towel so I turned my back to her and continued washing the dishes. Sorry for that.

                “Of course not, shampoo is poisonous but cookies are not unless you mixed shampoo with it,” Bianca explained and they both laughed again. “Oh, what is this?” I heard they took the paper bag.

                “Two dresses!”IU exclaimed.

                “Oppa bought this! One for you and one for me.”

                “Bianca, you’re wrong,” I said with my eyes still on the dishes.

                “Yeah I’m wrong. Obviously, these beautiful dresses are for Angel only because these will not fit on my small body.”

                I calmed because Bianca understood me.

                “Don’t worry Bianca, someday I’m going to give you dresses greater than these,” IU said which made me smile.

                “Okay promise that to me. Now, you need to wear this dress before someone stole it from you. It doesn’t look dirty and smelly so it’s okay if we don’t wash it and wear this today.”

                They went to the bedroom with the paper bag and closed the door.


                The cookies were now baked and its aroma filled the whole kitchen. I took the cookies and muffins from the hot oven and placed it on a big square-shaped plate. I arranged the cookies in the middle of the plate and put the muffins around it. I’m so excited to hear IU’s comment when she tasted my well-baked cookies.

                “Oppa!” I was surprised at Bianca who is wearing her school uniform already.

                I looked at her, “Yes Bianca?”

                She just smiled and gave a come-on signal to IU who is still inside the bedroom. Meanwhile, I saw an angel walking slowly towards Bianca and looked at me and smiled shyly.


                I almost forgot my name when IU smiled at me with her amazing appearance. She wore the cocktail dress I bought for her with the red high-heeled shoes of Bianca and her right wrist was covered with red ribbon bracelet. Her long black hair was tied up with a big white ribbon and her bangs covered her forehead. Her snow white skin was revealed like she was a real and pure angel that came down from heaven. IU is so perfect and beautiful that I almost dropped my jaw looking only at her exquisite face.

                “You’re drooling, oppa. Yuck!” Bianca woke my mind and I wiped my mouth but it’s not wet. I looked at Bianca and she laughed. She said that she was just joking.

                I smiled and looked at IU again, “Do you want to eat?”

                She nodded and walked carefully towards the kitchen.

                 “I think she needs practice to perfect her walk,” Bianca said while looking at IU’s shaking feet.

                “Do I really need to wear shoes like these?” IU asked and I gave her a chair to sit.

                “Yup. Your face and body is like a model. In fact, you’re prettier and better-looking than SNSDs,” Bianca said and also sat beside IU.

                “Who’s SNSDs?”

                “A group of girls who are beautiful in the eyes of oppa,”

                “Okay Bianca, stop it,” I said and put a cookie inside her noisy mouth. I looked at IU and her smile was gone. I moved the plate closer to her and she took a muffin and ate it quietly. After I ate, I stood up and went to the bathroom to take a bath, leaving IU and Bianca in the dining table.


                I cannot leave IU alone in this house because she’s not yet familiar to the things around her. I should let her come with me in school but I think the brown papers are attached everywhere and even the policemen are everywhere, searching or IU. This is a problem for me.

                I sighed and went outside the bedroom after I put on my school uniform.

                “Oppa,” I saw Bianca and IU standing in front of the door and waiting for me. “I want Angel to go with us.”

                I saw IU smiled again like she’s excited to go outside. I was worried because what if people saw her and report it to the police? I’m afraid I’ll lose her when she goes out from this house.

                “Nichkhun?” IU came to me and touched my hands. “Don’t you want me to go?”

                “Of course he wants you to go. We cannot leave you alone here because you’re so naïve. Now come on,” before I could answer, Bianca took IU’s hand and they went outside.

                Quickly, I switched off the fans and lights and locked the door.

                “Oh Bianca,” I sighed. I ran and followed the two girls running fast towards the bus-stop. While running with my backpack, it seems like nobody was noticing IU who is just passing their way. I thought these people would call the police and report that they saw IU. Thankfully, they didn’t. IU is so beautiful today and she looks prettier than the pictures posted on many walls. I said to myself not to worry and enjoy this happy morning with the mysterious lady named IU.

                “Wish me luck,” I whispered and ran faster.




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MilkyCouple4ever #1
Plz update dream catcher 2 soon!! I'll be waiting for ur story!
berry1207 #2
i'll be waiting for the 2nd part of dream catcher ! :)
and your upcoming story of course !!
just comment to my wall when you started your story ! :)
and please keep me update with your stories ! :)
berry1207 #3
what'll happen ???
UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~
Angang430 #4
Yay. Wooyoung got revenge for his noona. Keep updating.
berry1207 #6
really.. realt like this story....!! :)
berry1207 #7
n.p. :)
update ! :)
PrimadonnaMin05 #8
Thank you @IU_leejieun. :)
berry1207 #9
your story is very nice .. :)
update !!!!! :)
wOOyOuNg-nIe #10
..ahh!!! what happens then???!! UPDATE MORE!! goosh!! your story is very nice!! :)))))