Chapter 21


A/N: Quick note: Sorry if this chapter ...I tried to show Onew's side of it all again (since we haven't heard from our wonderful dubu leader in a while ^^) and then I changed to Jonghyun and Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun is my ultimate bias in Super Junior, so I love him lots~ would you like him in the story more? Or someone else? Comment if you'd like a request of a character, major or minor. The picture above ^ is Jonghyun hugging Kyuhyun with Onew in the backround.

Onew returned to the dorm later that night so exhausted that he could hardly pick his feet up.

He was exhausted physically because they had spent the last couple hours working on a new dance, plus the whole rest of the day was spent standing, posing for photos, doing interviews... He was exhausted mentally because all day he had thought of nothing but Jonghyun and had been screamed at for hours by the company representatives along with the rest of SHINee that were still remaining.

It did no good screaming anyway...the damage had already been done.

He shuffled into the dorm, throwing his coat down on the floor, not even bothering to hang it up, kicked his shoes off and went right for the fridge and the bottle of soju hidden there.

No words were spoken between the other members as they all shuffled in after him, also kicking their shoes off and taking off their coats. Key picked up Onew's from the floor with a soft sigh and hung it up, walking tiredly into the kitchen to sit at the table.

"Hyung?" Key asked with a frown, watching Onew take the soju from the fridge. "What are you doing?"

"Drinking..."Onew grumbled, sitting at the table across from him and opening the bottle.

" you really think you should do that? We have work in the morning..."

"I won't drink much." Onew said. "Would you like some?"

Key shook his head with a sigh.

Onew shrugged and, without bothering to even pour the alcohol into anything, took a long gulp from the bottle before putting it down on the table again, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.


"Go take a shower, Kibum." He ordered, rising from his chair and disappearing into his bedroom, taking the green soju bottle with him.

Minho watched from the couch as their leader walked into his room, the bottle of soju in his hands.

Normally, Onew didn't drink. In fact, Onew hated drinking, but the situation with Jonghyun probably made him want to start.

I hope he doesn't get himself too drunk...

"Minho, feet off the table." Key scolded, going into his room to get clothes for a shower.

Minho reluctantly removed his feet from the coffee table and glanced over at Taemin, who was sitting on the other couch, curled up in a ball with his cheeks pressed up against the arm rest and his feet dangling over the edge, already asleep.

Minho smiled gently.

Aww...our maknae is so cute.

Should I leave him out here or carry him to his room?

He stared at the maknae for a couple of seconds, trying to decide. He didn't want to wake him up, but it may be uncomfortable to sleep on the couch for that long.

He rose from the couch stiffly, trying to suppress a groan as his muscles protested and his joints ached, and made his way over to Taemin's side. He slid his arms underneath his legs and back as gently as he could, trying not to wake him up, then slowly lifted him into his arms.

Taemin shifted a little bit and his eyes squeezed tighter shut, but other than that, he didn't wake up. Minho sighed in relief and carried him into the room he shared with Key, having difficulty opening the door, but somehow managing.

He set Taemin down on his bed and pulled the covers over him.

"Goodnight, Minnie..."He whispered, ruffling the younger boy's hair softly.

"Goodnight, hyung." Taemin mumbled, his eyes still tightly closed. "Thank you.."

Minho, after being surprised for a second that he was awake, smiled.

"You're welcome...goodnight, sleep well."

In answer, Taemin yawned and switched positions on his bed, asleep again before Minho even got the chance to close the door all the way behind him.

Onew sat on the floor, leaning up against his bed, the bottle of soju placed next to him. He wrapped his fingers around the cold bottle and stared, lifelessly, into space as he brought it once more up to his lips.

He hated himself...

He hated what he did to Jonghyun, what he did to Key, to Minho, to Taemin...

He slammed his fist down as hard as he could on the floor, the tears he had been holding in for so long, pouring out like a waterfall again.

"Wae?" He asked the space around him. "Wae..."

Kyuhyun was walking down an empty corridor in SM, his hands in his pockets, staring down at the white tile as he walked. His mind was elsewhere, most of it wondering how the heck he could manage to get Jonghyun back.

He couldn't blame him for leaving, because, he too, knew how stressful life as an idol was. Heck, he had even thought about leaving a couple times.

But...he was also disappointed in his dongsaeng. He thought Jonghyun cared about his band and wouldn't ever let them down, ever.

I thought he cared about us...

He just left. No goodbye, no thank you for everything, nothing. 

Kyuhyun had to admit he felt hurt. After all, he and Jonghyun had been friends long since either one of their debuts.

I also thought that he loved singing more than anything else and wouldn't give it up for the world. I mean...he can always be a solo singer, but...

Kyuhyun sighed and shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut.

Stop it...just stop thinking about it and call the manager to take you home. You can think more about what do about Jonghyun tomorrow when it's not midnight and you're not about to pass out on the floor.

He brought the his iphone to his ears after speed-dialing his manager.

"Hey, hyung. Yeah, this is Kyuhyun. Ne, I'm done with practice now. Bye, drive safe."

He ended the phone call and stared down at his phone.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try and call Jonghyun. If he answered, which he highly doubted, maybe he could convince him to return. If he didn't, it wasn't much of a problem anyway.



Jonghyun opened the door to his apartment, feeling tired, but accomplished. 

He had found several job offerings near by, which was accomplishment enough for one day.

After I get a job and am able to pay rent and get food, I'll start looking for a job as a solo artist. Under a good company.

...Maybe I could sing at bars for a living?

He actually kind of liked the sound of that. Entertainers at bars got a decent amount of money, and he'd still be singing. would draw to much attention probably. Once word got out that SHINee's Jonghyun had ditched SHINee and started singing at bars, his fans around the world would be in shock, outrage, and denial and the company would surely find him and drag him back, because they had the right too since he had signed the contract with them three years ago.

He stumbled into the apartment, taking his shoes off and made his way to his room, excited to finally be able to lay down after a long day of walking around the city trying to find jobs. 

As soon as he saw his bed, he smiled largely and broke into song, singing his hyung Kyuhyun's famous bed song.

"Hello bed~" He squealed when he finished the cute song. He flopped onto the mattress with a sigh of relief, happy to finally rest and get off his feet for now.

It was nothing like his bed at the dorm or the bed at his parent's house, but it was a bed, so he was long as there weren't cockroaches crawling around in it or something. The rest of the apartment didn't look too bad, he just hoped that someone had washed the sheets before giving the room over to him.



He was about to fall asleep when his phone rang.

He dug his cell phone out of his pocket tiredly, not even bothering to look at the screen, and held it up to his ear.

"Yeoboseyo?" He mumbled, his eyes already trying to close again.

"J-Jonghyun!" A deep, familiar, and comforting voice stuttered in surprise.

Kyuhyun-hyung? What was he doing calling so late? And why did he sound -

Oh, .

Jonghyun's eyes widened when he realized his mistake. 

"Jonghyun? Are you there? Please talk to me! Are you alright? Jonghyun -" Kyuhyun began rambling, his voice full of panic and concern.

It was the first time Jonghyun had ever heard Kyuhyun sound like this. It was so out of character that Jonghyun's tired mind believed it to be some sort of messed up trick SM was pulling to make him think it was his hyung. Kyuhyun was always so calm and collected.

"Jonghyun, please. Will you just say hi, so I know you're safe?"

Jonghyun paused, torn between what he should do.

It was obvious, now that he was more awake and not half asleep, that Kyuhyun was very worried and concerned for him - but it was bad enough that he had talked to Key earlier in the day. He had to distance himself from all of them. It was the only way it would work.

"H-hyung..."He finally managed to say past a thick tongue.

He heard Kyuhyun sigh in relief.

"Oh, Jonghyun, thank god! I've been so worried about you, ever since I found out you left. What were you thinking? Leaving the company without saying goodbye to your favorite hyung." Jonghyun could tell that Kyuhyun had been trying to incorporate humor, but neither oen of them felt their moods lighten any.

"...I-I'm sorry, hyung. I couldn't say goodbye. You wouldn't have let me go."

"How do you know?" Kyuhyun snapped. "I might have. You don't remember, I went through those hard times too. I'm still going through those hard times. Do you think I didn't ever try and quit? Do you think I never ran away, just to see my parents for a day? Just do eat street food for once? Just to be free from everything?"

Jonghyun kept quiet, because he knew that Kyuhyun was right.

"...I ran away from the dorm, from the company thousands of times, Jonghyun. But you know what? I always came back, no matter how much trouble I was going to be in. When are you planning on coming back, Jonghyun? I know you will."

"I'm never coming back, hyung. I'm going to debut as a solo singer." He grit his teeth.

He could tell that he'd surprised Kyuhyun a little.

"I know you can be a solo singer but...why would you want to be when you had everything you could have wanted with SHINee? Being a solo singer is no different than a group, Jonghyun, except you don't have anyone to rely on but yourself."

"That's exactly why I would like to be a solo singer, hyung. I screwed up - badly. Everyone got punished for it. They did nothing wrong, hyung, and they got punished because it was my fault. If I'm a solo singer, if I get in trouble, it's just me that gets canned - not everyone." Tears started rolling down his cheeks as he spoke and he hurriedly wiped his eyes with his sleeve and took a deep, shuddering breathe. 

Kyuhyun sighed on the other line, though it was a comforting kind of sigh, not one of frustration.


Jonghyun wanted badly for someone to be here with him right now, holding him tight and letting him cry into their shirt. He wanted someone to make his problems go away. Someone to tell him that it was going to be Alright and make sure it was.

He wanted Onew to be that person, because he had been there for him even before their debut was even official, but he knew that he couldn't be. 

He probably hates me now...

So he decided that he would settle for the next best thing.

He needed Kyuhyun, his hyung since forever it seemed, to be there for him. 

Somehow, he wasn't really sure how, Kyuhyun could tell that Jonghyun wanted him there.

He knew his dongsaeng needed someone - and he just happened to be the person there at the time.

His heart tore, listening to Jonghyun sob on the other line.

"Jonghyun? Where are you at?"

Yeah, I know. This chapter probably , but I don't have any idea what to do any more for this story. I honest to God have no idea...I don't want to quit on it, I've gotten so far with it, but I really don't have an idea. I know what I want the ending to be like, but that's it. Guys, please, PLEASE, help me! I really don't have any idea...I would appreciate any help! Really I would! Also, do you guys still like this story? I have run out of things to write for the past few chapters (if you haven't noticed) and I've honestly being running on empty. Do you guys want me to keep writing or should I stop before I dig myself into a deep hole of nothingness? Please tell me your opinions. I can try and re-write most of this stuff, but I don't have any plot line at all T.T 

But anyway...THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have read, are still reading, have left me comments (I'm sorry I haven't gotten to respond to you all, but I really do love you guys~! Thank you so much for everything!), and have subscribed. Really, it means a lot. When I get those, I don't doubt myself or the story like I was in the authors note above...

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Chapter 39: why did you leave me on this chapter with a cliffhanger omg ;^; update soon!
Chapter 39: Please hurry up and update. I really want to know if Jonghyun goes back to SHINee. I really hope that he does.
jade098 #3
Please update soon again!!
It's a really great story,and i'm dying to know how will they react D:
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 39: Update soon please the story is really good ^^
xyaaar #5
Chapter 39: This is so good!
so good
i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 39: new reader!!
i just finished reading all 39 chapters...
and i seriously want more!!
so...update 'kay?
Chapter 39: ahhh whats next!!
Chapter 39: Ah Minho saw him! Please update soon! I really really REALLY want to see what happens next! I love this story so much!