Chapter 31


A/N: OMO!!! This story has reached 1000 views!!!! 

HURRAY HURRAY HURRAY!!! Thank you so much everyone! :'D I love you all SO much! ....I think I'm going to go cry tears of joy now~ *sniff* 

Seriously...I'm so happy! I'm putting another chapter up for you all~ Three quick updates for you just because I love you all THAT much! Unfortunately...I'm thinking this story has about ten or more chapters left to go... T_T I honestly didn't think I'd come this far with I'd like to thank all of you that have helped me along the way. :') I've re-read all your comments over and over again and I just can't tell you how much I love you seriously. 

I'll shut up now so you can read about Jonghyun in a dress XP I'll be adding an Onew POV in this chapter, look foreword to it ^^

BTW: ...Does anyone know what happened to the little thing you could press that put a line between sections of your story? ....Like you now how when I'd change the POV in other chapters, like from Onew to Jonghyun, there'd be a line going across it? ...I miss that line T.T





"This is by far, the stupidest thing I've ever heard." Jonghyun mumbled darkly, scowling at Leeteuk. "Don't laugh! It's not freakin' funny, hyung! How would you like to be put in a dress!"

"Hush, Jonghyun." Leeteuk snorted, trying to force back his laughter. "You have to be a girl, remember? If you're going to talk that way, at least do it in a squeaky voice."

"Aish! I give up!"



"Then shut up."

Jonghyun pouted, crossing his arms. "Hyung~"

"Okay, now that you're all...dressed up...let's go. The need to get inside as quickly as possible, okay? Try not to break your other leg wearing those stupid heels..."

Jonghyun took a deep breathe and nodded.

"I've never worn heels hold on to me real tight, arasso?"

"Jonghyun! Fans are going to think it's a scandal! They'll think I'm"

"And is that such a bad thing? To be dating me? You know I'm the iest thing you've ever seen~."

Leeteuk chortled, rolling his eyes. 


" head."

Leeteuk rose a black eyebrow at him.


Jonghyun smirked. 


"Twinkie? Isn't that an American pastry?" Jonghyun nodded. "Why would you call me a twinkie? I look nothing like one!"

Jonghyun couldn't help but snicker. Leeteuk shook his head. 

"You're still such a child."

"Hey! You were name calling too!"

Leeteuk ignored him and opened the car door.

"Come on, let's go Princess."

Jonghyun scowled at him. 

"Yah! Don't call me a princess! And...aren't you supposed to open the door for me oppa?"

Leeteuk rolled his eyes again and jumped out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him, before walking over to the other side. He grudgingly opened the door for Jonghyun, who smiled sweetly at him, before he hopped down, nearly killing himself in the process. He probably would have if Leeteuk didn't catch him.

"Are you okay?"

Jonghyun grunted, clinging to Leeteuk for dear life.


"How's your leg?"

Jonghyun nodded, reassuring him that he was okay.

"I'm going to get your crutches from the back. Wait here."

As he waited for Leeteuk, Jonghyun looked down at the red and black checkered dress Leeteuk had gone out and bought for him from a store close by. He then scrutinized the white purse around his shoulder.

Ugh...Teukkie hyung couldn't have picked anything better? The guys would kill me if they saw me in this...

Like shorts maybe?

He reached up and the wig. It felt so itchy that he couldn't wait to rip it off.

Leeteuk returned to his side with his crutches.

"Here you go..."


Jonghyun slipped the crutches under his arm.

"You know...I've always wanted to jump up stairs using these things."

Leeteuk, placing a hand on his back as Jonghyun hopped across the parking lot, laughed.

"Why don't we leave that for later...when you're not wearing a dress in only your boxers."

Jonghyun's cheeks flushed and he increased his pace, going as fast as his heeled feet would allow him.

"Hyung? I hope no one gets a good look at my legs...I have more muscle on them then any of the girls-"

He tripped in the middle of his sentence, his ankle bending painfully to the side. He yelped and latched on to Leeteuk.

"I really hate you right now." He told Leeteuk, who was again, trying hard not to laugh.

A chuckle escaped Leeteuk's lips and Jonghyun shoved him away.

"You jerk!"




Jonghyun prepared himself mentally for the abuse and teasing he would receive walking into the Super Junior dorm wearing a dress.

Leeteuk wouldn't let him go to the bathroom down at the lobby to change, claiming that people could still recognize him. 

Jonghyun suspected that he just wanted to torture him.

Leeteuk glanced at him. "You ready?"

"Hyung~" Jonghyun groaned. "They're going to tease me about this forever!"

"You'll be fine. You've been shoved in a dress before, haven't you?"

Jonghyun winced at the memory. 

"Yes...but that was forced."

"Well, then tell everyone I forced you into it." Leeteuk shrugged and opened the door before Jonghyun even had a chance to say anything more.

He increased his iron grip on Leeteuk's arm using one of the crutches to walk with instead of two. The doorway and small hallway leading into the living room and kitchen of the dorm was too narrow for him to be able to use both.

Leeteuk rapped his knuckles against Jonghyun's, making Jonghyun yelp and nurse his fingers. "You're going to tear my arm off. Loosen up."

"Guys! I'm home!" Leeteuk called out, kicking off his shoes and tossing his car keys over to the table. 

"Hey, hyung~" Ryeowook came out of the kitchen, whipping his hands on a dishtowel. "How was your day - Jonghyun!"

Jonghyun smiled sheepishly at Ryeowook who buried him in a hug. "Hi, hyung."

Ryeowook pulled away from him and pinched his cheeks. "Look at you, you're so much thinner than you were when I last saw you!"

"...Hyung, you saw me two days ago..."

"I know, but then you were in a baggy hospital you're in a...well...a dress...and it makes you look really skinny."

Jonghyun felt his cheeks heat up again while Leeteuk laughed and Ryeowook frowned at him.

"Really though...why are you in a dress?"

"It's...well it's a long story...and it's his fault!" He pointed an accusing finger at Leeteuk, who laughed even harder.




Onew walked into the dorm, feeling lighter than he had in a long time. It had been nice to see Jonghyun again and to tell him, even if he was sleeping and hadn't heard him, that he was sorry.

He brushed his hair back with his fingers and sighed, frowning when he walked past the kitchen and didn't see anyone.

It was nearly five now...they all should be back from their schedules and Key would have been done with, or in the process of making, dinner.

"Guys?" He called tentatively. 

He froze mid-step when he heard something from the living room. He sighed in relief.

It was just the TV.

He walked into the living room and smiled at the sight.

Taemin and Key were asleep on the couch, both of them snoring softly, Key's head resting on Taemin's.

" cute."

He walked over and turned the TV off.

I guess I'll make dinner. I don't want to wake Key up.

Maybe I could get Minho to help me. We haven't gotten to do anything together for a while.

He went into Minho's room, which used to also be shared by Jonghyun but he forced himself not to think about that, and frowned when he saw it was empty.

Where did Minho go? We're all done with schedules tonight.

He worried about him for a second, then shrugged. If he wasn't back by time Onew finished dinner, then he'd call.

He was probably working out at the gym again.

Onew made his way to the kitchen next, trying not to wake up Key or Taemin.

He quietly removed a couple pots from the cabinets and filled them up with water.

It had been a long time since he's had to cook a meal for so many people. Key loved cooking, so he normally did it all the time.

He just hoped it would taste all right.



Taemin thought he was dreaming when he woke up and saw Onew in front of him, smiling.




His eyes widened in disbelief, a slow smile spreading across his face.

"Onew-hyung!" He whispered. "You're out of your room! You're smiling!" 

Onew's smile only broadened, although Taemin still saw some sadness remaining in his eyes.

Taemin noticed a pot in Onew's hand and looked at it curiously.

"What's that hyung?" He asked, gesturing towards the pot with his hand, trying not to move too much so he didn't wake up Key.

"It's rice with kimchi, vegetables and some meat. It was some special recipe my mom used to make for me all the time. This was the first time I ever made it though..." Onew dug a spoon into the pot and pulled it out, offering the bit of rice on the spoon for Taemin to eat. "Try some. Hopefully it'll be good."

Taemin was starving, so he took the spoon from Onew, holding one hand underneath it so he didn't drop anything on his shirt. He chewed eagerly on the food, savoring it for a while, before swallowing.

It was good...but...something was wrong.

"What do you think?" Onew's face was hopeful. "Was it good, Taemin-ah?"

Taemin nodded eagerly. "Yes!"


Taemin lowered his eyes. He hated when Onew could tell when he was hiding something.

"...The rice is kind of sticky hyung; I think you left it in the pot for a little long. And... I think you undercooked the vegetables..."

Onew pouted for a second, then brightened. 

"Ah, not bad for my first try though, right?"

Taemin nodded, smiling.

He really missed Onew.






Bye guys!! ^_^ Bye Onew~ You're not forever alone, you silly Dubu. You will always have chicken...unless you eat all the chickens in the world...then in that case, you will be alone. T.T And I'll have no choice but to keep you company :P DARN the bad luck~ *sarcasm*








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Chapter 39: why did you leave me on this chapter with a cliffhanger omg ;^; update soon!
Chapter 39: Please hurry up and update. I really want to know if Jonghyun goes back to SHINee. I really hope that he does.
jade098 #3
Please update soon again!!
It's a really great story,and i'm dying to know how will they react D:
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 39: Update soon please the story is really good ^^
xyaaar #5
Chapter 39: This is so good!
so good
i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 39: new reader!!
i just finished reading all 39 chapters...
and i seriously want more!!
so...update 'kay?
Chapter 39: ahhh whats next!!
Chapter 39: Ah Minho saw him! Please update soon! I really really REALLY want to see what happens next! I love this story so much!