Chapter 16




Hello you :P How are you? I actually had a SUPER LONG author's note with a bunch of stuff to tell you guys (which none of you would probably be interested in anyway, because it was basically me babling about how I can hopefully update more often and update some of my older stories now that school is close to ending), but I don't want to go to the trouble to write it all again - especcialy because, if you're like me, you hardly ever read the author's notes so most of you are just going to probably skim over it. XP BUUUT anyway, there is ONE~ thing I'd like to mention real quick though. I have three new stories planned for the future (not sure if it's near future or not, 'cause I still have to try and plan them out and I'd like to get at least halfway done with this one before starting a new one) but two of them are about SHINee and the other one is about Super Junior's one and only evil maknae, Cho Kyuhyun! Hurray! I'll post a blog up as soon as I can, letting you know the details and descriptions and stuff. Anyway, I introduced a couple new characters to this chapter! Whoohoo! The first one happens to be~ *drumroll* Wooyoung from 2PM!!! Yaaay!! :D Notperfect asked me to put 2PM in here and I did! I regret to inform you all that I don't really know much about 2PM, except for Nickhun. I've heard of him before and seen him a couple times on the game shows or whatever they're called, but I don't really know much about any of them. So, I put both Wooyoung and Nickhun in here, though Nickhun only had two sentences or so because he was talking to Wooyoung through the phone when he and our beloved Jonghyun crossed paths, but I'm not sure if I got either one of their personalities right, because, like I said, I don't really know a lot about 2PM. But I tried my best and I hope you guys like them being in here~ I liked adding the new character, it gave me something else to do, and a different personality to add. I also added Leetuek and Ryeowook from Super Junior in the last part of the chapter :P I really enjoyed writing through Leetuek's POV because it was nice to change it up, rather than being in mainly Onew or Jjong's POV, which I love writing in, but could get really borning after 15 or so chapters of it. I'm planning on adding more of Super Junior, because Suju and SHINee get along a lot, and I know for sure that Heechul, Leetuek and possibly, hopefully, Donghae and Kyuhyun will be a major part of the storyline in the future.


Enough babbling, me. Can't you see they're bored? See...said earlier that I didn't want to re-write that LOOONG A/N again...but I think this one was longer T.T I'll let you enjoy the story now. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND STICKING WITH ME! I LOVE YOU GUYS! 8D



Jonghyun’s phone was blowing up with calls and text messages.

He was walking down the busy streets of Seoul, his hands in his pockets, thinking hard on where he should go.

First things first, he needed a place to stay for a couple of days, maybe even a place to work, which should be easy because – Jonghyun smirked, and adjusted his coat proudly – he was the Kim Jonghyun.

He flipped open his phone as he walked, still trying to think, and saw the thousands of unmissed calls and new texts he had received, a fourth of them from SHINee and the rest from his managers and his friends from other groups. That must mean that everyone knew by now.

Sighing, he shut it closed and forced himself to forget about what he was leaving behind. The company was probably freaking out right now…and he was perfectly fine about it.

They should treat their artists better and this wouldn’t happen.

He knew from the top of his head that he had around 113,300 won, which was equivalent to 100 U.S dollars, in his pocket, which wasn’t much for now, but which hopefully would get a room for one night and a couple meals until he could pull money from his bank account…which hopefully was still there.

You never knew with SM.

Where is a good place…

He was too concerned with trying to remember a good hotel or apartment he could rent to see that he was about to run into someone, who was preoccupied with arguing with someone on the phone and didn’t see him either.

“No, Khun! Junsu said he doesn’t –Oomph!”

Jonghyun only got the chance to hear a couple of the words spoken before the two young men slammed into one another.

Jonghyun felt flat to his , wincing when he hit his tailbone hard, but the guy he ran into somehow managed to stay on his feet, though wobbled slightly.

“Whoa~!” The guy cried, the cell phone having flown from his hand when he and Jonghyun collided. “Hey! Watch where you’re going, kid!” He yelled down at Jonghyun, who picked himself up and rubbed his hip, wincing.

God, my hips still hurt from last night…Onew-hyung is stronger than he looks. Maybe I should get some ice after I find a place to stay…

“…Hey…are you okay? Were you hurt?” The person asked, his tone much gentler than before. He saw the guy kneel down beside him, reaching a tentative hand towards Jonghyun's shoulder.

“Ne, I’m okay…” Jonghyun mumbled, finally looking up at the person who he had run into. His eyes widened in disbelief.

“Wooyoung-hyung?” He spluttered.

Woo young, for it was no doubt it was him now that Jonghyun had gotten a better look at him, looked confused for a second then smiled wildly.

“Well…if it isn’t Kim Jonghyun!”

The two laughed and hugged, pounding each other on the back.

“Oh my gosh! Hyung, I haven’t seen you since university!” Jonghyun cried.

“I know! And now look at us! We’re both famous!” Wooyoung laughed and pulled away from the hug, still grinning.

Jonghyun smiled back, but it wasn’t with as much enthusiasm.

Was it really worth it though?

“Yeah. Small world, huh?” He said.

“Yah! Woo young-hyung! Are you still there?” Came Nickhun’s voice from Woo young’s phone, which he had dropped when he and Jonghyun ran into one another.

Wooyoung’s eyes widened and he rose to his feet and retrieved his cellphone from the cement sidewalk.

“I’m here, sorry Khun. Hey, I’ll hang up first, I just ran into Jonghyun.”

“What? You’re hanging up on me? And wait…like…Lee Jonghyun? Tell him I said hi!”

Wooyoung laughed.

“No! Kim Jonghyun!”

“Oh! That case, tell him I said hello as well and to tell Minho that we should hang out some more soon!"

Wooyoung hung up with a quick goodbye and looked back at Jonghyun, replaying Nickhun’s message.

“You know…you haven’t grown an inch since high school.” He commented after a second or two. Jonghyun’s eyes bugged out.

It was horrible when the manager found out at around 8:30, when he came to pick the SHINee boys up and take them to the company, that Jonghyun was missing.

He went on a rampage, threw everything he could find that was breakable at the wall, one of the objects being Minho’s laptop, which Minho, wisely, didn’t comment about but sheathed over for the rest of the day, and screamed at the remaining members of SHINee for letting him leave.

Why did you allow this to happen!?” He screamed at Onew, his face such a bright red that Onew was expecting him to blow up at any given second.

Onew forced his voice to remain calm and collected, even though, like Minho, he was sheathing inside.

“Manager-ssi, please calm down. He must have left sometime early in the morning while we were sleeping! None of us had any idea that he was planning such a stupid thing!” He cried.

He and the manager were the only two that were standing. Minho, Key and Taemin were sitting on the couch, looking very uncomfortable with the situation.

“I spent all last night and early this morning arguing with the company to let you get off scot-free, excluding a pay cut check from each of you, and now Jonghyun has to pull this!” The manager fumed.

The manager paced the living room back and forth a couple times, calming himself down.

Onew glanced at the clock nervously. They had to be at the company by nine and it was already 8:45. There was no way they’d get there in time.

“Hyung, we’re going to be late –“ Key started, also having been looking at the clock in concern for being on time.

“I know! They canceled Kiss The Radio this morning…Leetuek’s sick with the flu, he couldn’t make it in.” The manager said distractedly, waving Key’s comment aside. “You guys don’t have schedules till ten now.”

Luckily, the manager seemed to be in a slightly better mood than he had been last night, but, then again, he had been drinking before the interview, though luckily not enough to be noticeable unless you looked at him up close. He had also drunk after words, after he beat Onew the first time.

“But that’s not the point!” The manager yelled, breaking Onew’s train of thought. “Jonghyun’s missing! Have you tried calling him? Has he taken his phone?”

The SHINee members nodded solemnly.

“Yes, we’ve called a thousand times.” Minho said.

“He won’t answer, which was expected.” Onew explained softly.

“Do we know anyone who could convince him to come back?” Taemin asked and everyone hesitated for a second, thinking.

“Who does he get along with most outside of our group?” Key asked.

“Leetuekie-hyung~” Ryewook called from outside Leetuek’s room, which the leader shared with him and Kyuhyun, inside the Super Junior dorm.

“Yeah, Wookie?” He called back, distractedly shuffling with the numerous pages of sheet music that their manager had given him to look over and see if he liked.

“Um…Minho called your cell. He wants to talk to you.”

Minho? That was a little odd…It’s still fairly early in the morning.

“Tell him, I’ll call him back, Wook. I’m really sorry, but,” He coughed into his arm, grimacing. “I just don’t have time…”

I may be sick, but I still have a crap-load of work to do. 

“Sure thing, hyung.”

It was silent for a minute or two, making Leetuek assume that Minho had hung up, but then Ryeowook’s worried voice called out to him again.

“Hyung? Minho says it’s really important.”

Leetuek frowned and placed the papers back on his bedside table, concern overriding frustration and tiredness.

I wonder what happened?

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Chapter 39: why did you leave me on this chapter with a cliffhanger omg ;^; update soon!
Chapter 39: Please hurry up and update. I really want to know if Jonghyun goes back to SHINee. I really hope that he does.
jade098 #3
Please update soon again!!
It's a really great story,and i'm dying to know how will they react D:
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 39: Update soon please the story is really good ^^
xyaaar #5
Chapter 39: This is so good!
so good
i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 39: new reader!!
i just finished reading all 39 chapters...
and i seriously want more!!
so...update 'kay?
Chapter 39: ahhh whats next!!
Chapter 39: Ah Minho saw him! Please update soon! I really really REALLY want to see what happens next! I love this story so much!